Rolling Stones / Bern 1973 2nd Night Late Show / 1CD

Rolling Stones / Bern 1973 2nd Night Late Show / 1CD / Non label
Live at Festhalle, Bern, Switzerland 26th September 1973 (Late Show)


Play sample : 

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On the second day of Bern in September from the 1973 European tour, and speaking of the second show, audience recordings were unearthed ten years ago to please enthusiasts around the world. It also surprised enthusiasts that there were two types of sound sources, but one of them, “recorder 1”, was released by the Godfather label as “BEFORE THE AFFAIR” at that time. The sound source had a monaural vintage feel, so the label naturally equalized it when it was released. It removes the clapping that occurs around the recorder that I was curious about in some situations. By 2013 standards, this process wasn’t bad, but rather it was modified to make it easier to hear, but it was regrettable that the high pitch was released as it was.
Based on such “BEFORE THE AFFAIR”, “BERN 1973 2ND NIGHT SECOND SHOW” was recorded in a more audible state by solving this problem. Originally the same master as the Godfather board, it has a big advantage of being able to listen at an accurate pitch, and it can be said that it is a hidden masterpiece that became Sold Out while being very popular. However, on the second day of Bern, the second show “recorder 1” sound source did not show any new items after that, but rather it became practically difficult to obtain after the death of “BERN 1973 2ND NIGHT SECOND SHOW”. I will fall into. In Europe 1973, where it is no exaggeration to say that all sound sources should be supplied in a stable manner, what do you call this without calling it a terrible situation? Of course, I was able to hear the performance itself with the DAC “SWISS MADE VOL.2” using “recorder 2”.

This “recorder 1” is monaural, but it has a big appeal that it captures Mick’s singing voice with a fairly large sound image, and it is definitely a sound source that should be ranked high among the 73 European sound sources. For that reason, it is impossible that the current item has not existed for a long time, but at the same time, it is also true that the “recorder 1” item released 10 years ago was recorded in a state that makes us feel the times.
The equalizing that I mentioned earlier, “cutting the applause that rings nearby”, was certainly suppressed, but on the other hand, there was a feeling of equalization that was squishy and fluffy at the place where the treatment was applied. At that time, the merit of making the applause less noticeable was greater, but that was also the limit of technology in 2013. Therefore, while the appearance of a new item containing “recorder 1” was urgently required, it is said to be a recurrence using “BERN 1973 2ND NIGHT SECOND SHOW” (hereinafter referred to as “already released board”) for the above reason. Is impossible.
Therefore, this time, Graf Zeppelin went back to the original sound source on the net and overhauled it. Graf Zeppelin has a good reputation for the precise adjustment of vintage monaural sound sources, so this time the original solid monaural response that was not felt in the 2013 version is revived. Even if you take only here, the difference from the past items is clearly visible. The release 10 years ago was the equalize label landlord The Godfather, so this time it’s definitely more natural. Even so, there were many places where the original hiss noise became more noticeable due to the addition of equalization on the existing board, but there is no such unevenness.
And above all, the original sound is in its original state without the process of clapping, so the naturalness finally stands out. Certainly, after the end of “Angie”, the sound of clapping for forgetting that the taper accidentally hit the microphone from the joy of listening to the new song that was a big hit will be included, and the sound of “Jumping” at the end of the live In “Jack Flash”, every time Mick’s song part is over, a big clapping is done. In that respect, the processing of the existing board was not a mistake, but it is undeniable that it was offset by the unnaturalness that occurred. After all, the recording that makes the best use of the original sound is better.

