Guns N’ Roses / Riot Act St louis 1991 / 1DVDR

Guns N’ Roses / Riot Act St louis 1991 / 1DVDR / Non Label

Live at Riverport Amphitheatre, St. Louis, MO, USA 2nd July 1991

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GUNS history … No, the “Riverport Riot” is remembered as a major event in rock history. The symbolic pro shot is the gift release decision.
The scene of the incident was “July 2, 1991 performance in St. Louis”. It was at the “USE YOUR ILLUSION Tour” that started without waiting for the release of the album. The tour lasted for about two and a half years with member changes, but the St. Louis performance of this work was in the early stages. First of all, let’s look back on the schedule of 1991 when the scene was shaken by “restarting the monster” in order to understand the outline of the incident.

・ January 20 + 23: ROCK IN RIO II (2 performances)
・ May 9th-August 3rd: North America # 1 (41 performances) ← ★ Coco ★
・ August 13-31: Europe (7 performances)
“September 17,” USE YOUR ILLUSION I & II “released”
《November Izzy withdrawal → 13 people including horn》
・ December 5th-31st: North America # 2 (9 performances)

[Multi-camera pro shot that can be witnessed even at the moment of a great scuffle] This is GUNS N’ROSES in 1991. They became the biggest monsters in the scene and restarted from the appearance of the legendary festival “ROCK IN RIO II”. After that, I started to visit my home country, America, and the performance in St. Louis of this work was the 26th performance of “North America # 1”.
This show was not scheduled to be broadcast on TV, but it was shot with a multi-camera by GEFFEN Records. It is also famous for being used (only partly) in news programs that convey riots and in the PV of “Welcome To The Jungle”, but this work is a long version of it. At a later date, it was leaked from the people concerned because “a riot case can be seen”. The biggest point of this work is the on-site record of the riot that is too shocking, but the live up to that point is also wonderful. I can’t say for sure because I don’t know the situation at the venue, but it’s for the screen as you can see from the video where the waist up of the accelerator and slash is often used. Although it doesn’t feel as “official” as it is, the cut split that changes the angle according to the song is wonderful, and you can enjoy the heyday GUNS show before Izzy withdrawal. It’s not a full show because of riots, but the repertoire you can expect from this work is …

● Appetite for Destruction (2 songs + α)
・ Mr. Brownstone / Welcome To The Jungle / Rocket Queen (suspended)
● Use Your Illusion (8 songs)
・ I: Perfect Crime / Live And Let Die / Dust N’Bones / Double Talkin’ Jive / November Rain
・ II: You Could Be Mine / Civil War / 14 Years
● Others
・ Patience / Godfather Theme

…… And it looks like this. Although this alone is a treasure, the true value of this work is still a riot. It all started when Axel found an audience who was taking pictures without permission while playing “Rocket Queen”. The accelerator instructed the guards at the scene to stop, but since this guard ignored the accelerator and did nothing, the sharp accelerator jumped into the audience seats (the audience who was shooting? The guards?) Hit me. Axel, who returned to the stage, slammed the microphone while yelling to the guards, “Thank you for the useless guards! I’m going home !!”, and the show ended.

[About 26 minutes of on-site footage of a major incident and two types of TV news] Multi-camera shooting will end with the end of the show, but the highlight is after that. Angry at the end of this sudden show, the audience at the scene caused a big boo, which escalated to a mob. The riot police also evolved into an incident that resulted in a riot that cost 80 injured, 16 arrested, and $ 1.2 million. And although the multi-camera shooting was over at the scene, the staff shot with a handy camera. In this work, the vivid image is also recorded. At first, something like a cup is thrown onto the stage in a turbulent and noisy mood, but then there is a metallic destructive sound at the venue, such as metal chairs, iron pipes, and even something like a board. Fly in the air. Somehow the announcement is made to try to spoil it, but it has only the opposite effect, and the screams and angry words that tear the silk are mixed, and the staff struggles to escape the members. Furthermore, a large crowd of angry people began to climb the stage and pushed back with water to stop it …. As the questions and answers of the water cannon vs. chair attack continue, even the guards become dangerous, and they have to leave all the equipment and sets unattended. It’s just like a battlefield. The mood when moving out all at once with the judgment that “it is no longer good” is like a unit retreating in the war, and the guts that show the audience who finally occupies the stage after stepping on the spot is that of a battlefield photographer.
The camera shows the scenery of the venue where the turmoil has subsided, but even then, the sirens run around the city and the sound of the helicopter flying swirls overhead. And in front of you, a stage that has become a mountain of rubble is projected as if it had been hit by a tsunami or an earthquake. The scene of a major historical event unfolds in front of you, including the facial expressions of the staff who are at a loss and have no choice but to laugh.
And two kinds of news programs that tell the riot case are not good. Interviews with fans being transported by emergency and spectators who experienced the scene, which cannot be seen in the on-site shooting of the main story, a panoramic view of the venue from the helicopter (the police force is lining up around the venue), completely calmly telling as another person’s affairs The casters etc. are super real. The main video is also used, and the appearance of the accelerator diving into the audience seats and hitting it is reported to the fullest. How shocking the incident was, it is drawn with an overwhelming sense of reality.
“Riverport Riot” engraved like a black stain in rock history. Pro shots known as proof images and ultra-realistic experiences of riot scenes with handy cameras. In addition, it covers news programs that capture the spread of the impact … It is one that you can experience the highest peak y as a whole, including the charm of GUNS N’ROSES, which was so enthusiastic about the scene that it caused such an incident. One of the biggest incidents in rock history. Please take this opportunity to enjoy it to your heart’s content.

