Rolling Stones / Las Vegas 2021 / 2CD

Rolling Stones / Las Vegas 2021 / 2CD / Non label
Live at Allegiant Stadium, Las Vegas, NV, USA 6th November 2021

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TAMPA 2021″ finally introduces the highest quality audience of the Rolling Stones latest tour, and at the timing when everyone is overwhelmed by the high quality, the best recording again! This time, the Las Vegas performance was held a week after Tampa. Whether the number of taper participants increased as the 2021 version of the “NO FILTER” tour progressed, or whether the enthusiast was inspired by the wonderful quality of the tamper, the sound quality of this audience recording is a level that will be overwhelming again.
It was Daspy knows, who is familiar as a leading taper in the audience recording world in recent years, who released such a superb recording. The recording by his hand seems to have promised high quality, but this time the sound image is close. That’s because Mick’s singing voice is close. It was so strange that it had reached the level of the sound board, and if I just listened to it, maybe the first earmoni recording of this tour appeared? It seems like an illusion. Especially in the first half of the live, the strange closeness of the singing voices such as Mick and chorus corps stands out. When this becomes Keith Corner, it’s as if he’s talking in front of him, such as when he talks to him before he starts.

Because of the closeness of Mick’s voice, which was remarkable at the beginning of such a live performance, it became clear that he could get close to the scene where his singing style was reflected a little weakly in “Rocks Off” played on that day. It’s just like Mick’s devotion to singing low melody, reminiscent of the same song from the “VOODOO LOUNGE” tour, yet with Bernard’s back-up song because he tried to escape to a lower melody than usual. There is even a happening that causes them to collide. Fortunately, Mick’s voice recovered from the latter half of the performance, and considering his age, this may be a surprising revival.
The best proof that he demodulated was the request number of the day, “Ruby Tuesday”. Mick here sings very politely and powerfully. After all, his voice is in a close recording state, so it seems that his breathing will be transmitted. I was really lucky that his song was messed up only in the first half of “Rocks Off” that day.

And in “You Can’t Always Get What You Want”, the development of replies is extremely hot, and Mick also shouts the ending. In addition, as soon as the performance is over, Mick’s joy of recovering from the previous turbulence seems to be overflowing from the place where he shouts “fuckin’amazing Las Vegas!”. By the way, a woman who screams the chorus appears only in the first half of this song, but the badness there is not a big balance unexpectedly, and it is fortunate that it stops in the middle.
As the live progressed, the sound output at the venue would have become more balanced, and from around this song, not only the vocal team centered on Mick, but also the sound image of the entire performance was greatly improved. The sound of the cowbell and Keith’s guitar in the “Honky Tonk Women” intro is also close to vivid. Thanks to this sound image, Steve’s drumming in “Start Me Up”, which made me feel uncomfortable with Charlie’s live pattern, is not that of the live, but it seems that it followed the studio version. .. In addition to that, the unnaturalness that was initially present has been greatly diminished by managing the number of live concerts.

The 2021 version of the “NO FILTER” tour was approaching the final stage at the earliest, and I think it was a good balance between the tension of the first tour that was carried out after Charlie’s death and the way he played. It’s also thrilling to see Mick put in an ad-lib narrative during Darryl Jones’ bass solo on “Miss You,” and the sound image is so close that it sounds fresh again. The excitement of the band as a whole in the finale “Satisfaction” is really vivid, and it conveys the rugged feel of Keith’s guitar.
Is Mick in Vegas okay, such as those who saw “Rocks Off” in the video that appeared before the sound source on this day? You would have thought. However, the figure of him who recovered quickly and sang powerfully is clearly recorded. The performance of the band that supports Mick is also reliable. After all, the sound quality is outstanding on top of the powerful sound image, so you can understand how it looks. Following the popular Tampa, the audience album of the best sound source will be released on the limited press CD again from the latest Stones tour!

★ Ultra-high sound quality board that exceeds TAMPA and can only be heard on a sound board. This is a surprise! !!

