Led Zeppelin / Fillmore West 1969 Day 4 / 1CD

Led Zeppelin / Fillmore West 1969 Day 4 / 1CD / Non Label
Fillmore West, San Francisco, CA, USA 12th January 1969

Play sample :

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Following the popular “FILL MORE WEST 1969 DAY 2”, “DAY 4” will be released. This is also one of the classic sound sources that captured the famous performance that ZEP produced from Fillmore in January 1969. The classic is also applicable to the sound quality, and the recording state is a vintage audience that seems to have roughened the sound quality of “DAY 2”. Even so, some items have been created because the performance content was as fulfilling as “DAY 2” and the performance time was within one CD. However, there have been no new items released these days, and I think there were many enthusiasts who had never heard of the day itself over time.
Under such circumstances, the current definitive edition would be “FRESH GARBAGE: FILLMORE WEST JANUARY 1969” by GRAFF ZEPPELIN, which is the compilation of the Fillmore sound source in January. Until then, the “DAY 4” items had a rough pitch instability, which is typical of vintage audiences, or it was good to have equalized them to ease the old-fashioned texture and make the outline of the performance stand out. There were also items that made it look unnatural. The best version that solved these problems was “FRESH GARBAGE”.

However, this time, this sound source is thoroughly restored based on the 1st gen. Version released by Krw_co, who is familiar in the net sound source world. First, thoroughly adjust the unstable pitch, which is the biggest problem. The more problematic thing was the old-fashioned and muffled sound quality. Speaking of a vintage audience, it sounds good, but for this sound source, it’s a bit too vintage. Therefore, it is a fact that it was a sound source that was often shunned compared to “DAY 2” until now.
As a result of adjusting the high range in this release, the muffled sound quality has been greatly improved and it is easier to hear. “FRESH GARBAGE” also showed a wonderful finish, but it can be said that this version has finally removed the last thin skin that was there. After all, the sound source is old-fashioned, so the hiss noise is more or less anxious. For example, it stands out at the beginning of “I Can’t Quit You Baby” that Robert starts alone, but if you suppress it, you will definitely feel uncomfortable. Instead, the finish is improved by adjusting the high range to improve the listening comfort.
And from a maniac point of view, one of the merits of this version is that the weak cuts that were in the past releases are kept to a minimum. This area can be said to be a strength unique to 1st gen.

“DAY 4” has become easier to hear in this way, but I think I will be overwhelmed by the wonderful performance of the day. After all, the live composition is completely different from “DAY 2”. In the first place, the opening was “As Long I Have You” on this day. There was a wonderful performance there as well, but the heavy performance of the day was a masterpiece again. The song is really a repertoire that represents the early ZEP live.
Anyway, the performance that was completely different from “DAY 2” was interesting, and I thought that “Communication Breakdown” was performed with a simpler development than that day, but this time the development of “How Many More Times” is completely different. Far from “DAY 2”, it’s a very unusual development compared to other performances in January, and Jimmy’s bowing is unusual and interesting to play oriental phrases.
And the best part is to play “The Train Kept A Rollin'” after Jimmy’s instrumental “White Summer / Black Mountain Side”. It’s not the opening, it’s a performance at such a position. What’s even more unusual is that the live will end with “Killing Floor.” You can see from the MC of the plant that it was really played as the last number, but even so, it was a surprising ending.
Robert explodes the scream comfortably no matter what song he sings, and Jimmy plays tricky phrases easily. Fillmore in January 1969, when ZEP was on the most creative stage, is finally here with the definitive edition of “DAY 4”, which has been often overlooked!

(Remaster memo)
★ Randomly correct a fairly slow pitch as much as possible.
★ The treble is too weak, so I adjusted it. It is a lot clearer than the original sound

