Michael Schenker Group / Definitive Osaka 2022 / 2CD

Michael Schenker Group / Definitive Osaka 2022 / 2CD / ZODIAC
Live at Zepp Namba, Osaka, Japan 24th November 2022

Play sample :

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Once every 10 years … No, the latest MSG performance in Japan that has caused even more acclaim. The latest original recording that will be the masterpiece has arrived! Finally, finally, the birth of a transcendental recording suitable for permanent preservation press!!
“November 24, 2022: Zepp Namba performance” is engraved on this work. It is the super superb audience recording. If you have noticed this article, you may know, but this time’s collection in Japan is complete with this work. First, let’s organize the collection according to the schedule.

・November 21st “TOKYO 2022 1ST NIGHT”
・November 22 “TOKYO 2022 2ND NIGHT”
-November 23: Off
・November 24th: Zepp Namba performance ← This work

[Finally born press-class new MSG masterpiece] A total of 3 performances. In Tokyo, it was Nakano Sunplaza for 2 days in a row, and it was an Osaka performance with a day off. Actually, in terms of sound quality, it is an image linked to this schedule. “TOKYO 2022 1ST NIGHT (Shades 1652)” and “Same 2ND NIGHT (Shades 1650)” were slightly better on the second day despite being the same recording artist, but in Osaka, where the location was moved, the quality improved in a leap. It finally reached the super-superb class of permanent preservation press class. To avoid misunderstanding, “TOKYO 2022 1ST NIGHT” and “TOKYO 2022 2ND NIGHT” are also top-notch. A product that wiped out the overseas recordings introduced before coming to Japan, and made overseas customers say, “As expected, Japanese recordings are amazing.” If it was the standard before the new corona pandemic, it would have been press. This work is a masterpiece that suppresses such a masterpiece.
Mr. “West Japan’s strongest taper”, who is familiar with our shop, made such a sound a thing. If you have noticed this article, I think you have experienced some kind of “strongest” Mr. collection, but this work is also a masterpiece that makes the gold signboard shine even more. It is the “strongest” collection that is “natural with high sound quality” so that “as if it is a sound board” is no longer a compliment, but this direct feeling is not a humpa! After all, the recording position is “directly in front of Michael near the front”. Of course, it’s not as simple as just having a good sound if it’s in front of you. It seems that it is not the best position in that respect, but it is a master. He had a complete grasp of the acoustics of “Zepp Namba”, and even before the show began, he prepared perfectly for the countermeasures against the surroundings and faced the actual performance.
After reading this far, you may think, “Did I deceive you with the settings?”, but that’s too early. The foremost sound after taking countermeasures against wraparound is full of a delicious sense of closeness. In other words, the super direct feeling is amazing. Moreover, since it is in front of Michael, it picks up not only the PA but also the direct sound from the amplifier! The ultra-detailed nuances of the guitar go beyond the dimension of reliving the concert, and the beauty of the tone is a dimension that even a soundboard cannot hope for. This does not happen if you just record it normally at the sweet spot of the venue. Considering everything from the band’s sound output and musicality, we aim for the best sound in an unexperienced zone from a challenging position. Until now, we have called tapers “recorders” and “recorders” with respect, but this originality is the dimension of creativity. That’s what I want to call “audience writer”.

[A masterpiece that overwhelms sound, performances and overseas performances] And, this work has transcendental show content that is comparable to such a different dimension sound. This time MSG has caused great acclaim as “for the first time in decades”, but the Osaka performance is the best performance among them. The set is the same as the previous two works, but the press title is easy to catch, so let’s repost it again.

● UFO (8 songs)
・ Phenomenon: Doctor Doctor / Rock Bottom
・Force It: Shoot Shoot/Let It Roll
・New Murderous Intent: Lights Out / Too Hot To Handle
・Other: Natural Thing / Only You Can Rock Me
● MSG and others (9 songs)
・God: Into The Arena/Cry For The Nations/Armed And Ready
・Others (80s): Looking For Love/Assault Attack/Red Sky
・Others (Recent Years): We Are The Voice/Sail The Darkness/Emergency

… and it looks like this. Delicious repertoire such as “Looking For Love”, “Assault Attack” and “Red Sky” also became a hot topic, but Osaka’s performance that spells them is crisp. The Tokyo 2 performances also became a hot topic, saying that they were “more enthusiastic than the North American tour”, but Osaka firmly grasped the response, and by having a day off, fatigue and jet lag were completely eliminated. We had all the perfect conditions imaginable. In fact, the performance that flows out of this work supports it with the sound.
And a new partner: Ronnie Romero’s singing. It combines good compatibility with voice quality reminiscent of Gary Burden and singing ability to handle Graham Bonnet’s difficult songs, but what you actually experience and pass is heroism. It is precisely because he loves HR/HM that he is able to embellish his masterpieces with a dynamism on a different dimension than that of a mere “master.” The old Cozy Powell wasn’t just a big-sounding drummer, and Don Airey wasn’t just a fast-fingering keyboardist. Same with Romero. He didn’t compose it, but his heroic voice and sense makes the blood boil and draws a moving drama. Moreover, Michael who stands next to such Romero still has a feeling of active duty. It would be the best work for him (beyond RAINBOW, which was a little unbearable).
A true masterpiece. I do not know if MSG with Romero will leave an official live work, but even if it does not come true, there is this work. The horizon on which this work stands is such a dimension. A new masterpiece from Japan that boasts to the world. Here is the imposing birth with permanent preservation press 2CD!