「TAMPA 2021」で遂にローリング・ストーンズ最新ツアーの最高音質オーディエンスが登場、そのクオリティの高さに誰もが圧倒されているというタイミングでまたしても驚きの極上録音が!今回はタンパの一週間後に行われたラスベガス公演。2021年版「NO FILTER」ツアーが進むにつれてテーパー参戦者が増えてきたのでしょうか、あるいはタンパの素晴らしいクオリティにマニアが感化されたのか、とにかく今回のオーディエンス録音の音質がまた度肝を抜かされるレベル。

そんなライブ序盤で顕著なミックの声の近さゆえ、この日演奏された「Rocks Off」で彼の歌い方がちょっと力なく映ってしまう場面まで手に寄るように分かってしまう。それはちょうどミックが低いメロディを歌うことに専心していた「VOODOO LOUNGE」ツアーの同曲を彷彿とさせるかのようであり、それでいていつもと違い低いメロディに逃げようとしたせいでバックアップのバーナードの歌とかち合ってしまうハプニングまであるほど。幸いにも演奏後半からミックの声が復調、彼の年齢を考えればこれは驚きの復活ぶりではないかと。
彼が復調してくれた何よりの証拠がこの日のリクエスト・ナンバーであった「Ruby Tuesday」。ここでのミックは実に丁寧に、しかも力強く歌い上げてくれる。何しろ彼の声が近い録音状態ですので、その息遣いまで伝わってきそうなほど。この日、彼の歌の乱れが「Rocks Off」の前半だけで済んだのは本当にラッキーでした。

そして「You Can’t Always Get What You Want」ではリプライズの展開が激アツで、ミックもエンディングをシャウトしまくり。おまけに演奏が終わるやいなや「fuckin’ amazing Las Vegas!」と叫んでいるところからも、先の乱調からすぐに立ち直れたミックの喜びが溢れているかのよう。ちなみにこの曲の前半でだけ、コーラスを絶叫する女性が現れてしまいますが、そこでの悪目立ち具合は思いのほか大きなバランスではなく、しかも途中で止んでくれるのが不幸中の幸い。
さらにライブが進むにつれて会場の出音もバランスが良くなったのでしょう、この曲辺りからはミックを中心としたボーカル陣だけでなく演奏全体の音像もグッとアップ。「Honky Tonk Women」イントロのカウベルやキースのギターの音も生々しいまでの近さ。この音像のおかげでチャーリーのライブ・パターンのとの違和感が気になった「Start Me Up」でのスティーブのドラミングがライブのそれではなく、なるほどスタジオ・バージョンを踏襲していたものだと気づかされます。そこに加えてライブの本数をこなしてきたことで当初あった不自然さもだいぶ薄れてきたものです。

早いもので2021年版「NO FILTER」ツアーも終盤に差し掛かり、チャーリー亡き後に敢行された初のツアーという緊張感と演奏のこなれ方がいいバランスとなってきたのではないでしょうか。「Miss You」でダリル・ジョーンズのベース・ソロの最中でミックがアドリブの語りを入れる場面もスリリングですし、そこでも音像が近いのでこれまた生々しく聞こえてくる。フィナーレの「Satisfaction」におけるバンド一丸となった盛り上がりがまた実に生々しく、キースのギターの無骨な感触まで伝わってくるほど。
この日は音源より先に出回った動画で「Rocks Off」を見られた方など、ベガスでのミックは大丈夫か?と思われたことでしょう。ところがどっこい、素早く立ち直って力強く歌い切った彼の姿が克明に記録されている。そんなミックを支えるバンドの演奏ぶりも頼もしい。何しろド迫力な音像の上、音質がまた抜群なので、その様子までもが手に取るように分かってしまう。大好評タンパに続いて、ストーンズ最新ツアーからまたしても極上音源のオーディエンス・アルバムが限定プレスCDにてリリース!



Disc 1 (70:28)
1. Intro
2. Street Fighting Man
3. It’s Only Rock ‘n Roll
4. 19th Nervous Breakdown
5. Words For Charlie
6. Tumbling Dice
7. Rocks Off
8. Ruby Tuesday
9. You Can’t Always Get What You Want
10. Living in a Ghost Town
11. Start Me Up
12. Honky Tonk Women
13. Band Introductions
14. Connection
15. Happy

Disc 2 (60:39)
1. Miss You
2. Midnight Rambler
3. Paint It Black
4. Sympathy for the Devil
5. Jumping Jack Flash
6. Gimme Shelter
7. Satisfaction

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