Led Zeppelin / Killing Floor / 2CD

Led Zeppelin / Killing Floor / 2CD / Non Label
Boston Tea Party, Boston, MA, USA 26th January 1969

Play sample :

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Even if it is not a good audience, there is a live sound source of ZEP that is loved by enthusiasts because of its tremendous performance content. A typical example would be “SIZZLES IN SEATTLE,” the new definitive sound source for the 1972 Seattle marathon show. The Boston Tea Party on January 26th was a day when there were no definitive items that were similarly highly regarded by enthusiasts. This day has been introduced as “a legendary night over 4 hours” in bio books and the like for a long time, and the appearance of the sound source was eagerly awaited.
In January 1969, when ZEP first landed after Boston, there were four consecutive performances at the venue, but unfortunately there was no soundboard recording, and it was barely glimpsed by the audience recording alone. It was. In addition, because it was recorded in 1969, it was difficult for items to appear. However, at the end of the LP item, the sound source of the Boston Tea Party in January was released, and the record on the 26th, which enthusiasts had been waiting for excavation, was also released under the title “KILLING FLOOR”. Since it was released from that TMOQ series, the jacket with the old stamp cover style layout is also an impressive item.
Unfortunately, not all of the four and a half hours of the stage were recorded, and it was an incomplete version from the opening to about 90 minutes (still a long category for the ZEP stage at that time).

In the first place, ZEP, which landed in the United States from the end of the previous year, is showing off the best stage every night at famous venues such as Whiskey a Go Go and Fillmore, among which Fillmore on January 10 heard at “FILLMORE WEST 1969 DAY 2” One of the classics that captured the famous performances in the first half of January. The great thing about ZEP at this time is that the performance voltage every night is so high that there is no goal, that is, evolution was the norm. Below Jimmy, there was a huge enthusiasm every day that would definitely captivate America.
In addition, the audience recording of this day captures the sound of his guitar as a literal explosion, and its power is tremendous. It shouldn’t have been difficult to secure the front position with the ZEP gig, which was only a fledgling band in the United States at that time. Maybe it was recorded in front of Jimmy at the front of the stage? The sound pressure of his guitar is so terrible that you can think of it. The total balance is overwhelmingly Jimmy, and the sounds of other members are quite loud in places where his play seems to be suppressed. After all, Robert’s singing voice is being driven away.
If this happens, it should normally be saturated and you should not be able to hear it, but the sound source of this day is rather surprising because this balance is good. Thanks to that, the opening “The Train Kept A Rollin'” clearly shows Jimmy taking on the stage with tremendous energy. Since I’ve been captivated by the audience who packed up with LA and New York until then, Jimmy completely entered the “zone” and played with all his heart to beat down here in Boston and even the final day of the gig. I’m typing.

It’s easy to see that Jimmy’s play at this time was still dragging the Yardbirds style, as his guitar sounds so real. A good example of this was “Killing Floor” at the time and later “Lemon Song”. Although the basic form has already been completed, the scene of playing the siren, which was his specialty in the Yardbirds era, is typical, and the lead guitar phrase is also full of psychedelic feeling. The completed form as a broods band is rather Fillmore and Winterland in April when Jimmy switched to Les Paul, so it is a valuable record unique to this time when the Yardbirds look can be seen and hidden because it is Telecas.
Robert knows that too, and in “Dazed And Confused” that day, he also sang a passage from The Yardbirds “Shapes Of Things.” It’s a loose tone, which may be a sign of a change in ZEP sound from “psychedelic” to “rock”.
Similarly, when it comes to “How Many More Times,” it’s really interesting that Jimmy plays the melody of “For Your Love” with a violin bow. That’s because the song was played as a part of the repertoire in Whiskey a Go Go and Fillmore, and it was dismissed and it was only treated as if the melody was played like this. .. This scene alone reminds me that every night was an “aggressive” attitude.