★ The legendary “Great Riot Pro Shot” is released as a gift. In addition to watching the main part of the show and the scene of the brawl with a multi-camera, the scene of the riot by the handy camera (about 26 minutes) and the news program that tells the incident are also recorded. It is one that you can experience the whole historic night.

 事件の現場となったのは「1991年7月2日セントルイス公演」。アルバムの発売を待たずに始まった“USE YOUR ILLUSION Tour”での事でした。ツアーはメンバー・チェンジもはらみながら約2年半続いたわけですが、本作のセントルイス公演は序盤も序盤。まずは事件のあらましを理解する意味でも、「怪物の再始動」にシーンが揺れた1991年のスケジュールから振り返ってみましょう。
・1月20日+23日:ROCK IN RIO II(2公演)
・5月9日ー8月3日:北米#1(41公演) ←★ココ★
 これが1991年のGUNS N’ ROSES。シーン最大の怪物となった彼らは、伝説フェス“ROCK IN RIO II”出演から再始動。その後、母国アメリカを巡り始めたわけですが、本作のセントルイス公演はその「北米#1」の26公演目にあたるコンサートでした。
 このショウは別段テレビ放送の予定もなかったのですが、GEFFENレコードによってマルチカメラ撮影。暴動を伝えるニュース番組や「Welcome To The Jungle」のPVで(一部だけ)使用された事でも有名なのですが、本作はその長尺版。後日になって「暴動事件が観られる」という事で関係者から流出したのです。本作最大のポイントは衝撃すぎる暴動の現場記録なわけですが、そこに至るまでのライヴも素晴らしい。会場の状況が分からないので断言はできませんが、アクセルとスラッシュのウェスト・アップが多用された映像から察するにスクリーン用。「オフィシャル級」というほど作り込み感はないものの、曲想に沿ってアングルが切り替わるカット割りも素晴らしく、イジー脱退前の全盛GUNSのショウが楽しめる。暴動が起きてしまうためにフルショウとはいきませんが、本作で期待できるレパートリーは……
・Mr. Brownstone/Welcome To The Jungle/Rocket Queen(中断)
・I:Perfect Crime/Live And Let Die/Dust N’ Bones/Double Talkin’ Jive/November Rain
・II:You Could Be Mine/Civil War/14 Years
・Patience/Godfather Theme
……と、このようになっています。これだけでもお宝ではあるものの、本作の真価はやはり暴動。ことの始まりは「Rocket Queen」の演奏中、アクセルが無断で写真撮影していた観客を見つけたことでした。アクセルは現場の警備員に止めさせるよう指示しますが、この警備員はアクセルを無視して何もしなかったため、キレたアクセルが客席に飛び込んで(撮影していた観客を? 警備員を?)殴りつける。ステージに戻ったアクセルは警備員に「役立たずな警備員、ありがとよ! 俺は帰るからな!!」と叫びながらマイクを叩きつけ、ショウが終わってしまうのです。
 ロック史に黒い染みのように刻まれている「リバーポートの暴動」。その証拠映像として知られるプロショットと、ハンディ・カメラによる暴動現場の超リアル体験。さらに、その衝撃が広がっていく様を活写したニュース番組まで網羅……これだけの事件を引き起こすほど現場を熱狂させていたGUNS N’ ROSESの魅力も含め、丸ごと最高峰y体験できる1枚です。ロック史上最大級の事件作。どうぞ、この機会に心ゆくまで存分にお楽しみください。
1. Intro
2. Perfect Crime
3. Mr Brownstone
4. Live And Let Die
5. Dust N’ Bones
6. Axl MC
7. You Could Be Mine
8. I Was Only Joking (intro)/Patience
9. Axl MC
10. Double Talkin’ Jive
11. November Rain
12. Axl MC
13. Welcome To The Jungle
14. Guitar Solo #1/Voodoo Child (intro)
15. Civil War
16. 14 Years
17. Drum Solo
18. Guitar Solo #2
19. Godfather Theme
20. Rocket Queen (aborted)
21. Riots
22. TV News Report
W. Axl Rose – Vocals
Slash – Guitar
Izzy Stradlin – Guitar
Duff McKagan – Bass
Matt Sorum – Drums
Dizzy Reed – Keyboards


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