Iron Maiden / Definitive Hammersmith 1983 / 2CD

Iron Maiden / Definitive Hammersmith 1983 / 2CD / ZODIAC
Hammersmith Odeon, London, England 26th May 1983

Play sample :

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The unexplored “World Piece Tour” where there is no full sound board while being called “the best tour ever” by enthusiasts. The two major recordings that reign at the top are updated with the highest peak by detailed mastering by “GRAF ZEPPELIN”! Two works will be released at the same time !! This work is the second one. It is a transcendental audience recording of “May 26, 1983 Hammersmith performance”.

[Legendary recording that was said to be more than the resurrection of the dead spirit] The two works released at the same time this week are super-name recordings that have served as “official substitutes” and “sound board substitutes”. In particular, Hammersmith recording is a legend that has been loved by enthusiasts since 1983, and is the most famous symbol of the MAIDEN audience. It is not just a level that sounds good, but it is said that it is “greater than the resurrection of the dead spirits!” There are even enthusiasts. This work is such a legend … No, the live album where the myth board updated the highest peak. It’s also a good opportunity, so let’s look back at the schedule at that time and check the position of the show.

・ May 2-15: UK # 1 (11 performances) ← * DEFINITIVE IPSWICH 1983
<< Released “Piece of Mind” on May 16 >>
・ May 16-28: UK # 2 (11 performances) ← ★ Coco ★
・ June 1-12: Scandinavian (7 performances)
・ June 21-September 20: North America # 1 (61 performances)
・ September 29-October 24: North America # 2 (20 performances)
・ November 7th-December 18th: Europe (28 performances) ← * Official THE EARLY DAYS

[Updated the highest peak with GRAF ZEPPELIN mastering] This is IRON MAIDEN in 1983. This work is a live album recorded in the 9th performance of “UK # 2”. At the traditional venue “Hammersmith Odeon”, there were four consecutive performances, but this work was also the second performance.
The audience recording recorded at such a show became a legend because it sounded better than anything else. Not only at that time, but even in the Internet age, it was distributed as a “sound board”, and it was super clear and super direct. Compared to the super-tight sound of the sister work “DEFINITIVE IPSWICH 1983 (Zodiac 514)”, I feel a (extremely faint) hall sound, but it does not hide the details at all. Rather, dynamism (while still feeling zero distance) is also increasing in thickness.
You may know the great taste from our popular board “EAGLE’S HAMMERSMITH”, but this work is even more vivid! “GRAF ZEPPELIN” is a finely mastered product that goes back to the original source that still exists. It is clear that he is a former master because the intervals between the songs after “Theme of the Fortress of the Rough Eagle” and “Phantom Of The Opera” that announce the start of the performance are long, but what is even more intense is the sound that goes through the whole story. “GRAF ZEPPELIN” deals with all types of sound sources, but its main purpose is vintage audience recording. The skill is fully demonstrated in this work, and the pitch, phase, and band analysis are also adjusted strictly. The DC offset that has occurred in all existing cases has also been eliminated. In fact, the sound is much cleaner and clearer than “EAGLE’S HAMMERSMITH”, yet the bass’s self-reliance is not impaired. After listening to this work, “EAGLE’S HAMMERSMITH”, which was so wonderful, feels so fluffy.

[Super famous performance of explosion tension famous in the history of sound source] The highest peak update sound is drawn with a full show that is famous as a legend in the history of MAIDEN sound sources. The set is the same as the sister work “DEFINITIVE IPSWICH 1983 (Zodiac 514)”, but let’s leave the usual arrangement to that explanation and reorganize it from the perspective of the sound source collection.

● Songs with official SBDs of the same members
・ Live After Death (album version): Wrathchild / The Trooper / Revelations / Flight Of Icarus / Die With Your Boots On / 22 Acacia Avenue / The Number Of The Beast / Phantom Of The Opera / Hallowed Be Thy Name / Iron Maiden / Run To The Hills
・ Live After Death (video version): Sanctuary
・ Maiden England: Still Life
● Songs with official SBD for other members
・ Beast over Hammersmith et al .: Prowler / Drifter
・ A Real Dead One et al .: Where Eagles Dare
● Songs that do not have a sound board at all
・ To Tame A Land