However, in the cassette trade era version used for the items released so far, it is about 10 minutes from the performance to hide the state where recording stops in the middle of this “How Many More Times” bow playing. Copy the part of. Furthermore, he was directing a lie ending that was connected to Robert’s MC after the performance of “Killing Floor”.
Of course, the version released by Krw_co this time is a raw version without such tricks. But that’s not all, the sound quality has improved considerably. The upper feeling is easy to understand even compared to Cobra Standard, which is considered to be the best CD item of this sound source. Due to the original recording state, the sound quality is worrisome about distortion and roughness, but this time it is said that the gene is unknown, but the piercing that had already occurred is naturally alleviated, and it is far. It is easier to hear. You should be absolutely surprised at how easy it is to hear. Obviously, I’m worried about the analog gene drop feeling on the existing board.
And the pitch deviation that was the biggest problem in this sound source. If it is an already-released board, the first half of the live will be high and the second half will be low. There was also an item called “A SUDDEN ATTACK BOSTON” that had a rough pitch correction from the Cobra board, and even recently, a version with a pitch correction of the Cobra board was uploaded.
There was another kind of madness in this version, and although the madness was constant this time, it was 60% higher. When releasing this limited press CD, this problem was carefully adjusted. You can now listen to this legendary masterpiece without worrying about the pitch madness that was the biggest concern so far. One of the important sound sources in the first half of 1969, which is full of highlights, such as the unbeatable masterpiece heard throughout the whole story, and “You Shook Me” played in a formation that is extremely valuable at that time, that Johnsy plays the organ. It will finally be released in a satisfying way. Of course, the title is “KILLING FLOOR”!

(Remaster memo)
★ Corrected a pitch that is about 60% higher than a semitone.
★ The sound pressure has been increased within the range where the waveform does not collapse.
★ I didn’t fade.

たとえ良好オーディエンスとは言えなくとも、その凄まじい演奏内容からマニアに愛されているZEPのライブ音源というのがあります。その典型が1972年シアトルでのマラソン・ショーを収めた音源の新たな決定版である「SIZZLES IN SEATTLE」でしょう。同じようにマニアの間で高く評価されつつ、それでいて決定版と呼べるアイテムが存在しない日であったのが1月26日のボストン・ティー・パーティ。この日は古くからバイオ本などにおいて「4時間を超えた伝説の一夜」として紹介されており、その音源の登場が渇望されていました。
ZEPが初めてボストン後に降り立った1969年の1月は先の会場にて四日連続の公演が行われましたが、残念ながらサウンドボード録音は存在せず、かろうじてオーディエンス録音だけで垣間見られるものとなっていました。おまけに1969年の録音ということもあって、なかなかアイテムが登場しなかったのです。ところがLPアイテムの末期になって一月のボストン・ティー・パーティの音源がリリースされるようになり、マニアが発掘を待ち望んだ26日の記録に関しても「KILLING FLOOR」というタイトルでリリースされました。あのTMOQ系列からのリリースということもあり、いにしえのスタンプカバー風レイアウトのジャケットも印象的なアイテム。

そもそも前年末からアメリカに上陸したZEPはウイスキー・ア・ゴーゴー、フィルモアといった名会場で毎晩全力のステージを披露しており、中でも「FILLMORE WEST 1969 DAY 2」で聞かれた1月10日のフィルモアは1月前半における名演を捉えていた定番の一つ。この時期のZEPの凄いところは、毎晩の演奏ボルテージが当たり前のように高く、それでいて到達点というものが存在しない、つまり進化が当たり前であったことに驚きを禁じえません。ジミー以下、絶対にアメリカを虜にしてみせる…と言わんばかりの大熱演が連日にわたって繰り広げられていた。
こうなると普通は飽和状態となって聞き込めないはずなのですが、この日の音源はむしろこのバランスが吉と出ているから驚き。おかげでオープニングの「The Train Kept A Rollin’」からしてジミーがもの凄い気迫でステージに挑んでいる様子がはっきり伝わってくる。それまでもLA、ニューヨークと詰めかけたオーディエンスを虜にしてきただけに、ここボストン、さらには最終日となるギグに全身全霊を傾けて弾き倒す様はジミーが完全に「ゾーン」に入ってプレイに打ち込んでいるというもの。

