Dream Theater / Hammersmith 2017 / 3CDR

Dream Theater / Hammersmith 2017 / 3CDR / Shades

Live at Eventim Apollo, Hammersmith, London, UK 23rd April 2017 &Images, Words & Beyond 25th Anniversary Tour

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Historical masterpiece “IMAGES AND WORDS”. The masterpiece live album of “IMAGES, WORDS & BEYOND TOUR” celebrating its 25th anniversary has arrived.
Last year, DREAM THEATER surprised me with the complete reproduction show of the blockbuster “THE ASTONISHING”, but the tour ended in December 2016. In 2017, we moved to an anniversary project that includes a complete reproduction of the masterpiece, and we are still on tour. This work is an audience album of “April 23, 2017 Hammersmith performance” that reports on the scene. First, let’s check the tour outline.

・ January 30-February 27: Europe # 1 (20 performances)
《About 2 months later》
・ April 18-23: UK (5 performances) ← ★ Coco ★
・ April 25-May 20: Europe # 2 (19 performances)

This is a total of 44 performances that have been announced so far. As with the 30th anniversary tour, all performances in Europe are divided into two legs. The Hammersmith performance of this work is the final day of the UK tour, which was the beginning of the second leg.
The biggest point of this work is the conceptual show commemorating the 25th anniversary of the masterpiece, but the sound that conveys it is also wonderful. This recording is made by the famous recording artist “British Master” who is familiar in our shop, and it is a recording only for this work that is not available anywhere. The masters are Paul McCartney, THE ROLLING STONES, David Bowie, etc., who have a slightly general image, but in fact, progressive rock is also my favorite. Recently, Greg Lake’s “BIRMINGHAM 2005 (Virtuoso 328/329)” and ARW’s “HAMMERSMITH 2017 (Amity 390)” are very popular. Of course, DREAM THEATER was also crazy, and last year’s big concept show was reported in “THE ASTONISHING WORLD PREMIERE (Shades 626)”.
Being such a master, he is familiar with the sound characteristics of DREAM THEATER, and the venue is the prestigious “Eventim Apollo (formerly Hammersmith Apollo)”. This work is one that is packed with that know-how. The master is a person who has both “warmth” by DAT recording and “clearness” like modern times, but this work is leaning toward “clear”. While proud of the magnificence unique to on-site recording, the clear sound that clears up quickly draws the metallic luster of DREAM THEATER.

Well, the main subject is the live drawn with such a sound. This show consists of three parts, the first part is “normal format”, the second part is “IMAGES AND WORDS complete reproduction”, and the third part is “encore”. In this work, it is a set of 3 discs, each containing one disc. First of all, the first part “normal format” is selected from each album, just like a normal concert. Approximately, the 21st century repertoire from “TRAIN OF THOUGHT” to the latest work “THE ASTONISHING” is studded, but the one that catches the eye is “Hell’s Kitchen” from “FALLING INTO INFINITY”. Rare songs that were only played several times in 1997-1998 have been revived for the first time in 19 years. In addition, METALLICA’s “Enter Sandman” is inserted in “As I Am”, and the first part is more than just entertainment.
However, what is still of great interest is the complete reproduction live of Part 2 “IMAGES AND WORDS”. Guided by a unique intro that time warps for 25 years, it proceeds according to the song order of the album. You can experience the magnificent and splendid historical masterpieces in the field with 100% sound. Moreover, this work does not end there. Actually, the following part 3 “Encore” is also a point, and here the big song “A Change Of Season” is completely reproduced. This song itself will be the first full performance in 13 years, but I’m glad that it’s after “IMAGES AND WORDS”. In the first place, “A Change Of Season” was supposed to be recorded in “IMAGES AND WORDS”, and it was a brother’s work that was also produced at the same time as the demo. As a result, the studio work was released separately as a “2nd album” and a “mini album”, but they are played side by side in this way … In other words, this is a “complete version that is more than a complete reproduction”.

Unfortunately, there are no plans to perform in Japan, “IMAGES, WORDS & BEYOND TOUR”. Not only can you listen to the latest shows, but you can also experience the super-complete form of “IMAGES AND WORDS + A Change Of Season” with 100% sound. Please thoroughly enjoy the brilliance of masterpieces and masterpieces that have exceeded a quarter of a century with this 3-disc set.

