Queensryche / L’ Amour East 1987 /1CDR+1DVDR

Queensryche / L’ Amour East 1987 /1CDR+1DVDR / Shades

L’Amour East, Queens, NY, USA 13th February 1987

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The “RAGE FOR ORDER” era was a time when the new music “progressive metal” was rapidly evolving, but it was unlucky in terms of recording. Introducing a definitive set that allows you to experience the band’s potential at its peak.
This work contains two superb records of one show. This is a 2-disc audience set that includes the super best full recording of “February 13, 1987 Queens Performance” and the masterpiece video of the same day. After the “THE WARNING” era and the breakout of “OPERATION: MINDCRIME”, official works and various soundboards were abundant, but the “RAGE FOR ORDER” era was a transition period. Although their popularity and musicality steadily evolved, there were few memories of their live performances, and it was a difficult time for them to experience their true potential. This work is a super-decision board that puts an end to such history.
Before we look at the quality, first of all is the position of the show. Let’s take a look back at an overview of our activities at that time.

・March 27th + April 23rd: North America #1 (2 performances)
《“RAGE FOR ORDER” released on June 27th》
・July 31st – October 22nd: North America #2 (60 performances)
・November 24th – December 8th: Europe (12 performances)
・January 23rd – February 21st: North America #3 (16 performances) ←★Here★

This is QUEENSRYCHE in 1986/1987. At the end of 1986, he expanded his legs to Europe, but his main battleground was his homeland of America. The New York performance of this work was the 13th concert of “North America #3”, which is the final version. This work allows you to experience such a show at its finest with a full live album and spectacular images.

[CD: Superb full live album version] The main feature of this work is the superb audience recording. To put it bluntly, it’s like a soundboard…or rather, a “complete soundboard.” The fiercely active core roars without any sense of distance, and if the outline is tight, the details are delicate and the sense of separation is great. During the performance, you can hear lively applause (small), but it feels like an overdub of ambient microphone cheers rather than evidence of the audience. In reality, it seems to be a 100% audience recording, but… In any case, it is a transcendental sound that is more than enough to be used as a “sound board replacement” for the “RAGE FOR ORDER Tour” where neither a sound board nor a pro shot has been found.
What’s more, this work is a top-of-the-line updated version that has been refined with meticulous mastering of such famous recordings. Although it was made into a CD from the best master, the pitch of the original sound on the net was significantly off, and there was a part of “Roads To Madness” missing. This work completely resolves these points. The pitch is just right and the stability is perfect, and missing parts can be supplemented with other recordings of the same recording. We have achieved a complete album that seamlessly runs through the full show.

[DVD: Video version with the same best recording synchronized] Such a full live album alone is a cultural heritage, but this work is also a definitive edition that also includes a video version of the same day. Moreover, this video is also amazing. While shooting from the back of the venue, you can look directly at the stage over the heads of the audience. I can’t say it’s a “perfectly spectacular view,” as passengers sometimes come into view, but the view can be described as “almost perfect.” Moreover, a bold zoom from there. It’s obvious that the use of a tripod gives it a great sense of stability, and I wonder if this is a shot taken by the staff for reference purposes… It’s so amazing that I can’t help but wonder.
It is the powerful audio that strengthens the taste of those involved. Apparently the same transcendent recording as the CD version (the gene seems to be different) is synchronized. In fact, the sense of zero distance in the audio and the sense of distance in the shooting position are so different that my brain feels like it’s going to bug me (bitter smile), but I can’t help but think that the super-excellent sound is bad.

[Authentic club scene where progressive rock and metal were passionately nurtured] This live album and video depicts the scene where the new genre of “progressive metal” was being pioneered. Actually, the recordings are slightly different between the CD version and the DVD version, so let’s organize the sets here.

●The Legend of Fire (6 songs)
・Neue Regel/Surgical Strike/The Whisper/Walk In The Shadows/London/Chemical Youth (We Are Rebellion)
●Others (8 songs + α)
・Queen’s Reich (EP): Queen Of The Reich/Medley (The Lady Wore Black/Nightrider/Blinded)
・The Warning: Warning/No Sanctuary/Roads To Madness/Deliverance/Take Hold Of The Flame (CD version only)
・Other: Rage For Order

…and it looks like this. The CD version is a full set, but the DVD version does not include only the last song “Take Hold Of The Flame”. Unfortunately, it was not a complete video. The name of the song “Rage For Order” may surprise you, but this is the original version of “Anarchy-X” which will be included in the next album “OPERATION: MINDCRIME”.
The set itself is full of “RAGE FOR ORDER” numbers, but what’s even more amazing is the mood of the club gig. The venue, “L’Amour East”, is a club where semi-professional METALLICA has performed (a different venue from Brooklyn), and the complex and dramatic “progressive metal” fills the closed room space. The sight is even strange. Moreover, the excitement of the audience was like thrash metal. The gap between the almost cold melody and the atmosphere is so strong that it almost gives me a headache.
“Progressive metal” has been introduced in Japan through elaborately assembled studio works. However, in the real world, it was evolving passionately behind closed doors, just like thrash and LA metal. In this work, you can experience the scene in the highest quality. Please enjoy this two-disc set, which is a masterpiece as a musical work, and is also a cultural heritage due to its historical surprises.

