Rainbow / Stockholm 1982 / 4CDR

Rainbow / Stockholm 1982 / 4CDR / Shades
Live at Johanneshovs Isstadion, Stockholm, Sweden 6th November 1982

Play sample :

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The European leg of the “STRAIGHT BETWEEN THE EYES Tour” has become an unexpected blind spot, with only North America and Japan attracting attention. A valuable first appearance recording is newly discovered. It is a release decision with the coupling specification with the conventional best master.
Two records of one show are imbued in this work. It is a 4-disc set with the traditional Odins recording of “November 6, 1982 Stockholm performance” on DISC 1-2 and the new excavation master on DISC 3-4. Speaking of the symbol of “STRAIGHT BETWEEN THE EYES Tour”, above all, the official video of the San Antonio performance. First, let’s check the positional relationship between each other from the activity overview.

・ May 7-June 9: North America #1a (20 performances)
《“Blow from Darkness” Released on June 10》
・ June 10-June 29: North America #1b (16 performances)
・ July 10-August 21: North America # 2 (28 performances) ← * Official footage
・ October 12-22: Japan (8 performances)
・October 29-December 3: Europe (23 performances) ← Coco

This is RAINBOW in 1982. The official video was a North American tour shortly after the album was released, but the Stockholm performance of this work is a record of the final “European” leg. Speaking of “STRAIGHT BETWEEN THE EYES Tour” not only in official videos but also in audience recordings, the main ones are North American tours and Japan tours. “Europe” has a small number itself, and there are only a handful of records that can be said to be masterpieces to this day. It’s also a good opportunity, so let’s organize the “European” leg collection that we have introduced here in our store.

・October 29-November 2 (3 performances)
・November 3 “STRAIGHT BETWEEN FINLAND (video)”
・ November 5: Copenhagen performance
・November 6th: Stockholm performance ← This work
・ November 8-28 (14 performances)
・November 30 “BARCELONA 1982”
・December 1 + 3 (2 performances)

[DISC 1-2: Traditional ultra-clear recording from legendary LP] All 23 performances above. This work was a concert corresponding to the 6th performance in the early stage. As a matter of fact, this show has long been known for its name recording and has been loved as a valuable live album that conveys the “European” leg. DISC1-2 of this work is the best version of such a storytelling sound source. A live album precisely digitized from the legendary 2-disc LP “BRAINSTORM (Stock 821106)”.
“That sound is truly legendary.” As a matter of fact, when the playback starts, I hear a distorted Swedish announcement that makes me feel uncomfortable, but the deterioration is only at the beginning. When “Land Of Hope And Glory” starts, it will improve while you say areyoareyo, and without waiting for “Over The Rainbow”, it will quickly turn into a superlative sound like an FM broadcast.
And then paradise at once. There is no dust such as a sense of distance in the on and powerful core, and the fine details and separate feeling are just like FM broadcasting. Especially great are Joe’s vocals and Richie’s guitar. The singing voice is clear not only for each word of the lyrics, but also for the nuances contained therein. Exactly the “European” leg … No, it is one of the best recordings in the “STRAIGHT BETWEEN THE EYES Tour” total.

[DISC 3-4: Another recording of the newly discovered power system] Although the “BRAINSTORM” sound is indescribably wonderful, some people may have experienced it only with traditional famous sound sources. On the other hand, what is recorded on DISC3-4 is a new sound source that has just been discovered.
To tell the truth, it’s not as beautiful as the “BRAINSTORM” master, but on the contrary, the charm of this one is the liveliness and full of power. To be honest, the power just before the roaring sound seems to overwhelm me, but it’s only the beginning. The sound image begins to settle from around the third song “I Surrender”, and it becomes easier to hear as the show progresses one song after another. Especially the vocals are wonderful. Actually, even at the stage of pushing the power at the beginning, only Joe’s singing voice is captured strangely clearly and beautifully, and even its breathing is clear. Even if the song is a little broken, you can listen to it smoothly when the song comes in, and as the sound improves, you can feel the tension and the expression of the tone of the voice beautifully.
Moreover, this work is the pinnacle of such new recordings. The net original sound has been mastered, and the part that was missing in the recording was compensated with the “BRAINSTORM” master of DISC 1-2. On the contrary, it is also a point that the keyboard solo that could not be heard on the “BRAINSTORM” master is about 4 minutes and 15 seconds long.

A traditional beautiful recording that has been famous since the analog era, and a new power recording that has just been discovered. It is a gorgeous set of new and old recordings that are completely different in personality and background. Despite the same performance, the super unique hidden treasures sound like a different concert. Please enjoy this work to your heart’s content.

* A 4-disc set that includes two types of audience recordings from “November 6, 1982 in Stockholm”. DISC 1-2 is a meticulously digitized product from the legendary 2-disc LP “BRAINSTORM”, with a superb sound like an FM broadcast. On the other hand, DISC 3-4 is another recording that was newly discovered recently, and the key point is that the keyboard solo, which was not heard on DISC 1-2, is about 4 minutes and 15 seconds long, although it has a strong power sound. A gorgeous set of new and old recordings that is so unique that it sounds like a different concert.

