Doors / Toronto Rock ‘n’ Roll Revival 1969 / 1CD

Doors / Toronto Rock ‘ n ‘ Roll Revival 1969 / 1CD / Non Label
Varsity Stadium, Toronto, Canada 13th September 1969

Play sample :

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As of early 1969, the Doors were gaining the status of a band that represented the United States, with the momentum to realize the first rock concert at Madison Square Garden in 1969. It was the Miami incident in March that flooded this climax. A scandal that gave birth to an urban legend that Jim Morrison said he took off his clothes and masturbated on stage. As you can see from the photos left, no matter how rough Morrison was, he couldn’t be naked, and he just did a stage performance that provokes the audience as before, but this is what I say now. Developed into itself so that it can be called the forerunner of the flames of. “Doors hitting” has diminished the popularity of the group.
Because of that, the pace of activities slowed down at once, and the Doors resumed the concert in June. In July, the recording for the later live album “ABSOLUTELY LIVE” was performed at the Aquarius Theater, and the entire two shows were later officially released (although they are now out of print). As you can see from the performance there, the Doors were trying to shift their musicality to a blues band.
The Doors missed their appearance at Woodstock in the summer due to the previous problem, but instead, they will receive an offer to the festival in Toronto in September. That is the Rock and Roll Revival Festival. As you can imagine from the name, it was an event that gathered artists from the 1950s such as Chuck Berry and Little Richard, but it was John Lennon who was offered to the Doors because it was difficult to attract customers by themselves. Yes, Toronto Rock’n’Roll Revival is a familiar event with John’s live album “LIVE PEACE IN TORONTO”. It was the Doors who acted as a bird here.

Unlike John and 50’s artists who are blessed with official live albums and videos, the Doors stage that ended the event has not been released in any way. In the live video “SWEET TORONTO” containing John’s stage, Ray Manzarek, who barely arrived at the venue Varsity Stadium, was seen to get off the limousine for a moment.
Fortunately, however, audience recordings with extremely good sound quality have existed for a long time on this day. Although this is a monaural recording, the sound image is extremely on, which is an amazing quality. It’s so close that I can only think that it was recorded from the front row of the stadium. Of course, it is a proven item that has been released in the past, but they are the sound source of Gene drop in the cassette trade era, or while recording from the Low Gene Master, the trouble that will be touched after this will be made into a CD by neglected play. I didn’t want to have any problems. Even so, the reason why the item was released is probably because of the good sound quality.
It is the sound source of this performance that has been on the market for the first generation for a long time, but when it was copied from the master, there were problems in two places. At first, immediately after Morrison screamed at the beginning of the opening “When The Music’s Over”, a sound unrelated to The Doors was transcribed on the left channel. The other is “Five To One”, a dropout that occurs during Robby Krieger’s guitar solo.
In both cases, the items released in the past were completely neglected play, and in the version currently seen on YouTube, there are versions that have been made pseudo-stereo and made it inconspicuous. They are completely adjusted in this release. The final move has been added to the audience recording, which has extremely good sound quality. This alone is a release suitable for the definitive edition, and of course the pitch is also adjusted.

And at the official Aquarius Theater, it was the doors that I could hear the devotion to the blues, but here it is an on-parade of the representative song because it is a festival stage. The famous song “The Crystal Ship” captures the precious scene that was played only on this day in 1969, with a vivid closeness. I was surprised to hear Morrison’s breathing clearly in quiet songs such as this song and “The End”. In addition, “The End” was not played in the popular best-selling title “DALLAS 1968”, so it is even more attractive to enjoy it with this powerful sound pressure.
From “When The Music’s Over”, which has a profound atmosphere like the Doors of 1969, to “The End”, which is a breathtaking finale, the famous sound source of 1969, which you can hear through in a row of famous songs, is in the best condition. I recorded it at. If you listen to John’s “LIVE PEACE IN TORONTO” before this, you will be able to experience the end of the event on the day. Still, in between “Back Door Man”, Morrison sings a prototype of the new song “Roadhouse Blues” that has not been recorded yet, and it seems that the doors have an aggressive attitude that does not fit into a mere Greatest Hits show for festivals. Following the popular “DALLAS 1968”, the best audience of 1969 will be released on a limited press CD. After all, I was amazed at the closeness of this sound!

