Jeff Beck / Milwaukee 1975 Soundboard / 1CD

Jeff Beck / Milwaukee 1975 Soundboard / 1CD / Wardour
Live at Auditorium Theatre, Milwaukee, WI, USA 10th May 1975

Play sample :

Click image to enlarge

The PA out sound board of the Milwaukee performance on May 10th, which was coupled to Disc-2 of the masterpiece “DEFINITIVE BLOW”, has greatly improved the sound quality compared to “THIS BLOWS” released in 2007 and is acclaimed by maniacs. Although it was the day when it was released, the floating cymbal sound that was originally delivered was not suppressed. In addition, it was also in the state of remembering the roughest texture among the soundboards of the three performances released at CONCERT VAULT at that time. “DEFINITIVE BLOW” was recorded in a state with a slight stereo feeling centered on the drums unique to this sound source, but even so, the roughness of the sound itself could not be hidden.
In that respect, as a result of capturing the latest distribution with the latest technology under the supervision of “GRAF ZEPPELIN”, the roughness that was consistently seen in the two titles mentioned so far, as well as releases from other labels, was wiped out. Among the items released at that time, there was even an item that concealed this problem with an equalization that was elegant but far from the original sound.

Not only that, the sound board on this day had the mixing engineer pressing the recorder switch after the opening “Constipated Duck” had started playing, and the beginning of the performance and the scenes before that were not recorded. The items of this sound source that have been released so far have been released without any processing on those cuts without exception, but this time for the first time by using the audience recording of the same day as a patch staff Recording from before the performance of the same song is realized.
Of course, unlike a direct PA sound board, it is an audience recording that has an undeniable sense of distance, but it is still captured with very clear sound quality, and the adjustment unique to “GRAF ZEPPELIN”, which allows you to listen smoothly, is the past. It shows the difference from the item in various ways. This audience recording is also a big success that it is also used as a supplementary staff between “Diamond Dust” and “Power” at the end of the live (this editing is also really smooth). This made it possible to realize the release with the longest and highest sound quality in the past without complaint.

John McLaughlin jumped in from the Mahavishnu Orchestra for that “Power”. Originally, this tour was held in the form of a joint with Mahavishnu, and jumping in on both stages was often realized. As a result, the value of this day is too great in that the jam with McLaughlin, which seems to symbolize this tour, was recorded on the sound board. As long as I’m happy that the two guitars are distributed to the left and right here. That is why it is also a sound source that has been eagerly awaited for the appearance of a more natural upper version than past releases.
The show as a whole was more aggressive in Detroit the day before, but it was overwhelming to see the sparks scattered by the players who respected each other. Among the remaining three days of the sound board, only “Power” is a different dimension of high tension this day. McLaughlin, who was soloed immediately from the beginning, explodes a violent phrase, and Beck’s subsequent play naturally flares up aggressively. In addition, since the direct feeling of the PA sound board is a sound source, the extremely thick performance sound of the literal guitar battle by the two people was poured into the brain at zero distance.
Not only did we record such a climax stage with the best natural and clear sound quality ever, but we also realized the longest recording that could not be achieved by any item that has been released so far. More than five years have passed since the release of “DEFINITIVE BLOW”, which seemed so wonderful, and with the latest technology in 2023 and the precise adjustment of “GRAF ZEPPELIN”, a new sound suitable for remembering Beck’s best play. The board standard will be released on a limited press CD!

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(remastered memo)
★Remastered from the master again.The shimmery feeling has definitely decreased compared to the previous edition, making it easier to listen to.
★Correction of phase
★Complete recording of all songs by filling in two missing parts at Aud on the same day

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 名盤『DEFINITIVE BLOW』のDisc-2にカップリングされた5月10日のミルウォーキー公演のPAアウト・サウンドボードは2007年リリースの『THIS BLOWS』と比べて大幅な音質向上を遂げてマニアから絶賛された日ではありましたが、それとて元が配信ゆえのシュワシュワとしたシンバル音の浮つきが抑えきれていなかった。それに当時CONCERT VAULTで公開された三公演のサウンドボードの中ではもっとも粗い質感を覚える状態でもあったのです。『DEFINITIVE BLOW』において本音源独特のドラムを中心としたほんのりステレオ感のある状態での収録が実現していた訳ですが、それでもなお音の粗さ自体は隠しきれなかった。
 その点「GRAF ZEPPELIN」の監修によって最新の配信を最新のテクノロジーにてキャプチャーした結果、ここまで挙げてきた二タイトル、さらには他レーベルからのリリースなどに一貫してみられた粗さが一掃。あの頃リリースされたアイテムの中には、この問題を上品だが原音からかけ離れたイコライズで隠蔽したアイテムまであったほどで、例えば「Air Blower」辺りで聞き比べてみるとその差は歴然。
 それだけではありません、この日のサウンドボードはオープニング「Constipated Duck」の演奏が始まってしまった後からミキシング・エンジニアがレコーダーのスイッチを押しており、演奏の序盤やそれ以前の場面が収録されていなかった。これまでリリースされてきた本音源のアイテムは例外なくそれらのカットに対して何の処理も施さないままでリリースされていたのですが、今回は初めて同日のオーディエンス録音をパッチ要員とすることで初めて同曲の演奏開始前からの収録が実現。
 もちろんダイレクトなPAサウンドボードと違って距離感が否めないオーディエンス録音ではあるのですが、それでも非常にクリアーな音質で捉えられており、しかもすんなり聞き通せる「GRAF ZEPPELIN」ならではのアジャストぶりが過去のアイテムとの違いをまざまざと見せつけてくれるのです。このオーディエンス録音は他にライブ終盤「Diamond Dust」と「Power」の合間にも補填要員として使われる(この編集がまた実になめらか)という大活躍。これによって文句なしに過去最長かつ最高音質でのリリースが実現する運びと相成りました。
 そんな絶頂ステージを過去最高のナチュラルとクリアーさが冴え渡る音質にて収録してみせただけでなく、今までリリースされてきたどのアイテムも成しえなかった最長収録まで実現。あれほど素晴らしく思えた『DEFINITIVE BLOW』のリリースからも5年以上の歳月が経過、2023年の最新技術と「GRAF ZEPPELIN」の緻密なアジャストによってベック最高のプレイを偲ぶのに相応しい、新たなサウンドボード・スタンダードが限定プレスCDにてリリース決定です!
01. Introduction ★丸ごとAud音源
02. Constipated Duck ★0:00-0:37 Aud音源
03. She’s A Woman
04. Freeway Jam
05. Definitely Maybe
06. Superstition
07. Keyboard Solo
08. Cause We’ve Ended As Lovers
09. Air Blower
10. Got The Feeling
11. Diamond Dust ★2:47以降(演奏後の曲間部)Aud音源
12. Power (Guest: John McLaughlin)
Jeff Beck – Guitar
Wilbur Bascomb – Bass
Max Middleton – Keyboards
Bernard Purdie – Drums


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