Eric Clapton / Budokan 2023 Day 4 / 2CDR

Eric Clapton / Budokan 2023 Day 4 / 2CDR / Uxbridge
Live at Budokan, Tokyo, Japan 21st April 2023

Play sample :

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[Eric Clapton 2023 Japan performance 4th day high-quality sound source super-fast release! ]

After the end of the corona crisis, Eric Clapton finally made his 23rd performance in Japan for the first time in four years. A legendary artist who boasts a professional career of 60 years this year has taken a chance on a Japan tour. Furthermore, this time, they were preparing for the epoch of becoming the only foreign artist to perform “100 performances at the Budokan”. And on that day, we will release a high-quality sound source on April 21st! A quick job to deliver the high-quality stereo audience sound source from Friday just four days ago on this Friday! This is proof of our mobility. Of course, it is our original master. Due to the convenience of speed release priority, it will be released on CDR, but the content is a high-quality sound source comparable to the value of the press board. The recorded position is the 2nd row southeast of the Budokan 1F stand. It is quite a good position that it was not disturbed. The microphones and equipment used were high-end models, so there is a sense of distance from the stage, but the sound quality is clear and undisputed. This gives you more than just a fast release, it’s a satisfying experience. This work also seems to be an advertising snippet for a food store, but the selling point is “Fast! Beautiful! Awesome!” Everyone in the region who could not come to the Budokan this time, let’s relive the 100th Budokan performance with this work and celebrate Clapton!

[Here is the full picture of the 4th day performance including the ceremony of the 100th Budokan performance! ]

In addition to the meaning of Clapton’s “100th Budokan commemorative performance”, there was another topic for this 4th day performance. Since the first day, Cocaine was suddenly played instead of Layla, who has been playing at the end of the regular set, delighting the audience and making them nervous. Some fans were disappointed, but when the song started, the arena stood up to the middle seats. There is no doubt that it is a popular song that pleases the fans who were thinking, “Are we not going to do Cocaine this time?” And above all, the audience’s interest on the day was whether or not there would be a ceremony to commemorate the 100th anniversary. There was a ceremony for the 100th performance in Japan, but nothing was held for the 200th performance. What will happen this time? After all, the Udo Music Office, which invited us, did not leave such an important milestone. Once Cocaine finished, while Clapton and the band were off the stage, the announcement flowed while the audience was clapping for an encore. Today, the number of performances at Clapton’s Budokan will be 100 times, and a bouquet and a commemorative shield will be presented to celebrate it. A large bouquet and a shield were handed over to Clapton who appeared on the stage again. Clapton received it happily and bowed deeply to the audience. Of course, there was a big applause in the hall. Since this pattern is also recorded in detail in this work, I would like you to see it in your eyes.

By the way, it can be said that Clapton’s play quality on this day, which was the 4th performance, was a performance that competed for the best 1 or 2 in 4 days. There was no mistone in the opening Blue Rainbow, and the ad-lib play was even more elegant. I think I saw the scale and potential of this song. In the following Pretending, there were some parts where the vocals were dangerous, but we got through it safely. The surprise was I Shot The Sheriff. This song was placed in a position that should be the highlight of the first half, and there was an aspect that the solo of the post-play here was an evaluation point that determined the condition of Clapton on that day. Clapton on this day played a solo that can be asserted as the best in the four performances so far! Clapton’s phrase in the middle of the solo was so sharp that the audience cheered. It was really great. “A picture is worth a word” (?). Please check it out in this work.

And before Sam Hall’s song on the acoustic set, Clapton did not comment anything on this day and suddenly started the song. There was a reference to Jeff Beck in the past three performances. Did he think that Japanese fans already understood without saying anything? And Cocaine to replace Layla. Why did you quit Layla? There is no way to guess at all. Did she get tough again, or did she just want to do Cocaine…? Layla used to play a little ad-lib in the key of D minor and then play the intro, but on this day, a funky intro jam was played in a different key, so the audience thought, “Wow?” That’s right. However, when that intro was played, the hall became lively. It was nice that it seemed like Clapton that he stepped on the wah in the middle solo. Then there is the 100th Anniversary Ceremony. There were various things, I could enjoy Clapton’s crisp play, and I think it would be nice to conclude that this fourth day was also fulfilling. I can’t take this day off either. Please enjoy the whole picture with the wonderful sound quality of this work.

★Seats are in the 2nd row southeast of the 1st floor of the stand.





さて、4公演目となったこの日のクラプトンのプレイクオリティですが、4日間ではベスト1か2を争う出来映えだったと言えます。オープニングのBlue Rainbowではミストーンもなく、アドリブプレイはさらに流麗さを極めていました。この曲のスケールの大きさ、可能性を見た思いです。続くPretendingでは、ボーカルに危ういところもありましたが、無難に乗り切りました。驚きは、I Shot The Sheriffでした。この曲は前半のハイライトとなるべき位置に配され、ここでの後奏のソロが、その日のクラプトンの調子を決定付ける評価ポイントとなるような側面がありました。この日のクラプトンはここまでの4公演でのベストと断言できるソロを弾いたのです!ソロ半ばでのクラプトンのフレーズのキレ具合に、会場からは喝采が巻き起こったほどです。それは本当に素晴らしいものでした。「百見は一聞に如かず」(?)。是非本作でご確認ください。

そしてアコースティックセットでのSam Hallの曲前には、この日はクラプトンは何もコメントせず、いきなり曲を始めました。過去3公演ではジェフ・ベックへの言及があったのですが・・・。もはや言わずとも日本のファンは分かってくれている、と考えたのでしょうか。そしてLaylaに替わるCocaine。なぜLaylaをやめてしまったのでしょうか?こればかりは何とも推測のしようもありません。やはりもうきつくなったのか、それとも単にCocaineをやりたくなったのか・・・。LaylaではDマイナーのキーでアドリブを少し弾いてからイントロを弾き出すのが常でしたが、この日はキーが異なる、ファンキーなイントロジャムがプレイされましたので、オーディエンスは「おやっ?」と思ったことでしょう。しかしあのイントロが奏でられると、場内は一気に盛り上がりました。中間のソロでワウを踏んでくれたのもクラプトンらしくてよかったです。それから100回記念のセレモニーです。いろいろなことがあって、クラプトンのキレッキレのプレイも楽しめて、この4日目も充実していたと結論付けていいかと思います。この日もはずせませんね。本作の素晴らしい音質で是非全貌をご堪能ください。


Disc 1(64:25)
1. Pre-Show
2. Blue Rainbow
3. Pretending
4. Key To The Highway
5. Hoochie Coochie Man
6. I Shot The Sheriff★ツアー最高のソロプレイ
7. Kind Hearted Woman
8. Nobody Knows You When You’re Down And Out
9. Call Me The Breeze
10. Sam Hall
11. Tears In Heaven
12. Kerry

Disc 2 (49:30)
1. Badge
2. Wonderful Tonight
3. Crossroads
4. Little Queen of Spades
5. Cocaine
6. Flower presentation for Eric’s 100th performance at Budokan
7. High Time We Went

Eric Clapton – guitar, vocals
Doyle Bramhall Ⅱ – guitar, vocals
Chris Stainton – piano, keyboards
Paul Carrack – organ, keyboards, vocals
Nathan East – bass
Sonny Emory – drums
Sharon White – backing vocals
Katy Kissoon – backing vocals
Uxbridge 1904

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