Rolling Stones / Sydney 1973 1st Night Recorder 2 Upgrade / 1CD with “Colour Cover”(Standard Sleeve)

Rolling Stones / Sydney 1973 1st Night: Recorder 2 Upgrade / 1CD with “Colour Cover”(Standard Sleeve) / Non Label
Royal Randwick Racecourse, Sydney, Australia 26th February 1973
Master Cassette Upgrade From Waz From Oz Archives

Play sample :

Click image to enlarge

The first day of the 1973 Sydney performance of Rolling Stones, who upgraded at once with the two titles of “SYDNEY 1973 1ST NIGHT SOUNDBOARD” and “SYDNEY 1973 1ST NIGHT” last year. Especially the latter release as a splendid upper version of the audience recording on the same day that tended to be hidden behind the sound board literally made maniacs groan and became a bestseller.
As I said at the time of these releases, on this day there are two types of audience recordings while there is a definitive existence of the sound board. Among them, “SYDNEY 1973 1ST NIGHT” released the master version of “Recorder 1”, but when the original sound source was released by Waz From Oz, “By the way, the master of” Recorder 2 “is It will be released next year,” but the time has finally come. From the point of view of enthusiasts, there were many people who were looking forward to its appearance because it was in a more attractive recording state than “Recorder 1”.
After all, the appeal of “Recorder 2” is the closeness of the sound image. Of course, although it is not the direct ratio of “SYDNEY 1973 1ST NIGHT SOUNDBOARD”, it is still a quality that is definitely ranked high as a monaural audience recording in 1973, and even if there is a sound board for enthusiasts who like audiences, it is still attractive. Is it a typical sound source that can be enjoyed in a meaningful way?

However, it is difficult to say that the old release that revealed the existence of “Recorder 2” did not make full use of the charm of the sound source. The nostalgic release was “VIP DISHED JOINT” released from THE SHAVED DISC, but it has a state of feeling like a picture-perfect cassette. In addition, the sound board appeared around the same time, so it was a tragic release that was not even dealt with by maniacs. Now that another sound source on the same day is evaluated from the aspect as a material, it was not understood at all in 1995 when it was released.
Therefore, it became a sound source that was completely overlooked, but two types of audience recordings that were strangely released at a similar time were eaten before the sound board, so Waz From It makes sense that Oz first released the master of “Recorder 1” first. In fact, last year’s “Recorder 1” master was in a wonderful state that didn’t matter about items released in the past, but when it comes to the upper feeling this time.
Since the release of “VIP DISHED JOINT” (hereinafter referred to as “existing board”) itself was nearly 30 years ago, there may have been many people who have never heard of it, but A level that makes you lose your waist if you listen to and compare your maniacs. “Recorder 2” is already released, but the sound quality that you would have felt was “the sound is close, but if it was recorded in 1973, it would be like this”. .

Of course, since the sound is close, there are many places where the performance is saturated (Waz From Oz said that the sound was louder than the ZEP Sydney performance I saw a year ago), and at the beginning of the live, it is an impression that stands out. Rather, it looks powerful. In the first place, the sound quality itself was muffled due to the dropout of the generation on the already released board, but as expected, the master of this time, not only the first skin but also the second skin (depending on how you listen to it, the third skin) has an overwhelming clear upper feeling. In addition, the subtle sound distortion that is presumed to have occurred while overlapping Gene is gone, and it is finally easy to hear. Of course the pitch is correct.
In that case, the intro of “Rock Off” has a really rough and raw texture. A level that seems to make me delusional. Also, in “Recorder 1”, this song and “Love In Vain” were roaring, but fortunately the balance that you can hear them from behind is also an advantage of “Recorder 2”. It seems that it is easy to imagine from the closeness of the basic sound image, but it seems that this was clearly recorded at a position before “Recorder 1”.

Since it is a performance where two titles have already been released recently, this time it has become an introductory sentence that closes up only the sound quality side rather than the performance content, but this time it has also achieved a dramatic improvement in sound quality. Because I want to convey the upper feeling of. Of course, as long as there is a sound board, it is true that this time it is basically a sound source for maniacs, but there is no doubt that maniacs will be excited by this upper feeling.
And the sound source from the master cassette has just been released on the Internet on Sunday, but as you can see from the fact that the release of the limited press CD was announced at this timing, this time it is mastered on its own route without going through the Internet. Realize the fastest press CD release after obtaining a copy from!

★ Achieved the fastest press CD release after obtaining a copy from the master through our own route without going through the Internet!

★ The sound is overwhelmingly closer than last year’s release “SYDNEY 1973 1ST NIGHT” (Recorder 1), clear and direct! ! This is a must-listen! ! !

