Ozzy Osbourne / The Treasure Tapes 1983-1991/ 4CDR

Ozzy Osbourne / The Treasure Tapes 1983-1991/ 4CDR / Shades

De Montfort Hall, Leicester, UK 10th November 1983 & Hammersmith Odeon, London, UK 20th February 1986 & 14th July 1988

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The super-decision board series “THE TREASURE TAPES” series that exhausts the extremely rare songs that have been played only a few times. The Ozzy Osbourne edition is here.
The appeal of audience recording is diverse, but one of them is that you can enjoy “songs that cannot be heard on official boards or sound boards.” Especially, the extremely rare songs that have been tried several times are hard to remain on the sound board, so we have to rely on audience recording. However, when it becomes so rare, it is difficult to confirm whether it was really played, and it is not known how many songs there are. It is also an extremely difficult proposition to complete.
The “THE TREASURE TAPES” series is a set that collects live tapes of such “songs without a sound board” and completes the collection at once. What’s more, each song is carefully selected by the best existing masters, making it easy and at the same time a decisive board. The JUDAS PRIEST edition has recorded an exceptionally long-selling CDR title, but this work is an Ozzy version of the same concept.
Also, the point of this series is not to edit rare songs one by one on the best compilation album, but to record the live recordings that were performed in full. Therefore, the time is limited, and in the case of this work, from “BARK AT THE MOON” to “NOM MORE TEARS”. In other words, it features four sound sources from the Jake E. Lee era / Zakk Wylde (first period). Let’s introduce each one individually.

[DISC 1: “So Tired” in the BARK AT THE MOON era] The first to appear is a live album containing the extremely rare song “So Tired” from “Howling at the Moon”. This is the best audience recording of “November 10, 1983 Leicester Performance”. Ozzy is a person who doesn’t change the set so much and there are few rare songs, but at the beginning of the tour, he sometimes tries new songs. In this show, “So Tired” was performed on the first day of “BARK AT THE MOON Tour”.
The sound of this work that conveys such a show is also excellent. According to one theory, “So Tired” was played about four times, but this is the only recording of the sound. However, it was the master “CRAZY S.” who worked on only one of them. Although early in his collection, the clear and neat sound that spread the fame of “Crazy S.” to the world is tremendous in this work as well.
The one and only “So Tired” that you can enjoy with that sound is a great moving version that is comparable to the studio version, with Don Airey’s piano and Ozzy’s singing voice being in excellent condition if it is delicate. It’s a sudden highlight for DISC 1, but this disc doesn’t stop there. In fact, the drummer was Carmine Appice at the beginning of the tour. A powerful yet percussive sense explodes, dyeing not only “So Tired” but all songs. It is also one that makes the most of the concept of “THE TREASURE TAPES”, which records not only a rare song but also the full-length version of the recording.

[DISC 2: “Never” in the era of THE ULTIMATE SIN] The second sound source that follows is also the Jake era. This is the best audience recording of “February 20, 1986 Hammersmith Performance” where you can listen to the rare song “Never” from the “Sin and Punishment” era. “HAMMERSMITH ODEON 1986 1ST NIGHT (Shades 1307)”, which was released the other day and gained great popularity, is also new to my memory, but this disc is the second performance the next day.
I heard “Never” in “1ST NIGHT (Shades 1307)”, but in fact, it sounds better … Is it a book in the excavated “Never” recordings (there are 4 types)? The work has the best sound. As a matter of fact, the beginning of the opening “Bark at the Moon” is not permanently preserved due to omission of recording, but the sound quality itself is a press grade that is as good as the FM sound board. The “THE TREASURE TAPES” series is particular about “the best take of rare songs”, but it is a super-direct masterpiece recording that is outstanding among them.

