Eric Clapton / Blackbush 1978 Revisited / 2CD

Eric Clapton / Blackbush 1978 Revisited / 2CD / Beano
Blackbushe Aerodrome, Camberley, Surrey, UK 15th July 1978

Play sample :

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[Rare festival sound source revives with the highest sound quality! ] There is another title released this week, Eric Clapton. Clapton’s treasured sound source is released by borrowing the first generation master recorded by himself from the well-known British resident taper. It was recorded on July 15, 1978, when he performed at “The Picnic Festival” held at Blackbush Aerodrome in Surrey, England, which is also the hometown of Clapton, and the sound quality was outstanding. It is a complete recording stereo audience recording of. Actually, this sound source was released once from our shop in 2003 (18 years ago), but at that time it was made from the master’s cassette copy. However, this time, we tried to reproduce the texture of the original master as much as possible, and it will be released as a sophisticated piece suitable for the 2021 edition, which was the highest peak of the day. Of course, it’s not just a remaster from the 2003 edition, it’s the result of working from scratch again from the First Genemaster sent from the heavyweight taper (this time, his Graf Zeppelin, who has a reputation for work quality, is from the origin. Remastered). Therefore, not only the sound quality is improved, but the beginning of disc 2 to around 0:04 was a fragment between songs that was cut in the previous edition, but this time it is recorded for the first time. In other words, the definitive edition of the highest sound quality of the day, which has finally been upgraded, will be released.
For the release, the pitch of disc 1 and the newly recorded part was slightly corrected, and the unbalanced phase was also corrected properly. The sound band is adjusted so that digital hiss noise does not appear too much. Of course, the work emphasizes the range, and we do not earn the sound pressure like cutting with a limiter. Even if you have the previous board, it is a gem that you can appreciate with a fresh feeling like a completely different thing.

[Representative sound source of slow hand tour that showed the best performance! ] Now, looking back on the trajectory of Clapton’s activities this year,

・ February 1st-April 9th, 1978: American Tour
・ April 19, 1978: Participated in Alexis Korner’s 50-year-old birthday party session held at Pinewood Studios, London.
・ June 23-25, 1978: Performed at a concert at Feigenort Stadium in Rotterdam in support of Bob Dylan.
July 1, 1978: Performed at a concert in Zeppelin Field, Nuremberg, in support of Bob Dylan
・ July 7th and 8th, 1978: Solo performance at National Stadium in Dublin, Ireland (Warm-up of Blackbush)
・ July 15, 1978: Appeared in “Picnic Festival” ← ★ Coco ★
・ November 5th-December 7th, 1978: Europe Tour

It will be. If you look at this, you can see that while developing a promotional tour of the famous board “SLOWHAND” released in the previous year, we went out with several performances in support of our beloved Bob Dylan. Among them, the festival appearance in the local UK was a great opportunity to publicize his own health and the song “SLOWHAND” to the local fans, even though the main was Dylan. The festival is said to have attracted 200,000 spectators, with other performers including Graham Parker and Joan Arma Trading, including Ringo Starr and Barbara Bach. I also saw Bianca Jagger (Mick Jagger’s wife). Clapton, who appeared before Dylan’s set of birds, started the stage with The Core recorded in “SLOWHAND” as in the previous year’s performance in Japan. If it is a stage composition, in the first half, the songs recorded in “SLOWHAND” will be shown in quick succession with blues, in the middle stage, two country music that was influenced at that time will be shown, and in the second half, Cocaine, which leads to today’s standardization, will be shown at once. It gained momentum and ran through to Layla. In Angkor, Bottle Of Red Wine, which was recorded in the first solo album of 1970, was adopted and played, which probably felt good even in the Japanese performance. Norinori’s play here is by no means inferior to the Domino’s era. If you listen to the whole story, you can see that Clapton was enthusiastic, albeit with Dylan’s support. I even had a warm-up gig in Dublin for this day. There is no doubt that this day was an indispensable stage for the slow hand tour that was held from 1977 to 1978. In addition, for the heavyweight master, Forever Young, who had Clapton jumping into the encore of the main Dylan stage, was also recorded as a bonus. It is recorded from the part where Clapton appears with the MC of Bob Dylan’s “Anyway Eric Clapton is back. He’s gonna stay here & play …”, and this is also recorded with a wonderful sound quality that is not inferior to the main part. Clapton’s solo is also featured in the song, which shows Dylan’s consideration. In that sense, this take is a must for Clapton fans.

[Audience recording of angry waves that clearly recorded the motivated Clapton’s play in stereo! ] There was only a heavy taper who was accustomed to recording, and he was demonstrating his excellent skill even from that time. Of course, the recorded content is completely recorded without any cuts due to tape changes. Despite the fact that the sound tends to diffuse outdoors, the direct musical sound is impressive. It can be seen that it was probably recorded in a fairly good position secured from the daily connection. The separation of each instrument is good by stereo recording, and the whole volume is recorded with a quality that can not be expected any more. It was the world’s first master at the time of 2003, but the feature of this master is that the bass range is recorded dynamically, and the tremendous ensemble of Jamie Oldaker and Carl Radle’s rhythm section is clearly captured. This time, I realized the clearness faithful to the master because it was wonderful to play with a complex mix of ride cymbals and kicks that emphasized the back beat of the all-day car. And Clapton’s play that cuts in as if inspired by it is also wonderful. I used blackie in the whole story on this day, but you can know the high level of performance on this day just by listening to this guitar play. The songs start in a calm atmosphere from beginning to end, but each song has a sharp peak, and sharp blues play that is clearly recorded so that the attack can be heard is scattered everywhere. Please enjoy this work, which has upgraded the performance of the day, which is excellent in both content and sound quality. This is a limited edition only for the first press, so please order early.


