Jeff Beck / Detroit 1975 Soundboard / 1CD

Jeff Beck / Detroit 1975 Soundboard / 1CD / Wardour
Live at Masonic Temple Theatre, Detroit, MI, USA 9th May 1975

Play sample :

Click image to enlarge

A month has already passed since Jeff Beck’s sudden death, but since he was still alive, maniacs have been craving for a re-release, and “BLOW BY BLOW” was carried out. A series of sound board recordings from a series of PA outputs excavated from live performances in 1975. These were first released on the nostalgic WOLFGANG’S VAULT site in 2007 and made maniacs all over the world dance wildly. It produced many items, and among them, “THIS BLOWS” was very popular as one that stood out. After 10 years, the previous site was also renewed to CONCERT VAULT, and the sound quality of the distribution of a series of rare sound sources has improved compared to 2007.
In the midst of this change, 2016 saw another heated battle for the release of a series of sound sources. But it’s been a long time since it was sold out. Therefore, there was a flood of voices asking for a re-release from the time Beck was alive, but it cannot be released at this timing. Moreover, it is a record by the PA sound board of the climax tour.
Although “DEFINITIVE BLOW” has achieved a significant improvement in sound quality since 2007, it is true that the cymbal’s flickering texture, which was caused by the compression for distribution, could not be eliminated. However, such unnaturalness has finally disappeared from the current distribution, and it has finally become possible to listen in a natural and calm tone. In that case, it was possible to release the upper version without complaint by re-recording it again with the current technology instead of diverting it from the past release.

“GRAF ZEPPELIN” supervised the long-awaited re-release for enthusiasts around the world. Thanks to that, it is a big advantage that a clearer sound difference appeared compared to the existing board. In fact, the sound quality of this version is wonderful. Because it seems that it was originally recorded on a cassette like a sound board with a PA output, the appearance of an upper version in a natural state was also an urgent need. Above all, the sound of Bernard Purdy’s cymbals echoing properly as “the sound of cymbals” is a matter of course, but listening to it makes me feel relieved.
Another feature of this soundboard is that his drums are in stereo with a slight left and right distribution. In addition, Beck’s stage is an instrumental band, so the advantage of the PA sound board is maximized, such as the direct feeling that his guitar flows directly from the ear to the brain without paying attention to the balance of the vocals. be utilized in Well, the sound source from this tour was left.

Detroit on May 9, which sparked such a valuable sound board group, was aggressive in his play, as it was told from the scene where Beck, who had trouble tuning, began to complain to the audience. One word. Originally, the “BLOW BY BLOW” tour boasted high popularity because Beck strummed a rough guitar in rock, which turned from the sophisticated sound of the same album, but this day it was a ring for the previous reason. Beck running through with rough momentum is a masterpiece.
In addition, Beck’s playing style changed from improvisation to phrase-oriented due to the change in direction of “BLOW BY BLOW”, but even if he plays the same phrase, his expression is completely different depending on the day. “Definitely Maybe” was the moment when the aggressiveness of this day reached its peak. In addition, Beck’s play, which burns so hard that it is easy to understand, such as the hardness of “Power” and the scene that switches to heavy in the middle of “Diamond Dust”, is clearly captured with the vividness unique to PA out. Therefore, please enjoy Beck’s attacking play with this natural upper feeling.

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(remastered memo)
★Remastered from the new master again. Compared to the last edition, the shimmery feeling has definitely decreased, making it easier to listen to.
★Correction of the phase. Corrected the left bias
★In Got The Feeling, there is no duplication in the intro part that was seen in some previous episodes.

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 ジェフ・ベック突然の訃報から早くも一か月が経過しようとしていますが、彼が健在な時からマニアの間で再リリースを渇望されていたのが『BLOW BY BLOW』を引っさげて敢行された1975年のライブ活動から発掘された一連のPAアウトによるサウンドボード録音群。これらはまず2007年に懐かしのWOLFGANG’S VAULTサイトにて一挙公開されて世界中のマニアを狂喜乱舞させたもの。それこそ多くのアイテムを生み出し、中でも『THIS BLOWS』が抜きんでた一枚として大好評を博したのでした。それから10年の歳月を経て先のサイトもCONCERT VAULTにリニューアルし一連のレア音源の配信の音質が2007年当時よりも向上。
 この変革の中において2016年には再び一連の音源のリリース合戦が過熱した訳ですが、その中でも決定版としての座を揺るぎないものとしたのがWARDOURからの名盤『DEFINITIVE BLOW』だった訳ですが、それとてSold Outになって久しい。それ故にベック存命時から再リリースを求める声が殺到していた訳ですが、このタイミングでリリースしないわけにはいきません。ましてや絶頂ツアーのPAサウンドボードによる記録なのだから。
 2007年当時から大幅な音質の向上を遂げた『DEFINITIVE BLOW』ではありましたが、それでもなお配信用に圧縮されたが故に生じたシンバルのシュワシュワと浮つく質感がどうしても消えなかったのは事実。ところが現在の配信からは遂にそうした不自然さが消え失せ、ようやく自然かつ落ち着いた調子で聞きこめるようになっていたのです。となれば過去のリリースからの流用ではなく、現在のテクノロジーにて改めて収録し直すことで文句なしのアッパー版リリースが可能となりました。
 世界中のマニア待望の再リリースに際して監修してくれたのは「GRAF ZEPPELIN」。おかげでさらにはっきりとした音の違いが既発盤と比べて現れたのは大きなアドバンテージ。実際に今回のバージョンの音質は素晴らしいものがある。PAアウトのサウンドボードらしく元はカセットにて収録されたと思しき録音ゆえ、ナチュラルな状態でのアッパー版の登場は急務でもあった。何よりバーナード・パーディのシンバルがちゃんと「シンバルの音」として響き渡る様は当たり前でありながらも聞いていてホッとさせられる。
 そんな貴重なサウンドボード群の口火を切った5月9日のデトロイトはチューニングに手こずったベックが観客に対して不満を吐き出す場面から始まっていたことからも物語っていたように、彼のプレイはアグレッシブの一言。元々『BLOW BY BLOW』ツアーは同アルバムの洗練されたサウンドから一転してロックで荒々しいギターをベックがかき鳴らしたことで高い人気を誇りますが、この日は先の理由によって輪をかけた荒々しい勢いで駆け抜けるベックが圧巻。
 さらには『BLOW BY BLOW』の路線変更によってプレイもインプロからフレーズ志向へと変化したベックでありますが、同じフレーズを弾いても日によって表情がまるで違うのが彼の面目躍如。「Definitely Maybe」などはこの日のアグレッシブさが頂点を迎えた瞬間かと。さらに「Power」のハードさ、「Diamond Dust」の途中でヘヴィーに切り替わる場面など、この日は分かりやすいくらい激しく燃え上がるベックのプレイがPAアウトならではの生々しさで克明に捉えられている。それ故にこのナチュラルなアッパー感と共にベックの攻めまくるプレイをお楽しみください。
★Got The Feelingでは一部既発で見られたイントロ部でのダブリはない
01. Introduction
02. Constipated Duck
03. She’s A Woman
04. Freeway Jam
05. Definitely Maybe
06. Superstition
07. Keyboard Solo
08. Cause We’ve Ended As Lovers
09. Power
10. Got The Feeling ★一部既発で見られたイントロのダブリはなし
11. Diamond Dust
12. You Know What I Mean ★フェードイン
Jeff Beck – Guitar
Wilbur Bascomb – Bass
Max Middleton – Keyboards
Bernard Purdie – Drums


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