Led Zeppelin / Greensboro 1975 / 2CDR

Led Zeppelin / Greensboro 1975 / 2CDR / Non label

Greensboro Coliseum, Greensboro, NC, USA 29th January 1975 *UPGRADE

Play sample :

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In the olden days, Greensboro in 1975 was known to enthusiasts for its LP “KASHMIR WIZARD’S” and CD “A QUICK GET AWAY”. It was a time when Jimmy’s fingers and Robert’s voice could not be fully recovered, and yet the stage when “How Many More Times” was being played was captured with reasonably good sound quality. It was familiar.
As I mentioned at the beginning, it is the first half of the 1975 American tour where some items were released in the past, but this time it contains the first generation version that recently appeared on the net.
In other words, it is positioned as a low-gene version, but even so, the phenomenon that “The Rain Song” fades out at the end of the ending is the same as “A QUICK GET AWAY”, and the sound quality is dramatically improved. It was not seen. If you are a maniac, it is a day with a strong impression that “it is a precious time, but the sound quality is to that extent”, and I wonder if that impression will be overturned this time as well.

Therefore, it is a monaural audience recording of a sound image that is a little far away, but even so, it is clear that both front desks are in trouble. First of all, Robert is tattered, and when it comes to raising his voice, it is almost destroyed. It would be a terrible story to pick up his early repertoire, “How Many More Times.”
Jimmy’s finger problems made it difficult to improvise for a long time like “Dazed And Confused”, and instead it was revived after a long time because it was a song with a showcase that pleased the audience called the bowing part. It was difficult for Robert at this time to start singing after the song was over.

Jimmy also said that the phrase was rough everywhere because his fingers weren’t completely healed. The new song “Trampled Underfoot” still shows inspiration, and the previous “How Many” shows a quick play that seems to be the return of 1969, but it is a symptomatism of this period that it does not continue. In the same way, I play “Stairway To Heaven” as hard as usual halfway through, but maybe because I’m overdoing it with my unhealed fingers, the phrase goes wrong at a strange timing. Or the sound will come off.
From the impression of the whole play, even though it was a day when I was taking up “How Many More Times” which is valuable for 1975, I can not escape from the position as a “core enthusiast” sound source. There was a situation. It was even described as “quite possibly the worst Led Zeppelin concert ever!” On overseas sites.
In this case, it can be said that it is a perfect sound source to try with a free gift. Even so, this time, all the troubles of the sound source that occurred everywhere, including the pitch deviation that was noticeable in the latter half of the live, were adjusted. Even though it’s a free gift, it’s definitely restored. On the contrary, it is a high-grade gift that is easier to hear than the past 75 Greensboro items!

古くはLP「KASHMIR WIZARD’S」、CDだと「A QUICK GETAWAY」などでマニアに知られる1975年のグリーンズボロ。まだジミーの指もロバートの声も回復しきらない時期であり、それでいて「How Many More Times」が演奏されていたという時期のステージをそこそこ良好な音質で捉えてくれていたという点でもマニアにはおなじみでした。
つまりロージェネ・バージョンという位置づけになるのですが、それでも「The Rain Song」がエンディングぎりぎりのところでフェイドアウトしてしまうといった現象などは「A QUICK GETAWAY」と変わらず、それ以上に音質も劇的な向上が見られた訳ではありません。マニアの方であれば「貴重な時期だがあの程度の音質」という印象の強い日であり、その印象が今回も覆ることはないかと。

よってちょっと遠い音像のモノラル・オーディエンス録音なのですが、それでもフロント両人がそれぞれに不調である様はしっかり伝わってきてしまう。まずロバートに関してはボロボロで、声を張り上げる個所になるとほとんど壊滅状態。そんな中で初期のレパートリーだった「How Many More Times」を取り上げたというのも酷な話でしょう。
ジミーの指の問題のせいで「Dazed And Confused」のような長いインプロビゼーションが難しく、代わりにボウイング・パートという観客を喜ばせる見せ場のある曲ということから久々に復活を遂げたものの、それが終わった後の歌い出しなど、いかんせんこの時期のロバートには厳しかった。

そのジミーも指が完治していないせいでフレーズが随所で荒いという始末。まだ新曲の「Trampled Underfoot」では閃きを見せますし、先の「How Many~」では69年の再来かと思わせるような早弾きまでこなしてみせるものの、それが続かないのがこの時期の症状。同じように「Stairway To Heaven」も途中まではいつもと変わらないほど激しく弾いているのですが、つい治りきってない指で無理をしてしまうからか、変なタイミングでフレーズがおかしくなったり、あるいは音が外れてしまう。
こうしたプレイ全体の印象から、75年としては貴重な「How Many More Times」を取り上げていた日だったにもかかわらず「コア・マニア向け」な音源という位置づけからどうしても逃れられないのにはそう言った事情があったのです。海外のサイトなどでも「quite possibly the worst Led Zeppelin concert ever!」と評されたほど。

Disc 1 (66:30)
1. Rock and Roll ★0:18の極端なテープ速度劣化は緩和しました。
2. Sick Again
3. Over the Hills and Far Away
4. In My Time of Dying
5. The Song Remains the Same
6. The Rain Song
7. Kashmir
8. No Quarter

Disc 2 (62:58)
1. MC ジミーの指の怪我のことを説明
2. Trampled Underfoot
3. Moby Dick
4. How Many More Times
5. Stairway to Heaven
6. Whole Lotta Love
7. Black Dog
8. Communication Breakdown

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