Led Zeppelin / The Legendary Guitar Amp Tapes / 1CD

Led Zeppelin / The Legendary Guitar Amp Tapes / 1CD / Graf Zeppelin

Live at Swing Auditorium, San Bernardino, CA, USA 8th August 1969

Play sample :

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★ The ’69 San Bernardino performance, familiar with big guitar sounds, is now available on the 1st Gen Master!
★ Slightly corrected the pitch and adjusted the midrange that was overexposed by EQ, making it much easier to hear than the original sound source (although the guitar is still big).
★ Bonus includes Wallingford performance on August 17, 1969 (originally only 2 songs exist)
★ Limited number included (attached to the front case)!

From the North American tour in the summer of 1969, a title recording the performance in San Bernardino, California on August 8th has appeared!
It first appeared on a CD called “SUMMER OF ’69” (Rubber Dubber / RD 001) around 1995, when the CD era was at its peak. Anyway, the balance of the sound is extreme, and as you know, it features a monaural sound with the sound of the guitar coming out to the front.
It is said that this unbalanced sound was a disaster, the release was few live, and the current sound quality best was the Rubber Dubber board (hereinafter referred to as RD board) that first appeared (however, some later boards have a recording length There were some parts that were slightly longer than the RD board).

Such a live has been updated for a long time. This time, Krw_co, who has been familiar in recent years, has released a sound source that is said to be the 1st Gen.
Until now, the ones that have been distributed among traders are 2nd Gen or unknown generation, and this version, which is said to be 1st Gen, is by no means a dramatic improvement in sound quality compared to them, but it is definitely It can be said that it is the best material at present. This time, the 1st Gen master has been carefully remastered.

The remaster has a precise EQ, and the balance is properly processed in the direction of suppressing the band (mainly the mid range) that is too much in the original sound source. As a result, the overall image, which was thin and flat due to the influence of the excessive midrange, has been carved (depth) and deep, and the resolution has increased, and the sound image balance has also improved somewhat. It is much easier to listen to than the original sound source. Of course, there is no digital odor due to EQ processing because it is carefully mastered like this label.
In addition, since hiss is suppressed in the best RD board that has already been released, it is a fact that hiss is slightly more noticeable in this board, but the freshness of this board is so fresh that you can tell the difference by listening to the freshness of the hiss. Is good (the RD board has a lot of hiss noise).
Careful and precise mastering makes the sound more vibrant and vibrant in the field (although the guitar sound is still big).

There is no big first appearance part in terms of recorded contents, but it is longer from the intro part than the RD board which was the best sound quality, and while “White Summer” is still incomplete, the vicinity of the cut part is about 5 seconds longer. In addition, “You Shook Me” is also the best and wrong at present because it has both carefully EQ-processed sound quality and better recorded content than the RD board, such as the front and back of the cut part near the ending is about 7 seconds long. None (It sounds like a crap, but the sound of the guitar is huge, so be careful)!

The bonus includes only two songs from the Wallingford, Connecticut performance on August 17th!
Since there are only two existing tracks, this is a live performance that is not so blessed with a record, and this time it will be a CD for the first time in a while.
The main story San Bernardino is a monaural sound that is a little squishy in contrast, and I wonder if it would be nice if half of the big guitar component of San Bernardino could be added here, but that is impossible.

Although the recording time is short, the mastering was done carefully here as well, and after the cut near “Train” 1:14, the pitch that was always greatly crazy in any existing title has been corrected for the first time this time. .. Anyway, it is a mystery as to what kind of position it was captured with a squishy sound, and there is an unnatural inter-track cut at the transition between “Train” and “I Can’t”, so I’m not sure. There are many parts, but unless it appears in a new sound source in the future or even new facts are revealed, this will be the best at present.

Specifications with limited numbering and stickers attached.
The CD label is now available on the permanent edition of the picture disc!

★デカイギターサウンドでお馴染みの’69年San Bernardino公演が1st Gen Masterで登場!

CD時代真っ盛りの’95年頃に「SUMMER OF ’69」(Rubber Dubber/RD 001)というCDで初登場。とにかく音のバランスが極端で、ご存じのとおりギターの音が前面に出まくったモノラル・サウンドが特徴。
このアンバランスなサウンドが災いし、リリースは少ないライブであり、しかも現状音質ベストがその最初に登場したRubber Dubber盤(以下RD盤)だったという(但し一部後発盤には、収録長さがRD盤よりも所々若干長い箇所もあったりしたのですが)。

そんなライブが実に久々の更新。今回は近年お馴染みのKrw_coが1st Genとされる音源を公開。
今までトレーダー間に流通していたものは2nd Genまたはジェネレーション不明のものであり、今回の1st Genとされるバージョンは、それらと比べ飛躍的な音質アップとまでは決して申しませんが、間違いなく現状ベストの素材と言えるでしょう。今回はその1st Genマスターから丁寧にリマスター処理がなされています。


収録内容的には大きな初登場部分はありませんが、音質ベストであったRD盤よりはイントロ部からして長く、他にも「White Summer」は相変わらず不完全ながら、カット部付近が5秒ほど長いほか、「You Shook Me」もエンディング付近のカット部前後が7秒ほど長い等々、丁寧にEQ処理された音質と、RD盤よりも優れた収録内容の両方を兼ね備えた本タイトルが現状ベストで間違いなし(クドイようですが、ギターの音はあくまでデカイので注意)!


収録時間も短いものですが、ここでも地味に丁寧なマスタリングがなされ、「Train」1:14付近でのカット後に、どの既発タイトルでも必ず大きく狂っていたピッチが、今回初めて是正されております。とにかくスカスカしたサウンドで、どういうポジションで捉えられたものなのか、謎ではありますし、また、「Train」と「I Can’t」の変わり目にも不自然な曲間カットがあるなど、良く分からない部分も多いのですが、今後新音源でも登場するか、新事実でも判明しない限りは、これが現状ベストとなることでしょう。


01. Introduction
02. The Train Kept A-Rollin’
03. I Can’t Quit You Baby
04. I Gotta Move
05. Dazed And Confused ★カットイン
06. White Summer ★カットアウト「黒山」パート未収
07. You Shook Me ★カット
08. How Many More Times

Bonus Trax: “WALLINGFORD 1969”
Oakdale Musical Theater, Wallingford, CT, USA 17th August 1969
09. The Train Kept A-Rollin’★カット後、早まる後半部も初めてピッチ修正済み
10. I Can’t Quit You Baby

Graf Zeppelin. LZSC-808

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