George Harrison With Eric Clapton and His Band / Tokyo Dome 1991 1st Night / 2CD

George Harrison With Eric Clapton and His Band / Tokyo Dome 1991 1st Night / 2CD / Tricone
Live at Tokyo Dome, Tokyo, Japan 14th December 1991

Play sample :

Click image to enlarge

[George Harrison & Eric Clapton, the definitive edition of the Tokyo Dome performance on December 14, 1991 completed! ]

From the “GEORGE HARRISON WITH ERIC CLAPTON AND HIS BAND” Japan tour held in 1991, the first day of the three consecutive performances at Tokyo Dome on December 14th was produced from a new high-quality stereo audience recording master. is. At our shop, we have already released the high-quality sound source of this performance as “PIGGIES IN THE DOME” (Tricone 047/048), but this time we used a different master, and as a conclusion, we judged that the quality surpasses the existing board. and decided to hire As a dome recording in 1991, you can enjoy the miraculous closeness and thickness of the sound.In addition to confirming a clear improvement in the direct feeling, the reverberation sound that is unique to the dome as a whole is not particularly noticeable. The point is not to. As there is a take that was also adopted in the official live board “GEORGE HARRISON? LIVE IN JAPAN”, the performance of this day is the content that George also gave a passing score. Please enjoy the high sound quality of this new master.

[The friendship between the two behind the realization of the Japan tour! ]

Now, let’s repeat here, but let’s look at the implications of this Japan tour becoming a legend from the tour schedule at that time.

・January 21-29, 1991: Tour rehearsals at The Point, Dublin, Ireland
・January 31, 1991, February 2: Warm-up performance at The Point
・February 5, 1991 to March 9, 1991: 24 consecutive days performances at the Royal Albert Hall in London
· September 4, 1991: Jumped into Buddy Guy’s gig at Roxy, Los Angeles.
· September 26, 1991: Appeared in a comedy show where Nathan East, recorded at The Palace in Hollywood, serves as a house band leader. This pattern aired on the FOX channel on Sunday 29th.

・December 1, 1991-December 17, 1991: Full backup of George Harrison’s Japan tour with his own band
December 1: Yokohama Arena performance (additional performance)
December 2nd and 3rd: Performance at Osaka-jo Hall
December 5th: Performance at the Nagoya International Trade Fair Hall
December 6: Hiroshima Sunplaza Performance
December 9: Performance at Fukuoka International House
December 10th, 11th, 12th: Performances at Osaka-jo Hall
December 14th: Tokyo Dome Performance ←★This work★
December 15th and 17th: Performance at Tokyo Dome

As you can see, I was off from March 9th to September. Clapton went into a complete rest after completing the “Journeyman World Tour” of the previous year and the hard Royal Albert Hall consecutive performances that he had performed for two years in a row, living with his 4-year-old son Connor. It seems that I was going to enjoy the. However, on March 20th, that incident happened. From there, Clapton became, in his own words, “like stone.” Due to the shock of losing his young son, he had no contact with anyone and continued to stay at home. Along with Keith Richards and Elton John, George Harrison immediately sent a letter of concern and comfort to Clapton. Encouraged by warm words from his fellow musicians, Clapton managed to keep his spirits sane, including going to sea in his manager’s cruiser while attending meetings of the Alcoholics Anonymous Society.

At that time, when I met George, Clapton told me that the fans in South America, who toured the previous year, asked me about George’s current situation. Is it okay if I return to the stage? George laughed at Clapton’s words and decided to forget this story, but one day George suddenly noticed. “If I ask him to help me get back on the road, won’t Eric be overwhelmed by the execution and recovering from that painful experience?” I told Clapton about the live return and requested cooperation. Clapton was surprised by George’s decision, but he was willing to cooperate. He convened his own band, decided the set list from George’s repertoire, divided the parts and selected the third guitarist, arranged the rehearsal venue, and took care of all the schedules. So Clapton was busy preparing for George’s live return and was able to relieve his heartbreak. However, even during rehearsals, George seems to have said many times, “After all, I will stop returning.” It is said that he was traumatized by being hit by the media during the 1974 U.S. tour. He really didn’t want to come back live. So Clapton convinced George by recommending Japan as a tour place, where he listens to music warmly and seriously. And finally the Japan tour was realized. In order to get Clapton back on his feet, George threw himself into a reluctant live while trying not to understand his true intentions. Clapton worked hard to prepare for George’s live return, which he had decided to do. This Japan tour was, so to speak, a lifelong friendship between George and Clapton.

