Rolling Stones / Nasty Music / 2CD

Rolling Stones / Nasty Music / 2CD/  Non label
Taken from the original 2LP“ NASTY MUSIC”(SODD 012) STEREO SBD

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Recently, the Rolling Stones has been reprinting old masterpieces, but this year alone, “WELCOME TO NEW YORK”, and “PHILADELPHIA SPECIAL” and “ALL MEAT MUSIC” are retrying. Furthermore, various sound boards of the 1973 winter tour, which are a number of classic sound sources, will also be released as the definitive edition. If the 72-year US tour followed the 73-year winter tour in this way, it is natural that the target of the next release will be the 73-year European tour by the strongest Stones.
Above all, the unquestioned title of the tour is “NASTY MUSIC”. It is a charismatic LP that can be understood by saying “Nasty” even if it is not a maniac, and if the LP reprints like the above continue, there is nothing more suitable for the big bird than “Nasty”. Rather, I think there are many enthusiasts who have been waiting for now or now.
Even after the arrival of the CD era, its dignity did not decline, and on the contrary, items continued to be created under the name of “Nasty”, or items that inherited the design of this mysteriously attractive lip slick. The SODD (Singer’s Original Double Disk) label, which released the original LP, was launched by Ken, the founder of TMOQ, after he switched to the new label TAKRL. Like TAKRL, his partner made slicks with his own design, but among SODD’s items that used basic artist photos, only “Nasty” was a close-up of a woman’s lips without any connection. Even the design using photos was captured as one of the attractions.

However, 10 years ago from now, that epoch-making “BRUSSELS AFFAIR” was officially released, and “EUROPEAN TOUR 1973 – KBFH BROADCAST 1974 & 1988”, which is the culmination and definitive edition of 73 European radio sources, will be released. It seems that the old “Nasty” items have completely disappeared.
However, even today, the popularity of “Nasty” has not declined, and even Japanese-made replica LPs made in slick colors that are not found in the original, such as blue, light purple, and even nightingale, are sold at high prices, and yellow LPs made in the early 1990s. Replica LPs made of red slick on the ground are still synonymous with bad inventory in the second-hand market. Thanks to that, the fame of the original SODD board is increasing, but it is extremely difficult to obtain it. Therefore, this time, the definitive release of the CD made from the original SODD board LP using the latest technology has been realized.

Graf Zeppelin supervised this release. Therefore, he devoted all his efforts to faithfully recording the sound quality and recording condition of the original LP (of course, carefully selected mint condition), yet in a clean state without scratches and noise.
Items based on the SODD board that have been released many times in the past tended to have their sound quality adjusted to a greater or lesser extent, but this time, we have released the pure sound of the SODD board without such small work. reproduction. Now it is undeniable that it is inferior to the clear sound of “KBFH BROADCAST 1974 & 1988” based on the broadcast master, but it would have been air checked in 1974 using a reel. Reminiscent of this, the analog-like sound unique to rear tie is really attractive.
It can be said that faithfully reproducing this warm sound was the proposition this time. Rather, I adjusted the pitch difference that occurred in the 73 parts in Europe and the part in the second half of the LP that diverted “WELCOME TO NEW YORK” so that I could hear it with an accurate pitch throughout. If you have the master record, you will understand, but it was quite stressful that I had to change the pitch on the turntable when I came to the “WELCOME TO ~” part.

In terms of content, especially items released in the 21st century are items that can be listened to in total, such as supplementing the broadcast master disc between songs such as the ending of “Angie” while pretending to be “Nasty”. Many items were edited. The processing itself was not wrong, but it is also true that the LP was far from its original state, and in addition, now that new generation items such as “KBFH BROADCAST 1974 & 1988” exist, Rather, it is meaningful to faithfully reproduce the state of the LP.
In this way, not only did the sound of the SODD board LP be engraved into the limited press CD more faithfully than ever before, but also without connecting the beginning of “Doo Doo Doo Doo Doo”, which was dubbed at the turn of the board, for example. , Recorded as it is. Indeed, the past items were edited so that they could be heard seamlessly. Not only that, the sound that disappears at the end of the LP surface is recorded without leaking. While literally recording this rare masterpiece of Stones without any tricks, the literal “Easy Nasty” where you can easily enjoy the old masterpiece on CD is born!

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(remastered memo)

★Correct the pitch accordingly
* Phase correction
*Pinpoint removal of large scratch noise

★ Recorded faithfully to the analog board without any omissions (however, the minimum necessary measures such as pitch and noise processing are performed).
No fillers or additives.
The point is that you can easily experience the atmosphere of the rare analog board on the CD.

One way to do this is to remove duplication and uncut the overlapping parts of the A-side and B-side transitions (Mick’s scream), but I didn’t dare to do that this time.
Both ends of each LP board record trace noise as it is (fade processing is done).
Therefore, you can listen to the faint MC at the end that was missing from the analog board because the trace noise part was omitted on the past board.

★ As far as past editions are concerned, there are no CD items that have been faithfully (and precisely) reprinted in analog.
All of the past boards have reversed left and right channels, pitch deviation, excessive noise reduction, flashy EQ,
It was edited to replace the mask and added tape material.

The sound is the latest digital transfer, and of course it’s a very dense mattari sound (especially the ’73 part).
Warm sound with a wide range that is easy on the ears.
Please turn up the volume and enjoy this vintage sound!

