Led Zeppelin / Buffalo 1973 / 3CD 

Led Zeppelin / Buffalo 1973 / 3CD  / Non Label

Buffalo Memorial Auditorium, Buffalo, New York, USA 15th July 1973

Play sample :

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ZEP Buffalo on July 15th, one of the PA out soundboards produced by the second leg of the 1973 US tour. Due to the nature of the sound source, many items have been produced so far, but since the beginning of the 21st century, even audience recordings have been excavated. It was the nostalgic “SLOWING DOWN IN BUFFALO” by The Chronicles Of Led Zeppelin that was put together as if both of these sound sources were sampled. On this day, Winston Remaster then released a version of the two sound sources that seemed to be a good match, and based on that, the Moonchild label “SLOWING DOWN IN BUFFALO” is now the most popular 73 item of Buffalo. It has become.
However, the Winston version itself was made almost 10 years ago, and it is a fact that enthusiasts have been waiting for the appearance of new items and upgraded versions. Because the Winston version of the soundboard part was based on a copy of the 3rd generation, there was clearly room for perfection.
Under such circumstances, the familiar The Dogs of Doom team finally discovered the low-gene version of this performance. Basically, they have unearthed one after another the live sound source of ZEP whose existence has not been confirmed so far, and they have pleased enthusiasts all over the world, but majors like this time.・ It is said that they will discover the upper version of the sound source, which can be called a sound board. I’m just reminded of their high ability to collect sound sources.
What’s more, what they unearthed this time is the 1st generation, which is literally a low generation. For that reason, the upper feeling of sound quality is obvious, and the SBD part is clearly improved from the past items released under the name of “SLOWING DOWN IN BUFFALO” so far. You can see the natural spread and clearness of the sound at a glance. The rich natural feeling unique to First Generation is clear. Already, this alone has a wonderful upper feeling enough to eliminate the need for past items.

Compared to this version, the range of the past version is narrow, and when it comes to Winston Remaster, the hard equalization feeling at that time is not a little worrisome. You will definitely be surprised that the original appearance of the sound source was so natural and rich in sound quality, and you can feel the power of the first generation.
It is well known to enthusiasts that this SBD has a cut in the early stages of “The Rain Song”, but the method of compensating for this defect with audience recording has already been established in the Winston version. .. However, due to the audience recording of the day, the rotation of the tape became unstable around the same song, and it became very difficult to hear just by supplementing it. In fact, the Winston version is a mellotron sound that sounds sloppy. This version corrects that point with the latest technology and then performs aud compensation, which is also much easier to hear than the existing version.
For SBD, recording was completed by “Stairway To Heaven”, and after that, we had to rely on audience recording. However, as was clear on the TCOLZ board, the sound quality of the audience recording is not good enough. If it’s just monaural, the sound is far and distorted. While such an aud part was written as 2nd gen. In the Winston version, it is said that “gene unknown” was used this time. However, this is also in better condition than the existing board, and it is tearful that the equalization that alleviates the feeling of roughness is applied on it. After all, the SBD part has achieved a dramatic improvement in sound quality, so even with this equalization, the difference in sound quality is undeniable, but it has become rough and calm.

The sound quality of this SBD part has improved so much, and it is “Stairway To Heaven” that makes you realize this difference. The sound quality is much more transparent than the existing version, and I am fascinated by it. On this day, there is a symptom peculiar to the second leg that Robert’s voice starts with a tone that does not boil at the beginning of the live, but such a person also gets up at a stretch from “Over The Hills And Far Away”. Thanks to that, it’s good to finish the ending of this song and “The Rain Song” more passionately than usual. The “Stairway To” is also a wonderful performance, and the guitar solo that Jimmy passionately showed is even more brilliant in this upper version.
When it came to the second leg, the members would have become accustomed to the stage setting at the stadium, and the thrilling exchange reminiscent of Europe a few months ago was revived with “Dazed And Confused”. Great developments took place in Detroit and Seattle before and after, but this day was even more intense. From the middle of the “San Francisco” part, you can see an unusual rhythmic exchange, and after all, between Jimmy and Bonzo as if he signaled Robert’s screaming over 20 minutes. The bargaining exchanged at is exquisite. As a result, it was a particularly long performance in “Dazed And ~” at this time, but it is a masterpiece that does not make listeners bored.
The second leg will be a turbulent development awaiting a forced termination show such as Vancouver, which was discontinued due to Robert’s malfunction, and Boston, where the audience was too noisy and shortened, but before that, how wonderful a performance was shown here in Buffalo. It reminds me of what I was doing. 73 Buffalo is one of the standard soundboards, and it’s an upper version without complaints!

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(Remaster memo)

★ The SBD sound source is 20 to 30% slower than a semitone, so I fixed it. Aud was right.

★ Since the sound pressure is low, I raised it to the limit where the waveform does not collapse.

★ Disc3 (aud) respected the original sound, judging that the evaluation would not change even if it was equalized and the sound was changed.

★ The Aud patch part of The Rain Song has been corrected because there is a step in the pitch, but the sound of Aud is fine-tuned because there is tape sway, but the discomfort has been reduced.