[DISC 3: “Demon Alcohol” in the NO REST FOR THE WICKED era] If DISC 2 is the best recording of “Jake’s Hammersmith”, then DISC 3 is “Zack’s Hammersmith”. This is the best audience recording of “July 14, 1988 Hammersmith Performance” where you can enjoy the rare song “Demon Alcohol” of “No Rest for the Wicked”.
This is also the best sound that is comparable to DISC 2. It is said that “Demon Alcohol” was played a little less than 20 times, which is moderate among rare songs. However, the number of performances and the number of recordings are not necessarily linked, and only two recordings have been confirmed. The other one has already been introduced as “LEICESTER 1988 (Shades 1230)”, but to be clear, this work has better sound quality. Unlike the Leicester performance, which was a little cracked, it is as beautiful as an FM broadcast (the vocal is far away at the beginning “Bark At The Moon”, but this is a mistake of the on-site PA. The second song “Suicide Solution” “It will be a sound board class at once). In some places, there are cuts that care about the remaining amount of tape, so as a live album, “LEICESTER 1988” will be the best, but in the sense of “listening to Demon Alcohol with good sound”, this work is definitely the best. is.
★ Here is one digression. Speaking of rare songs of “NO REST FOR THE WICKED”, “Fire in the Sky” is also famous, but in recent years, this song has been “December 2, 1988 Philadelphia performance (What is the classic Tower Theater performance?” (Except) ”multi-camera pro shots have been unearthed. It was not included in this work because it is no longer a “song that can only be heard on the AUD”.

[DISC 4: “Party With The Animals” in the NO MORE TEARS era] The ultimate rare “Party With The Animals” live album will decorate the end of this work, which is a collection of extremely rare songs. Audience recording of “January 11, 1991 Dublin Performance”. From the studio track, it was only a bonus track of “No More Tears”, but the live is even more rare. After all, it was played “only once” later and earlier. It’s a miracle that one of them was recorded … If this recording didn’t exist, no one would have thought that “Party With The Animals” was being performed live.
Unfortunately, the sound of this is downgraded, but that’s because the above three performances are too good. This disc is not like roaring or roaring sounds (never!), And you can enjoy extremely rare performances in every detail.

As mentioned above, it is a 4-disc set featuring the 4 extremely rare songs “So Tired”, “Never”, “Demon Alcohol”, and “Party With The Animals”, which are only recorded by the audience. There are also rumors that “Lightning Strikes,” “Crazy Babies,” “Hellraiser,” etc. were performed, but no evidence recordings have been found, and they are still an urban legend. Rare songs from “Jake Era / Zack 1st Period” can be collected at once with this work.
It is the collector’s right way to bite the audience recordings one by one, but this work is absolutely inevitable even if you do not have such a feeling. The answer that is perfect for the first step of “Ozzy’s audience recording” and that you will reach the end. The most important and big decision board set of the “golden 80’s” is the birth of a dignified place!

★ A 4-disc set featuring live performances of 4 extremely rare songs “So Tired”, “Never”, “Demon Alcohol”, and “Party With The Animals” that can only be heard by audience recording. Audience recording set for “November 10, 1983 Leicester Performance”, “February 20, 1986 + July 14, 1988 Hammer Smith Performance” and “January 11, 1991 Dublin Performance”. The three 1983/1986/1988 recordings are the finest recordings of the FM broadcast class, and in 1991, they were the only recordings of “Party With The Animals,” which was performed only once. It is an absolutely inevitable super-decision board that can collect rare songs of “Jake era / Zack first period” at once.

ホンの数回しか演奏していない激レア曲を一網打尽にする超・決定盤シリーズ『THE TREASURE TAPES』シリーズ。そのオジー・オズボーン篇が登場です。
『THE TREASURE TAPES』シリーズとは、そんな「サウンドボードが存在しない曲」のライヴ・テープを集成し、一気にコレクションを完璧にしてしまうセット。しかも、各曲は現存するベスト・マスターが厳選されており、お手軽であると同時に決定盤なのです。JUDAS PRIEST篇がCDRタイトルとしては破格のロングセラーを記録しておりますが、本作は同コンセプトのオジー版なのです。
また、このシリーズのポイントはレア曲を1曲ずつベスト盤的に編集しているのではなく、演奏されたライヴ録音をフルで収録している。そのため時期は限られ、本作の場合は『BARK AT THE MOON』から『NOM MORE TEARS』まで。つまり、ジェイク・E・リー時代/ザック・ワイルド(第一期)の4音源を特集しています。それでは、それぞれ個別にご紹介していきましょう。

