Rolling Stones / East Rutherford 1981 3rd Night / 2CD

Rolling Stones / East Rutherford 1981 3rd Night / 2CD / Non Label
Live at Brendan Byrne Arena, East Rutherford, New Jersey, USA 7th November 1981 STEREO SBD

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It can be said that the 1981 East Rutherford three performances, which were recorded for the movie “LET’S SPEND THE NIGHT TOGETHER”, performed a live performance that could be called a slapstick trilogy. The first day = the cloud is suspicious, the second day = rattling, and the third day converges. The sound board of PA out was first unearthed during the three days when such famous performances and stray performances came and went, but all of it is revealed by the rough mix release of multitrack recording for radio broadcasting from the “CONCERT VAULT” site in 2013. have become.
Above all, on the third day, the PA out sound board was in a state of remorse that “Tumbling Dice” and later were not recorded, so the shock that all songs were recorded with multi-track stereo sound quality that exceeded that was shocking all over the world. It surprised enthusiasts. In addition, the wonderful recording condition that no cut points occurred in the performance also impressed the mania. If you think about it, if you perform for three days in a row at the same venue, the recording side will get used to it.
As you can see, the balance of the instruments is the most stable in the series of rough mixes for radio broadcasting in East Rutherford’s three days, and there is no roughness that makes only one instrument stand out. .. If you add various effects here, can you release it as a live album as it is? The stable recording condition is also a big attraction.

GRAF ZEPPELIN was in charge of supervising the sound source that was released in the form of distribution nearly 10 years ago, but the quality of the sound quality is very high in the first place, and there is no cut that cuts into the performance like before. Therefore, it was judged that there was no need to make major corrections. The whole is finely adjusted. The most worrisome point was the balance of volume. This is also a phenomenon that is common in rough mixes, but by adjusting it, a very well-balanced state is further enhanced compared to the recording of the previous two days, and it becomes possible to hear through without stress throughout. I did.
In addition to the performance in terms of good balance, it was also on this day that he captured the presence and excitement of the audience with the best feeling. I think it can be said that this is also the result of recording at the same venue for three days in a row, but for example, the big cheers when “Miss You” started are so real that you can get goosebumps. In addition to that, the scene where Mick announced the title of the new song “Hang Fire” at that time, or the big cheers that occur when he started singing “Start Me Up” is amazing. This is the feeling of an active band that can excite the audience with new songs at that time or songs from the new album, just like Orlando, which was released at the same time.
In contrast to the enthusiasm created by those new songs, when it came to “All Down The Line,” Mick finally fell into a singing style that lowered the melody line that covered his throat. I wonder if it can be done.

And the turbulent East Rutherford three days were full of things to hear even the day before, but this day is really interesting again. After all, the day before was like that, so it’s interesting to start playing the opening “Under My Thumb” with a strangely careful look. After finishing this, today’s monitor seems to work properly … The members on the stage are incandescent at once. Ronnie’s guitar play in the first half of the live was particularly clear, and “When The Whip Comes Down” and “Shattered” were in great shape. From this, it can be said that the stage monitor is functioning and that you can concentrate on your performance.
However, it was “Black Limousine” that poured water on such momentum. In the intro, Charlie missed the ride, and you can see Ronnie, who is also gaining momentum, correcting his trajectory while saying to him, “Fit for me.”
However, this was just the beginning, and this time, each person lost sight of how “Going To A Go Go” ended, and the performance that seemed to have ended was repeated again and finally ended. In the end, when I entered the second place in “Beast Of Burden”, Mick’s song and performance did not mesh with each other, and Keith, who would have passed the nightmare of the previous day, managed to recover with a frustrated chorus.
Conversely, these are the “two major happenings” on the third day of East Rutherford, and the overall unity of the performance is much higher than the previous day. After all, the day before the concert, the end of the concert was difficult due to the malfunction of the monitor, so Mick is really happy that the concert was able to reach the climax safely without being dragged by such troubles. “Jumping Jack Flash”, which was so confusing that the performance seemed to stop the day before, was as if another band was playing.
That’s why East Rutherford in 1981 can be called a “slapstick trilogy”, and a re-release on the third day was inevitable. The famous sound source that concludes the end of the three days has also been upgraded by the detailed restoration of GRAF ZEPPELIN, so please experience the turbulent three days with this release. It’s too funny!

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★ Phase correction. However, the change is slight in the first half, and it seems that the latter half was originally accurate.
★ Correct volume balance. Correct the volume that was unbalanced as a whole.
★ I don’t do much EQ. Originally there is no problem with the tone.

