Led Zeppelin / Tucson 1972 Reel Archives / 3CD

Led Zeppelin / Tucson 1972 Reel Archives / 3CD / Non label
Tucson Community Center, Tucson, AZ, USA 28th June 1972

Play sample :

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This time, not only Charlotte, but also the same 1972 American tour to the Tucson performance will realize the release of the upper version reel. Yes, speaking of Tucson in 1972, it is known to maniacs as the last day of the American tour. It has been a hot topic as a sound source that was excavated in the 21st century, but it may be because of the distorted recording state that there is a feeling that it has not penetrated. The items released at the beginning of the excavation of the sound source had a clause that tried to solve such problems with the equalization of the technology at the time, but this is the only way.
Also, after the recording owner who released the sound source confessed that “actually there is a final encore”, “Thank You” was played, and there was a scene where “Your Time Is Gonna Come” was medleyed… It was also hinted at, but even at that time, enthusiasts dismissed it as “impossible”, and now that it has been 20 years since the sound source appeared, it seems like a nostalgic fairy tale. I have.
Fortunately, the sound source itself appeared in touch with the master from the beginning, so once the item release at the rear tie was over, there was no significant upgrade after that, which was also a factor that did not spread unexpectedly among enthusiasts. not. As evidence of that, the recent appearance of the KRW_CO Transfer version did not become a topic at all.

Under such circumstances, the reel tape that our country’s ZEP collector obtained at the same time as Charlotte was Tucson. However, the enthusiast who provided it was more skeptical about this reel than Charlotte, and since he did not know the clear identity, he offered it as a gift. In other words, the side that provided it didn’t have great expectations even though it was a reel.
“However, I was surprised when I actually played the provided reel.” It was a sound quality that surpassed any of the previous versions. First of all, not only has the sound quality improved significantly compared to the items released when the sound source appeared, but it is also one rank up compared to the previous KRW_CO Transfer version. The secret is not only that the distortion that is the chronic disease of this sound source has been reduced, but also that the miscellaneous taste that remained in KRW_CO Transfer has been removed, making it easier to hear.
This is obvious if you compare it with the existing board, but it’s not because of equalization, but because the reel is in good condition. However, this time, the volume up and down at the start of the opening “Immigrant Song”, and even the uneven rotation of the tape when entering the “Whole Lotta Love” medley are exactly the same. Nevertheless, the fact that it gives such a natural upper feeling clearly tells the good condition of the tape. Rather, the point that the sound quality itself is clearly good while being in the same state as before tells the splendor of this reel.
Regarding the uneven rotation in the “Whole Lotta Love” medley in question, it is fortunate that this mainly occurred in a scene centered on Jimmy’s theremin action, which is not a singing part. Thanks to that, I was able to listen to it from the beginning, but this time I adjusted it as much as possible, so I was able to listen more calmly.

As for the performance, it can’t be bad only after the LA Forum and Long Beach, which are famous performances on the West Coast. In the first place, it seems that the three players are on stage in an extremely relaxed state because it is the last day of the tour. “Dazed And Confused”, in which the three of them showed their own tactics, has a very impressive development among the 72-year versions including “Walter’s Walk” and “The Crunge”. Over there, Jimmy shines with the play of “Since I’ve Been Loving You”, which is unique to the final day of the tour.
Above all, it can be said that this day was the last record of the stage where Robert himself sang mainly high tones, and the way he sang the new song “Over The Hills And Far Away” at the time with the same melody as the record was exceptional. The same applies to the finale “Rock And Roll”. It is extremely valuable that the song that has become a large standard of ZEP is also a song that has been released until this tour, but it is not treated as a regular, and it is played in a state that has not yet been solidified as a repertoire. On top of that, not only does Robert sing with the same melody as the record, but the happening that Jimmy’s solo starts singing before it ends is a masterpiece. Since coming to Japan in autumn, it will be completely established as an opening, so the performance that still retains freshness is precious.
And since it’s a monaural recording with more or less distortion, the recommended way to appreciate it is definitely through the speakers. Of course, if you listen with headphones, you can clearly see the freshness that I mentioned earlier, but if you want to enjoy the swinging condition of the performance of this day coupled with the unique sound quality, it is the speaker. The scene of Elvis singing in the “Whole Lotta Love” medley by Robert (I’m really glad that the rotation unevenness has settled at this timing), etc. You should be reminded that it was a great performance. Above all, did the 72 Tucson sound so good?

* Recorded from two reel tapes that were originally obtained. The sound is overwhelmingly better than the previous ones, and the content is very good.

