Jeff Beck & Jan Hammer Group / Boston 1976 Ultimate Edition / 2CD

Jeff Beck & Jan Hammer Group / Boston 1976 Ultimate Edition / 2CD / Wardour
Live at Music Hall, Boston, MA, USA 10th October 1976


Play sample :

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This time, could you read this sentence as a continuation of “DEFINITIVE PALLADIUM 1976” released last week? Although the 1976 tour by Jeff Beck and the Jan Hammer Group has an official called “Live Wired”, the sound source that completely reproduces one performance on the sound board has not even leaked, let alone the official. Fortunately, however, this tour has the highest level of audience recording in 1976, and on the contrary, there are many sound sources of amazing quality that can still be used in 2023.
Among the high-level recordings of the 1976 tour, the New York Palladium and Boston Music Hall in October were two of the biggest giants. That’s why Palladium realized the long-awaited upper version and re-release as “DEFINITIVE PALLADIUM 1976” last week. Such a classic was finally sold out triggered by Beck’s obituary in January.
In the case of Palladium, the re-release of the title has been eagerly awaited for several years, while Boston’s has just sold out. Nevertheless, such a new version, which also appears as an ultimate, is nothing more than that the two major giants of 76 are always a sound source that should be stably supplied as an introductory edition of Beck Audience recording. Even more so after Beck’s death.

Because of the shocking quality of such 1976 Boston, it is also a sound source that has been released since the beginning of the 21st century. That is why masterpieces such as “WIRELESS”, “WIRED UP 1976”, and “LIVE AT BOSTON 1976” were produced in rapid succession, but the literally definitive version released to put an end to such confusion is “ BOSTON 1976 DEFINITIVE EDITION”. It was also the forerunner of the title bearing “DEFINITIVE” that continues to this day.
However, “BOSTON 1976 DEFINITIVE EDITION” (hereinafter referred to as “existing board”) did not have any drawbacks, and first of all, it was mixed in at 4:44 of “Darkness (Earth In Search Of A Sun)” The digital noise called “Jari” that has been done. There is no doubt that this was the biggest drawback in the existing board. The other is the wobble caused by the deterioration of the sound and the deterioration of the left channel due to the deterioration of the tape that occurred at the beginning of “Blue Wind”.
Therefore, this time, under the supervision of “GRAF ZEPPELIN”, we avoided using the master that was used when the existing board was released in 2009, and this time it was based on the version that was in good condition after that. In other words, since the original is the same sound source, it is a “branching” copy, but by adopting this, all the problems mentioned above are solved. In particular, “Darkness (Earth In Search Of A Sun)” was also a song that symbolizes the outstanding sound quality of this sound source, so that noise is extremely regrettable. This time, we realized recording in perfect condition without such noise.
In the first place, the existing board was a transfer that made full use of the technology at the time of 2009, but this version, which has been several years since then, has the feeling that even in the same natural state, the original sound of the sound source has been fully brought out. Now it will be reflected in the sound that the existing board is thin and cozy. And this is also the result of a meticulous overhaul unique to “GRAF ZEPPELIN”, such as minimizing the scattered cuts.

Also, the Palladium and Boston this time were records of the stage in a close period with the Philadelphia performance in between, but the performance content and atmosphere are completely different, which is unique to the peak tour. Normally, if the performances are close to each other, it is natural that the atmosphere will be similar even if the degree of perfection is high. However, the Palladium is like a different live. What they have in common is that Beck is in great shape and in a good mood.
He probably had in mind that he had made a triumphant return to the same venue as “DEFINITIVE BOSTON 1975”, which was the masterpiece of the previous year. It is interesting that Beck speaks profusely on this day, starting with the audience saying, “I am happy to be back in my favorite Boston.” For example, after finishing “Come Dancing”, I joked about introducing the song, and then I was pleased with “She’s a Woman”, which was a reggae arrangement unique to this tour, and said, “Everyone loves reggae. What is it? Phew!” looks fun.
In fact, Beck’s play is very aggressive, and he plays the first song of his own part, “You Know What I Mean”. In addition, the part of the Jan Hammer group is significantly different from the palladium, showing off “Stepping Tones / Drum Solo / Awakening”. For those who want their interplay, it’s a song selection that you can’t ask for.
And in contrast to Palladium, whose appeal was its lively sense of presence and amazing freshness that did not make you feel the passage of time at all, the power of the shocking sound image that should be described as “just like a soundboard” has not faded even now. Boston, one of the two giants of the 76-year tour, has been reborn under the supervision of “GRAF ZEPPELIN” beyond a mere recurrence!

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(remastered memo)


* Phase correction

★The low range is longer than the last version (*No unnecessary boost processing).