★A 2-disc audience set that includes a super-excellent full recording of “February 13, 1987 Queens Performance” and a masterpiece video from the same day. The main full recording is a masterpiece that is a “round sound board”, with a fiercely active core that roars without any sense of distance, and if the outline is tight, the details are delicate and the sense of separation is great. The video version was shot from the rear of the venue with a tripod, giving it a strong sense of stability, and synchronized with the same superb recording as the CD version. This is a super definitive board where you can fully experience the “RAGE FOR ORDER Tour” with no soundboard or pro shots found.

新たなる音楽「プログレッシヴ・メタル」を急速に進化させつつ、記録面では不遇だった『RAGE FOR ORDER』時代。絶頂に達したバンド・ポテンシャルを極上体験できる決定盤セットが登場です。
そんな本作に収められているのは、1つのショウの2つの極上記録。「1987年2月13日クイーンズ公演」の超極上フル録音と同日の傑作映像をセットしたオーディエンス2枚組です。『THE WARNING』時代や『OPERATION: MINDCRIME』のブレイク後は公式作品や各種サウンドボード等も充実しているのですが、『RAGE FOR ORDER』時代はその端境期。人気も音楽性も着実に進化していきながらライヴ記憶は少なく、その本領を味わうのは難しい時期でもありました。本作は、そんな歴史に終止符を打つ超・決定盤なのです。

《6月27日『RAGE FOR ORDER』発売》


そんな本作のメインは、超絶級のオーディエンス録音。ぶっちゃけた話がまるでサウンドボード……いや、「丸っきりサウンドボード」。猛烈にオンな芯が距離感なく轟き、輪郭もタイトならディテールも繊細でセパレート感も絶大。演奏中も生々しい喝采が(小さく)聞こえはするのですが、それもオーディエンスの証拠と言うよりはアンビエント・マイクの歓声をオーバーダブしたかのように感じられる。実際には100%なオーディエンス録音らしいのですが……。ともあれ、サウンドボードもプロショットも見つかっていない“RAGE FOR ORDER Tour”の「サウンドボード代わり」には十分すぎる超絶級サウンドなのです。
しかも、本作はそんな名録音を細心マスタリングで磨き上げた最高峰更新盤。ベスト・マスターからCD化されているのですが、ネットの原音はピッチが大幅にズレ、「Roads To Madness」の一部に欠けがありました。本作はそうしたポイントを完全解決。ピッチはジャストで安定感もばっちりですし、欠けたパートも同じ録音の別系等で補完。シームレスでフルショウを駆け抜ける完全アルバムを実現したのです。



・Neue Regel/Surgical Strike/The Whisper/Walk In The Shadows/London/Chemical Youth (We Are Rebellion)
・クイーンズライチ(EP):Queen Of The Reich/メドレー(The Lady Wore Black/Nightrider/Blinded)
・ザ・ウォーニング (警告):Warning/No Sanctuary/Roads To Madness/Deliverance/Take Hold Of The Flame(CD篇のみ)
・その他:Rage For Order

……と、このようになっています。CD篇はフルセットですが、DVD編はラストの「Take Hold Of The Flame」のみ未収録。惜しいところで完全映像とはなりませんでした。「Rage For Order」なる曲名に驚きますが、これは次作『OPERATION: MINDCRIME』に収録される「Anarchy-X」の原曲バージョンです。
『RAGE FOR ORDER』ナンバー山盛りなセット自体に目眩がしますが、それ以上にスゴいのがクラブ・ギグのムード。現場となった“L’Amour East”はセミプロ時代のMETALLICAも出演したことのあるクラブ(ブルックリンとは別会場)なのですが、その密室空間を複雑でドラマティックな「プログレッシヴ・メタル」が満たしていく光景は異様ですらある。しかも、観客の盛り上がりはまるでスラッシュメタルかのよう。冷ややかにすら感じられるメロディと雰囲気のギャップがあまりに強烈でやはり脳がバグりそうです。

★「1987年2月13日クイーンズ公演」の超極上フル録音と同日の傑作映像をセットしたオーディエンス2枚組。メインのフル録音は「丸っきりサウンドボード」な銘品で、猛烈にオンな芯が距離感なく轟き、輪郭もタイトならディテールも繊細でセパレート感も絶大。映像篇は会場後方から三脚で撮影した安定感が強力で、CD篇と同じ極上録音をシンクロ。サウンドボードもプロショットも見つかっていない“RAGE FOR ORDER Tour”をフル体験できる超・決定盤です。

01. Neue Regel
02. Surgical Strike
03. Warning
04. The Whisper
05. Walk In The Shadows
06. No Sanctuary
07. London
08. Roads To Madness
09. Deliverance
10. Chemical Youth (We Are Rebellion)
11. Band Introductions
12. Rage For Order
13. Queen Of The Reich
14. The Lady Wore Black/Nightrider/Blinded
15. Take Hold Of The Flame

1. Neue Regel
2. Surgical Strike
3. Warning
4. The Whisper
5. Walk In The Shadows
6. No Sanctuary
7. London
8. Roads To Madness
9. Deliverance
10. Chemical Youth (We Are Rebellion)
11. Band Introductions
12. Rage For Order
13. Queen Of The Reich
14. The Lady Wore Black/Nightrider/Blinded

COLOUR NTSC Approx.72min.

Geoff Tate – Lead Vocals
Chris Degarmo – Lead Guitar, Vocals
Michael Wilton – Guitars
Eddie Jackson – Bass
Scott Rickenfield – Drums




Shades 1862

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