Rolling Stones / Tokyo 1998 2nd Night : Definitive Master / 2CD

Rolling Stones / Tokyo 1998 2nd Night : Definitive Master / 2CD / Non label

Live at Tokyo Dome, Tokyo, Japan 14th March 1998

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The 1998 visit to Japan, where the bubbly atmosphere of the past two visits to Japan settled down and the excitement suitable for the Stones concert in a true sense was shown. It overlapped with the timing of the rise of CD-R, and the trend of “faster than quality” rampantly saturated the items. As a result, we have to pay the price of making it difficult to evaluate the Babylon Tour itself. In fact, the Babylon Tour’s popularity dropped after the excitement in the rear tie subsided. The situation finally turned around when Keith said in his autobiography that he liked the album “BRIDGES TO BABYLON”.
Not only was the Babylon Tour remarkably re-evaluated, but it was also true that the lively excitement of the 1998 tour to Japan left a big impression on the real Thai crowd. Even so, the second day of the Tokyo Dome became a legendary day where the famous performance and the lost performance lived together.
As the momentum for its reevaluation increased, the WARDOUR label released the masterpiece “TOKYO 1998 2ND NIGHT” based on the exclusive audience master. Its wonderful sound quality is still unshakable as the definitive version, but a new audience master was provided not long after its release. Unfortunately, the timing was the right timing, so it was not released until now, and it was decided to release the exclusive sound source that was literally “laying down” this time.

The first thing that surprised me with such a new sound source was that the venue was recorded for a long time before the Stones appeared. For example, not only the scene where Crash’s “I Fought The Law” flows, but also the announcements before the performance and the voices of the venue staff were captured, before the live started, and the Tokyo Dome on March 14, 1998 It is a wonderful document that conveys the feeling of the atmosphere. As a result of recording this scene, which has now become a part of history, as a “Pre-Show”, the recording time has become 12 minutes longer than “TOKYO 1998 2ND NIGHT” (hereinafter referred to as “existing board”).
In terms of sound quality, the feel that is completely different from the already released version is a big attraction, and the recording performed from the 16th row of Arena A block has a very vivid texture. In terms of the directness of the outline of the performance, it seems that the already-launched board is better, but the vivid and delicate, yet expansive recording condition of this time is also really wonderful. Especially when listening with headphones, the comfort of listening produced by this spread of sound is exceptional.
The cheers of “Let’s Spend The Night Together”, which was more exciting than the previous performances in Japan, and the choruses of “Miss You” and “Sympathy For The Devil” were captured in a harmonious balance from the left and right. The state can also be greatly enjoyed with headphones. Still, the cheers are not conspicuous in other songs, and the exquisite sense of realism that “appears where it goes out, retreats where it retreats” is also an excellent recording condition of the sound source this time.

It was the second day of the Tokyo Dome, which was highly praised as “the first great performance of 1998” even in real time, but the performance on this day was really high tension. The first half has a strong feeling that it is completely Mick’s monopoly, and the strongest set list is really wonderful in addition to the powerful songs as if pulling the band. What happened in such a situation was “Star Star” that started with that wrong key, but if you listen only to the sound like this, it sounds like Mick is troubled and continues to sing, but the venue on the day His expression on the screen wasn’t that great, and he just let it go.
Above all, it’s a masterpiece that Keith, the main culprit, plays his favorite Chuck Berry-style rock’n’roll phrases in a different key. Until now, the only “Star Star” in Japan has become a legendary lost scene in every sense.
Even with such an incident, all the members remained unfazed, and rather, the high voltage was maintained on this day. Also on the B stage, which starts with Keith’s specialty “Little Queenie”, he and Mick were in great shape, and the fact that the performance continued to be called the Stones was also the reason why this day was a great performance.
And in the second half of the live, you can finally enjoy a sense of realism and the spread of sound that is different from the already-released version, and the sound of the fireworks going off in the finale “Brown Sugar” is also vivid. A new standard of the second day in Tokyo in 1998, which is literally full of different charms, is born here!

★The recording seat is A16 row number 10. Amazing sound quality! ! It is the first appearance sound source.

