Eric Clapton / Royal Albert Hall 2006 3rd Night Dat Master / 2CD

Eric Clapton / Royal Albert Hall 2006 3rd Night: Dat Master / 2CD / Beano
Live at Royal Albert Hall, London, UK 19th May 2006

Play sample :

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Clapton himself was conscious of Derek and the Dominos and evaluated it as the best backing band, Doyle Bramhall & Derek Trucks, and the rhythm section Steve Jordan (now Rolling Stones!) & Willie The best stereo audience sound source of His band in 2006, which welcomed Weeks, is now available! In fact, the master of this work is also a treasured DAT master recorded by himself, provided by a heavyweight taper living in the UK. This master, from the Royal Albert Hall continuous performances where a total of 7 performances were held from May 16th to 26th, 2006, performed on May 19th, which was the third day, with the highest level of super high sound quality stereo / Completely recorded with audience recording. At our shop, we have released this day on the already released board called “GETTING SNAPPY: RAH 3 & 4TH NIGHT (4CDR)” (Trial-137), but the heavy taper master is very close to this already released board. It is another sound source that is presumed to have been recorded. Around the intro, the cheers of the neighborhood are very similar, but it turned out to be a different sound source from the encore and the voices of the neighborhood after the performance. The heavyweight taper would have been recording in a good position close to the already released board recorder. The sound quality is very clear, there is no problem with the sound balance, and it is a quality that can be said to be super high sound quality. In terms of sound image, the musical sound is slightly closer to the left channel from the center, but the cheers and applause of the audience are clearly divided at the center, so it is probably in front of the front left PA speaker. Although the already released board also has high sound quality, it has a texture that makes you feel the sound of the hall, whereas this work is characterized by a fairly tight texture and the performance can be felt close. The heavyweight taper mic would have had better performance. By the way, the cheers of disc breaking were cut for about 10 seconds in the already released board, but in this work it is uncut, and in the already released board the cheers of encore were also cut for about 80 seconds, but in this work it is uncut . Please pay attention to this work that captures the wonderful performance of the early stage of the 2006 world tour with excellent sound quality.

[Overwhelming performance and attractive set list that will not get bored]

In addition to Doyle Bramhall II, who was recruited into the band from the 2004 tour, Derek Trucks, who was called a genius slide guitarist in the young age, was also scouted by this band. Each song was played with a different impression from any past band lineup. Before touching on the content of its fulfillment, let’s first look back at the position of this show and the panoramic view of the 2006 world tour.

・ May 5-June 10: European tour first leg (24 performances) ← Coco
・ July 7-August 3: European tour second leg (17 performances)
・ August 13: Jump into Jimmy Vaughan’s stage in Columbus, Ohio, USA
・ September 16-October 23: American tour (24 performances)
・ November 11th-December 9th: Japan Tour (19 performances)
・ December 15: Guest appearance at Gary Brooker’s “No Stiletto Shoes” gig in Chiddingford, Surrey, UK
・December 31: Hosted “New Year’s Eve Dance” in Woking, Surrey, England

