Eric Clapton / Brussels 1978 Master Cassette / 2CD

Eric Clapton / Brussels 1978 Master Cassette / 2CD / Beano
Vorst Forest National, Brussels, Belgium 19th November 1978

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[Representative sound source of the 1978 Backless Tour! ] This week, Eric Clapton’s best live sound source will appear again. This work is a shocking master provided by a heavyweight taper living in the UK that we trust. From the “Backless European Tour” in the fall of 1978, the performance in Brussels, Belgium on November 19th is recorded in a superb stereo audience recording with good sound balance and spaciousness. Regarding this sound source, there are already released records in the past, but the slightly high pitch of the master was successfully corrected and the noticeable hiss noise was reduced. Furthermore, I adjusted the channel phase of the musical tone, which was to the left, to be as close to the center as possible. Therefore, I think this work can be said to be an upgraded version that is easier to listen to.
Now, let’s take a look at this year’s topics and how this European tour was positioned in terms of Clapton’s activities.

・February 1, 1978 – April 19, 1978: US tour
・June 23, 1978: Performed with Bob Dylan Band at a festival in Rotterdam, Netherlands.
・July 1st to July 15th, 1978: Short-term European tour (including festival appearances with Bob Dylan)
≪August-September 1978: Recording of the album “BACKLESS”≫
≪November 1, 1978: Album “BACKLESS” released≫
・November 5th – December 7th, 1978: Europe Tour ←★Here★
・December 11, 1978: Participated in Muddy Waters’ concert at Dingwall, London.

This performance was part of a European tour in support of the new album “BACKLESS,” which was recorded by fellow British producer Glyn Johns and released just two months after the album “SLOWHAND” became a big hit. I think you can see that it was a performance at the beginning of the tour. It was an important tour that ended the year and greatly contributed to the promotion of the album. This tour was conceived by Clapton, who was bored with the usual airplane travel and wanted to have a unique European experience, and rented the famous Orient Express train to visit all the performance locations. There was also a happy situation for Clapton, as he asked his beloved bluesman, Muddy Waters, to serve as the opening act. It can be seen that he was full of motivation with a fresh feeling (this tour was recorded as a documentary according to Clapton’s wishes, and was scheduled to be released at the time under the title “ERIC CLAPTON’S ROLLING HOTEL”, but unfortunately it has not been released until now. remains unpublished). The highlight of this tour was that George Terry, the second guitarist who was present at the time of recording the album, was fired and it was performed with a four-piece band of the same composition as Derek & the Dominos. The fact that Clapton is the only guitar player means that the weight and importance of his performance has increased accordingly. This tour attracted attention because he asked himself to take on the burden of alcoholism, even though he was in the process of becoming an alcoholic. What I found out later was that the set list was very different from the beginning of the tour to the one after that, which was also the charm of this tour. As mentioned above, only in the very early performances, many numbers from the album “BACKLESS” were featured. After the middle of the album, the number of songs from the album decreases dramatically, and the album takes on the appearance of a “usual tour” centered around old blues and the repertoire from the previous tour. “BACKLESS” also plays four songs on this day (If I Don’t Be There By Morning, I’ll Make Love To You Anytime, Tulsa Time, Early In The Morning). In particular, the live version of I’ll Make Love To You Anytime is a rare J.J. Cale cover that can only be heard on this tour. For fans of this album, which is highly rated as a “hidden masterpiece”, it can be said to be an irresistible sound source. What was a fresh challenge was bringing Layla to the opening for the first time since 1975. What’s more, there was a surprising development in that the backing chorus for all songs, including Layla, was performed by drummer Jamie Oldacre (who was surprisingly good at this). Furthermore, in Layla, you can hear an unexpected arrangement in which the main phrase is played by organist Dick Sims. In this way, considering the final form of this tour, which ended in late November, and the previous tours with five members, it can be seen that the content was irregular. Moreover, not only is it valuable, but the sound quality is also outstanding. This tour was the only time a 4-piece band performed live during the time when they were using the Tulsa Tops. The Tulsa Tops were all fired the following year when Clapton brought in fellow Englishman Albert Lee as second guitarist. I think this laid-back groove from 1974 onwards could only be produced by Tulsa Tops. It was a tour where Clapton’s motivation was fully expressed as he returned to the same organization as Derek and the Dominos. I would like Clapton fans to listen to this sound source by all means. This will be a limited release with a sticker with a serial number representing the first press. Quantities are limited, so please order early.