★ High frequency noise removal around 16khz

★ “Darkness” No digital noise around 5:01 in the previous edition

★ Resolved the left channel instability problem that frequently occurred until the middle of “Blue Wind”

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 今回は先週リリースされた『DEFINITIVE PALLADIUM 1976』の続きとしてこの文章を読んでいただけますでしょうか。ジェフ・ベックとヤン・ハマー・グループによる1976年ツアーは『ライブ・ワイアード』というオフィシャルが存在するものの、サウンドボードで一公演をコンプリートで再現してくれる音源というのはオフィシャルどころか流出すら起きてない。しかし幸いなことに、このツアーは1976年のオーディエンス録音としては最高級レベル、いや、それどころか2023年の今なお立派に通用するほど驚異的なクオリティの音源が多く存在している。
 そうした76年ツアーのハイレベル・レコーディング群の中でも二大巨頭となる絶大なる存在が10月のニューヨーク・パラディアムとボストン・ミュージック・ホール。だからこそパラディアムは先週『DEFINITIVE PALLADIUM 1976』として待望のアッパー版かつ再リリースが実現した訳ですが、ボストンの方はと言えば『BOSTON 1976 DEFINITIVE EDITION』が文字通りのロングセラーと化していた。そんな定番も1月のベックの訃報をきっかけとして遂にSold Out。
 パラディアムの場合は数年前から再リリースが待ち望まれていたタイトルであったのに対し、ボストンの方はSold Outしたばかり。それでもなおこうした新たなバージョン、それもアルティメイトとして登場するのは、76年の二大巨頭はどちらも常にベック・オーディエンス録音の入門編として安定供給されてしかるべき音源であるということに他ならない。それがベック亡き後となってはなおさら。
 そんな76年ボストンは衝撃的なほどのクオリティゆえ、21世紀を迎えてからリリースが白熱した音源でもあります。それこそ『WIRELESS』、『WIRED UP 1976』、そして『LIVE AT BOSTON 1976』といった名盤が矢継ぎ早に生み出された訳ですが、そうした混乱状態に終止符を打つべくリリースされた文字通りのデフィニティブなバージョンが『BOSTON 1976 DEFINITIVE EDITION』だった訳です。現在まで続く「DEFINITIVE」を冠したタイトルの先駆けでもありました。
 しかし『BOSTON 1976 DEFINITIVE EDITION』(以下“既発盤”と称します)にも欠点がなかった訳ではなく、まず何と言っても「Darkness (Earth In Search Of A Sun)」の4:44で混入してしまった「ジャリッ」というデジノイズ。これが既発盤における最大の欠点であったことは疑いようがありません。もう一つは「Blue Wind」の序盤で起きていたテープ劣化による音のコモリと左チャンネルの劣化から生じたふらつき。
 そこで今回は「GRAF ZEPPELIN」の監修によって、2009年の既発盤リリース時に使用したマスターを使用することを避け、今回はその後に出回った状態の良いバージョンを元にすることと相成りました。つまり元は同じ音源ですので「枝分かれ」コピーということになるのですが、これを採用することで先に挙げた問題をすべて解決。特に「Darkness (Earth In Search Of A Sun)」は本音源のずば抜けた音の良さを象徴する一曲でもありましたので、あのノイズは痛恨の極み。今回はそんなノイズもなく完全な状態での収録を実現。
 そもそも既発盤は2009年当時のテクノロジーを駆使したトランスファーでしたが、それから数年経過した今回のバージョンの方が同じナチュラルな状態でもさらに音源が持つ本来の音の良さを出し切った感があり、今となっては既発盤が線の細いこじんまりとした音に映ることでしょう。そして散見されたカット個所なども最小限に留めるなど、これもまた「GRAF ZEPPELIN」ならではの行き届いたオーバーホールの賜物。
 彼としても前年の名音源であった『DEFINITIVE BOSTON 1975』と同じ会場に凱旋を果たしたことが念頭にあったのでしょう。「大好きなボストンに戻って来れてうれしいよ」と観客に向けて発したのを始めとして、この日はベックがやたらと饒舌に語り掛けるのが面白い。例えば「Come Dancing」を終えた後におどけて曲を紹介してみせたかと思えば、このツアーならではのレゲエ・アレンジが盛り上がった「She’s a Woman」にも気を良くして「みんなレゲエ好きなんだね?フーッ!」と語りかけたほど。楽しそう。
 実際ベックのプレイは非常にアグレッシブでして、自身のパート最初の曲である「You Know What I Mean」からしてグイグイと弾きまくっている。おまけにヤン・ハマー・グループのパートはパラディアムと選曲が大幅に異なっており、「Stepping Tones / Drum Solo / Awakening」を披露。彼らのインタープレイをお望みの方には願ってもない選曲かと。
 そしてご機嫌な臨場感と時の流れをまったく感じさせない驚異的な鮮度が魅力だったパラディアムに対し、「まるでサウンドボード」と形容されるべき衝撃的な音像の迫力は今なお色褪せない。そんな76年ツアー二大巨頭の片割れボストンも単なる再発を超えて「GRAF ZEPPELIN」監修によって生まれ変わりました!
★”Darkness” 前回盤にあった5:01付近でのデジノイズなし
★”Blue Wind” の中盤迄で頻発していた左チャンネルの不安定な問題は解消
Disc 1 (64:20)
1. Intro & Tuning
2. Magical Dog
3. Evolove
4. One To One
5. Stepping Tones / Drum Solo / Awakening
6. Band Introduction ★0:06クロスフェード
7. Darkness (Earth In Search Of A Sun)
8. You Know What I Mean
9. Freeway Jam
10. Goodbye Pork Pie Hat
Disc 2 (62:28)
1. Earth (Still Our Only Home)
2. Scatterbrain
3. Come Dancing
4. She’s A Woman
5. Diamond Dust ★7:00(演奏後曲間)クロスフェード
6. Full Moon Boogie
7. Blue Wind incl. Train Kept A Rollin’
Jeff Beck – Guitar
Jan Hammer – Keyboards & Vocal
Steve Kindler – Violin
Fernando Saunders – Bass
Tony Smith – Drums & Vocal


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