Rolling Stones / Austin 2021 / 2CD

Rolling Stones / Austin 2021 / 2CD / Non label
Circuit of the Americas, Austin, TX, USA 20th November 2021

Play sample :

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The 2021 “NO FILTER” tour was successfully completed with Steve Jordan as a pinch hitter in the absence of a member who was too big to be “Charlie’s death” more than Corona. The power of the new wind that Steve blew into the band is enormous, despite the situation of “Stones without Charlie”. As a result, it seems that many repertoires have come back to life, and the result has been praised from all over the world and praised as “I want you to continue the tour as much as possible”. And Steve, of course, but the fact that the performances were filled with something like a statement of determination to the three surviving members who decided to continue the Stones live tour while Charlie was lost, made this tour very much. I think it was wonderful.
From such a latest tour, the final two performances will be released on a limited press CD this time. First of all, a performance at the Circuit of the Americas (COTA) in Austin. As you can see from the venue name, this is a circuit used for motor sports, and the F1 America Grand Prix will be held on October 24th, and Billy Joel’s concert will be held the next day. It has become an American venue that has been actively used as an event venue since autumn.

Under these circumstances, Stones also descended to COTA on November 20th. On this day, the free gift CD-R “CIRCUIT OF THE AMERICAS 2021” had already appeared a little earlier, but some songs were missing, and above all, it was like the webcast sound of the 2000s. Due to the rough recording with a narrow range of sound quality, it was treated as a free gift even though it was the fastest release.
However, this new sound source is like a superb audience of another dimension. Ultra recording at a level that is thin to the prestigious “LAS VEGAS 2021” with that book tour top. That means that you can expect a masterpiece of sound image, but while that was a balance centered on Mick’s singing voice, this one feels a little closer to the whole performance. As a result, it is exceptional to be able to hear “Connection”, which became the representative repertoire of the 2021 “NO FILTER” tour, with this powerful sound image.
In addition, Keith Corner on this day also has a special development called “You Got The Silver” from the same song. It is standard for his part to fix the first song and change the second song daily, but Keith seems to be interested in it from the place where he came here and showed a new repertoire. I can ask. Regrettably, it seems that someone talked to Mr. Dan, the taper who was recording during this song, and he was angry but upset and the sound image shook, saying “Don’t talk to me!” It is a flaw in the ball that it will be put away. However, his upset is so real that it’s interesting to hear this (laughs).

Also, on this tour, “It’s Only Rock’n Roll”, which was unexpectedly infrequently played, has appeared, and “Let It Bleed”, which has been played since Charlotte at the beginning of the tour, is being played lightly. It may be a good example that Steve’s play has become more suitable even in such an acoustic repertoire.
More notable is the MC dedicated to Charlie by Mick, which has become an annual event every night on this tour. When he told the audience that day, Charlie Cole boiled up from them, and Steve, who was quick and quick, rhythmed to Charlie Cole, and from that excitement to “Tumbling Dice” snow. The scene that collapses is goose bumps. Still, Charlie Cole does not have a jarring balance around him, and the sense of presence that slowly rushes in from the surroundings is exquisite. Since the sound quality is excellent in the first place, you can enjoy this scene with a really realistic texture, and it can be said that this is the ultimate scene that symbolizes this tour.
And in front of “Paint It Black”, Mick expressed his gratitude to the people involved in the tour, which seems to be the end of the tour, but the situation is high tension. It’s good to see his joy that the tour is ending successfully even in the situation of Charlie’s absence. In addition, after “Midnight Rambler”, the power of the rough guitar played by Keith is also overwhelming. Please enjoy the circuit show with the upper atmosphere from beginning to end with the best sound quality!