As mentioned above, the sound sources of all performances have been released from this tour, but as you listen in chronological order, you can see George’s appearance as the tension is relieved and the original tone is regained with each passing day. . And it ended the Osaka performance on December 10th, and George directed the official recording from the next day. George became more confident. The Osaka performances on the 11th and 12th were also recorded, but the take from the Tokyo performance was mainly adopted for the official live board. George himself would have thought that the Tokyo performance was the best performance on the tour. As expected, the performance is digested, and you can see how George was relaxing. You can enjoy the whole picture with a different sound image from the already released “PIGGIES IN THE DOME”. The performance of this day is wonderful for all songs, but Clapton’s obbligato and solo at the song While My Guitar Gently Weeps are still excellent. The last is a twin lead system with George and it avalanches into the ending, but the fast playing of Clapton at the end is also the best. Of course, all songs are as wonderful performances as Hiroshima.

[Off time in Tokyo, a city that loves Clapton, is the source of recharging]

The first day of this tour was Yokohama, which was in the Kanto region, but the next day, they moved to Osaka and began a local tour. It was in the form of finally returning to Tokyo on the final journey. If you look at the gorgeous book “GEORGE HARRISON? LIVE IN JAPAN” published by Genesis Publishing, you can enjoy shabu-shabu at a high-class restaurant at the reception of Udo Music Office, where Clapton personally went to Giorgio Armani’s shop. It can be seen that they enjoyed their time off shopping in Tokyo. It seems that George also enjoyed the capital Tokyo, and the feelings of all the band members were united again here and faced the Tokyo Dome performance. In addition, George invited Mrs. Olivia, his son Dhani, his friends, etc. to the Tokyo performance (at the final performance on the 17th, Mr. played the guitar). George’s satisfaction was MAX because he was able to show dignity as a husband, father, and live musician while his family was watching. And Clapton also complemented George to the end on this tour, which had various things, and completed the tour safely by showing the best support for professionalism. The Tokyo performance where everything was rounded. Please enjoy the fulfilling performance with a new master.

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★ Uses a different sound source from the already released PIGGIES IN THE DOME (hereinafter referred to as the existing sound source).

This separate sound source was released several years ago, and although there are existing titles, it is the first label to appear!
Since the same screams as the existing sound source can be confirmed, it seems that the positions are close to each other, but here you can enjoy the miraculous closeness and depth of the sound for a Dome recording at the time of 1991.
The point is that the reverberation sound, which is unique to the dome, is not so disturbing, and it can be confirmed that the direct feeling has been improved compared to the existing sound source.

* Missing parts were confirmed in several places, and “My Sweet Lord” was not collected. Cheers part) is supplemented with Masterport board, complete recording!

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1991年に行われた「GEORGE HARRISON WITH ERIC CLAPTON AND HIS BAND」ジャパン・ツアー より、12月14日の東京ドーム3連続公演の初日を新たな高音質ステレオ・オーディエンス録音のマスターから制作したタイトルが登場です。当店では、「PIGGIES IN THE DOME」(Tricone 047/048)として既にこの公演の高音質音源をリリースしていますが、今回はそれとは別のマスターを使用、結論として既発盤を上回るクオリティと判断し、採用を決定しました。91年当時のドーム録音としては奇跡的な音の近さと厚みが堪能できます。ダイレクト感の明らかな向上が確認できる上に、トータルとしてドーム特有の如何にもな、あの残響音がさほど気にならないのがポイントです。オフィシャルライブ盤「GEORGE HARRISON ? LIVE IN JAPAN」にも採用されたテイクがあるように、この日のパフォーマンスは、ジョージも合格点を出した内容です。是非この新たなマスターの高音質でお楽しみください。