【DISC 1:BARK AT THE MOON時代の「So Tired」】
まず登場するのは『月に吠える』の激レア曲「So Tired」収録のライヴアルバム。「1983年11月10日レスター公演」の極上オーディエンス録音です。オジーはあまりセットを変えない人でレア曲は少ないのですが、ツアー初期には新曲を試す事がある。このショウは“BARK AT THE MOON Tour”の初日で「So Tired」が演奏されたのです。
そんなショウを伝える本作は、サウンドも絶品。一説によると「So Tired」は4回ほど演奏したとも言われていますが、音の記録として残っているのはこの録音だけ。しかし、そのたった1本を手掛けたのが、あの名匠“CRAZY S.”氏なのです。彼のコレクションにしては初期にあたるものの、“Crazy S.”の名声を世界に広めたクリア&端正なサウンドは本作でも絶大です。
そのサウンドで味わえる唯一無二の「So Tired」は、ドン・エイリーのピアノも繊細ならオジーの歌声も絶好調で、スタジオ盤にも匹敵する大感動バージョン。DISC 1にしていきなりハイライトなのですが、このディスクはそれだけに留まらない。実は、ツアー序盤はドラマーもカーマイン・アピス。パワフルでありながらパーカッシヴなセンスが炸裂し、「So Tired」だけでなく全曲を染め変えている。レアな1曲だけでなく録音の全長版を収録する『THE TREASURE TAPES』のコンセプトが最大限に活きた1枚でもあるのです。

続く2音源目もジェイク時代。『罪と罰』時代のレア曲「Never」が聴ける「1986年2月20日ハマースミス公演」の極上オーディエンス録音です。“1986年ハマースミス”というと先日リリースされて大好評を博した『HAMMERSMITH ODEON 1986 1ST NIGHT(Shades 1307)』も記憶に新しいところですが、このディスクは翌日の2公演目です。
『1ST NIGHT(Shades 1307)』でも「Never」が聴けたわけですが、実はこちらの方が音が良い……と言いますか、発掘されている「Never」録音(4種あります)の中で本作がもっとも音が良い。実のところ、オープニングの「Bark at the Moon」冒頭が録音漏れなために永久保存されていませんが、サウンド・クオリティ自体はFMサウンドボードにも負けない問答無用のプレス級。『THE TREASURE TAPES』シリーズは「レア曲のベスト・テイク」にもこだわっていますが、その中でもズバ抜けた超ダイレクトな名録音なのです。

【DISC 3:NO REST FOR THE WICKED時代の「Demon Alcohol」】
DISC 2が「ジェイクのハマースミス」の極上録音だとすれば、続くDISC 3は「ザックのハマースミス」。『ノー・レスト・フォー・ザ・ウィケッド』のレア曲「Demon Alcohol」が楽しめる「1988年7月14日ハマースミス公演」の極上オーディエンス録音です。
こちらもDISC 2に負けない極上サウンド。「Demon Alcohol」は20回弱演奏されたとも言われており、レア曲の中ではほどほど。しかし、演奏回数と録音の本数は必ずしもリンクせず、たった2回分しか確認されていません。もう1本は『LEICESTER 1988(Shades 1230)』としてご紹介済みですが、ハッキリ言ってサウンド・クオリティは本作の方が上。やや割れ気味だったレスター公演とは違い、それこそFM放送のような美しさなのです(冒頭「Bark At The Moon」でヴォーカルが遠いのですが、これは現場PAのミス。2曲目「Suicide Solution」で一気にサウンドボード級になります)。ところどころ、テープ残量を気にするようなカットがあるためライヴアルバムとしては『LEICESTER 1988』に軍配が上がりますが、「Demon Alcoholを良い音で聴く」という意味では、間違いなく本作こそがベストです。
★ここで余談を1つ。『NO REST FOR THE WICKED』のレア曲と言えば「Fire in the Sky」も有名ですが、この曲は近年になって“1988年12月2日フィラデルフィア公演(ド定番のタワーシアター公演とは別です)”のマルチカメラ・プロショットが発掘。「AUDでしか聴けない曲」ではなくなったため、本作には収録されませんでした。