 また音源を公開してくれた録音主が「実はファイナル・アンコールがある」と打ち明けた挙句「Thank You」が演奏され、その中には「Your Time Is Gonna Come」にメドレーする場面もあった…などとほのめかされたりもしたのですが、当時からしてマニアが「ありえない」と一蹴しており、それが音源の登場から20年が経過した今となっては懐かしいおとぎ話のようですらあります。
 幸いにも音源自体は当初からマスターとの触れ込みで登場したことから、リアタイでのアイテム・リリースが一段落すると、その後は大幅なアップグレードもなく、これもまたマニア間に思いのほか浸透しなかった要因になりません。その証拠として最近になってKRW_CO Transferバージョンが現れてもまるで話題にならなかったのでした。
 ところがどうでしょう、提供されたリールを実際に再生してみたらビックリ。それまでのバージョンのどれをも上回る音質だったのです。まず音源の登場時にリリースされたアイテム群から比べて大幅な音質の向上を遂げているのはもちろん、先のKRW_CO Transferバージョンと比べてもさらにワンランクアップ。その秘訣は本音源の持病である歪みが軽減されたのはもちろん、KRW_CO Transferに残っていた雑味も取り除かれてさらにスッキリ聞きやすくなったことが大きい。
 これは既発盤と聞き比べてもらえれば歴然なのですがイコライズなどではなく、あくまでもリールの状態が良いからこそ。もっとも今回もオープニング「Immigrant Song」開始時における音量の上下、さらには「Whole Lotta Love」メドレー突入時におけるテープの回転ムラもまったく一緒。それでいてこれほどまでに自然なアッパー感を感じさせるということがテープの状態の良さを如実に物語っているのです。むしろ従来と同じ状態でありながら、それでいて音質そのものがはっきり良いという点が今回のリールの素晴らしさを物語っている。
 問題の「Whole Lotta Love」メドレーにおける回転ムラですが、これが主に歌パートでないジミーのテルミン・アクションを中心とした場面で生じていたことは不幸中の幸いでしょう。おかげで当初の状態から何とか聞き流せる状態だったのに対し、今回は可能な限りアジャストを加えましたので、より落ち着いて聞けるようになりました。
 演奏の方はLAフォーラムとロングビーチという西海岸での名演の後だけに悪いはずがない。そもそもツアー最終日ということからプレイヤー三人は極めてリラックスした状態でステージに上がっている様子が伝わってきます。そんな三人がそれぞれに余裕の駆け引きをみせた「Dazed And Confused」は「Walter’s Walk」と「The Crunge」それぞれを含んだ72年バージョンの中でも非常に堂々たる展開が印象的。そこに輪をかけてジミーはツアー最終日ならではの弾けっぷりが「Since I’ve Been Loving You」のプレイで輝きを放っている。
 何よりロバートは自身がハイトーンをメインで歌えたステージ最後の記録がこの日だと言ってよく、当時の新曲「Over The Hills And Far Away」をレコードと同じ旋律で歌ってくれる様はやはり格別。同じことはフィナーレ「Rock And Roll」にも当てはまります。ZEPの大スタンダードと化した曲も本ツアーまではリリース済の曲でありながらレギュラー扱いではなく、まだレパートリーとして固まっていない状態で演奏されているのが極めて貴重。その上でロバートがレコードと同じ旋律で歌うのはもちろん、ジミーのソロが終わらない内に歌い始めてしまうというハプニングが傑作。秋の来日からはオープニングとして完全に定着しますので、未だに初々しさが残る演奏が尊い。
 そしてモノラルかつ大なり小なり歪みのある録音状態ですので、鑑賞方法として推奨したいのは間違いなくスピーカーから。もちろんヘッドフォンで聞けば先に触れた雑味のない鮮度などもはっきり分かるのですが、やはり独特の音質と相まったこの日の演奏の振り切れ具合を楽しむならスピーカーでしょう。ロバートが「Whole Lotta Love」メドレーの中で歌うエルヴィス(このタイミングで回転ムラが収まってくれて本当に良かった)の場面など、熱狂と興奮に包まれた西海岸の勢いが見事に持続したツアー最終日らしい名演であったことを思い知らされるはず。何より72トゥーソンってこんなに音が良かったっけ?
Disc 1 (52:29)
1. Drone
2. Immigrant Song
3. Heartbreaker
4. Black Dog
5. Over the Hills and Far Away
6. Since I’ve Been Loving You
7. Stairway to Heaven ★11:31 テープチェンジ
8. Bron-Y-Aur Stomp
Disc 2 (38:52)
1. MC
2. Dazed And Confused
3. What Is and What Should Never Be
4. Dancing Days
Disc 3 (54:04)
1. MC
2. Moby Dick ★2:17 テープチェンジ
3. Whole Lotta Love
4. Rock and Roll
Non label

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