大好評「FILLMORE WEST 1969 DAY 2」に続いてリリースされるのは「DAY 4」。こちらもまた1969年1月にZEPがフィルモアから生み出された名演を捉えた古典音源の一つ。古典というのは音質に関しても当てはまり、録音状態は「DAY 2」の音質を粗くしたようなビンテージ・オーディエンス。それでも演奏内容が「DAY 2」に負けじと充実していたこと、またCDでは一枚に収まる演奏時間であったことからいくつかのアイテムが生み出されてきました。とはいえここ最近は新たなアイテムがリリースされることもなく、時間の経過とともにこの日自体を聞いたことがない…というマニアも少なくなかったのではないでしょうか。
そうした状況の中で現在の決定版となっていたのが1月のフィルモア音源の集大成であるGRAFF ZEPPELINの「FRESH GARBAGE: FILLMORE WEST JANUARY 1969」でしょう。それまでの「DAY 4」アイテムはビンテージ・オーディエンスにありがちなピッチの不安定さがおざなりであったり、あるいは古めかしい質感を緩和させて演奏の輪郭を浮き立たせるようなイコライジングをほどこしたは良かったものの、それが仇となって不自然に映ってしまうアイテムなどもありました。こうした問題を解消したベストバージョンが「FRESH GARBAGE」だったのです。

しかし今回はネット音源界でおなじみKrw_coが公開してくれた1st gen.バージョンを元に改めてこの音源を徹底的にレストア。まず最大の問題である不安定なピッチを徹底的にアジャスト。それ以上に問題だったのが古めかしくてこもり気味だった音質。ビンテージ・オーディエンスと言えば聞こえはいいですが、この音源の場合はちょっとビンテージすぎるきらいがある。それ故に今までは「DAY 2」と比べて敬遠されがちな音源であったのは事実かと。
今回のリリースにおいては高域を調整した結果、こもり気味だった音質がだいぶ改善されて聞きやすくなっています。「FRESH GARBAGE」も見事な仕上がりを見せていましたが、そこにあった最後の薄皮がようやく取り除かれたのが今回のバージョンだと言えるのではないでしょうか。何しろ古めかしい音質ですので、ヒスノイズが大なり小なり気になる音源。例えばロバートが一人で始める「I Can’t Quit You Baby」の冒頭などで目立ってしまうのですが、それを抑え込むとどうしても違和感が生じてしまいます。その代わりに高域を調整することで聞き心地の良さを上げたのが今回の仕上がりです。
そしてマニアックな視点ではありますが、過去のリリースにあった微弱なカットが最小限にとどめられているのも今回のバージョンのメリットの一つ。この辺りは1st gen.ならではの強みと言えるでしょう。

こうして一段と聞きやすくなった「DAY 4」ですが、改めてこの日の演奏の素晴らしさに打ちのめされる思いがします。何しろ「DAY 2」とはライブの構成がまるで違う。そもそもオープニングがこの日は「As Long I Have You」。そこでも素晴らしい演奏が繰り広げられていましたが、この日の重厚な演奏がまた圧巻。本当に同曲は初期のZEPライブを代表するレパートリーですよね。
とにかく「DAY 2」とまるで違う演奏が面白く、「Communication Breakdown」がその日よりシンプルな展開で披露されたかと思いきや、今度は「How Many More Times」の展開がまるで違う。「DAY 2」どころか1月他の演奏と比べても非常に変わった展開で、ジミーのボウイングなどは珍しくオリエンタルなフレーズを弾いていて面白い。
そして極めつけはジミーのインストゥルメンタル「White Summer / Black Mountain Side」の後で「The Train Kept A Rollin’」を演奏するとは。オープニングでなく、こんな位置での演奏だなんて。さらに変わっているのが「Killing Floor」でライブを締めくくるという。プラントのMCからも本当にラストナンバーとして演奏されたことが解りますが、それにしても意表を突いたエンディングでした。
ロバートはどんな曲を歌おうとも無理なくスクリームを炸裂させ、ジミーはトリッキーなフレーズをやすやすと弾いてみせる。ZEPがもっとも創造性あふれたステージを繰り広げていた69年一月のフィルモア、これまで見過ごされがちだった「DAY 4」の決定版が遂に登場です!



1. Intro
2. As Long As I Have You with Fresh Garbage / Mockingbird / Bag’s Groove / Baby Please Don’t Go
3. I Can’t Quit You incl. Don’t Know Which Way To Go
4. Dazed And Confused
5. Babe, I’m Gonna Leave You
6. Communication Breakdown
7. You Shook Me
8. White Summer / Black Mountainside
9. The Train Kept A-Rollin’
10. Pat’s Delight
11. How Many More Times incl. The Hunter
12. Killing Floor incl. The Lemon Song

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