あまりにも彼のギターの音がリアルなので、この時期のジミーのプレイはまだヤードバーズのスタイルを引きずっているのもよく解る。そんな好例が当時「Killing Floor」で後の「Lemon Song」。その基本形は既に出来上がっているものの、途中でヤードバーズ時代における彼の得意技でもあったサイレンの音を鳴らす場面などはその典型ですし、リードギターのフレーズもまたサイケ感が溢れている。ブルーズバンドとしての完成形はむしろジミーがレスポールに持ち替えた4月のフィルモアやウインターランドですので、テレキャスだからこそヤードバーズっぽさが見え隠れするこの時期ならではの貴重な記録とも。
ロバートはそのことも承知していて、この日の「Dazed And Confused」では、これまたヤードバーズ「Shapes Of Things」の一節を歌い出している。それはルーズな調子であり、これが「サイケ」から「ロック」へと向かうZEPサウンドの変化の兆しと言えるかもしれません。
同じように「How Many More Times」になると今度はジミーがバイオリンの弓で「For Your Love」のメロディを弾くというのがまた実に面白い。というのも同曲は先のウイスキー・ア・ゴーゴーやフィルモアではレパートリーの一曲として演奏されていた訳で、それがお役御免となってこのようにメロディが弾かれるだけの扱いにとどまったという。この場面だけでも毎晩が「攻め」の姿勢であったことを思い知らされます。

ところが今までリリースされてきたアイテムに使われてきたカセット・トレード時代のバージョンだと、この「How Many More Times」弓弾きの途中で録音が止まってしまう状態を隠蔽すべく、演奏から10分辺りの個所をコピペ。さらには「Killing Floor」終演後のロバートのMCまでつなぎ合わせた、うそこエンディングを演出していたのです。
もちろん今回Krw_coが公開してくれたバージョンはそうした小細工のない生のままのバージョン。しかしそれだけではありません、音質が相当に向上している。本音源のCDアイテムにおけるベストとされたCobra Standardと比べても解りやすい程のアッパー感。元々の録音状態のせいで歪みと粗さが気になる音質ではあるのですが、今回は「ジェネ不明」とのことながらも、そうした既発にあった刺々しさが自然に緩和され、はるかに聞きやすくなっている。その粗いなりに聞きやすくなった状態は絶対に驚かされるはず。もはや既発盤は明らかにアナログのジェネ落ち感が気になってしまう。
そして本音源における最大の問題だったピッチの狂い。既発盤ですとライブ前半が高くて後半は低くなるという落ち着きのなさ。そこに目を付けCobra盤からおおまかにピッチ修正した「A SUDDEN ATTACK BOSTON」なんていうアイテムもありましたし、最近になってもCobra盤をピッチ修正したバージョンがアップされたほどでした。
そこは今回のバージョンも別種の狂いがあり、今度は狂いこそ一定していたものの、何と60%も高くなってしまったという。今回の限定プレスCDにリリースに際しては、この問題を緻密にアジャスト。これまで最大の懸案だったピッチの狂いを遂に気にせずに、この伝説の名演を聞きこめるようになりました。その全編を通して聞かれる掛け値なしの名演、さらにはジョンジーがオルガンを弾くという、当時としては極めて貴重なフォーメーションで演奏される「You Shook Me」など、聞きどころ満載な1969年前半における重要音源の一つが遂に満足のいく形でリリースされます。もちろんタイトルは「KILLING FLOOR」!



Disc 1 (44:33)
1. The Train Kept A Rollin’
2. I Can’t Quit You Baby
3. Killing Floor
4. Dazed And Confused with Shapes Of Things
5. You Shook Me
6. Communication Breakdown

Disc 2 (48:05)
1. White Summer / Black Mountain Side
2. Babe I’m Gonna Leave You
3. Pat’s Delight
4. How Many More Times with Duke Of Earl, Kisses Sweeter Than Ever, For Your Love, Over Under Sideways Down

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