12月14日:東京ドーム公演 ←★本作★



前述のように、このツアーからは全公演の音源がリリースされていますが、時系列で聴いていくと、日を追うごとに緊張が解け、本来の調子を取り戻していくジョージの姿が分かります。そしてそれは12月10日の大阪公演を終え、ジョージが翌日からの公式録音を指示するまでに至りました。それほどジョージは自信を深めたのです。11日、12日の大阪公演も録音されたのですが、オフィシャルライブ盤には東京公演からのテイクが主に採用されました。ジョージ自身は、東京公演がツアーではベストの出来だと思ったのでしょう。さすがに演奏はこなれ、ジョージがリラックスしていた様子が分かります。その全貌が、既発盤「PIGGIES IN THE DOME」とはまた違った音像でお楽しみいただけます。この日のパフォーマンスは全曲とも素晴らしいものですが、中でもやはり二人の思い出の曲While My Guitar Gently Weepsでのクラプトンのオブリガートとソロは秀逸です。ラストはジョージとのツインリード体制になってエンディングに雪崩込みますが、締めのクラプトンの速弾きも最高です。もちろん全曲とも広島に劣らず素晴らしい演奏です。


このツアーは、初日が横浜という関東圏だったものの、すぐ翌日には大阪へ移動しての地方巡業が始まりました。最終行程でようやく東京に帰って来た形でした。ジェネシス出版発行の豪華本「GEORGE HARRISON ? LIVE IN JAPAN」を見ると、招聘元のウドー音楽事務所の接待で、高級料亭でしゃぶしゃぶに舌鼓を打ったり、クラプトンが個人的にジョルジオ・アルマーニのショップで買い物をしたり、と東京でのオフタイムに楽しい時間を過ごしたことが窺えます。ジョージも首都東京を満喫したようで、バンドメンバー全員の気持ちがここでまた一丸となり、東京ドーム公演に臨んだようです。さらにジョージは、この東京公演に合わせてオリヴィア夫人や息子のダーニ君、彼の友達などを呼び寄せており、ショーを観覧させました(17日の最終公演では、ダーニ君とその友人に飛入りさせ、ギターを弾かせました)。家族が見守る中で、夫、父として、そしてライブミュージシャンとして威厳のある姿を見せることができたことで、ジョージの満足度はMAXだったことでしょう。そしてクラプトンも、いろいろあったこのツアーで、最後までジョージを引き立て、プロに徹する最高のサポートを見せて無事ツアーを完遂したのでした。すべてが丸く納まった東京公演。その充実のパフォーマンスを新たなマスターでご堪能ください。



★既発PIGGIES IN THE DOME(以下既存音源)とは別音源を使用。

既存音源と同じ叫び声が確認できることから、互いに近いポジションであると思われるが、 ここでは’91年当時のDome録音としては奇跡的な音の近さと厚みが堪能できる。

★欠落が数ヶ所で確認され、さらに”My Sweet Lord”は未収。これら欠落は「PIGGIES IN THE DOME」音源で補填し、さらに補い切れない欠落パート(“Isn’t It A Pity”後のAud歓声部)はMasterport盤で補填し、完全収録!


Disc 1 (72:36)

01. Intro ★丸ごと補填
02. I Want To Tell You ★0:00-0:05補填
03. Old Brown Shoe
04. Taxman
05. Give Me Love
06. If I Needed Someone
07. Something
08. What Is Life
09. Dark Horse
10. Piggies ★2:41以降補填
11. Pretending ★0:00-0:46補填
12. Old Love
13. Badge
14. Wonderful Tonight

Disc 2 (65:32)
01. Got My Mind Set On You
02. Cloud Nine
03. Here Comes The Sun ★2:54以降補填
04. My Sweet Lord ★丸ごと補填
05. All Those Years Ago ★0:00-0:54補填
06. Cheer Down
07. Devil’s Radio
08. Isn’t It A Pity ★7:20-9:43(演奏後曲間)Masterportの音源で補填
09. While My Guitar Gently Weeps
10. Roll Over Beethoven ★14:50以降(演奏後歓声とMC含む)補填

George Harrison – guitar / vocals
Eric Clapton – guitar / vocals
Andy Fairweather Low – guitar
Chuck Leavell – keyboards
Greg Phillinganes – keyboards
Nathan East – bass / vocals
Steve Ferrone – drums
Ray Cooper – percussion
Katie Kissoon – backing vocals
Tessa Niles – backing vocals

Tricone 229/230

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