・1978年11月5日~12月7日:ヨーロッパ・ツアー  ←★ココ★

大ヒットしたアルバム「SLOWHAND」を受けて、同じイギリス人プロデューサー、グリン・ジョンズの制作でレコーディングし、終了後僅か2ヵ月でリリースした新作「BACKLESS」を引っ提げてのヨーロッパツアー中の一公演であったこと、そのツアー序盤の公演であったことがお判りいただけると思います。この年を締めくくり、アルバムのプロモーションに大きく貢献する重要なツアーでした。このツアーは、いつもの航空機移動に飽きたクラプトンがヨーロッパならではの趣向ということで発案した、有名なオリエント急行列車を借り切って全公演地を回ったというものでした。オープニング・アクトは、敬愛するブルースマン、マディ・ウォータースにお願いして務めてもらったという、クラプトンにとっては嬉しい状況もありました。新鮮な気持ちでやる気満々だったことが窺えます(このツアーはクラプトンの意向により、ドキュメンタリーとして映像収録され、「ERIC CLAPTON’S ROLLING HOTEL」のタイトルで当時公開が予定されていましたが、残念ながら現在まで未公開のままです)。このツアーの聴きどころは、アルバムのレコーディング時には在籍していたセカンド・ギタリスト、ジョージ・テリーを解雇し、デレク&ザ・ドミノス時代と同じ編成の4ピースバンドで行われたことでした。ギターがクラプトン一人になったということは、それだけ彼のパフォーマンスに占める比重、重要度が増したということです。アルコール中毒進行中にもかかわらず、その重責を彼自らが求めたということで、このツアーは注目されたわけです。さらに後になって判ったことですが、セットリストがツアー序盤とそれ以降では大きく異なっていたことも、このツアーの魅力でもありました。前述しましたように、ごく初期の公演のみで、アルバム「BACKLESS」からのナンバーを多く採り上げたのです。中盤以降には当該アルバムからのナンバーは極端に減っていき、オールドブルースや前回ツアーのレパートリーが中心となった、「いつものツアー」といった様相を呈していきます。この日にも「BACKLESS」は4曲もプレイしています(If I Don’t Be There By Morning、I’ll Make Love To You Anytime、Tulsa Time、Early In The Morning)。特にI’ll Make Love To You Anytimeはライブバージョンはこのツアーでしか聴けない、レアなJ.J.ケイルカバーです。「隠れた名盤」的に評価の高いこのアルバムのファンにとっては堪らない音源と言えるのではないでしょうか。新鮮な試みだったのは、1975年以来となるLaylaをオープニングに持ってきたことでした。しかもLaylaを始め、全曲のバッキングコーラスは、何とドラムのジェイミー・オールデイカーが務めたという驚きの展開もありました(これが意外に上手いんです)。さらにはLaylaでは、あのメインフレーズはオルガンのディック・シムスが奏でるという意外なアレンジも聴けます。このように、11月下旬に終了したこのツアーの最終形、及びこれまでの5人編成のツアーから考えれば、イレギュラー尽くしの内容だったことが判ります。しかも貴重度のみならず、音質が抜群に良いのです。「タルサ・トップス」を起用していた時代で、4ピースバンドでライブを行なったのはこのツアーだけでした。タルサ・トップスは、翌年セカンドギタリストとしてクラプトンが同じイギリス人のアルバート・リーを加入させてから全員解雇されることになります。74年以降のレイドバックしたこのグルーヴはタルサ・トップスでしか出せないものだったと思います。デレク・アンド・ザ・ドミノスと同じ編成に立ち返ったクラプトンのやる気が全面に出たツアーでした。クラプトンファンの方々にはこの音源は是非とも聴いていただきたいと思います。初回プレスを表すシリアルナンバー入ステッカー付の限定リリースとなります。数に限りがございますので、お早めのオーダーをお願い致します。


Disc:1 (46:43)
1. Intro. ★0:09 キュル音 そのまま残しました。
2. Layla
3. Worried Life Blues
4. If I Don’t Be There By Morning
5. Wonderful Tonight
6. I’ll Make Love To You Anytime
7. Double Trouble

Disc:2 (38:23)
1. Badge
2. Tulsa Time
3. Early In The Morning
4. Cocaine ★最後にキュル音が連発するが残しました。
5. Crossroads

Eric Clapton – Guitar, Vocals
George Terry – Guitar
Dicks Sims – Keyboards
Carl Radle – Bass
Jamie Oldaker – Drums
Marcy Levy – Vocals, Harmonica


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