Jimmy Page & Robert Plant / Budokan 1996 1st Night: Dat Master / 2CD

Jimmy Page & Robert Plant / Budokan 1996 1st Night: Dat Master / 2CD / Wardour
Budokan, Tokyo, Japan 5th February 1996

Play sample :

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The nostalgic DAT master released by the Hoochie Coochie label following Eric Clapton’s 1999 Japan tour series, which is very popular … This time, Paige Plant’s “10 DAYS”. “10 DAYS” was a monumental masterpiece among the monumental achievements in the Japan tour compli box released by the same label. It seems that Clapton’s 1999 DAT master release has already started, and if you have a good intuition, you may have guessed it, but the original DAT master will be revived after more than 25 years since the release of that masterpiece. !
The 1996 Paige Plant visit to Japan was accompanied by an enthusiastic excitement and created a tremendous release bubble. . While using DAT for performance items in Japan in this era, on the other hand, microphones are often used with equipment with mediocre specifications, and as a result, easy items that are far from the high-quality audience of overseas performances are flooded. Under such circumstances, “10 DAYS” took a severe blow. The quality of the audience recording that was carried out using the finest microphone at that time is literally another dimension.
Naturally, it was a long time ago when it became a bestseller and became a decisive masterpiece that was reissued. Currently, not only the original box of the rear tie release, but even the recurring box has become difficult to obtain. Even if it goes on the market, it is essential to trade at a high price. It has become an item with a high threshold, a situation where it is impossible to listen to legendary name recordings easily.

Exclusive acquisition of such a masterpiece master DAT as with Clapton’s 99 series. What surprised me before the provided DAT was the sound quality that does not look inferior even after more than 25 years have passed since then. The exceptional quality overwhelmed the group of rear tie items, but it’s really wonderful to hear it again. The sound image is on, of course, and the sound of the rhythm section, including the bass, is also captured with an exquisite balance. It can be said that it was a feat to capture such an exquisite balance in 1996, and I was reminded of the greatness of “10 DAYS” again.
With such a superb recording, there is no need for any extra tweaks, and for this limited press CD release, we have paid close attention to the faithful reproduction of the original DAT master. It was a highly praised set, but the sound is so good that I was really surprised when I heard it with my ears now. There are not a few maniacs who are surprised to touch the exceptional quality for the first time in this release.

Such an unexpected excavation will lower the threshold for items and sound sources that were unusually difficult to obtain, as with the Clapton 99 series, the release of each performance for Paige Plant as a single unit. If so, the first two performances will be released this time, but on the first day of the Budokan, the release of the masterpiece “BUDOKAN 1996 1ST NIGHT” by the original master is also fresh in memory. However, the feeling is completely different. In contrast to “BUDOKAN 1996 1ST NIGHT” (hereafter referred to as “existing board”), which made us feel thickness and power, the sound of the DAT master this time is very delicate and beautiful, yet the sound image is close. Even if you listen to and compare both, you can enjoy it a lot.
And since it was the first day of the performance in Japan, the members, including Plant, were realistically conveying how cautiously they challenged the stage. Until “No Quarter”, Jimmy’s guitar was sounding with a balance that tends to be driven by other instruments, which seems awkward on the first day. Having said that, he had traveled to America and Europe in the previous year, and had even stopped by South America before coming to Japan, so his performance was truly powerful. For example, in “Since I’ve Been Loving You”, Jimmy has already played the phrase “Tea For One”, and you can feel the room to flicker the “smell” of the big change that will occur after this.
Above all, on this day, both Paige and Plant stood on the Budokan stage for the first time in a long time, so the audience held their breath and watched too much, and the fact that it was quite quiet until the middle of the live also played a role in the ease of listening, which was an ironic result. To. It seems that it was reflected in Robert as lacking excitement around “Whole Lotta Love”, but in fact “Black Dog” and “Rock And Roll” were more exciting countries than the same song (laughs) I noticed at the very end.
Therefore, the DAT master of “10 DAYS”, which was recorded with the highest sound quality, woke up from sleep after more than 25 years. Enjoy the first day of the Budokan full of nostalgia with a shocking high-quality audience that will not fade even now. This is a really great sound quality … truly a “10 DAYS” master!

