KISS / East Lansing 1974 1st Night : Soundboard Master / 1CD

KISS / East Lansing 1974 1st Night : Soundboard Master / 1CD / ZODIAC

The Brewery, East Lansing, MI, USA 21st October 1974 STEREO SBD(UPGRADE & LONGER)

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 “HOTTER THAN HELL Tour”の象徴でもあった名作サウンドボードがまさかのアップグレード! 最長・最高峰更新する独自ルートの新発掘マスターが永久保存プレスCDでリリース決定です。
 そんな本作に刻まれているのは「1974年10月21日イーストランシング公演」。そのステレオ・サウンドボード録音です。1974年のサウンドボードと言えば、当店のプレス名盤『TORONTO SEPTEMBER 1974(Zodiac 301)』が大定番ですが、本作はちょっと時期が異なる。その辺をご説明するためにも、まずは当時の活動概要を俯瞰し、当店コレクションと照らし合わせながらショウのポジションを確かめてみましょう。
“KISS Tour”
・3月22日ー8月4日:北米#2(64公演)←※MEMPHIS 1974 2ND NIGHT他
・9月13日ー10月4日:北米#3(13公演)←※TORONTO SEPTEMBER 1974
・1月7日ー2月22日:北米#4b(14公演)←※SAN FRANCISCO JANUARY 1975(DVD)
・3月19日ー8月28日:北米#5(74公演)←※DETROIT 1975(DVD)
“ALIVE! Tour”
・9月10日ー12月31日:北米#6(50公演)←※LARGO 1975(DVD)
 これが1974年/1975年のKISS。プレス決定盤『TORONTO SEPTEMBER 1974』や『MEMPHIS 1974 2ND NIGHT(Shades 1121)』は“KISS Tour”の模様でしたが、本作は“HOTTER THAN HELL Tour”にあたる「北米#4a」の5公演目。『HOTTER THAN HELL』のリリース前日でもありました。
 開演シーンや終演後が数十秒ずつ長く過去最長を更新していますが、それはあくまで元マスターの証拠にすぎない。肝心なのは全編を貫くサウンド。従来マスターでもミックス卓直結系の強力サウンドボードではありましたが、本作はさらに鮮やかくっきり! 生演奏が丸出しな現場ミックスまでは変わっていませんが、真ん中に固まっていたアンサンブルがグッとワイドになり、分離感も向上。ギターやヴォーカルはもちろんのこと、ベースもアタック音の1つひとつまでバッキバキなら鳴りもブリッブリ。従来マスターも公式アーカイヴ物の多いKISSなら十分に「発掘オフィシャル級」で通ると思っていましたが、本作は単独作品としてばっちり成立する「オフィシャル名盤級」です。
 そんなアップグレード・サウンドで画かれるのは、日々成長と変化を重ねていた974年の生演奏。“KISS Tour”の『TORONTO SEPTEMBER 1974』と違うセットなのは当然な気もしますが、実は同じ“HOTTER THAN HELL Tour”の『SAN FRANCISCO JANUARY 1975』とも異なっている。ここでは、両者と比較しながら整理してみましょう。
・Duece/Strutter/Firehouse/Nothin’ To Lose/100,000 Years/Black Diamond/Cold Gin(★)
・Got To Choose(★)/She(*)/Parasite/Let Me Go, Rock ‘N’ Roll
※注:「★」印はプレス名盤『TORONTO SEPTEMBER 1974』で、「*」印はプロショット『SAN FRANCISCO JANUARY 1975』で聴けなかった曲。
……と、このようになっています。この日は同期デビューのRUSHとカップリングだったせいかショート・セットですが、そこに初期の必殺曲を濃縮。そして、その内容も少しずつマイナーチェンジしている。(確認される限り三度目となる)「Got To Choose」が演奏され始めた一方、「She」がレギュラー落ち。『TORONTO SEPTEMBER 1974』から『SAN FRANCISCO JANUARY 1975』への橋渡しになっているのです。
 シンプルに聴いても脳みそに直接流し込まれる若き生演奏が快感ですし、周辺諸作と並べることで後年の『ALIVE!』へと進化していく進化の過程を辿れる。「ALIVE 0.5」として愛されてきた初期サウンドボードがアップグレードした新名盤です。未来永劫“HOTTER THAN HELL Tour”を代表していくであろうライヴアルバム。その最高峰を更新した新発掘マスターのスゴ味、永久保存プレスCDで存分にご堪能ください。
★「1974年10月21日イーストランシング公演」のステレオ・サウンドボード録音。ミックス卓直結系の生々しいサウンドボードで、当店独自の関係者ルートで発掘された新マスター。従来盤より1分ほど長いだけでなく、よりワイドになったサウンドはまさに「オフィシャル級」。ギターやヴォーカルはもちろんのことベースもバッキバキのブリブリ。未来永劫“HOTTER THAN HELL Tour”を代表していくであろうサウンドボード・アルバムの新名盤です。

The masterpiece soundboard that was a symbol of “HOTTER THAN HELL Tour” has been unexpectedly upgraded! A new excavation master with a unique route that updates the longest and highest peak will be released on a permanent press CD.
What is engraved on this work is “October 21, 1974 East Lansing Performance”. This is a stereo soundboard recording. Speaking of the 1974 soundboard, our press masterpiece “TORONTO SEPTEMBER 1974 (Zodiac 301)” is a classic, but this work is at a slightly different time. In order to explain this, let’s first take a look at the overview of activities at the time, and check the position of the show by comparing it with our store collection.