コロナ以上に「チャーリー逝去」という大きすぎるメンバー不在の中で代打スティーブ・ジョーダンを迎えて敢行された2021年版「NO FILTER」ツアーは無事に完遂されました。「チャーリー不在のストーンズ」という状況にもめげず、スティーブがバンドに吹き込んだ新たな風の威力は絶大。結果として多くのレパートリーが息を吹き返したかのようですらあり、世界中から称賛の声と「これからも可能な限りツアーを続行してもらいたい」と激賞される結果となりました。それにスティーブはもちろんですが、チャーリーを失った中でストーンズのライブ・ツアーを継続させるという存命メンバー三人に決意表明のようなものが演奏からひしひしと溢れていたことが、今回のツアーを非常に素晴らしいものとしたのではないでしょうか。

こうした中でストーンズも11月20日にCOTAへ降臨。この日に関しては既に無料ギフトCD-R「CIRCUIT OF THE AMERICAS 2021」が一足先にお目見えしていましたが、いくつかの楽曲に欠損が生じていた上、何より2000年代のウェブキャスト音声のようなレンジの狭い音質という荒くれ録音だったせいで、最速リリースでありながらも無料ギフト扱いとなってしまったのでした。
ところが今回の新たな音源はまるで別次元の極上オーディエンス。あの本ツアートップとの誉れ高き「LAS VEGAS 2021」に肉薄するレベルのウルトラ・レコーディング。ということは圧巻の音像が期待できる訳ですが、あちらがミックの歌声を中心としたバランスだったのに対し、こちらはもう少し演奏全体から迫りくる感じ。結果的に2021年版「NO FILTER」ツアーを代表するレパートリーとなった「Connection」をこの迫力の音像で聞けるというのは格別。
おまけにこの日のキース・コーナーは同曲からの「You Got The Silver」というスペシャルな展開も。彼のパートは始めの一曲を固定にして二曲目を日替わりにするというのが定型ですが、ここに来て新たなレパートリーを組み込んで見せたところからもキースがその気になっている様子が伺えます。惜しむらくは本曲の最中に録音していたテーパー、ダン氏に向かって誰かかが話しかけてしまったようで、彼が「俺に話しかけるな!」と怒りつつも動揺して音像が揺れてしまうというのが玉に瑕。とはいえ、氏の動揺ぶりがあまりにもリアルですので、これはこれで聞いていて面白い(笑)

また今回のツアーでは意外なほど演奏頻度の低かった「It’s Only Rock ‘n Roll」が登場し、さらにはツアー序盤のシャーロット以来となる「Let It Bleed」が軽やかに演奏されています。こうしたアコースティック・レパートリーでもスティーブのプレイがしっくりくるようになってきたという好例でもあるのでは。
それ以上に特筆すべきは今回のツアーにおいて毎晩恒例となったミックによるチャーリーへ捧げるMC。この日も彼がその旨をオーディエンスに伝えると、彼らからチャーリー・コールが沸き上がり、すかさず機転を利かせたスティーブがチャーリー・コールに合わせてリズムを刻み、その盛り上がりから「Tumbling Dice」へと雪崩れ込む場面は鳥肌モノ。それでいてチャーリー・コールが周囲で耳障りなバランスになることもなく、周りからゆっくり押し寄せて来る臨場感がまた絶品。そもそも音質が優秀ですので、本当にリアルな質感でこの場面が楽しめますし、これぞ今回のツアーを象徴する極めつけの場面だと言えるのではないでしょうか。
そして「Paint It Black」の前ではツアー終盤らしくミックがツアー関係者への感謝を述べるのですが、その様子がハイテンション。チャーリー不在という手負いの状況でもツアーが成功裏に終わりつつあるという彼の喜びようがひしひしと伝わってくるのがイイ。おまけに「Midnight Rambler」以降はキースが鳴らすざっくりとしたギターの迫力も圧巻。そんな終始アッパーな雰囲気のサーキット・ショーを極上音質にてじっくりとお楽しみください!


Disc 1 (66:55)
1. Intro
2. Street Fighting Man
3. It’s Only Rock ‘n Roll
4. 19th Nervous Breakdown
5. Words For Charlie
6. Tumbling Dice
7. Let It Bleed
8. You Can’t Always Get What You Want
9. Living in a Ghost Town
10. Start Me Up
11. Honky Tonk Women
12. Band Introductions
13. Connection
14. You Got the Silver

Disc 2 (61:39)
1. Miss You
2. Midnight Rambler
3. Paint It Black
4. Sympathy for the Devil
5. Jumping Jack Flash
6. Gimme Shelter
7. Satisfaction

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