Led Zeppelin / Definitive Mobile 1973 / 2CD

Led Zeppelin / Definitive Mobile 1973 / 2CD / Non Label
Live at Municipal Auditorium, Mobile, Alabama, USA 13th May 1973 SBD

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ZEP’s first direct-coupling soundboard paradise 1973 American Tour. The first half of the tour, which was divided into two rounds, was especially blessed with sound sources, and it was new in memory that the best version of directly connected sound sources such as Denver and Keather Stadium was released just a year ago Where. Therefore, the 73-year-old American sound board has been handled even in our shop, but the sound board album of the mobile performance on May 13 has become a existence like a hole that was dropped in it.
It is a table direct connection source rush of the United States of America ’73 which was released from Dallas and Chicago at the beginning of the CD, but the cassette boot is very rare for this mobile, and the format will be reviewed again if the cassette is popular again. It has appeared. Around that time, a large number of 73-year-old table-connected sound boards were distributed among traders. On this bubble, a label called Ghost Music outbursts cassette cassettes. One of them, “UPWARDLY MOBILE” and “MOBILE DICK” are released in two separate forms. The items released in large quantities from ghosts at the time were also in the era of cassette trading, and they were also converted into CDs due to the rally of the rally tournaments and pitches, etc. It was useful in that we could hear a large number of first appearance sound sources.
Unexpectedly, more than those two titles did not appear immediately, but the best version appeared on “MIIN TOUCH” label “GOIN ‘MOBILE”. When it enters the 21st century, it will be replaced by “ALABAMA GETAWAY” released from EMPRESS VALLEY.

Mobil’s direct-to-table sound board, its great attraction is that it has excelled in freshness and clarity among the many sound boards that exist at this time. There was a feeling that was perfected by “ALABAMA GETAWAY”. After that, it has appeared many times as a CD-R gift from our shop “MOBLIE 1973”. Although it is not a big level, gift CD-R which became popular among manias by having upgraded a little. On the contrary, there was even a voice saying “I want you to put out on a press board”.
Recently, however, an upgraded version of the impact that wipes out these pre-released items has appeared on the net. This is the basis of this release, but it is familiar to create a new version of dadgad. The sound source that I obtained for remastering was “generation unknown”, but this was amazing, and the sound quality was fundamentally improved over previous versions. It is clear that you have been using sound sources in good condition before being remastered, and maybe you have not deliberately revealed Gene? A feeling of breathtaking upper feeling so as to confuse with it.
Compared to this version, it is reminded that past items felt so easy to hear so much are smaller by noise reduction. Another dimension too, this is a great thing that can truly be called an upgrade. However, while it takes time to remaster, overseas enthusiasts (wry smiles) tend to overwhelm the pitch upset. There was a point that was not corrected though saying “The speed has been adjusted”. Especially the remarkable descent of the pitch is adjusted around “The Rain Song”. I gave the final touch to the amazing upgraded sound source.
What a wonderful source, this release adds fine-tuning to areas of concern. Please refer to the separate section about them.

As mentioned at the beginning, Mobil’s direct-to-table sound source has been well-received for its excellent recording balance and clearness among the many 73’s of America’s sound boards, but the Johnsy’s base is an exquisite balance by any means The great attraction is being captured. As a result, it’s a kind of love that makes him feel like he’s biting a big blur at the connection from “Rock And Roll” to “Celebration Day” as a kind of caress (for the coolest of the members, it really is An unusual mistake), it is an excellent sound source where the grudge of his base play, which tended to be weak on the other 73 console direct connection sound boards, is felt everywhere.
“The Song Remains The Same” and “Dazed And Confused” also capture Johna’s dazzling bass-play, and it can be called a valuable resource that will reaffirm how he was at the heart of the ZEP sound .
Even so, the point that the “ZEP performing polite performance in the United States in 1979” is captured with the highest sound quality is also a valuable place of Mobil sound source. Jimmy and Bonzo have also performed surprisingly carefully, and Jimmy’s phrases that show the spectacular spread in “Stairway To Heaven” solo are among the best 3 in the United States in ’73. At this point in time, he’s still in front of an action-oriented approach, and before he falls in love with LA after a long time ago (laughs). Bonso’s play that supports it is wonderful, and it is excellent that it is captured with a still realistic tone.
The plant also evolves into a state where you can listen to it with peace of mind that comes with a singing style that is less powerful than “Over The Hills And Far Away”. And while playing politely in the first half, the “Dazed And Confused” that members are waiting for and explodes just in 20 minutes, it is the hyper-play that is reminiscent of 73 Europe centered on the rhythm team . It was a balance that John Zee tended to be overwhelmed by the table-to-table sound board in Europe, but as he has mentioned many times, Mobil has a great sense of presence and so the playfulness is transmitted through extra.

Among the 1973 United States tour, it is the middle of May when the excavation of the table direct connection sound board is densely crowded, but the mobile which boasted the exceptional clearness among them is the upgrade of 2019 in noon. Of course not recorded “Heartbreaker” and the end of the show after the show is not recorded, but the amazing first time upgrade upgrade to make it even forget it is really amazing. As a result of achieving so much quality improvement, as a result of adjusting the pitch when releasing on a limited press CD, it has evolved into a superb item that ZEP enthusiasts, as well as rock fans can themselves recommend. It is the appearance of the direct-to-the-ground soundboard album that anyone can hear with confidence. Unexpectedly polite playing and clear sound quality so easy to understand … no complaints.