過去二回の来日にあったバブリーな雰囲気が落ち着き、本当の意味でストーンズのコンサートに相応しい盛り上がりを見せた1998年の来日公演。それはCD-Rの台頭というタイミングと重なって「質より早さ」という風潮が横行してしまいアイテムが飽和。結果としてバビロン・ツアーそのものの評価を困難なものとしてしまう代償を払うことに。実際バビロン・ツアーはリアタイでの盛り上がりが収まった後の人気の下降ぶりが半端なかった。その状況はキースが自伝の中でアルバム『BRIDGES TO BABYLON』をお気に入りだと発言した辺りからようやく好転したのです。
その再評価の機運が高まる中でWARDOURレーベルが独占入手のオーディエンス・マスターを元にリリースしたのが名盤『TOKYO 1998 2ND NIGHT』。その素晴らしい音質は現在も決定版の座を揺るぎないものとしていますが、そのリリースからさほど間を開けずに新たなオーディエンス・マスターが提供されていたのです。あいにくタイミングがタイミングだった故に今までリリースされず、文字通り「寝かせていた」独占入手の音源を今回リリースする運びとなりました。

そんな新たな音源で最初に驚かされたのは、ストーンズが現れる前の会場の様子が長く録音されていたという事。例えばクラッシュの「I Fought The Law」が流れるといった場面だけにとどまらず、開演前のアナウンスや会場スタッフの声までもが捉えられており、ライブが始まる前、なおかつ1998年3月14日の東京ドームの空気感まで伝えてくれる見事なドキュメントとなっている。今や歴史の一部となったこの場面を「Pre-Show」として収録した結果『TOKYO 1998 2ND NIGHT』(以下“既発盤”と称します)より12分も収録時間が長くなりました。
それ以前の来日公演を上回る盛り上がりを見せた98年らしく「Let’s Spend The Night Together」で沸き起こる歓声、さらに「Miss You」や「Sympathy For The Devil」起きる合唱を左右から嫌味のないバランスで捉えた状態もまたヘッドフォンだと大いに楽しめる。それでいて他の曲では歓声が目立つようなこともなく、正に「出るところは出て、引っ込むところは引っ込む」絶妙な臨場感も今回の音源の卓越した録音状態かと。

リアタイでも「98年最初の名演」との誉れ高き東京ドーム二日目でしたが、本当にこの日の演奏はハイテンション。前半は完全にミックの独壇場といった感が強く、バンドをグイグイ引っぱるかのごとく力強い歌に加えて最強のセットリストが本当に素晴らしい。そんな中で起きたのがあの間違ったキーで始まってしまった「Star Star」だった訳ですが、こうして音だけで聞いているとミックが困りながら歌い続けてるように聞こえますが、当日の会場に映し出された彼の表情はそれほどでもなく、やれやれといった調子でやり過ごしていました。
何より主犯であるキースが違うキーのままでお得意のチャック・ベリー調ロックンロール・フレーズをしれっと弾きまくっているのが傑作。現在に至るまで日本で唯一である「Star Star」はあらゆる意味で伝説の迷場面となってしまったのです。
そんなハプニングにもメンバー全員が動じることなく、むしろボルテージの高さが持続されたのがこの日ならでは。これまたキースお得意の「Little Queenie」から始まるBステージでも彼やミックは絶好調で、これぞストーンズと呼ばずにはいられない演奏が続いたこともこの日を名演とさせる所以でした。
そしてライブ後半はいよいよ既発盤と異なる感触の臨場感や音の広がりが楽しめ、フィナーレ「Brown Sugar」で鳴らされる花火の音がまた生々しい。文字通り別の魅力に満ち溢れた新たな98年東京二日目のスタンダードがここに爆誕!


Disc:1 (73:58)
1. Pre-Show ★既発より12分も長い
2. Introduction
3. Satisfaction
4. Let’s Spend The Night Together
5. Flip The Switch
6. Gimme Shelter
7. Anybody Seen My Baby ?
8. 19th Nervous Breakdown
9. Saint Of Me
10. Out Of Control
11. Star Star
12. Miss You

Disc:2 (79:01)
1. Band Introductions
2. Thief In The Night
3. Wanna Hold You
4. Little Queenie
5. You Got Me Rocking
6. Like A Rolling Stone
7. Sympathy For The Devil
8. Tumbling Dice
9. Honky Tonk Women
10. Start Me Up
11. Jumping Jack Flash
12. You Can’t Always Get What You Want
13. Brown Sugar

Non Label

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