Oasis / Chicago 2001 Dat Master / 1CD

Oasis / Chicago 2001 Dat Master / 1CD / Wardour

New World Music Theatre, Chicago, IL, USA 20th May 2001

Play sample : 

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Until now, we have released audience recordings that documented the live performances of Oasis with the best sound quality on a limited press CD, but this time the expression “best” fits perfectly with the transcendental audience. Ultra quality that was distributed among traders with the proviso “Soundboard or Excellent Audience?” The on-balance of the sound image is overwhelming so much, and it is a level that can only be released on a limited press CD without any price. That is a transcendental audience album that captured the stage in Chicago on May 20, 2001.
At that time, the “Brotherly Love” tour in the United States from May to June 2001, which attracted a lot of attention as a tour jointed by British and American brother bands. It’s a time of year with the easy-to-understand theme of Brotherhood Tour, but it’s also a completely overlooked situation where there are still only decent items for the May 17th Denver show. The Denver was broadcast via a webcast that was popular at the time while recording on a stereo sound board, so the problem was the high-pitched sound and annoying sound quality due to the limitations of Internet technology at that time.
If that was the only thing, the broadcast itself was not recorded from a multi-track, and the direct feeling of each instrument was too strong and the sense of presence was thin, so it was a quirky sound source in every sense. In this case, it seems that the merit of a stereo sound board can hardly be felt … At the end of the story, noise is generated from the middle and it becomes difficult to hear. The CD that recorded this broadcast was the nostalgic “BROTHERLY LOVE: JUST BEFORE 10TH ANNIVERSARY”, but the sound quality was so bad that the evaluation was very low. In other words, the brotherhood tour was not blessed both in terms of items and sound sources.

In that respect, Chicago this time is an audience recording with a very close sound image, but the presence and balance of the instruments are perfect, and this is a typical example of a wonderful audience recording that “exceeds a poor sound board”. If you just listen to it, you will definitely think that it is a sound board. Some troubles have occurred in such a superb sound source, and I wonder if it was the reason why it was not released even though it was an excellent recording.
For example, in “Go Let It Out” and “Don’t Look Back In Anger”, a defect that seems to be a trouble from the time of recording has occurred. The former is around 1:02, but fortunately there is an audience recording of another sound source on this day, so I used it as a supplementary staff. Even so, I adjusted it extremely smoothly, so when I listened to it, the taper turned away and the sound quality changed only for a moment.
Another drawback of this sound source is that there are some faint skips that are presumed to have occurred when creating files when circulating among traders, and in addition to “Columbia”, this is also “Go Let It Out”. It was happening in such things. This does not fit only in the patch of another sound source, but it is thoroughly restored by copying and pasting the separate part of the riff. In the first place, another sound source is used for the patch after adjusting the sound quality, so you will be able to enjoy this superb sound source with peace of mind without any discomfort.

And when it comes to brotherhood tours, it’s important to remember that drummer Alan White suffered a hand illness and was suddenly replaced by his brother Steve White. It made sense for Paul Weller’s companion to take the place of his younger brother’s band, but his play style is totally different.
Unlike his younger brother Alain, who built an era with light and bouncing drumming, his brother has a straight and heavy style. “Morning Glory” and “Acquiesce” are interesting because the way of filling in is completely different. Even so, the brothers are more attractive than their younger brothers. Above all, as a helper, it is said that it is because of the best sound quality that he will let you play more than just match with the band. In that respect, Denver’s webcast had a part where the sound of his drums swelled, which was hard to hear again.
And in 2001, “Gas Panic!” Was incandescent in the latter half of the performance from the beginning, but this is also a wonderful performance that shows good compatibility with Steve, and now it is really fresh. It is reflected. It’s hard to convey the awesomeness of Denver’s webcast again (and it was hard to hear it again because it was screaming) Steve’s drums are rampaging in all directions, which is overwhelmingly more vivid this time.
Above all, Liam’s condition itself is better than Denver, and it’s great that he can sing “Morning Glory” where even the voice turns inside out. This release is a thorough restoration of the finest sound source that surpasses the classic Denver webcast in terms of both performance and sound quality. In addition, because it is a joint tour with other bands, the stage is crisp and easy to hear. A new standard representing the 2001 brotherhood tour, which was not blessed with some kind of release and the items themselves were difficult to obtain in the first place, was born!