そのせいで活動のペースが一気に落ちたドアーズも6月からコンサートを再開。7月には後のライブアルバム「ABSOLUTELY LIVE」用の収録がアクエリアス・シアターにて行われ、そこでの二回のショーは後に全編がオフィシャルリリース(今では廃盤となってしまいましたが)。そこでの演奏ぶりからも解るように、ドアーズはブルースバンドへと音楽性をシフトチェンジしようとしていたのです。
先の問題もあって夏のウッドストックへの出演は逃してしまったドアーズでしたが、代わりに9月にトロントで行われるフェスへのオファーが届きます。それがロックンロール・リバイバル・フェスティバル。その名前から想像できるように、チャック・ベリーやリトル・リチャードといった1950年代のアーティストを集めたイベントだったのですが、彼らだけでは集客が厳しいということからオファーされたのがドアーズにジョン・レノン。そう、トロント・ロックンロール・リバイバルといえばジョンのライブアルバム「LIVE PEACE IN TORONTO」でおなじみのイベント。ここでトリを務めたのがドアーズだったのです。

オフィシャルでライブアルバムや映像に恵まれているジョンや50年代アーティストと違い、イベントを締めくくったドアーズのステージはいかなる形でもリリースされていません。ジョンのステージを収めたライブ映像「SWEET TORONTO」の中で辛うじて会場のバーシティ・スタジアムに到着したレイ・マンザレクがリムジンから降りる一瞬が見られた程度。
以前からファースト・ジェネレーションのふれこみで出回っている本公演の音源ですが、マスターからコピーされた際に二か所でトラブルが生じていた。最初はオープニング「When The Music’s Over」の冒頭でモリソンが絶叫した直後、左チャンネルにドアーズと関係のない音が転写されてしまっていた事。もう一つは「Five To One」でロビー・クリーガーのギターソロの最中で生じるドロップアウト。

そしてオフィシャルのアクエリアス・シアターではブルースへの傾倒が伺えたドアーズでしたが、ここではフェスのステージという事もあって代表曲のオンパレード。名曲「The Crystal Ship」に至っては1969年だとこの日しか演奏されなかったという貴重な場面も生々しいほどの近さで捉えてくれている。本曲や「The End」など、静かな曲調ではモリソンの息遣いまではっきり聞こえてくるから驚き。おまけに「The End」は大好評ベストセラータイトルである「DALLAS 1968」では演奏されなかったので、なおさらこのド迫力の音圧で楽しめるというのが魅力的。
69年のドアーズらしい重厚な雰囲気の「When The Music’s Over」から思わず息を呑むようなフィナーレの「The End」まで、名曲連発であっという間に聞き通してしまう69年の有名音源をベストな状態にて収録してみせました。これの前にジョンの「LIVE PEACE IN TORONTO」を聞けば当日のイベント終盤を疑似体験できることでしょう。それでいて「Back Door Man」の合間にはまだレコーディングされる前の新曲「Roadhouse Blues」のプロトタイプをモリソンが歌い出すなど、単なるフェス向けグレイテストヒッツ・ショーに収まらない攻めの姿勢がドアーズらしい。大好評「DALLAS 1968」に続いて今度は69年の極上オーディエンスを限定プレスCDにてリリース。何しろこの音の近さには仰天!

1. When The Music’s Over
2. Break On Through
3. Back Door Man
4. The Crystal Ship
5. Wake Up!
6. Light My Fire
7. The End

Jim Morrison – vocals
Ray Manzarek – keyboards
Robby Krieger – guitar
John Densmore – drums

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