This year was a typical year for live artist Eric Clapton. I was on vacation until April, but from May until the end of the year, I was on tour. This work captures the beginning of such a busy tour life. On August 30th of the previous year, he released “BACK HOME” (recording a hit number 13 on the U.S. album chart), his first non-cover original album in 7 years, and started his long-awaited promotional tour. (Last year, the cream reunion was the main activity). As it was a self-confidence work, it is natural to set in the number from there (DISC1-3.5.8. is applicable). However, as the tour progressed, the new songs were getting out of the set more and more, and when I came to Japan, there were no new songs. This is also Clapton-like, and even on the tour that started with the promotion of the album, as it progresses, it changes to songs that I want to do more and more. As the end of the Japan tour became “Derek & The Dominos Day”, it was a tour that showed a completely different development from the original purpose, but at the beginning of this tour, Clapton deliberated and created It can be said that it is a representative sound source of the early 2006 tour, which reflects the set list. In other words, at this early stage, it is more valuable than anything to listen to the live version of the songs included in the album “BACK HOME”. Moreover, it is the versatile support musicians mentioned at the beginning that reproduce it. Moreover, there was a horn section that was out of the North American tour from September. Three guitarists, a powerful rhythm section, a soulful black female chorus, crisp horns, it’s not hard to imagine how amazing this sound was. Furthermore, Clapton, who got Derek Trucks, who was said to be the second coming of Duane Allman, set in three new Dominos numbers at this timing. One of them, I Am Yours, was the first live performance song at this time. In addition to enjoying plenty of Derek’s slide play with these three songs, you can listen to a super gorgeous three-way slide competition in which Clapton and Doyle including Derek also play slides at Motherless Children. There were two points in this band. (1) By hiring young guitarists Doyle and Derek, they are featured as soloists in most of the songs. It will be unbearable for two fans. And ②. Inspired by it, Clapton shows off a tremendous solo and shows dignity. In other words, it was a stage that showed that he was not defeated while featuring young people, and brought about a strange tension. The representative songs played by this member have also been further enhanced. The set-in of Everybody Oughta Make A Change, which has been since the 1983 tour, is also powerful. Of course, you can’t miss listening to Doyle’s obligato at Layla, Derek’s slide, etc. The excitement in the first half is the medley of So Tired ~ Got To Get Better In A Little While (Before So Tired’s song, he commented, “I will give this song to Julie and Ella.” Clapton’s daughters As Clapton’s motivation for composing, it was a number that could be said to be a rare “child-rearing struggle”, so it seems that he dared to tell the local audience). In the middle stage, you can listen to the sitting set from Back Home to Running On Faith, and in the second half, you will be able to put on a slow pace and fold up from After Midnight to Motherless Children. Especially After Midnight ~ Little Queen of Spades, which is played in the medley, a spectacular performance that can be asserted as the biggest listening place of this tour is being developed. The solos of the three guitarists including slide play, the accents of the brass section, the coloring of the dark female chorus, the tight new rhythm section, and the band on this tour are very fresh and powerful. It made me feel. In addition, Robert Cray, who served as the opening act at Crossroads, jumped in and participated, and it is just a masterpiece that four people take solos one after another in the high-speed version played at cream tempo. The order of solo is Clapton ~ Clay, Doyle ~ Derek, Clapton, and each person’s personality is exploding and exhilarating.
The definitive early tour of the strong band in 2006, full of highlights. Please listen to this work again and re-recognize the greatness of Clapton.

クラプトン自身がデレク・アンド・ザ・ドミノスを意識し、最高のバックバンドだと評価した、ドイル・ブラムホール&デレク・トラックスを擁し、リズムセクションにスティーヴ・ジョーダン(現ローリング・ストーンズ!)&ウィリー・ウィークスを迎えた2006年ヒズバンドの極上ステレオオーディエンス音源が登場です!実は本作のマスターも、イギリス在住の重鎮テーパーから提供された、本人録音による秘蔵DATマスターです。このマスターは、2006年5月16日から26日にかけて合計7公演が行われたロイヤル・アルバート・ホール連続公演から、3日目に当たった5月19日公演を極上レベルの超高音質ステレオ・オーディエンス録音で完全収録しています。当店では「GETTING SNAPPY: RAH 3 & 4TH NIGHT (4CDR)」(Trial-137)という既発盤でこの日をリリースしていますが、重鎮テーパーのマスターは、この既発盤と非常に近い位置で収録されたと推察される別音源です。イントロ辺りでは近隣の歓声が酷似していますが、アンコール及び終演後の近隣の話し声から、別音源と判明しました。重鎮テーパーは既発盤録音者と近い好ポジションで録音を敢行していたのでしょう。音質は非常にクリアで、サウンドバランスも問題なく、超高音質と言えるクオリティです。音像的には、楽音はセンターから僅かに左チャンネルに寄っていますが、オーディエンスの歓声拍手はきれいにセンターで分かれていますので、恐らく正面左のPAスピーカーの前辺りのポジションだったかと思われます。既発盤も高音質ですが、ホール鳴りが感じられる質感であったのに対し、本作はかなりタイトな質感で演奏も近くに感じられるのが特徴です。重鎮テーパーのマイクの方が高性能だったのでしょう。因みに既発盤はディスク割りの歓声が10秒間ほどカットされていましたが、本作ではノーカットですし、既発盤ではアンコールの歓声も80秒間ほどカットされていましたが、本作ではノーカットです。2006年ワールドツアー初期の素晴らしいパフォーマンスを素晴らしい音質で捉えた本作にご注目ください。