(Remastered note)

★ The sound is overwhelmingly better than in the past. As a feature of this board, there is also a part that sounds like a high-pitched sound well and sounds rough on the contrary. Especially disc 1.

★ The point that is inferior to existing
The intro is about 5 seconds short.
Outro is about 0.3 seconds short.
It is judged unnecessary for the outro and no compensation is made.
As the intro is important, I compensate it,
Noise reduction has already been applied to the previous issue,
Since it does not become the sound quality same as this board, it adjusted as much as possible, but it is this degree.

★ Adjusted because the right channel is falling high compared to the left.
The left and right balance has been improved.

★ pitch adjustment
Disc 1 corrected the pitch to be delayed by 20% of semitones towards the end of the session.
Disc 2 is correct.

CD黎明期にダラスとシカゴから封切られた73年アメリカの卓直結音源ラッシュですが、このモービルに関してはカセット・ブートという大変珍しい、そしてカセットが人気を取り戻した今なら見直されるであろうフォーマットにて登場しました。それと前後してトレーダー間に大量の73年ツアーの卓直結サウンドボードが流通。このバブルに乗ってゴースト・ミュージックというレーベルがカセット・トレード音源を乱発。それらの中の一つとして「UPWARDLY MOBILE」と「MOBILE DICK」の二つに分かれた形でリリースされています。当時ゴーストから大量にリリースされたアイテムはカセット・トレードの時代ということもあってジェネ落ち大会&ピッチの狂いなどもおざなりでCD化されていたのですが、トレードに縁のないマニアには、CDで大量の初登場音源が聞けるという点で重宝しました。
意外にもそれら二タイトルを超えるものがすぐには登場しなかったのですが、MIDAS TOUCHレーベルの「GOIN’ MOBILE」にてベスト・バージョンが登場。それが21世紀に入るとEMPRESS VALLEYからリリースされた「ALABAMA GETAWAY」に取って代わられて今に至ります。

モービルの卓直結サウンドボード、その大きな魅力はこの時期に存在する数多いサウンドボードの中でも飛び抜けた鮮度とクリアネスに長けていたことでしょう。それが「ALABAMA GETAWAY」にて極められた感がありました。その後当店からCD-Rギフトとして何度も登場したのが「MOBLIE 1973」。大幅というレベルではないものの、少なからずアップグレードしていたことでマニアの間では好評となったギフトCD-R。むしろ「プレス盤で出してもらいたい」という声すら寄せられたもの。
今回のバージョンと比べて、あれほど聞きやすく感じた過去のアイテムが大なり小なりノイズリダクションによってこじんまりとしていたことを思い知らされます。あまりに別次元、これこそ真にアップグレードと呼べる素晴らしいもの。とは言ってもリマスターに手間をかける一方、ピッチの狂いをおざなりにしがちなのが海外のマニア(苦笑)。「スピードも調整済」と言っておきながら直っていない箇所があったのです。特に「The Rain Song」辺りで顕著なピッチの下降をアジャスト。驚異のアップグレードを遂げた音源に最後の仕上げを施しました。

最初に述べたようにモービルの卓直結音源は数多い73年アメリカのサウンドボードの中においても抜群な録音バランスの良さとクリアネスで定評がありましたが、何と言ってもジョンジーのベースが絶妙なバランスで捉えられているのが大きな魅力。そのせいで彼が「Rock And Roll」から「Celebration Day」にかけてのつなぎで大ボケをかましてしまった様子までバッチリ聞けてしまうのは愛嬌として(メンバーの中で一番冷静な彼にしては本当に珍しいミス)、他の73卓直結サウンドボードでは弱くなりがちだった彼のベースプレイの凄みが随所で感じられる秀逸音源なのです。
「The Song Remains The Same」や「Dazed And Confused」でもジョンジーによる壮絶なベースプレイが捉えられており、いかに彼がZEPサウンドの要を担っていたかを再認識させてくれる貴重な資料とも呼べるでしょう。
それでいて全体を通して「73年アメリカにおいて丁寧な演奏をするZEP」が最高音質で捉えられているという点もモービル音源の貴重なところ。ジミーもボンゾも驚くほど丁寧に演奏しており、「Stairway To Heaven」ソロでの見事な広がりを見せるジミーのフレーズなどは73年アメリカの中でもベスト3に入るのでは。この時点では彼がまだアクション指向へと傾き切る前で、なおかつLA以降のちやほやと快楽(笑)に溺れる前だからなのでしょうか。それを支えるボンゾのプレイがまた素晴らしく、なおかつリアルな音色で捉えられているのが絶品。
プラントも「Over The Hills And Far Away」以外では力を抜いた歌い方が板に付いてきて安心して聞ける状態へと進化。そして前半に丁寧な演奏をしつつ、メンバーが待ってましたとばかりに炸裂する「Dazed And Confused」では20分あたり、それこそ73ヨーロッパを彷彿とさせるハイパー・プレイがリズム隊を中心に繰り広げられます。ヨーロッパの卓直結サウンドボードではジョンジーがおざなりになりがちなバランスでしたが、何度も触れているようにモービルは彼の存在感が大きいので余計にプレイの凄まじさが伝わってくる。








Disc 1 (60:04)
1. Introduction 2. Rock And Roll 3. Celebration Day 4. Black Dog
5. Over The Hills And Far Away 6. Misty Mountain Hop 7. Since I’ve Been Loving You
8. No Quarter 9. The Song Remains The Same 10. The Rain Song

Disc 2 (55:58)
1. Dazed And Confused 2. Stairway To Heaven 3. Moby Dick


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