★ Slightly modified pitch (Disc1, bonus section)
★ Phase correction
★ The band is slightly EQ-adjusted so that digital hiss (“shhh”) does not appear too much.
★ Since noise reduction is not applied, it does not have the tingling metallic texture that was felt on the previous board, and it has a very pleasant and natural sound.
★ The range is emphasized and the sound pressure is not earned like turning off the limiter.

今週はもう1タイトル、エリック・クラプトンのリリースがございます。クラプトンの秘蔵音源ではお馴染みのイギリス在住の重鎮テーパーから、ご本人が録音したファーストジェネレーションマスターを借り受けてのリリースです。収録されていましたのは、1978年7月15日、イギリスはクラプトンの故郷でもあるサリー州のブラックブッシュ・エアロドロームにて開催された「The Picnic Festival」に出演した際の迫力満点、音質抜群の完全収録ステレオ・オーディエンス録音です。実はこの音源、当店から2003年(18年前)に一度リリースしていたのですが、当時はマスターのカセットコピーからの製作でした。しかしこのたび、大元のマスターの質感を出来るだけ再現するようにトライし、この日の最高峰を極めた2021年盤に相応しい洗練された一枚としてのリリースとなります。もちろん、2003年盤からの単なるリマスターではなく、重鎮テーパーから送られてきたファーストジェネマスターより再度、一から作業した結果です(今回は、作業クオリティで定評のある Graf Zeppelinが大元からリマスターしました)。そのため、音質向上のみならず、ディスク2の出だし~0:04付近は、前回盤ではカットされてた曲間断片でしたが、今回初めて収録されています。つまり、遂にグレードアップしたこの日の最高音質の決定版がリリースされるということなのです。


・1978年7月15日:「ピクニック・フェスティバル」に出演 ←★ココ★

となります。これを見ていただくと、前年にリリースされた名盤「SLOWHAND」のプロモーションツアーを展開しながら、敬愛するボブ・ディランのサポートとして数公演付き合ったことが分かります。中でも地元イギリスでのフェスティバル出演は、メインはディランだったとは言え、地元のファンに自身の健在ぶりと「SLOWHAND」の楽曲をPRするにはもってこいの機会でした。このフェスは20万人の観客を集めたと言われており、他の出演者にはグラハム・パーカー、ジョーン・アーマトレーディングも名を連ねており、観客の中にはリンゴスター、バーバラ・バック夫妻、ビアンカ・ジャガー(ミック・ジャガーの奥さん)の姿も見えました。トリのディランのセット前に登場したクラプトンは、ステージを前年の日本公演同様「SLOWHAND」収録のThe Coreでスタートさせました。ステージ構成とすれば、前半でブルースも交えながら「SLOWHAND」収録曲を立て続けに披露し、中盤でこの当時影響を受けていたカントリーミュージックを2曲披露、後半は今日の定番化に通じるCocaineで一気に勢いを増し、Laylaまで駆け抜けました。アンコールでは、日本公演でも感触が良かったのでしょう、70年のファーストソロアルバム収録のBottle Of Red Wineが採用され、プレイされました。ここでのノリノリのプレイはドミノス時代に決して劣りません。全編を聴いていただくと、ディランのサポートとは言え、クラプトンが意欲満々であったことが分かります。わざわざこの日のために、ダブリンでウォームアップギグを行なっていたほどですから。77年~78年に実施されたスローハンドツアーにあって、この日ははずせない注目のステージであったことは間違いありません。さらに重鎮マスターでは、メインのディランのステージのアンコールにクラプトンが飛入りしたForever Youngもボーナス収録されていました。ボブ・ディランの「Anyway Eric Clapton is back. He’s gonna stay here & play…」のMCと共にクラプトンが登場する部分から収録されており、こちらも本編に劣らない素晴らしい音質で収録されています。曲中ではクラプトンのソロもフィーチャーされており、ディランの心遣いが窺えます。そういう意味でも、クラプトンファンにとってはこのテイクもはずせないものでしょう。



★ピッチ若干修正(Disc1、 ボーナス部)


Disc 1(44:34)
1. Introduction
2. The Core
3. Worried Life Blues
4. Wonderful Tonight
5. Lay Down Sally
6. Rodeo Man
7. Fools Paradise
8. Cocaine
9. Double Trouble

Disc 2 (42:22)
1. MC ★出だし~0:04付近・前回盤ではカットされてた曲間断片
2. Nobody Knows You When You’re Down And Out
3. Badge
4. Knockin’ On Heaven’s Door
5. Key To The Highway
6. Layla
7. Bottle Of Red Wine

8. Dylan MC
9. Forever Young (Bob Dylan with Eric Clapton)

Eric Clapton – Guitar, Vocals
George Terry – Guitar
Dicks Sims – Keyboards
Carl Radle – Bass
Jamie Oldaker – Drums
Marcy Levy – Vocals, Harmonica


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