Of course, the performance should not be bad Europe 73. On that day, Mick Taylor had a feeling that he couldn’t get through the phrase when he started playing solo at the opening “Brown Sugar”, but at the next “Gimme Shelter”, the Taylor clause unique to Europe 73 exploded at once. Furthermore, he constructed a wonderful phrase in “Dancing With Mr. D”. The Taylor on this tour is really special. In addition, Mick’s powerful shout is used throughout the live performance, which is one of the charms of this tour, but this “recorder 1” is overwhelming because he captures his singing voice with a loud sound image.
Also, in Cologne 20 days ago, a pattern was attempted in “Honky Tonk Women” where members were introduced by being guided by the intro played by Keith, but on this day, Charlie’s rhythm was started instead of member introduction. It is very rare that an intro like the remnants of Cologne was tried to start the song. It seemed like a live intro that looked great on stage, but it never took hold.
Although it was a sound source that was discovered relatively recently among the 73 sound sources in Europe, it was a long time since it was difficult to obtain it. The second show on the second day in Bern. A new definitive edition recorded in a natural state is finally released, which is suitable for the passage of time when the existing board can no longer be called the best. Plenty of loud monaural texture that the sound source originally had from the speaker!

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(Remaster memo)

★ The title of “Bern 1973 2nd Night Second Show” released around 2013, so to speak, a revenge board.

★ This time it is the same source (Aud mono sound source), but it is based on a net sound source with different branches and leaves that is not a copy of the GR board.
As will be described later, the intro part is supplemented with another source, so I do not know, but originally the main board was longer than the previous board for about 2 seconds.

★ After phase correction and correction such as sound interruption of one channel, it is finally converted to Mono. For a neat localization with no phase shift.

★ Band adjustment. Adjust within a range that you do not dislike, centering on the low and mid frequencies.

★ In the previous edition (and GR edition), the sound of the audience’s applause was cut off in general.

This time, the sound is genuine and unprocessed.
However, there is a problem of taste depending on whether the applause is crackling or not, but here we emphasize the sound output at the actual site.
In addition, since there are deletion marks of those applause in the previous board, the deletion marks are like the sound of jump rope.
There is still a fluffy, floating sound.

★ Midnight Rambler has the only cut in the song of this live, and the missing part is replenished from another source on the same day.
I don’t think there is any discomfort in hearing.
However, there is actually a cut in the song in the supplementary part of this other source (around 5:24 of the main rambler).
This is because even if you check the previous board and GR board that have already been released, the relevant part is crossfade well.

★ It’s back and forth, but since there is a part where Mick’s cry is involved in the live intro part, it starts with another source and compensates for about 18 seconds.

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★★ Great sound quality. I think this will surprise you. Introducing a new masterpiece title that all fans should listen to.

1973年ヨーロッパ・ツアーから9月のベルン二日目、しかもセカンドショーと言えば今から十年前にオーディエンス録音が発掘されて世界中のマニアを喜ばせたものでした。それも二種類の音源が存在していたことが明るみになったことがまたマニアを驚かせたのですが、その内の一つ「recorder 1」は当時Godfatherレーベルが「BEFORE THE AFFAIR」としてリリース。モノラルのビンテージ感が漂う音源でしたので、同レーベルはリリースに際して、当然イコライズを施しています。それはいくつかの場面で気になった録音者の周りで起こる手拍子を削除したというもの。2013年の基準からするとこの処理は悪くなく、むしろせっかく手を加えて聞きやすくしてくれたのに、肝心の高いピッチがそのままでリリースされてしまった点が惜しまれました。
そんな「BEFORE THE AFFAIR」を元にしてこの問題を解消し、さらに聞きやすい状態にて収録してみせたのが「BERN 1973 2ND NIGHT SECOND SHOW」。元はGodfather盤と同じマスターながら、正確なピッチで聞けるというアドバンテージは大きく、大好評の内にSold Outとなった隠れ名盤と言っていいでしょう。ところがベルン二日目、セカンドショーの「recorder 1」音源はその後に新たなアイテムが登場せず、むしろ「BERN 1973 2ND NIGHT SECOND SHOW」亡き後、実質的に入手困難になってしまうという意外な状況へと陥ってしまいます。すべての音源が安定供給されるべきだと言っても過言でないヨーロッパ73年において、これを由々しき事態と呼ばずして何と言うのでしょう。もちろん「recorder 2」を用いたDACの「SWISS MADE VOL.2」によって公演自体は聞くことが出来たのですが。