ZEP1973年アメリカ・ツアーのセカンド・レグが生み出したPAアウト・サウンドボードの一つ、7月15日のバッファロー。その音源の性質上、今までいくつものアイテムが生み出されてきましたが、21世紀に入ってからはオーディエンス録音まで出土。それら両方の音源を標本化するかのごとくまとめられたのが懐かしのThe Chronicles Of Led Zeppelinによる「SLOWING DOWN IN BUFFALO」でした。この日に関しては、その後Winston Remasterが二つの音源のいいとこどりをしたようなバージョンを発表、それを元にしたMoonchildレーベルのこれまた「SLOWING DOWN IN BUFFALO」が現在ではもっともポピュラーなバッファロー73アイテムとなっています。
しかしWinstonバージョン自体は作られたのがほぼ10年前であり、さすがに新たなアイテムやアップグレード版の登場がマニアの間で待たれていたのも事実。というのもWinston版のサウンドボード・パートは3rd generationのコピーを元にしており、明らかに完全の余地がありました。
そうした中、遂に本公演のロージェネ・バージョンを発掘してくれたのがおなじみThe Dogs of Doomチーム。彼らは基本的に今まで音源の存在が確認されていないZEPのライブ音源を次から次へと発掘してくれて世界中のマニアを喜ばせてくれてきた訳ですが、今回のようなメジャー・サウンドボードとでも言うべき音源のアッパー版まで発掘してくれるとは。改めて彼らの音源蒐集能力の高さを思い知らされるばかり。
おまけに彼らが今回発掘してくれたのは何と1st generationという、文字通りのロージェネレーション。それだけに音質のアッパー感は歴然としていて、SBDパートはこれまで「SLOWING DOWN IN BUFFALO」の名の下でリリースされてきた過去のアイテムよりもはっきり向上。実に自然な音の広がりやクリアーさが一目瞭然。正にファースト・ジェネレーションならではの豊かなナチュラル感が冴えわたっています。もう、これだけでも過去のアイテムを不要とするに十分なアッパー感が素晴らしい。

今回のバージョンと比べると過去のバージョンはレンジが狭く、なおかつWinston Remasterになると当時の硬質なイコライズ感が少なからず気になってしまう。音源本来位の姿はこれほどまでにナチュラルで豊かな音質だったのか…と間違いなく驚かされるでしょうし、ファースト・ジェネレーションの威力を実感できるかと。
本SBDには「The Rain Song」の序盤にカットが生じているのもマニアには良く知られているところですが、この欠損をオーディエンス録音で補填する手法も既にWinstonバージョンで確立されていました。ところがこの日のオーディエンス録音、よりによって同曲周辺でテープの回転が不安定になっており、単に補填しただけでは非常に聞きずらい状態へと陥ってしまうのでした。実際Winstonバージョンはメロトロンの音がヨレヨレに聞こえたもの。その点を今回のバージョンは最新テクノロジーにて補正した上でaud補填を実行しており、これもまた既発盤よりはるかに聞きやすくまとめられている。
それにSBDの方は「Stairway To Heaven」までで録音が終わっており、以降はオーディエンス録音に頼りざるを得ない。ところがTCOLZ盤でも明らかになっていたように、オーディエンス録音の音質はいまひとつ。モノラルというだけならまだしも、音が遠くて歪み気味。そんなaudパートがWinstonバージョンでは2nd gen.と表記されていたのに対し、今回使用されたのは「ジェネ不明」とのこと。ところが、これまた既発盤よりも状態が良く、その上で荒れくれ感を緩和させたイコライズが施されているのが涙ぐましい。何しろSBDパートが飛躍的な音質向上を遂げてしまっただけに、今回のイコライズが施されてもなお音質の落差は否めないのですが、粗いなりに落ち着いて聞ける状態になりました。

それほどまで今回のSBDパートは音質の向上ぶりがめざましく、この違いを実感させてくれるのが「Stairway To Heaven」。既発盤よりもはるかに透明感のある音質には思わず聞き惚れてしまうほど。この日はライブ序盤こそロバートの声が煮え切らない調子で始まるという、セカンド・レグ特有の症状がみられますが、そんな彼も「Over The Hills And Far Away」からは一気に調子を上げてくれる。おかげで本曲のエンディングや「The Rain Song」をいつもより情熱的に締めくくっているのがイイ。その「Stairway To~」も素晴らしい演奏で、ジミーが情熱的に盛り上げてみせたギターソロが今回のアッパー版だとさらに映える。
またセカンド・レグになるとメンバーもスタジアムでのステージ・セッティングに慣れてきたのでしょう、「Dazed And Confused」で数か月前のヨーロッパを彷彿とさせるようなスリリングなやり取りが復活。前後のデトロイトやシアトルでも素晴らしい展開が繰り広げられましたが、この日がまた一段と強烈。「San Francisco」パートの最中からしていつもと違うリズムの応酬がみられますし、何と言っても20分を超えた辺りでロバートの雄叫びを合図にしたかのようにジミーとボンゾの間で交わされる駆け引きは絶品。その結果、この時期の「Dazed And~」の中でも特に長い演奏となったのですが、聞く者を飽きさせない名演です。





★The Rain Song のAudパッチ部分は、ピッチに段差が有るので修正しましたが、Audの音はテープ揺れが有るので微調整ですが、入りに気持ち悪さは軽減しました。


Disc 1 (65:38)
1. Intro
2. Rock And Roll
3. Celebration Day
4. Black Dog
5. Over The Hills And Far Away
6. Misty Mountain Hop
7. Since I’ve Been Loving You
8. No Quarter
9. The Song Remains The Same
10. The Rain Song

Disc 2 (45:20)
1. MC
2. Dazed And Confused
3. Stairway To Heaven

Disc 3 (56:35)
1. MC
2. Moby Dick
3. Heartbreaker
4. Whole Lotta Love
5. The Ocean

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