Rolling Stones / Sydney 1973 2nd Night Soundboard / 1CD

Rolling Stones / Sydney 1973 2nd Night: Soundboard / 1CD / Non Label
Royal Randwick Racecourse, Sydney, Australia 27th February 1973 STEREO SBD (UPGRADE)

Play sample :

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The Rolling Stones The 1973 Winter Tour is known for its PA-out soundboards and stereo-recorded sound sources for several Australian performances that have come to an end. Among them, “SYDNEY 1973 1ST NIGHT”, which intentionally recorded the audience on the same day, has received high praise from enthusiasts. So this time, we released the soundboard upper version of the Sydney performance on February 27, which was also the last day of the 73 winter tour. Yes, it was also the day after the previous audience recording version.
Regarding this sound board, it has been circulating among traders since the beginning of the 90’s, and items have begun to appear as if Stones had resumed activities on the tour with “VOODOO LOUNGE”. It is natural that it will be a sound source recorded in stereo like the other two days’ worth of PA sound boards that have been on the market by then. However, because it was the era of cassette trading, the items that were initially on the market had some problems, and it seemed that the true value of the newly excavated sound source could not be demonstrated.
Rather, “WELCOME TO AUSTRALIA” released by the VGP label in 1997, when such a release rush had subsided, became the definitive edition, albeit late. The title is a bestseller that overcomes all the shortcomings of the titles that have been on the market and has the highest sound quality ever, so it can be remastered twice.
However, more than 10 years have passed since the second remaster of the same title, and more upper version sound sources will be distributed among traders. In that case, the appearance of a new generation item based on the same version, which is the best in terms of the sound source, has been long-awaited by enthusiasts all over the world, but this is not easily realized. It can only be said to be a truly mysterious phenomenon for such a famous soundboard recording. The release on this limited press CD will be realized using such an upper version.

After all, the sound source this time is much more natural and warmer than “WELCOME TO AUSTRALIA” (hereinafter referred to as “already released”). This alone makes a difference that you can understand at a glance. However, since the already released version was released in the cassette trade era, it is natural that there will be a clear difference in sound quality compared to this version. The upper feeling that the thin skin is removed and the visibility is improved is wonderful. Is this enough to surprise enthusiasts all over the world?
Although this is common to the three PA stereo sound boards leaked from this tour, rough localization instability can be seen everywhere. Especially in the titles containing this sound source, the positions of Keith and Mick Taylor were upside down, and there were even titles in which the performance itself was biased to one channel. In that respect as well, such problems were solved with each release of the existing board, but this time GRAF ZEPPELIN dared to brush up further.
Just by listening to and comparing the song “Gimme Shelter”, which was the first song in which the problematic localization bias was noticeable, you can realize that this release has settled down to a stable sound image at once with the help of the latest technology. That’s right. In addition to that, the natural feeling of the previous point is combined to make it easier to hear. Hiss noise may be more of a concern than the existing version, but this is also a result of respecting the naturalness of the original sound and not applying noise reduction.
It was
And this day is the only Australian sound board that exists for three days, and the advantage of completely recording all the songs played on the stage of the day is too great. That’s why, since the appearance of this sound source, it has become a staple of this tour more than “HAPPY BIRTHDAY NICKY” in Perth, which was the leaked sound board that first appeared from the 73 winter tour. Of course, it’s a PA out, so you can’t expect a sense of realism, but it’s one of the great sound boards in that you can enjoy the cheerful and wild performance that is typical of this tour due to the success of stereo recording. ..
In addition, since it was the last day of the tour, the Stones weren’t completely out of control. The Nicaragua relief concert that announced the start of the tour and the evolution to be bigger and wilder than in Hawaii are definitely a reflection of the land of Australia. I was able to fully enjoy such a mess in the example “HAPPY BIRTHDAY ~”, but when it was the last day of the tour, the tag was completely removed.
Among them, Mick is sharp, and instead of fully opening the engine, it shouts like a runaway locomotive. In the first place, Mick’s peak as a rock shouter was from 1971 to 1973, but the hyper songs here are overwhelming. What’s more, Mick’s shout, which seems to be a PA out, is poured into the listener’s ears, and it’s not fresh! Of course, Keith and Taylor’s play also pops out from the left and right, which is unique to stereo recording, and the vividness that is not found in the honor student multitrack is a big attraction. Therefore, it was necessary to adjust the left-right balance from the beginning to the end of the sound source. In this way, the classic sound board of the 73 winter tour that captured the Stones directly and in stereo has finally been upgraded. I really kept you waiting!

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★ It is a fairly rough SB sound source, for example, Gimme Shelter’s Mick Taylor’s guitar moves to the right if you think it is on the left channel, and there are places where the movement is dizzying.
So, it seems that neither of the left and right channels is the correct answer in the first place, but it has been corrected based on the existing VGP.
ch correction is 3 songs of Brown, JJF, SFM

The tracks (Gimme Shelter, Happy, Dice, Rip This Joint, JJF, SFM) that were a little closer to the left in VGP are closer to the center this time, and it seems to be closer to the correct localization, so it is much easier to hear.

★ Sound that is thicker in the low range than VGP.
The sound has a fairly low range, but if you cut the bass, it will be a flat sound without the umami component.
The low range is kept to a slight processing and kept almost as it is.
A sound image in which the performance appears in front of the entire performance compared to VGP.
The mid to high range is moderately adjusted.

★ Hiss is conspicuous, but it is just natural.
Adjusted so that the performance comes forward while making the best use of the original analog-like texture.
On the other hand, on the VGP board, hiss rises and falls when comparing the intervals between songs, so his reduction is applied.
Also, although the sound is quite loud, the limiter is not used to increase the sound pressure.