…… And it looks like this. The golden lineup was prepared from this tour, but the point is 4 songs without the sound board of “that 5 people”. “Prowler” and “Drifter” will be “BEAST OVER HAMMERSMITH” on the 3rd tour, and “Where Eagles Dare” will be Oazke until “A REAL DEAD ONE” after leaving Adrian. “To Tame A Land” is an extremely rare song with no sound board in all carriers.
Although there are other delicious tours with only rare songs, the reason why “World Piece Tour” is called “the best ever” is a strong performance. In particular, the Hammersmith performance of this work is a super-famous performance that can be said to be its symbol. The awesomeness explodes from the beginning of the first song “Where Eagles Dare” !! A super shout that stretches beautifully without becoming a gaogao, biting with ridiculous tension and tension. I wonder if my throat that makes a voice as I want is very happy, fold it up with a sharp and fast mouth as it is, and tongue with another explosion shout at the end !! The blues in excellent condition is amazing even here. “Where Eagles Dare” is a type that is pushed slowly in the mid as a song super, but the uplifting feeling of this explosive shout is unusual. It’s a legendary take where many sound source enthusiasts mocked “Aces High is a monjayaki!” With fans who were pleased with “Live After Death”.
It was so amazing that it became long with just one song, but of course it doesn’t end with just one song. This explosion tension was pierced to the very end, and the band pulled by the blues was also in great shape. That’s why it’s a legend … no, it’s a super-famous performance that has become a myth.
The two major recordings, which were highly acclaimed as “like a sound board”, updated the highest peak and it was decided to release two works at the same time. In the sense of “soundboard-like sound”, “DEFINITIVE IPSWICH 1983” is the pinnacle, and with the explosive tension that pierces the heavens, the MAIDEN audience … It is this work that reigns over. This is exactly two “absolute” series. Please collect it with the permanent storage press 2CD.

★ Transcendental audience recording of “May 26, 1983 Hammersmith performance”. “GRAF ZEPPELIN” has refined the legendary large classic recording that was once said to be “more than the resurrection of the dead” by detailed mastering. The super clear & super direct sound that has been distributed as a sound board is kept as it is, and it is upgraded even more clearly and powerfully. You can fully experience the super-famous performance, which is also a legendary blues shout, with the highest peak update sound.

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★ Remastering from scratch from the original sound source

While following the sound pressure and power of the previous board, on the other hand, it is a balance-oriented mastering that suppresses excessive hiss noise between songs scattered on the previous board.

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マニア筋から「史上最高のツアー」と呼ばれつつ、フル・サウンドボードが存在しない秘境“World Piece Tour”。その頂点に君臨する2大録音が「GRAF ZEPPELIN」による細密マスタリングで最高峰を更新! 2作同時リリース決定です!! 本作は、その第二弾。「1983年5月26日ハマースミス公演」の超絶級オーディエンス録音です。


・5月2日ー15日:英国#1(11公演)←※DEFINITIVE IPSWICH 1983
・11月7日ー12月18日:欧州(28公演)←※公式THE EARLY DAYS

【GRAF ZEPPELINマスタリングで最高峰を更新】
これが1983年のIRON MAIDEN。本作は「英国#2」の9公演目で記録されたライヴアルバムです。伝統会場“ハマースミス・オデオン”では4連続公演だったわけですが、本作はその2公演目でもありました。
そんなショウで記録されたオーディエンス録音は、まず何よりも音が良いことで伝説となった。当時はもちろんのこと、ネット時代になっても「サウンドボード」として流通していたほどで、超クリア&超ダイレクト。姉妹作『DEFINITIVE IPSWICH 1983(Zodiac 514)』の超タイト・サウンドと比べると(極々うっすらとした)ホール鳴りも感じますが、それがディテールをまったく隠していない。むしろ、(ゼロ距離感覚のまま)ダイナミズムも厚みを増強しているのです。
その凄味は当店の人気盤『EAGLE’S HAMMERSMITH』でご存知かも知れませんが、本作はさらに鮮やかUP! 現存する最も元のソースにまで遡って「GRAF ZEPPELIN」が細密マスタリングした銘品なのです。開演を告げる「荒鷲の要塞のテーマ」や「Phantom Of The Opera」後の曲間も長くなっていることから元マスターなのは明らかですが、それ以上に強烈なのは全編を貫くサウンド。「GRAF ZEPPELIN」はあらゆるタイプの音源を扱っていますが、その本領はヴィンテージのオーディエンス録音。本作でもその技量が遺憾なく発揮されており、ピッチや位相、帯域分析も厳密に調整。あらゆる既発で発生していたDCオフセットも解消されています。実際、そのサウンドは『EAGLE’S HAMMERSMITH』よりも遙かにすっきりとヌケが良く、それでいて低音の独力も損なわれていない。本作を聴いた後では、あれだけ素晴らしかった『EAGLE’S HAMMERSMITH』もモコモコに感じてしまうほどです。