この「recorder 1」はモノラルながらミックの歌声を中心としてかなり大きな音像で捉えてくれているのが大きな魅力で、ヨーロッパ73音源の中でも間違いなく上位にランクされるべき音源。それだけに現行アイテムが存在しなくなって久しいという現状がありえない訳ですが、それと同時に10年前にリリースされた「recorder 1」アイテムが今となっては時代を感じさせる状態で収録されていたのも事実。
先に触れた「近くで鳴る拍手を削る」イコライジングですが、たしかに目立つ拍手が抑えられていた反面、その処理を施した個所にシュワシュワ、パシャパシャとしたイコライズ感が生じていたものです。当時は拍手が目立たなくなったメリットの方が大きく感じたものですが、それこそ2013年のテクノロジーの限界でもあった。よって「recorder 1」を収録した新たなアイテムの登場が早急に求められていた反面、先の理由から「BERN 1973 2ND NIGHT SECOND SHOW」(以下「既発盤」と称します)を使った再発というのはありえない。
そこで今回はネット上にある元音源に遡ってGraf Zeppelinがオーバーホールを敢行。ビンテージなモノラル音源の緻密なアジャストには定評のあるGraf Zeppelinですので、今回は2013年版に感じられなかったどっしりとしたモノラル本来の聞き応えが蘇ります。ここだけ取ってみても、過去のアイテムとの違いがはっきり現れている。ましてや10年前のリリースがイコライズ・レーベルの大家Godfatherですので、今回の方がはっきりナチュラル。それでいて既発盤はイコライズを加えたことで元々あったヒスノイズがより目立ってしまった個所が多々見られましたが、そうしたムラもない。
そして何よりも手拍子を削る処理がない原音そのままの状態ですので、いよいよナチュラルさが際立ちます。確かに「Angie」の終演後など、大ヒットしていた新曲を聞けた喜びからテーパーがうっかりマイクに当たってるのも忘れて拍手してしまった音がボコボコと入ってしまいますし、ライブ終盤「Jumping Jack Flash」ではミックの歌パートが終わる度に手拍子が大きく入る。その点、既発盤の処理も間違いではなかったのですが、それ故に生じた不自然さで相殺されてしまった感も否めない。やはり原音を活かした収録の方が吉と出るもの。

もちろん演奏の方は悪いはずのないヨーロッパ73。この日のミック・テイラーはオープニングの「Brown Sugar」でソロの弾き始めこそフレーズの乗り切れなさがが漂っていたものの、次の「Gimme Shelter」でヨーロッパ73ならではのテイラー節が一気に炸裂。さらには「Dancing With Mr. D」でも見事なフレーズを構築。本当にこのツアーのテイラーはスペシャルなものがある。さらにミックがライブの全編を通して力強いシャウトを利かせてくれるところも本ツアーの魅力な訳ですが、この「recorder 1」は彼の歌声を大きな音像で捉えてくれているおかげで圧巻の迫力。
また20日前のケルンでは「Honky Tonk Women」においてキースが弾くイントロに導かれてメンバー紹介が行われるというパターンが試みられていた訳ですが、この日はメンバー紹介の代わりにチャーリーのリズムを皮切りに同曲が始まるという、ケルンの名残のようなイントロが試みられたのが非常にレア。十分にステージ映えするライブ用イントロのように思えたのですが、それが定着することはありませんでした。



★2013年頃に出た「Bern 1973 2nd Night Second Show」の、いわばリベンジ盤と言った趣のタイトル






★Midnight Ramblerにて本ライブ唯一の曲中カットがあり、欠落部は同日の別ソースから改めて補填。





01. Introduction ★0:00-0:18別ソースで補填
02. Brown Sugar
03. Gimme Shelter
04. Happy
05. Tumbling Dice
06. Star Star
07. Dancing With Mr.D
08. Angie
09. You Can’t Always Get What You Want
10. Midnight Rambler ★5:10 – 5:56 別ソースで補填
11. Honky Tonk Women
12. All Down The Line
13. Rip This Joint
14. Jumping Jack Flash
15. Street Fighting Man

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