★ The interval between songs after the first song “Brown Sugar” is about 1 second shorter than VGP,
This is because VGP cites the inter-track part after playing “Love In Vain” and lengthens the relevant part.
This time, it is a genuine edit without citation compensation and a slight crossfade.

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ローリング・ストーンズ1973年のウインター・ツアーといえば行程が終盤を迎えたオーストラリアの数公演がPAアウトのサウンドボード、おまけにステレオで録音された音源が存在することで知られていますが、そうした状況の中で敢えて同日のオーディエンス録音を収めた「SYDNEY 1973 1ST NIGHT」はおかげさまでマニアから高い評価を受けています。そこで今度は73ウインター・ツアーの最終日でもあった2月27日のシドニー公演のサウンドボード・アッパー版をリリース。そう、先のオーディエンス録音版の翌日のショーでもありました。
こちらのサウンドボードに関しては90年代に入ってからトレーダー間に出回り、ちょうどストーンズが「VOODOO LOUNGE」を引っ提げたツアーで活動を再開したのと申し合わせるかの如くアイテムが登場し始めました。それまでにも出回っていた他の二日分のPAサウンドボードと同様にステレオで録音された音源ともなれば当然のこと。ところがカセット・トレードの時代だったこともあり、当初出回ったアイテムは何かしら問題を抱えてしまい、そのせいで新発掘音源の真価が発揮されないように思えたもの。
むしろそうしたリリースラッシュも収まった1997年になってVGPレーベルがリリースした「WELCOME TO AUSTRALIA」こそ、遅まきながら決定版となったのでした。同タイトルはそれまでに出回っていたタイトルの欠点をすべて克服、さらに音質も過去最高であったことから二度に渡ってリマスター再発が実現するほどのベストセラー。

何と言っても今回の音源は「WELCOME TO AUSTRALIA」(以下“既発盤”と称します)とくらべて俄然ナチュラルでウォーミーな聞き心地。これだけでも一聴して解るほどの違いがあります。もっとも既発盤がカセット・トレード時代のリリースでしたので、今回のバージョンと比べて明確な音質の違いが生じてしまうのも当然。薄皮が取れて見通しの良くなったアッパー感が素晴らしい。これだけでも世界中のマニアを驚かせるに十分な状態かと。
またこれは本ツアーから流出した三つのPAステレオ・サウンドボードに共通することなのですが、ラフな定位の不安定さが随所で見られます。特に本音源を収めたタイトルではキースとミック・テイラーの位置がひっくり返ってしまっていたり、なおかつ演奏そのものが片方のチャンネルへ偏ってしまったタイトルまでありました。その点においても既発盤はリリースを重ねるごとにそうした問題点が解消されていったのですが、今回はGRAF ZEPPELINがさらに突き詰めたブラッシュアップを敢行。
問題の定位偏りが最初に顕著だった曲である「Gimme Shelter」を聞き比べるだけでも、今回のリリースが最新テクノロジーの助けもあって一気に安定した音像へと落ち着いてくれたことを実感してもらえることでしょう。そこに加えて先のナチュラル感が合わさっていよいよ聞きやすくなっている。その分ヒスノイズが既発盤と比べて気になる向きがあるかもしれませんが、これもまた原音のナチュラルさを尊重してノイズリダクションのような小細工を施さなかった結果なのです。

そしてこの日は三日分存在するオーストラリアン・サウンドボードの中で唯一、当日のステージで演奏された全曲を完全収録しているというアドバンテージが大きすぎる。だからこそ本音源が登場してからというもの、73ウインター・ツアーから最初に登場した流出サウンドボードであったパースでの「HAPPY BIRTHDAY NICKY」以上に本ツアーの定番へと君臨したのです。もちろんPAアウトですので臨場感は望むべくもないのですが、ステレオ録音ということが功を奏してこのツアーらしい陽気でワイルドな演奏ぶりが生々しいまでに味わえるという点でも偉大なサウンドボードの一つ。
おまけにツアー最終日という事からストーンズの振り切れっぷりも半端じゃない。ツアー開始を告げたニカラグア救済コンサートやハワイの時よりも大らかでワイルドなへと進化しているのは、間違いなくオーストラリアという土地を反映してのもの。そんなはっちゃけぶりは例の「HAPPY BIRTHDAY~」でも十分に味わえたものですが、それがツアー最終日ともなれば完全にタガが外れた状態。



★かなりラフなSB音源で、例えばGimme Shelterのミックテイラーのギターは左chにいるかと思えば右にグルっと寄ったりするなどと、動きがめまぐるしい箇所も。
ch修正はBrown、 JJF、 SFMの3曲

なおVGPで左にかなり寄り気味だったトラック(Gimme Shelter、 Happy、 Dice、 Rip This Joint、 JJF、 SFM)などは今回はセンター寄りで正しい定位に近いと思われ、だいぶ聞きやすくなってます



★1曲目”Brown Sugar”後の曲間がVGPより1秒ほど短いですが、
これはVGPが”Love In Vain”演奏後の曲間部を引用して該当箇所を長くしているため。


01. Brown Sugar ★チャンネル修正
02. Bitch
03. Rocks Off
04. Gimme Shelter
05. Happy
06. Tumbling Dice
07. Love In Vain
08. Sweet Virginia
09. You Can’t Always Get What You Want
10. Honky Tonk Women
11. All Down The Line
12. Midnight Rambler
13. Band Introductions
14. Little Queenie
15. Rip This Joint
16. Jumping Jack Flash ★チャンネル修正
17. Street Fighting Man ★チャンネル修正

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