“KISS Tour”
・January 26th – February 21st: North America #1 (7 performances)
・March 22nd – August 4th: North America #2 (64 performances) ← *MEMPHIS 1974 2ND NIGHT and others
・September 13th – October 4th: North America #3 (13 performances) ←※TORONTO SEPTEMBER 1974
・October 16th – December 31st: North America #4a (42 performances) ←★Here★
・January 7th – February 22nd: North America #4b (14 performances) ← *SAN FRANCISCO JANUARY 1975 (DVD)
・March 19th – August 28th: North America #5 (74 performances) ← *DETROIT 1975 (DVD)
“ALIVE! Tour”
・September 10th – December 31st: North America #6 (50 performances) ← *LARGO 1975 (DVD)
*Note: Only representative works in each leg.

This is KISS in 1974/1975. The press editions “TORONTO SEPTEMBER 1974” and “MEMPHIS 1974 2ND NIGHT (Shades 1121)” were part of the “KISS Tour”, but this work is the 5th performance of “North America #4a” which is the “HOTTER THAN HELL Tour”. It was also the day before the release of “HOTTER THAN HELL”.
This show has long been known for its extremely thick soundboard, and it has become a standard item at our store as a gift title. Although this work is the same sound board, it is an upgrade master brought through a unique stakeholder route.
The opening scene and the end of the show are longer than ever, by several tens of seconds each, but that is just proof of the former master. The important thing is the sound that permeates the entire story. Previously, the master was a powerful sound board that was directly connected to the mix table, but this work is even more vivid and clear! The on-site mix, where the live music is exposed, has not changed, but the ensemble that used to be stuck in the middle has become much wider, and the sense of separation has improved. Not only the guitar and vocals, but also the bass, if you can hit every single attack note, it will sound crisp. In the past, I thought that KISS, which has many official archive masters, would be sufficient to qualify as “excavation official level,” but this work is an “official masterpiece level” that can be perfectly established as a standalone work.
The upgraded sound depicts the live performance of 974, which was growing and changing day by day. It seems natural that it is a different set from “TORONTO SEPTEMBER 1974” of “KISS Tour”, but it is actually different from “SAN FRANCISCO JANUARY 1975” of the same “HOTTER THAN HELL Tour”. Here, let’s compare and organize the two.

●Messenger from Hell (7 songs)
・Duece/Strutter/Firehouse/Nothin’ To Lose/100,000 Years/Black Diamond/Cold Gin(★)
●Cry of Hell (4 songs)
・Got To Choose(★)/She(*)/Parasite/Let Me Go, Rock ‘N’ Roll
*Note: The “★” mark is the press masterpiece “TORONTO SEPTEMBER 1974”, and the “*” mark is the song that could not be heard on the professional shot “SAN FRANCISCO JANUARY 1975”.

…and it looks like this. It was a short set on this day, probably because they were coupled with RUSH, who debuted at the same time, but it was packed with some of their early special songs. And the contents are also undergoing minor changes little by little. While “Got To Choose” (for the third time as far as confirmed) began to be played, “She” was dropped regularly. It is a bridge from “TORONTO SEPTEMBER 1974” to “SAN FRANCISCO JANUARY 1975”.
Even if you simply listen to it, it’s a pleasure to hear the young live performance that is directly transferred to your brain, and by lining it up with surrounding works, you can trace the process of evolution that evolved into the later “ALIVE!”. This is a new masterpiece that has been upgraded from the initial soundboard that has been loved as “ALIVE 0.5”. A live album that will represent the “HOTTER THAN HELL Tour” forever. Please fully enjoy the amazing taste of the new excavation master who updated the highest peak with the permanent preservation press CD.

★Stereo soundboard recording of “October 21, 1974 East Lansing Performance”. A new master discovered through our store’s own affiliate route, with a vivid soundboard directly connected to the mix table. Not only is it about 1 minute longer than the previous version, but the sound is wider and is truly “official grade.” Not only the guitar and vocals, but also the bass, which is absolutely brilliant. This is a new masterpiece of a soundboard album that will represent the “HOTTER THAN HELL Tour” forever in the future.

1. Intro
2. Deuce
3. Strutter
4. Got To Choose
5. Firehouse
6. She
7. Nothin’ To Lose
8. Parasite
9. 100,000 Years
10. Black Diamond
11. Let Me Go, Rock ‘N’ Roll
12. Cold Gin


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