この年は、ライブアーティストたるエリック・クラプトンの典型的な一年でした。4月までは休暇だったものの、5月から年末まではツアーに明け暮れる日々。本作はそんな多忙なツアー生活開始の初期を捉えたもの。前年8月30日に、カバーではないオリジナルアルバムとしては7年ぶりとなる「BACK HOME」(全米アルバムチャート13位のヒットを記録)をリリースし、満を持してそのプロモーションツアーを開始したタイミングでした(前年はクリーム再結成がメインの活動でした)。自信作であっただけに、そこからのナンバーをセットインさせるのは当然のこと(DISC1-3.5.8.が該当します)。しかしながら、ツアーが進行するに連れ、新曲はどんどんセットからはずれ、日本に来た時には新曲はゼロとなっていました。これがまたクラプトンらしいところで、アルバムのプロモーションで始めたツアーでも、進めていくうちにどんどん自分のやりたい曲に変更していく。ジャパンツアー終盤が「デレク&ザ・ドミノス・デイ」になったように、当初の趣旨とはまったく異なる展開を見せたツアーでしたが、それだけにこの初期は、ツアー開始に際してクラプトンが熟考して作成したセットリストが反映された、2006年ツアー初期の代表音源と言ってもよいものなのです。つまりこの初期は、アルバム「BACK HOME」収録曲のライブバージョンが聴けるのが何より貴重なわけです。しかもそれを再現するのが冒頭に述べた多才なサポートミュージシャンたちというわけです。しかも9月からの北米ツアーからははずれてしまったホーンセクションがいました。3人のギタリスト、強力無比なリズムセクション、ソウルフルな黒人女性コーラス、キレッキレのホーン、このサウンドがいかに凄かったかは想像するに難くないでしょう。さらにデュエイン・オールマンの再来と言われたデレク・トラックスを得たクラプトンがこのタイミングでドミノスナンバーを新たに3曲セットイン。そのうちの1曲I Am Yoursはこの時が初ライブ演奏曲でした。これら3曲でデレクのスライドプレイがたっぷり楽しめるほか、Motherless Childrenではデレクを含みクラプトン、ドイルもスライドをかますという超豪華三者スライド競演が聴けます。このバンドでのポイントは2つありました。①ドイル、デレクという若手ギタリストを起用したことで、彼らを立ててほとんどの曲で二人をソロフィーチャーしていること。二人のファンには堪らないところでしょう。そして②。それに触発されたクラプトンが凄まじいソロを披露して貫禄を示していること。つまり、若手をフィーチャーしながら自らも負けてはいないことを示し、異様なテンションをもたらしたステージであったということです。このメンバーで奏でられる代表曲もさらなるパワーアップが図られています。83年ツアー以来となるEverybody Oughta Make A Changeのセットインも強力。もちろんLaylaでのドイルのオブリガート、デレクのスライド等好サポートも聴き逃せません。前半の盛り上がりは、So Tired~Got To Get Better In A Little Whileのメドレー(So Tiredの曲前には「この曲はジュリーとエラに贈るよ。」とコメントしています。クラプトンの娘さんたちですね。クラプトンの作曲のモチベーションとしては珍しい「子育て奮闘記」とも言えるナンバーでしたので、敢えて地元のオーディエンスに伝えたようです)。中盤ではシッティングセットのBack Home ~Running On Faithまで、しっとりじっくり聴かせ、後半は緩急つけてAfter Midnight~Motherless Childrenまでを畳みかけるあたり、息をもつがせぬ展開で飽きさせません。特にメドレーで演奏されるAfter Midnight~Little Queen of Spadesは、このツアーの最大の聴き所と断言出来る壮絶な演奏が展開されています。スライド・プレイを含む3人のギタリストのソロのすみ分け、ブラスセクションが効かせるアクセント、黒っぽい女性コーラスの彩り、タイトなニュー・リズム・セクション、と、このツアーのバンドは、非常に新鮮味と迫力を感じさせるものでした。尚、Crossroadsではオープニングアクトを務めたロバート・クレイが飛び入り参加しており、クリーム・テンポでプレイされる高速ヴァージョンにおいて4人が次々とソロを取る様はまさに圧巻です。ソロの順番はクラプトン~クレイ、ドイル~デレク、クラプトンで、各人の個性が爆発していて爽快です。

Disc 1 (64:44)
1. Introduction
2. Pretending
3. So Tired
4. Got To Get Better In A Little While
5. Lost And Found
6. I Shot The Sheriff
7. Anyday
8. Back Home
9. I Am Yours
10. Nobody Knows You When You’re Down And Out
11. Milkcow’s Calf Blues
12. Running On Faith

Disc 2 (57:19)
1. After Midnight
2. Little Queen Of Spades
3. Everybody Oughta Make A Change
4. Motherless Children
5. Wonderful Tonight
6. Layla
7. Cocaine
8. Crossroads*

Eric Clapton – guitar / vocals
Doyle Bramhall II – guitar / vocals
Derek Trucks – guitar
Chris Stainton – keyboards
Tim Carmon – keyboards
Willie Weeks – bass
Steve Jordan – drums
Michelle John – backing vocals
Sharon White – backing vocals
The Kick Horns (Simon Clarke – baritone saxophone, Roddy Lorimer – trumpet, Tim Sanders – tenor saxophone)
* Robert Cray – guitar


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