Master of Hoochie Coochie Box “10 DAYS”

大好評エリック・クラプトンの1999年来日公演シリーズに続いてHoochie Coochieレーベルがリリースした懐かしの名盤のDATマスター…今回は何とペイジ・プラントの『10 DAYS』。同レーベルがリリースした来日公演コンプリBOXの中でも金字塔の中の金字塔の名盤であった『10 DAYS』。既にクラプトン99年DATマスター・リリースが始まった段階で勘のいいマニアなら察しがついていたかと思われますが、あの名盤のリリースから25年以上の歳月を経てオリジナルのDATマスターが蘇るのです!
 1996年のペイジ・プラント来日公演は熱狂的な盛り上がりと相まって凄まじいリリース・バブルを極めましたが、そんなアイテム乱立状態をいとも簡単に一掃してしまった歴史的名盤が『10 DAYS』でしょう。この時代の来日公演アイテムはDATを使いつつも、その反面マイクに関しては平凡なスペックの機材で済まされることが多く、結果として海外公演の高音質オーディエンスに遠く及ばない安易なアイテムが氾濫。そうした中で痛烈な一撃を食らわしたのが『10 DAYS』。当時の最高級マイクを用いて敢行されたというオーディエンス録音のクオリティは文字通り別次元。
 そんな名盤のマスターDATをクラプトンの99年シリーズと同様に独占入手。提供されたDATを前に驚かされたのは、あれから25年以上が経過した今でもまるで見劣りしない音質の良さ。その別格なクオリティの高さは居並ぶリアタイ・アイテム群を圧倒した訳ですが、改めて聞いても本当に素晴らしい。音像がオンなのはもちろん、ベースを始めとしたリズム隊の音も絶妙なバランスで捉えてくれている。1996年当時にこれほどまで絶妙なバランスで捉えてくれたのは離れ業と言ってよく、改めて『10 DAYS』の偉大さを思い知らされた次第です。
 そんなまさかの発掘はクラプトン99年シリーズ同様、ペイジ・プラントに関しても公演それぞれ単体でのリリースという点も異様に入手の難しかったアイテム&音源の敷居を下げてくれることでしょう。となれば今回は最初の二公演がリリースと相成りますが、まず武道館初日に関しては独自入手マスターによる名盤『BUDOKAN 1996 1ST NIGHT』のリリースも記憶に新しい。ところがどっこい感触はまるで違う。厚みと迫力を感じさせた『BUDOKAN 1996 1ST NIGHT』(以下“既発盤”と称します)に対し、今回のDATマスターの音は非常に繊細で美しく、それでいて音像が近いという見事な状態。両方を聞き比べても大いに楽しめることかと。
 そして来日公演初日ということから、プラントを始めとしたメンバーが慎重さを伺わせながらステージに挑んでいた様子をリアルに伝えてくれる。「No Quarter」まではジミーのギターが他の楽器に追いやられがちなバランスで鳴っていたのも初日らしいぎこちなさ。とはいえ前年にアメリカやヨーロッパを廻り、なおかつ日本に来る前には南米にも寄っていただけあり、演奏は実に力強い。例えば「Since I’ve Been Loving You」ではジミーが既に「Tea For One」のフレーズを弾いており、この後に起きる大変化の「匂わせ」をチラつかせていた余裕まで感じられる。
 何よりこの日はペイジ・プラント両雄が久々に武道館のステージに立ったということから観客は固唾を飲んで見守りすぎてライブの途中までかなり静かであったことも聞きやすさに一役買うという皮肉な結果に。それが「Whole Lotta Love」辺りでは盛り上がりを欠いたようにロバートには映ったようですが、実は同曲より「Black Dog」や「Rock And Roll」の方が盛り上がる国であった(笑)ことを最後の最後で気付くのでした。
 よって怪我の功名とも言うべき静けさも相まって、さらに最高音質での記録となってしまった『10 DAYS』のDATマスターが25年以上の歳月を経て眠りから覚めたのです。今なお色褪せない衝撃の高音質オーディエンスで懐かしさ一杯の武道館初日を心ゆくまで味わってください。これは本当に凄い音質…さすがの『10 DAYS』マスター!
★Hoochie Coochieボックス「10 DAYS」のマスター
Disc:1 (62:31)
1. Intro
2. Egyptian Intro.
3. Immigrant Song
4. The Wanton Song
5. Bring It On Home
6. Heartbreaker
7. Ramble On
8. No Quarter
9. Hurdy-Gurdy Solo
10. Gallows Pole
11. Since I’ve Been Loving You
12. Band Introduction
13. The Song Remains the Same
14. Going to California
15. Babe, I’m Gonna Leave You
Disc:2 (56:22)
1. Whole Lotta Love
2. The Truth Explodes (Yallah)
3. Four Sticks
4. Kashmir
5. Black Dog
6. Rock and Roll


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