★ “November 24, 2022: Zepp Namba performance” super-superb audience recording. This is the latest work by the familiar “West Japan Strongest Taper”, and the direct feeling captured from “Michael directly in front of the front” is intense. The ultra-detailed nuances of the guitar, picked up not only by the PA but also by the direct sound output from the amplifier, go beyond the dimension of reliving the concert, and the beauty of the tone is a dimension that even a sound board cannot hope for. The guitar is also sharp, and Ronnie Romero’s heroic voice is also clear. It is a press 2CD that permanently preserves the best-known performances among the acclaimed Japanese performances.

10年に一度……いや、それ以上の大絶賛を巻き起こしている最新MSGの来日公演。その最高傑作となる最新オリジナル録音が到着! 遂に、遂に永久保存プレス化に相応しい超絶録音の誕生です!!

・11月21日『TOKYO 2022 1ST NIGHT』
・11月22日『TOKYO 2022 2ND NIGHT』
・11月24日:Zeppなんば公演 ←★本作★

以上、全3公演。東京では2日連続の中野サンプラザで、1日オフを挟んでの大阪公演でした。実は音質的にも、この日程に連動したイメージだったりします。『TOKYO 2022 1ST NIGHT(Shades 1652)』『同 2ND NIGHT(Shades 1650)』は同一録音家ながら2日目の方が少し良かったのですが、場所を移した大阪では一足飛びにクオリティ・アップ。遂に永久保存プレス級の超極上クラスに達したのです。誤解のないように申しますが、『TOKYO 2022 1ST NIGHT』『同 2ND NIGHT』も極上級。来日前にご紹介してきた海外録音を一掃し、海外のお客様からも「さすが日本録音はスゴい」と言わしめた業物。新型コロナ・パンデミック以前の基準だったらプレス化されていたことでしょう。本作は、そんな大傑作を抑え込んでの最高傑作なのです。
それだけのサウンドをモノにしたのは、当店でお馴染みの名手“西日本最強テーパー”氏。本稿に目を留められた方なら、何かしらの“最強”氏コレクションを体験されていると思いますが、本作もその金看板を一層輝かせる大傑作なのです。もはや「まるでサウンドボード」が褒め言葉にならないほど「高音質で当たり前」な“最強”氏コレクションですが、今回のダイレクト感はハンパではない! 何しろ、録音ポジションが「最前付近のマイケル真正面」なのです。もちろん前方なら良い音というほと単純ではなく、特に現場となった“Zeppなんば”は舞えすぎると低音の回り込みが厳しくなる会場。その点ではベスト・ポジションではないようも思えるのですが、そこは達人。“Zeppなんば”の音響を完全に把握しきっており、ショウが始まる前から回り込み対策も完璧に準備して本番に臨んだのです。
ここまで読んで「セッティングで誤魔化したのか」と思われるかも知れませんが、それは早計に過ぎる。回り込み対策を施した上での最前サウンドは、美味しい間近感が丸出し。つまり、超ダイレクト感がスゴいのです。しかも、マイケルの正面だからPAだけでなくアンプからの直の出音まで拾っている! その超・詳細なギターのニュアンスはコンサート追体験の次元を超え、トーンの美しさはサウンドボードでさえ望めない次元なのです。普通に会場のスウィート・スポットで素録りしただけでは、こうはならない。バンドの出音や音楽性まですべてを考慮し、あえて挑戦的な位置から未体験ゾーンの極上サウンドを狙う。これまでも敬意を込めてテーパー諸氏を「記録師」「録音家」と呼称してきましたが、この独創性はクリエイティヴィティの次元。それこそ「オーディエンス作家」とでも呼びたいほどです。


・現象:Doctor Doctor/Rock Bottom
・フォース・イット:Shoot Shoot/Let It Roll
・新たなる殺意:Lights Out/Too Hot To Handle
・その他:Natural Thing/Only You Can Rock Me
・神:Into The Arena/Cry For The Nations/Armed And Ready
・その他(80年代):Looking For Love/Assault Attack/Red Sky
・その他(近年):We Are The Voice/Sail The Darkness/Emergency

……と、このようになっています。「Looking For Love」「Assault Attack」「Red Sky」といった美味しいレパートリーも話題になりましたが、大阪はそれらを綴る演奏がキレッキレ。東京2公演も「北米ツアーより気合いが入ってる」と話題になりましたが、大阪はその手応えをしっかりと掴みつつ、さらに1日休みを挟んだ事で疲れも時差ボケも完全解消。考え得る万全のコンディションがすべて揃った。実際、本作から流れ出る名演はそれを音で裏付けているのです。


Disc 1 (51:53)
1. Intro
2. Into the Arena
3. Cry for the Nations
4. Doctor Doctor
5. We Are The Voice
6. Looking for Love
7. Red Sky
8. Sail the Darkness
9. Emergency
10. Lights Out
11. Armed and Ready

Disc 2 (41:56)
1. Assault Attack
2. Rock Bottom
3. Shoot Shoot
4. Let It Roll
5. Natural Thing
6. Too Hot to Handle
7. Only You Can Rock Me

Michael Schenker – Guitar,Vocals
Ronnie Romero – Vocals
Steve Mann – Guitar, Keyboards, Vocals
Barend Courbois – Bass, Vocals
Bodo Schopf – Drums

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