映画「LET’S SPEND THE NIGHT TOGETHER」用の収録が行われた1981年イースト・ラザフォード三公演は見事なまでにドタバタ三部作ともいえるライブが披露されたと言えるでしょう。それは初日=雲行きが怪しい、二日目=もうガタガタ、そして三日目で収束といった具合に。そんな名演と迷演が行き交う三日間は最初PAアウトのサウンドボードが発掘されていましたが、2013年の「CONCERT VAULT」サイトからのラジオ放送用マルチトラック録音のラフミックス公開によって、そのすべてが明らかとなりました。
中でも三日目はPAアウト・サウンドボードですと「Tumbling Dice」以降が未収録という痛恨の収録状態でしたので、それをも上回るマルチトラックのステレオ音質かつ全曲が収録されたという衝撃は世界中のマニアを驚かせたものでした。おまけにカットポイントが演奏の中に生じていないという録音状態の見事さもマニアを感嘆させたのです。考えてみれば、同じ会場で三日連続の公演を行えば収録する側も慣れてくるというもの。

今回も10年近く前に配信という形で公開された音源の監修を担当したのはGRAF ZEPPELINなのですが、そもそもの音質のクオリティが非常に高い上、先のような演奏に食い込むカットがないということから大幅な修正を加える必要なしと判断。全体の微調整を細やかに施しています。その中でもっとも気になる点であったと言えるのは音量のバランス。これもまたラフミックスにはありがちな現象なのですが、そこを調整することで、前二日の録音と比べても非常にバランスの良い状態がさらに引き立ち、全体を通してストレスなく聞き通せるようになりました。
またバランスの良さという点で演奏はもちろん、臨場感や観客の盛り上がりを一番いい感じで捉えてくれているのもこの日。これもまた三日連続同じ会場で収録したことの成果だと言えるかと思いますが、例えば「Miss You」が始まった時の大歓声などは聞いているこっちまで鳥肌が立ちそうなリアルさ。それに加えてミックが当時の新曲である「Hang Fire」の曲名を告げた場面、あるいは彼が「Start Me Up」を歌い始めたところで起こる大歓声が凄い。これこそ同時リリースのオーランドと同様に当時の新曲、あるいはニューアルバムからの曲で観客を沸かせられる現役バンド感。
それら新曲が生み出した熱狂とは対照的に「All Down The Line」になるとミックがいよいよ喉をかばったメロディラインを下げた歌い方へと堕ちてしまい、なるほど81年ツアーのレパートリーお役目御免となってしまうのも致し方ないかと。

そして前二日でも聞きどころが満載だった波乱万丈のイースト・ラザフォード三日間ですが、この日がまた実に面白い。何しろ前日があのような体たらくでしたので、オープニング「Under My Thumb」を妙に慎重な面持ちで演奏し始めるのがまた面白いもの。これを終えたところで今日のモニターはちゃんと機能してくれそうだ…ステージ上のメンバーは演奏が一気に白熱。中でもライブ前半におけるロニーのギタープレイは冴えまくっていて、「When The Whip Comes Down」と「Shattered」では絶好調。このことからもステージ・モニターが機能し、演奏に集中できている証と言えるのではないでしょうか。
ところがそんな勢いに水を差したのが「Black Limousine」。イントロでチャーリーが乗り遅れてしまう形となり、そこでも勢いに乗っているロニーが彼に向かって「こっちに合わせて」と言いながら軌道修正している姿が目に浮かぶよう。
しかしこれくらいは序の口といった感じで、今度は「Going To A Go Go」の終わり方を各人が見失ってしまった挙句、一旦終わったかに見えた演奏をもう一度繰り返してようやく終わるというドタバタ。果ては「Beast Of Burden」では二番に入ったところで、ミックの歌と演奏が噛み合わなくなってしまい、前日の悪夢がよぎったであろうキースが苛立ち気味にコーラスして何とか元に戻るという混乱ぶり。
逆に言えばこれらがイースト・ラザフォード三日目の「二大ハプニング」といったところであり、全体的な演奏のまとまりは前日よりもはるかに上。何しろ前日はライブ終盤がモニターの不調によって大変なことになってしまっていただけに、そうしたトラブルに足を引っ張られることなくライブが無事クライマックスを迎えることが出来たミックは本当に嬉しそう。前日には演奏が止まりそうなほどの混乱ぶりを呈した「Jumping Jack Flash」に至っては、まるで別のバンドが演奏しているかのごとし。
だからこそ81年のイースト・ラザフォードは「ドタバタ三部作」と呼べる訳で、三日目の再リリースも必然だったのです。その三日間の最後を締めくくる名音源もGRAF ZEPPELINの細やかなレストアによってバージョンアップ、今回のリリースで是非その波乱に富んだ三日間を体験してください。面白すぎ!






Disc 1 (68:25)
01. Take The A Train
02. Under My Thumb
03. When The Whip Comes Down
04. Let’s Spend The Night Together
05. Shattered
06. Neighbours
07. Black Limousine
08. Just My Imagination
09. Twenty Flight Rock
10. Going To A Go-Go
11. Let Me Go
12. Time Is On My Side
13. Beast Of Burden
14. Waiting On A Friend
15. Let It Bleed

Disc 2 (63:20)
01. You Can’t Always Get What You Want
02. Band Introductions
03. Little T & A
04. Tumbling Dice
05. She’s So Cold
06. All Down The Line
07. Hang Fire
08. Miss You
09. Start Me Up
10. Honky Tonk Women (with Tina Turner)
11. Brown Sugar
12. Jumping Jack Flash
13. Satisfaction


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