【DISC 4:NO MORE TEARS時代の「Party With The Animals」】
激レア曲を総ざらいした本作の〆を飾るのは、究極レアな「Party With The Animals」のライヴアルバム。「1991年1月11日ダブリン公演」のオーディエンス録音です。スタジオ・トラックからして『ノー・モア・ティアーズ』のボーナス・トラックでしかなかったわけですが、ライヴはさらに激レア。何しろ、演奏されたのは後にも先にも「1回だけ」。その1回が録音されていたのは奇跡……と言いますか、この録音が存在しなければ、まさか「Party With The Animals」をライヴでやっていたとは誰も思わなかった事でしょう。

以上、オーディエンス録音しか残されていない激レア4曲「So Tired」「Never」「Demon Alcohol」「Party With The Animals」をベスト・テイクで特集した4枚組です。この他「Lightning Strikes」や「Crazy Babies」「Hellraiser」等が演奏されたという噂もありますが、証拠となる録音は発見されておらず、都市伝説の域を出ていない。「ジェイク時代/ザック第一期」のレア曲は、本作で一挙コレクトできるのです。

★オーディエンス録音でしか聴けない激レア4曲「So Tired」「Never」「Demon Alcohol」「Party With The Animals」演奏ライヴを頂点録音で特集した4枚組。「1983年11月10日レスター公演」「1986年2月20日+1988年7月14日ハマースミス公演」「1991年1月11日ダブリン公演」のオーディエンス録音セットです。1983年/1986年/1988年の3本はFM放送クラスの極上録音で、1991年は1回しか演奏されていない「Party With The Animals」唯一無二の記録。「ジェイク時代/ザック第一期」のレア曲を一挙コレクトできる絶対不可避の超・決定盤です。

Disc 1(71:04)
De Montfort Hall, Leicester, UK 10th November 1983
★レア曲「So Tired」

1. Diary Of A Madman
2. I Don’t Know
3. Mr. Crowley
4. Rock ‘N’ Roll Rebel
5. Bark At The Moon
6. Revelation (Mother Earth)
7. Steal Away (The Night)
8. So Tired(★)
9. Suicide Solution incl. Guitar Solo
10. Centre Of Eternity
11. Drum Solo
12. Flying High Again
13. Iron Man
14. Crazy Train
15. Paranoid

Special Thanks: Crazy S.

Disc 2 (76:33)
Hammersmith Odeon, London, UK 20th February 1986

1. Bark at the Moon
2. Suicide Solution
3. Never Know Why
4. Mr. Crowley
5. Shot in the Dark
6. I Don’t Know
7. Killer of Giants
8. Guitar Solo
9. Never(★)
10. Flying High Again
11. Secret Loser incl. Drum Solo
12. The Ultimate Sin
13. Iron Man
14. Crazy Train
15. Paranoid

Disc 3 (76:25)
Hammersmith Odeon, London, UK 14th July 1988
★レア曲「Demon Alcohol」

1. Carmina Bunara
2. Bark At The Moon
3. Suicide Solution
4. Mr. Crowley
5. Demon Alcohol(★)
6. Shot In The Dark
7. I Don’t Know
8. Flying High Again
9. Bloodbath In Paradise
10. Guitar Solo
11. Sweet Leaf
12. War Pigs
13. Tattooed Dancer
14. Iron Man
15. Crazy Train
16. Paranoid

Disc 4 (57:19)
McGonagle’s, Dublin, Ireland 11th January 1991
★レア曲「Party With The Animals」

1. Carmina Bunara
2. Bark At The Moon
3. I Don’t Know
4. Mr. Crowley
5. Flying High Again
6. Shot In The Dark
7. Suicide Solution incl. Guitar Solo
8. Party With The Animals incl. Drum Solo(★)
9. War Pigs
10. Iron Man
11. Crazy Train

Shades 1313

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