Rolling Stones / Hollywood 2021 / 2CD

Rolling Stones / Hollywood 2021 / 2CD / Non label
Hard Rock Live at Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino, Hollywood, FL, USA 23rd November 2021

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In addition to Austin, which will be released at the same time this time, Dan also recorded at the venue in the Hard Rock Hotel in Hollywood, which is also the tour’s Chiakigaku. His participation in two shows in a row has been successful, and the quality is so high that it surpasses Austin, which had a really wonderful sound quality. Just by playing the BGM of the Charlie Tribute video that was sent to the venue before the Stones appeared, it was a sound image that I could be sure that “this is close”, and if the performance starts from there, it will be tremendous power. As if the tapers were inspired by the popular “LAS VEGAS 2021” on sale, the situation was such that the best sound quality audience was fired in the latter half of the tour.
In addition, the last day of the tour … On the contrary, it was the finale of the tour that was carried out for the first time in the absence of Charlie, and it was also the first tour that was carried out in the situation where vaccination was adopted while the corona was widespread. I think the joy of completing it was a great joy for them, even in the fact that it was a tour that a new chapter still visited in the live history of Stones that will continue.

Because the sound image is close, that kind of joy is transmitted to me, but from the opening “Street Fighting Man”, Mick is enthusiastic. In the absence of Charlie, the development of two consecutive Brian period repertoires from there suddenly brought back the Brian period number when I started the tour with Steve as a substitute. This would have been a fresh surprise to the members, and eventually the pattern of “Let’s Spend the Night Together” and “19th Nervous Breakdown” being played in quick succession became established.
The performance of these two songs is really wonderful on this day as well. Both songs are surprisingly powerful, yet full of momentum. In the latter case, the vocal part where the chorus corps and Keith are intertwined can be heard in detail. The sound quality is so good that you can feel the vibrancy from the reborn performance to the overflowing liveliness. When the latter is over, Mick’s familiar memorial comment for Charlie pops out, but this is also a high tension unique to the last day of the tour. However, Austin was more enthusiastic about the flow of “Tumbling Dice” from Charlie Cole who boiled up from the audience.

Even so, the sound image is really on for the second audience recording by Dan. The piano and organ sounds of “You Can’t Always Get What You Want” are completely soundboards.
Mick in this performance is in great shape again, leading the performance to a reply with plenty of room. To tell the truth, there is no rare repertoire on this day even though it is the last day of the tour, and if you look only at the set list, you may think that it is a futuristic day with only the repertoire you are accustomed to. However, when you actually listen to it, you may be reminded that the great performance suitable for the final day of the tour is the best sound source captured with the best sound quality.
The joy that the new Stones with Steve were able to carry out the tour safely even under the corona is overflowing on the stage centering on Mick. As for “Midnight Rambler”, it was seen in Austin that Ronnie aggressively played and attacked as if to support Steve who finally started to grasp the “knack of fanning” at the end of the tour. Escalate like the last day of the tour. When Steve came to Ronnie, the performance went out of control so much that Mick would say, “Take it to that area.”
Although it was also a Brian period repertoire, it was undeniable that it was played too much as a classic for many years, but this tour that Steve brought back to life at once, the violent momentum like the last performance accelerated. Before the start of the tour, the 2021 version of the “NO FILTER” tour was worried about what would happen if it started with the great sadness of losing Charlie, but when it was over, it was so fulfilling that it seemed to be the best after 2017. Live music was played every night. A masterpiece suitable for the final day with the best sound quality!

今回同時リリースとなるオースティンだけでなく、ダンさんはツアーの千秋楽でもあるハリウッドはハードロック・ホテル内にある会場でも録音を敢行してくれました。彼の2ショー連続参戦という事が見事に功を奏しており、実に素晴らしい音質だったオースティンをも超えてしまうほどのクオリティ。ストーンズ登場前に会場へ流されるチャーリー・トリビュートの映像のBGMが流れただけで「こ、これは近いぞ」と確信できるほどの音像でして、そこから演奏が始まれば凄まじいまでの迫力。まるで大好評発売中の「LAS VEGAS 2021」を聞いてテーパーたちが触発されたかのごとく、ツアー後半になって極上音質オーディエンスが連発される状況となってきました。

何しろ音像が近いので、そうした喜びもひしひしと伝わってくるのですが、オープニング「Street Fighting Man」からしてミックは気合が入りまくっている。そこからのブライアン期レパートリー二連発という展開はチャーリー不在の中、スティーブという代役を立ててツアーをいざ始めてみれば、突如としてブライアン期のナンバーが息を吹き返した。これにはメンバーも新鮮な驚きだったのでしょう、果ては「Let’s Spend the Night Together」と「19th Nervous Breakdown」が立て続けに演奏されるというパターンが定着する事態にまで発展。
これら二曲の演奏はこの日も実に素晴らしい。どちらの曲もびっくりするくらい力強く、それでいて勢いに溢れている。後者に至ってはミックにコーラス隊とキースが絡み合うボーカルパートがつぶさに聞き取れてしまう。そこまで音質が極上ですので、生まれ変わった演奏から溢れんばかりの活気までも生々しく伝わってくる。後者が終わるとミックによるおなじみチャーリー追悼コメントが飛び出すのですが、ここもツアー最終日ならではなハイテンション。もっとも客席から沸き上がったチャーリー・コールからの「Tumbling Dice」という流れに関してはオースティンの方がキマッていましたが。

それにしてもダンによる二つ目のオーディエンス録音は本当に音像がオン。「You Can’t Always Get What You Want」で鳴らされるピアノやオルガンの音色と言ったら、もはや完全にサウンドボード。
そうしてスティーブを配した新生ストーンズがコロナ下においても無事にツアーを遂行できた喜びがミックを中心としてステージ上に溢れかえっている。「Midnight Rambler」に関してはツアーが終盤を迎えてようやく「煽りのコツ」を掴み始めたスティーブをサポートするかのごとくロニーがアグレッシブに弾いて攻めまくるという光景はオースティンでも見られましたが、そこはツアー最終日らしくエスカレート。そんなロニーにスティーブがさらに食らいついてきたところでミックが「もうその辺にしといて」と収めてしまうほど演奏が暴走したのでした。
そして同じくブライアン期レパートリーでありながら、長年の定番として演奏されすぎた感が否めなかった「Paint It Black」に関してもスティーブによって一気に息を吹き返した本ツアー、最後の演奏らしく激しい勢いが加速。ツアー開始前はチャーリーを失うという大きな悲しみを背負ったままスタートしたことでどうなることかと杞憂された2021年版「NO FILTER」ツアーですが、いざ終わってみれば2017年以降においてベストではと思えるほど充実したライブ演奏が毎晩繰り広げられました。その最終日に相応しい名演を最高の音質で!


Disc 1 (60:49)
1. Intro
2. Street Fighting Man
3. Let’s Spend the Night Together
4. 19th Nervous Breakdown
5. Words For Charlie
6. Tumbling Dice
7. You Can’t Always Get What You Want
8. Living in a Ghost Town
9. Start Me Up
10. Honky Tonk Women
11. Band Introductions
12. Connection
13. Slipping Away

Disc 2 (64:43)
1. Miss You
2. Midnight Rambler
3. Paint It Black
4. Sympathy for the Devil
5. Jumping Jack Flash
6. Gimme Shelter
7. Satisfaction

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