これまでもオアシスのライブを極上音質にてドキュメントしてくれたオーディエンス録音を限定プレスCDにてリリースしてまいりましたが、今回は正に極上という表現がぴったり当てはまる超絶オーディエンス。何しろトレーダー間に「Soundboard or Excellent Audience?」という但し付きで流通していたというほどのウルトラ・クオリティ。それほどまでに音像のオンなバランスが圧倒的で、掛け値なしに限定プレスCDでのリリースしかありえないレベル。それが2001年5月20日はシカゴでのステージを捉えた超絶オーディエンス・アルバム。
当時、英米の兄弟バンドがジョイントするツアーとして話題を呼んだ2001年5月から6月にかけてアメリカでの「Brotherly Love」ツアー。兄弟愛ツアーという分かりやすいテーマのついたこの時期ですが、まともなアイテムが未だに5月17日のデンバー公演しか存在しないという、完全に見過ごされた状況でもある。そのデンバーはステレオ・サウンドボード録音ながら当時盛んだったウェブキャストを介して放送されたものでしたので、当時のインターネット・テクノロジーの限界から高音がシャンシャンと煩わしい音質が問題でした。
それだけならまだしも、放送自体がマルチトラックからの収録でなく、それぞれの楽器のダイレクト感が強すぎた上に臨場感も薄という、あらゆる意味で癖のある音源だったのです。こうなるとステレオ・サウンドボードというメリットがほとんど感じられないのでは…と思えるほどで、挙句の果てに途中からノイズが生じて聞きづらくなってしまうという有様。この放送を収録したCDが懐かしの「BROTHERLY LOVE:JUST BEFORE 10TH ANNIVERSARY」でしたが、そんな音質が災いして評価は非常に低かった。つまり兄弟愛ツアーはアイテム的にも音源的にも恵まれなかったという訳です。

例えば「Go Let It Out」や「Don’t Look Back In Anger」において録音時からのトラブルと思われる欠損が生じてしまった。それは前者ですと1:02辺りなのですが、幸いにもこの日は別音源のオーディエンス録音が存在しますので、それを補填要員として活用。それでいて極めてなめらかにアジャストしてみせましたので、聞いているとテーパーがよそを向いて一瞬だけ音質が変わった的にしか映らないのでは。
今回の音源、もう一つの欠点として、トレーダー間に出回る際のファイル化時に起きてしまったと推測される微弱な音飛びが散見され、それが「Columbia」に加え、これまた「Go Let It Out」などに生じていたのです。こちらは別音源のパッチだけに収まらず、リフの別個所をコピペするなどして徹底的にレストア。そもそも別音源は音質を調整した上でパッチに使っており、もはや違和感もなく安心して、この極上音源を楽しんでもらえることでしょう。

軽やかかつ跳ねたドラミングで一時代を築いた弟アランと違い、兄はストレートでヘビーなスタイル。「Morning Glory」や「Acquiesce」などはフィルインの入り方がまるで違っているから面白い。それでも違和感よりは弟と違う魅力に映るのがさすがは兄弟。何より助っ人として、ただバンドに合わせる以上のプレイを聞かせてくれるのも、極上音質だからこそ伝わってくるという。その点デンバーのウェブキャストは彼のドラムの音がシャンシャンうねってしまう箇所があり、これがまた聞きづらかった。
そして2001年を迎えて当初から演奏後半が白熱の展開をみせていた「Gas Panic!」ですが、これがまたスティーブとの相性の良さの現れた素晴らしい演奏であり、今となっては実に新鮮に映る。デンバーのウェブキャストではその凄みがまた伝わりづらく(おまけにここでもシャンシャンうなって聞きづらかった)スティーブのドラムが縦横無尽に暴れ回る様も今回の方が圧倒的に生々しく感じられる。
何よりリアムのコンディション自体がデンバーよりも良く、そこでは声が裏返ってしまう箇所すらあった「Morning Glory」もしっかり歌えているのが大きい。このように定番であったデンバーのウェブキャストを演奏面と音質面の両方で上回る極上音源、それを徹底的にレストアしてみせたのが今回のリリース。おまけに他のバンドとのジョイントツアーということからステージがサクッと1CDに収まった聞きやすさ。何かとリリースに恵まれず、そもそもアイテム自体が入手困難な2001年の兄弟愛ツアーを代表する新たなスタンダードが誕生!


1. Intro
2. Go Let It Out
3. Columbia
4. Morning Glory
5. Fade Away
6. Acquiesce
7. Gas Panic !
8. Cigarettes & Alcohol
9. Step Out
10. Slide Away
11. Champagne Supernova
12. Don’t Look Back In Anger
13. I Am The Walrus

Liam Gallagher – vocals, tambourine
Noel Gallagher – guitar, vocals
Gem Archer – guitar
Andy Bell – bass
Steve White – drums


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