ここ最近ローリング・ストーンズ古の名盤の復刻が続いていますが、今年だけでも「WELCOME TO NEW YORK」、さらに「PHILADELPHIA SPECIAL」と「ALL MEAT MUSIC」の再トライ。さらには定番音源の数々である1973年ウインター・ツアーの各種サウンドボードも決定版となる新たなリリースを敢行。このように72年アメリカ・ツアーに73年ウインター・ツアーと続いてきたのであれば、次なるリリースの標的が最強ストーンズによる73年ヨーロッパ・ツアーとなるのは当然のこと。
中でも同ツアーにおける問答無用のタイトルが「NASTY MUSIC」。マニアでなくとも「ナスティ」と言えば通じてしまうカリスマLPであり、先のような並びのLP復刻が続いたとなれば、その大トリに「ナスティ」ほど相応しいものはありません。むしろ今か今かと待ち望んでいたマニアが多いのではないでしょうか。
CDの時代を迎えてからもその威厳は衰えることなく、それどころか「ナスティ」の名の元、あるいはこの不思議な魅力を放つ唇スリックのデザインを継承したアイテムが生み出され続けたものです。元のLPをリリースしたSODD(Singer’s Original Double Disk)レーベルはTMOQ創設者のケンが新レーベルTAKRLに鞍替えした後に立ち上げた、文字通り二枚組アルバム専用のブランド。TAKRL同様に彼のパートナーが独自のデザインによるスリックを作っていたのですが、基本アーティスト写真を使っていたSODDのアイテムの中にあって「ナスティ」だけはまるで脈略のない女性の唇のアップ写真を使ったデザインまで魅力の一つに捉えられました。

もっとも今から十年前にオフィシャルであの画期的な「BRUSSELS AFFAIR」がリリースされ、さらに73ヨーロッパのラジオ音源の集大成かつ決定版である「EUROPEAN TOUR 1973 – KBFH BROADCAST 1974 & 1988」がリリースされるに至って、古の「ナスティ」アイテムはすっかり鳴りを潜めてしまった感があります。

今回のリリースを監修してくれたのはGraf Zeppelin。よって彼はあくまでオリジナルLP(もちろんミント・コンディションを厳選)の音質や収録状態を忠実に、それでいてスクラッチ・ノイズなしのクリーンな状態で収録することに全力を注いでくれたのです。
過去に数多くリリースされたSODD盤をベースとしたアイテムは大なり小なり音質にも手が加えられてしまっていたきらいがあったのですが、今回はそうした小細工なしにSODD盤のピュア・サウンドを再現。今となっては放送用原盤を元にした「KBFH BROADCAST 1974 & 1988」のクリアー・サウンドと比べて見劣りする感は否めませんが、いかにもリールを使って1974年当時にエアチェックしたであろうこと偲ばせる、リアタイならではのアナログチックなサウンドは実に魅力的。
このウォーミーなサウンドを忠実に再現することこそ、今回の命題であったと言えるでしょう。むしろ手を加えたことと言えば、ヨーロッパ73パートと「WELCOME TO NEW YORK」を流用したLP後半のパートで生じたピッチの差異をアジャストし、通しで正確なピッチで聞けるようにしたのです。原盤をお持ちの方なら分かるかと思いますが、「WELCOME TO~」パートに来るとターンテーブルでピッチを変えなければいけなかったのは結構なストレスでした。

さらに内容に関しても、特に21世紀にリリースされたアイテムは「ナスティ」を騙りつつも「Angie」のエンディングを始めとした曲間などに放送用原盤を補填するなどしてトータルで聞き通せるアイテムに編集していたアイテムが多かった。その処理自体は間違っていなかったのですが、LP本来の状態からかけ離れてしまったのも事実でして、おまけに「KBFH BROADCAST 1974 & 1988」のような新世代アイテムが存在する今となっては、むしろLPの状態を忠実に再現することに意義があるというもの。
こうしてかつてないほど忠実にSODD盤LPのサウンドを限定プレスCDに刻み込んでみせたのはもちろんのこと、例えば盤の変わり目でダブっていた「Doo Doo Doo Doo Doo」の序盤なども繋いだりすることなく、敢えてそのままの状態にて収録。なるほど、過去のアイテムはこれらをまとめて切れ目なく聞けるように編集していた訳です。それだけでなく、LPの面の終わりで消えゆく音まで寸分漏らさず収録。このストーンズ稀代の名盤を文字通り小細工なしで収録しつつ、CDで古の名盤が手軽に楽しめる文字通りの「お手軽ナスティ」が爆誕!











Disc 1 (42:55)

Side 1
1. Brown Sugar (17th Oct 1973 1st)
2. Happy (9th Sep 1973)
3. Gimme Shelter (9th Sep 1973)
4. Tumbling Dice (17th Oct 1973 1st)

Side 2
5. Doo Doo Doo Doo Doo (Heartbreaker) (9th Sep 1973)
6. You Can’t Always Get What You Want (17th Oct 1973 1st)
7. Dancing With Mr. D, (17th Oct 1973 1st)
8. Angie (17th Oct 1973 1st)

Disc 2 (45:16)

Side 3
1. Honky Tonk Women (17th Oct 1973 1st)
2. Midnight Rambler (17th Oct 1973 1st)
3. All Down The Line (26th July 1972)
4. Bye Bye Johnny (26th July 1972)

Side 4
5. Love In Vain (26th July 1972)
6. Sweet Virginia (26th July 1972)
7. Rip This Joint (17th Oct 1973 1st)
8. Jumpin’ Jack Flash (17th Oct 1973 1st)
9. Street Fighting Man (9th Sep 1973)

1973-10-17: Forest Nationale (1st show), Brussels, Belgium
1973-09-09: Empire Pool Wembley, London, UK
1972-07-26: Madison Square Garden, New York City, NY

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