★Regular jacket, color, and cover versions feature live photos from the day

昨年『SYDNEY 1973 1ST NIGHT SOUNDBOARD』と『SYDNEY 1973 1ST NIGHT』の二タイトルで一気にアップグレードを果たしたローリング・ストーンズの1973年シドニー公演初日。特にサウンドボードの陰に隠れがちだった同日のオーディエンス録音の見事なアッパー版として後者のリリースは文字通りマニアを唸らせる結果となってベストセラーに。
これらのリリース時に申しましたように、この日はサウンドボードの決定的存在がある一方でオーディエンス録音が二種類も存在する。それらの内「Recorder 1」のマスター・バージョンをリリースしたのが『SYDNEY 1973 1ST NIGHT』でしたが、元になった音源がWaz From Ozによって公開された際に「ちなみに「Recorder 2」のマスターは来年公開します」と予告されていたのですが、遂にその時がやってまいりました。マニアからすれば「Recorder 1」以上に魅力的な録音状態であったことから、その登場を心待ちにしていた人が多かったのではないでしょうか。
何と言っても「Recorder 2」の魅力は音像の近さ。もちろん『SYDNEY 1973 1ST NIGHT SOUNDBOARD』のダイレクトさの比ではないものの、それでも1973年のモノラル・オーディエンス録音としては間違いなく上位に入るクオリティであり、オーディエンス好きマニアなどにはサウンドボードがあってもなお魅力的かつ楽しめる音源の典型かと。

ところが「Recorder 2」の存在を明らかにしてくれた古のリリースは音源の魅力をフルに活かしたとは言い難いものがあった。その懐かしのリリースはTHE SHAVED DISCからリリースされた『VIP DISHED JOINT』だったのですが、絵に描いたようなジェネ落ちカセット感のある状態。おまけに前後してサウンドボードが登場したものだから、マニアにすら相手にされなかった悲運のリリースとなってしまいます。今でこそ同日の別音源というのは資料としての側面から評価されますが、それがリリースされた1995年にはまるで理解されなかった。
よって完全に見過ごされてしまった音源となってしまったのですが、奇しくも似たような時期にリリースされた二種類のオーディエンス録音はサウンドボードを前に割を食ってしまった訳で、Waz From Ozがまずは「Recorder 1」のマスターから先に公開したというのも合点がいく。実際、昨年の「Recorder 1」マスターは過去にリリースされたアイテムなどまるで問題にしない見事な状態だったのですが、今回のアッパー感ときたら。
もはや『VIP DISHED JOINT』(以下“既発盤”と称します)のリリース自体が30年近く前ですので、それを聞いたことがない方が多くなってしまったかもしれませんが、それをお持ちのマニアが聞き比べたら腰を抜かすレベル。「Recorder 2」が既発盤では「音が近いけど、まあ73年の録音ならこんなものか」と感じていたであろう音質が「コレは凄くイイ!」とマニアに実感してもらえるでしょう。

もちろん音が近い分、演奏が飽和してしまうような個所も少なくなく(Waz From Oz曰く一年前に見たZEPシドニー公演より出音が大きかったと)なおかつライブ序盤ではそれが目立つ印象ですが、むしろ迫力に映るほど。そもそも既発盤ではジェネ落ちによって音質自体がこもってしまいましたが、さすがは今回のマスター、一皮どころか二皮はむけた(聞き方によっては三皮ぐらいも)クリアーなアッパー感も圧倒的。おまけにジェネを重ねる内に生じてしまったと推測される微妙な音ヨレもなくなっていよいよ聞きやすい。当然ピッチは正確。
そうなると「Rock Off」のイントロなどは実に荒々しくて生々しい質感がマシマシで、もし当日の会場に居たらこんな音が会場に鳴り響いていたのではないか?と妄想させてくれそうなレベル。また「Recorder 1」ではこの曲や「Love In Vain」などで怒号が飛び交っていた訳ですが、幸いなことにそれらが後ろから聞こえるようなバランスも「Recorder 2」のアドバンテージ。基本的な音像の近さから容易に想像が付くかと思われますが、こちらは明らかに「Recorder 1」よりも前のポジションで録音された模様。



★昨年リリースの『SYDNEY 1973 1ST NIGHT』(Recorder 1)より圧倒的に音が近く、クリアーでダイレクト!!これは必聴!!!


1. 2000 Light Years From Home Intro
2. Brown Sugar
3. Bitch
4. Rocks Off
5. Gimme Shelter
6. Happy
7. Tumbling Dice
8. Love In Vain
9. Sweet Virginia ★4:01 – 4:07 既発『SYDNEY 1973 1ST NIGHT』(Recorder 1)をイコライズして補填
10. You Can’t Always Get Want You Want
11. Honky Tonk Women
12. All Down The Line
13. Midnight Rambler
14. Band Introductions
15. Little Queenie ★3:23 – 3:28 既発『SYDNEY 1973 1ST NIGHT』(Recorder 1)をイコライズして補填
16. Rip This Joint
17. Jumping Jack Flash
18. Street Fighting Man
19. Land Of Hope And Glory with Fireworks

Non Label

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