北米や日本ばかりが注目され、意外な盲点となっている“STRAIGHT BETWEEN THE EYES Tour”の欧州レッグ。貴重な初登場録音が新発掘。従来ベスト・マスターとのカップリング仕様でリリース決定です。
 そんな本作に吹き込まれているのは1つのショウの2つの記録。「1982年11月6日ストックホルム公演」の伝統オーディンス録音をDISC 1-2に、新発掘マスターをDISC 3-4に配した4枚組です。“STRAIGHT BETWEEN THE EYES Tour”の象徴と言えば、何よりサンアントニオ公演の公式映像。まずは、活動概要から互いの位置関係を確かめてみましょう。
 これが1982年のRAINBOW。公式映像はアルバムの発売間もない北米ツアーでしたが、本作のストックホルム公演は最終盤の「欧州」レッグの記録。公式映像だけでなく、オーディエンス録音でも“STRAIGHT BETWEEN THE EYES Tour”と言えば北米ツアーや来日物がメイン。「欧州」は本数自体が少なく、現在に至るも傑作と言える記録は指折り数えるほどしかありません。良い機会でもありますので、ここで当店でご紹介してきた「欧州」レッグ・コレクションを日程で整理しておきましょう。
・11月6日:ストックホルム公演 ←★本作★
・11月30日『BARCELONA 1982』
【DISC 1-2:伝説LPから起こされた伝統の超クリア録音】
 以上の全23公演。本作はその序盤の6公演目にあたるコンサートでした。実のところ、このショウは古くから名録音が知られ、「欧州」レッグを伝える貴重なライヴアルバムとして愛されてきました。本作のDISC1-2は、そんな語り部音源のベスト・バージョン。伝説の2枚組LP『BRAINSTORM(Stock 821106)』から精緻にデジタル化されたライヴアルバムです。
 そのサウンドは、さすが伝説。実のところ、再生が始まるとフニャフニャに歪んだスウェーデン語のアナウンスが聞こえてきてイヤな予感しかしないのですが、その劣化は冒頭だけ。「Land Of Hope And Glory」が始まるとあれよあれよと言う間に改善していき、「Over The Rainbow」を待たずしてFM放送かのような極上級サウンドに早変わりするのです。
 そして、その後は一気にパラダイス。オンで力強い芯には距離感など微塵もなく、細やかなディテールやセパレート感はそれこそFM放送並み。特に素晴らしいのはジョーのヴォーカルとリッチーのギター。歌声は歌詞の一語一語どころか、そこに込められたニュアンスまで克明で、ギターはちょっとしたピッキングニュアンスもアーミングの幅も目に浮かぶよう。まさしく「欧州」レッグを……いえ、“STRAIGHT BETWEEN THE EYES Tour”トータルでも指折りの名録音なのです。
【DISC 3-4:新発掘されたパワー系の別録音】
 実のところ『BRAINSTORM』マスターほど美しくはないのですが、逆にこちらの魅力は瑞々しさとパワーで溢れ返った躍動感。正直言って轟音一歩手前のパワーに気圧されそうなるのですが、それは序盤だけ。3曲目の「I Surrender」辺りから音像が落ち着き始め、1曲また1曲とショウが進むほどに聴きやすくなっていく。特にヴォーカルが素晴らしい。実は冒頭のパワー押しの段階でもジョーの歌声だけは妙にくっきりキレイに捉えられ、その息づかいまで鮮明。割れ気味の曲でも歌が入るとすんなりと聴けますし、音が良くなっていくに連れてその張りや声色の表情まで美しく感じられるのです。
 しかも、本作はそんな新録音の最高峰にあたるもの。ネット原音をマスタリングで整えており、録音漏れになっていたパートもDISC 1-2の『BRAINSTORM』マスターで補填。逆に、『BRAINSTORM』マスターでは聴けなかったキーボード・ソロが約4分15秒長いのもポイントです。
★「1982年11月6日ストックホルム公演」のオーディエンス録音2種をセットした4枚組。DISC 1-2は伝説の2枚組LP『BRAINSTORM』から精緻にデジタル化された銘品で、FM放送かのような極上級サウンド。もう一方のDISC 3-4は最近になって新発掘された別録音で、パワー系の押しの強いサウンドながらDISC 1-2では聴けなかったキーボード・ソロが約4分15秒長いのもポイント。まるで別コンサートのように聞こえるほど超個性派な新旧録音の豪華セットです。
Recorder 1
Taken from the 2 LPs “Brainstorm”(Stock Records, 821106)
Disc 1(53:18)
1. Intro.
2. Land Of Hope And Glory
3. Over The Rainbow
4 Spotlight Kid
5. Miss Mistreated
6. I Surrender
7. Can’t Happen Here
8. Tearin’ Out My Heart
9. All Night Long
10. Stone Cold
11. The Blues
12. Power
Disc 2(48:11)
1. Difficult To Cure
2. Guitar & Drum Duo
3. Drum Solo
4. Long Live Rock ‘N’ Roll
5. Maybe Next Time
6. Since You Been Gone
7. Smoke On The Water
8. Kill The King / A Light In The Black / Long Live Rock ‘N’ Roll(reprise)
9. Over The Rainbow
Recorder 2
Disc 3 (55:43)
1. Intro.
2. Land Of Hope And Glory
3. Over The Rainbow
4 Spotlight Kid
5. Miss Mistreated
6. I Surrender
7. Can’t Happen Here
8. Tearin’ Out My Heart
9. Lazy Intro.
10. All Night Long
11. Child In Time Intro.
12. Stone Cold
13. The Blues
14. Power
Disc 4 (54:59)
1. Difficult To Cure
2. keyboard solo
3. Difficult To Cure (reprise)
4. Guitar & Drum Duo
5. Drum Solo
6. Long Live Rock ‘N’ Roll
7. Maybe Next Time
8. Since You Been Gone
9. Smoke On The Water
10. Kill The King / A Light In The Black
11. Long Live Rock ‘N’ Roll(reprise)
12. Over The Rainbow
Ritchie Blackmore – guitar
Joe Lynn Turner – lead vocals
Roger Glover – bass, backing vocals
Bobby Rondinelli – drums
David Rosenthal – keyboards, backing vocals

Shades 1677

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