Quiet Riot / Bang Thy Head / 1DVDR

Quiet Riot / Bang Thy Head / 1DVDR / Non Label

Taken From The Original US Lasder Disc(CBS Fox Video 3541-80) PRO-SHOT

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Frankie Banali dies on August 20, 2020. He was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer in April last year and died at the age of 68 after 16 months of fighting illness. Also known as a Japanese connoisseur, he was deeply devoted to Bushido and Zen and loved the tea ceremony in his last days. It is said that his last stage was “LED ZEPPELIN REVIVAL SHOW 2019” Back To Knebworth 1979 “” which came to Japan in December last year while he was fighting illness.
Frankie has participated in various bands / projects, but it is undoubtedly QUIET RIOT that was the most successful and made his name known to the world. In memory of him, the phantom official video work that reminds us of the golden age is reprinted.

[The highest level of visual beauty in history realized because it is an extremely rare laser disc] The official work is “BANG THY HEAD” ……, but many of you may not know it. This video work is a home video released in 1986, which was predominant in the metal scene. This is a video compilation of promo clips produced from 3 pieces of “METAL HEALTH”, “CONDITION CRITICAL” and “QR III”. It’s a style of video work that has become widespread with the spread of VCRs, but for some reason this work has not been released in Japan. There were only a few imported discs on the market. Moreover, this work is the highest peak version that has been precisely digitized from the extremely rare laser disc.
After all, speaking of laser discs at that time, the deck was still around 100,000 yen, and the catchphrase of “records with pictures” was also fresh. Furthermore, it is very rare when it comes to imported discs. This work borrows the mint quality board that was owned by the core collector who was buying at that time. We outsourced it to a manufacturer specializing in analog video and made it into a DVD. The quality is just the ultimate. The vivid edges and coloring are super beautiful. Laserdiscs have higher image quality than VHS in terms of resolution, but in addition, playback accuracy with no twist and freshness with no deterioration can not be seen with VHS. Even though it’s an analog image, it’s vivid to the eyes of today’s digital heyday.

[Symbol image of the era when “heavy metal” was the most dazzling] On the contrary, it is a group of masterpiece clips that are the best of the 80’s that are drawn with such visual beauty that is far from the 80’s. Omoto’s “BANG THY HEAD” contained 5 songs, but this work also includes “Twilight Hotel”, which was leaked from the official product. Completely covered clips of “METAL HEALTH”, “CONDITION CRITICAL” and “QR III” in the golden age. What is that lineup …

・ METAL HEALTH: Cum On Feel The Noize / Metal Health (Bang Your Head)
・ CONDITION CRITICAL: Party All Night / Mama Weer All Crazee Now
・ QR III: The Wild And The Young / Twilight Hotel

… And it looks like this. Just by looking at the song title, you can feel the concentration, but it is even more intense with the video. The fluffy hair is disturbed, and the gorgeous American HR pops out one after another. Sound effects and lines are overdubbed in the story-style video, and the members show not only performances but also acting. All of them are full of scent in the 80’s, just like a 30-minute MTV special.
Although the golden age was short, QUIET RIOT in the 1980s definitely symbolized the new music “heavy metal” and reigned as a store clerk in the scene. It is a concentrated piece of the famous song and umami with a video. The supreme video work spelled out with the highest peak visual beauty that can be left because it is a laser disc. Please take this opportunity to enjoy yourself.

2020年8月20日、フランキー・バネリ死去。昨年4月に膵臓がんと診断され、16ヶ月の闘病の末に享年68歳で永眠しました。彼は日本通としても知られ、武士道や禅に深く傾倒し、最期の日々も茶の湯を愛した。彼の最後のステージは闘病中だった昨年12月に来日した『LED ZEPPELIN REVIVAL SHOW 2019 “Back To Knebworth 1979”』だったとも言われています。
 フランキーは様々なバンド/プロジェクトに参加してきましたが、もっとも成功し、彼の名を世に知らしめたのは紛れもなくQUIET RIOT。そんな彼を偲び、黄金時代に想いを馳せられる幻のオフィシャル映像作が復刻です。
 その公式作とは『BANG THY HEAD』……と言っても、ご存じない方も多いかも知れません。この映像作は、メタル・シーンの第一人者として一世を風靡していた1986年にリリースされたホームビデオ。『METAL HEALTH』『CONDITION CRITICAL』『QR III』の3枚から制作されたプロモ・クリップを集成した映像コンピレーションです。ビデオデッキの普及と共に広まったスタイルの映像作ですが、この作品はどういうわけか日本発売はナシ。輸入盤がわずかに出回っただけでした。しかも、本作はその中でも激レアなレーザーディスク盤から精緻にデジタル化された最高峰版なのです。
 そんな80年代離れした映像美で描かれるのは、逆に80年代の粋となる傑作クリップ群。大元の『BANG THY HEAD』は5曲入りでしたが、本作では公式品から漏れた「Twilight Hotel」も追加収録。黄金時代『METAL HEALTH』『CONDITION CRITICAL』『QR III』のクリップを完全網羅しました。そのラインナップとは……
・METAL HEALTH:Cum On Feel The Noize/Metal Health (Bang Your Head)
・CONDITION CRITICAL:Party All Night/Mama Weer All Crazee Now
・QR III:The Wild And The Young/Twilight Hotel
 黄金時代は短かったものの、間違いなく新しい音楽“ヘヴィメタル”を象徴し、シーンの調店員君臨していた80年代のQUIET RIOT。その名曲・旨みを映像付きで濃縮した1枚です。レーザーディスクだからこそ残し得た最高峰の映像美で綴る至高の映像作品。どうぞ、この機会にじっくりとお楽しみください。
1. Introduction
2. Cum On Feel The Noize
3. Metal Health (Bang Your Head)
4. Party All Night
5. Mama Weer All Crazee Now
6. The Wild And The Young
7. End Credit
8. Twilight Hotel (Additional Track)
Kevin DuBrow – Vocals
Carlos Cavazo – Guitar
Frankie Banali – Drum
Rudy Sarzo – Bass
Chuck Wright – Bass
30min. Linear PCM Stereo 4:3

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