そんな最高峰更新サウンドで描かれるのは、MAIDEN音源史に伝説として名高いフルショウ。セットは姉妹作『DEFINITIVE IPSWICH 1983(Zodiac 514)』都同じですが、普通の整理はそちらの解説に譲り、ここでは音源コレクションの視点でまとめ直してみましょう。

・死霊復活(アルバム版):Wrathchild/The Trooper/Revelations/Flight Of Icarus/Die With Your Boots On/22 Acacia Avenue/The Number Of The Beast/Phantom Of The Opera/Hallowed Be Thy Name/Iron Maiden/Run To The Hills
・メイデン・イングランド:Still Life
・ア・リアル・デッド・ワン他:Where Eagles Dare
・To Tame A Land

……と、このようになっています。このツアーから黄金ラインナップが揃ったわけですが、ポイントは「あの5人」のサウンドボードがない4曲。「Prowler」「Drifter」は3rdツアーの『BEAST OVER HAMMERSMITH』になってしまいますし、「Where Eagles Dare」はエイドリアン脱退後の『A REAL DEAD ONE』までオアズケ。「To Tame A Land」に至っては、全キャリアでサウンドボードが1つもない激レア曲なのです。
もっともレア曲だけなら他にも美味しいツアーはあるわけですが、それでも「“World Piece Tour”こそが史上最高」と呼ばれる由縁は、強烈なパフォーマンス。特に、本作のハマースミス公演はその象徴とも言える超名演なのです。その凄味は、1曲目「Where Eagles Dare」の冒頭から炸裂!! もう、イントロンで轟くブルース・ディッキンソンの絶叫一発で勝負アリ。とんでもない張りとテンションでブチかまし、ギャオギャオにもならず綺麗に伸びる超シャウト。思い通りに声が出る自分のノドがよほど嬉しいのか、そのままキレのある早口で畳みかけ、ラストにもう一発の爆シャウトでトドメ!! 絶好調のブルースはココまで凄い。「Where Eagles Dare」は曲超としてはミッドでじっくり押すタイプですが、この爆シャウトの高揚感は尋常じゃない。幾多の音源マニアが『死霊復活』で喜ぶファン達を横目に「Aces Highがなんぼのもんじゃ!」と嘯いていた伝説のテイクなのです。
「まるでサウンドボード」と絶賛を集めた2大録音が最高峰を更新して2作同時リリース決です。より「サウンドボードっぽい音」という意味では『DEFINITIVE IPSWICH 1983』こそが頂点であり、天を突く爆テンションでMAIDENオーディエンスの……いや、SBD/AUDの別を超えて「MAIDENライヴアルバムの象徴」に君臨するのは本作。まさに「絶対」の2連作。どうぞ、永久保存プレス2CDでお手元にコレクションしてください。

★「1983年5月26日ハマースミス公演」の超絶級オーディエンス録音。かつて「死霊復活以上」とさえ言われた伝説の大定番録音を「GRAF ZEPPELIN」が細密マスタリングで磨き込んだ銘品。サウンドボードとして流通した事もある超クリア&超ダイレクト・サウンドはそのままに、さらにヌケよく、力強くアップグレードしています。超絶好調ブルースのド級のシャウトも伝説となっている超名演を最高峰更新サウンドでフル体験できます。






Disc 1 (52:19)
1. Theme From “Where Eagles Dare”★出だし僅かに前回盤より長い
2. Where Eagles Dare
3. Wrathchild
4. The Trooper
5. Revelations
6. Flight Of Icarus
7. Die With Your Boots On
8. 22 Acacia Avenue
9. The Number Of The Beast
10. Still Life

Disc 2 (65:00)
1. MC
2. To Tame A Land
3. Guitar Solo
4. Drums Solo
5. Phantom Of The Opera
6. Hallowed Be Thy Name
7. Iron Maiden
8. Run To The Hills
9. Sanctuary
10. Drifter
11. Prowler

Bruce Dickinson – Vocal
Steve Harris – Bass
Dave Murray – Guitar
Adrian Smith – Guitar
Nicko McBrain – Drums


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