歴史的大名盤『IMAGES AND WORDS』。その25周年を祝う“IMAGES, WORDS & BEYOND TOUR”の傑作ライヴアルバムが到着です。
昨年は超大作『THE ASTONISHING』完全再現ショウで驚かせてくれたDREAM THEATERですが、そのツアーは2016年12月に終了。2017年は大代表作の完全再現を含むアニバーサリー企画に移行、現在もツアー中です。本作は、その現場をレポートする「2017年4月23日ハマースミス公演」のオーディエンス・アルバム。まずは、ツアーの概要から確認してみましょう。

・4月18日-23日:英国(5公演) ←★ココ★

そんな本作最大のポイントは、名盤25周年を記念するコンセプチュアルなショウにあるわけですが、それを伝えるサウンドも素晴らしい。この録音は当店ではお馴染みの名録音家“英国の巨匠”の作で、どこにも出回っていない本作だけの録音。巨匠はポール・マッカートニーやTHE ROLLING STONES、デヴィッド・ボウイ等々など、ややジェネラル系のイメージのある方ですが、実はプログレッシヴ・ロックも大好物。最近ではグレッグ・レイクの『BIRMINGHAM 2005(Virtuoso 328/329)』やARWの『HAMMERSMITH 2017(Amity 390)』が大好評。もちろん、DREAM THEATERにも目がなく、昨年の一大コンセプトショウも『THE ASTONISHING WORLD PREMIERE(Shades 626)』でレポートしてくださいました。
そんな巨匠ですから、DREAM THEATERのサウンド特性も熟知しており、会場も名門の“イベンティム・アポロ(旧:ハマースミス・アポロ)”。本作は、そのノウハウがギュウ詰めになった1本なのです。巨匠はDAT録音による“暖かみ”と現代らしい“クリアさ”を両立する方ですが、本作は“クリア”の方にグッと傾いている。現場録音ならではの壮大さを誇りながら、サッと晴れ渡ったクリア・サウンドがDREAM THEATERの金属光沢も描ききっているのです。

さて、そんなサウンドで描かれるライヴこそが本題。今回のショウは3部構成になっており、第1部は「通常形式」・第2部「IMAGES AND WORDS完全再現」・第3部「アンコール」。本作では、それぞれディスク1枚ずつに収めた3枚組なのです。まず、第1部「通常形式」は普通のコンサートと同じように、各アルバムからセレクトされたもの。おおよそは『TRAIN OF THOUGHT』から最新作『THE ASTONISHING』までの21世紀レパートリーが散りばめられていますが、その中で目を惹くのは『FALLING INTO INFINITY』からの「Hell’s Kitchen」。1997-1998年に数回ほど演奏されただけのレア曲が19年ぶりに復活したのです。また「As I Am」にはMETALLICAの「Enter Sandman」が差し込まれるなど、第1部もただの余興ではない聴きどころたっぷりです。
しかし、やはり大注目なのは、第2部『IMAGES AND WORDS』の完全再現ライヴでしょう。25年間をタイムワープする独自のイントロから導かれ、アルバムの曲順通りに進行。壮大にして華麗な歴史的名曲群を本生100%サウンドで現場体験できるのです。しかも、本作はそれだけでは終わらない。実は、続く第3部「アンコール」もポイントでして、ここでは大曲「A Change Of Season」が完全再現されるのです。この曲自体が13年ぶりのフル演奏になるわけですが、『IMAGES AND WORDS』の後というのがまた嬉しい。そもそも「A Change Of Season」は『IMAGES AND WORDS』に収録されるはずだった曲で、デモも同時に制作されていた兄弟作。結果としてスタジオ作品としては“2ndアルバム”と“ミニアルバム”に分かれて発表されたものの、それがこうして並べて完全演奏される……つまり、これこそ「完全再現以上の完全版」なのです。

残念ながら日本公演の予定はない“IMAGES, WORDS & BEYOND TOUR”。単に最新のショウが聴けるだけではなく、「IMAGES AND WORDS+A Change Of Season」の超・完全形も本生100%サウンドで体験できる決定盤です。四半世紀を超えた名盤・名曲の輝き、3枚組の本作で徹底的に味わい尽くしてください。

Disc 1(59:55)
1. Intro Music : The Colonel 2. The Dark Eternal Night 3. James LaBrie Introduction
4. The Bigger Picture 5. Hell’s Kitchen 6. The Gift Of Music 7. Our New World
8. Introduction to John Myung 9. Portrait Of Tracy (Bass Solo) 10. As I Am (incl. Enter Sandman)
11. Breaking All Illusions

Disc 2(74:38)
Images And Words
1. Intro Music : Happy New Year 1992 2. Pull Me Under 3. Another Day
4. James LaBrie Story : 1992 and Introduction to Derek Oliver (sitting in the audience)
5. Take The Time 6. Surrounded
7. Metropolis Part One : The Miracle and The Sleeper (incl. Drum Solo)
8. Under A Glass Moon 9. James LaBrie Story : Making the album 10. Wait For Sleep
11. Learning To Live

Disc 3 (25:25)
1. A Change Of Season parts 1 to 7

Shades 728

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