Pink Floyd / Divided We Fall The Wall Live at Earls Court / 2DVDR + Programme Replica

Pink Floyd / Divided We Fall: the Wall Live at Earls Court / 2DVDR + Programme Replica / Non Label
Live at Earls Court, London, UK 8th & 9th August 1980

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The ultimate dream that all prog players wish for, “The Wall Seen with Your Eyes”. The best masterpiece video that conveys the original performance in 1980 is now available as the best master.
The eternal masterpiece “THE WALL”, which was also the monumental story album. It’s a natural desire of people who love rock music to want to see the story in video, rather than just listening to it. In response to that desire, various visualizations have been made, such as film adaptation and repeated Roger Waters reenactment concerts. Most of them have been officially made into works, but only the most important “original performance in 1980” has stopped at the live album “IS THERE ANYBODY OUT THERE?”. This work is a multi-camera pro shot of “London performance on August 8/9, 1980” that serves as such an “official substitute”. It is the highest peak version.
Speaking of professional shots at that time, another masterpiece “THE WALL LIVE IN NASSAU 1980” is also a big classic, so let’s check the position in the schedule at the time.

● 1980
・ February 7-13: Los Angeles (7 performances)
・ February 24-28: Uniondale (5 performances) ← * IN NASSAU 1980
・August 4-9: London #1 (6 performances) ← Coco
● 1981
・ February 13-20: Dortmund (8 performances)
・ June 13-17: London # 2 (5 performances)

This is the original “THE WALL Tour” that was held for a total of 31 performances. It was held in three countries, the United Kingdom, the United States, and Germany, and in London, a total of 11 performances were realized at the traditional venue “Earl’s Court”. The first half of this work was shot at the 5th performance of “London # 1”, and the second half was shot at the 6th performance.
Such a London Pro Shot has reigned as a “symbol of real-time THE WALL” with a quality that exceeds Uniondale footage. Various versions were created as the fate of a historical classic, but this work is the best master among them. It is the definitive version released by Kano “Harvested”.
“The quality is truly the best ever.” It’s been a long time since the release, but the freshness of the young Gene Master, the transfer accuracy, the correction by digital mastering, the voice that can switch between original mono / pseudo stereo, and even the operation screen that makes full use of animation. I still have nothing to surpass. As expected, it is not an exaggeration to say that the material is “completely official grade!”, but the degree of making the most of the material is “beyond the official!”
And the production is not limited to the main part of the live. The extra content recorded like a mountain is amazing. Too amazing. A huge amount of photographic images such as live shots, tickets / backstage passes, stage costumes and props used at that time are included. You can browse all pages of the official pamphlet of the time, and you can even see a long storyboard spelled out with beautiful illustrations drawn by Gerald Scarf. In addition, the seating charts and facility overview data of each venue (Earl’s Court in London, Nassau Coliseum in New York, Sports Arena in Los Angeles, and Dortmund in Germany) that became the site of “THE WALL Tour” are also recorded. Just skimming through all this extra content can easily take 20+ minutes. If each one is highly valuable and documentary, the amount of material is overwhelming. I say “As expected” Harvested “”, but I feel even awe at the heat.

“I want to see THE WALL at that time”… A 2-disc DVD set that fulfills this simple wish with the highest possible quality. It is the ultimate board that elaborately refines the best master of the highest peak professional shot and packs all possible related materials. Exactly “cultural heritage” itself … No, this work itself is “The Wall Museum”. Such a masterpiece. Please face this opportunity with all your heart.

★ Multi-camera pro shot of “August 8th/9th, 1980 in London”. This is the highest peak version of the classic pro shot that symbolizes the original “THE WALL Tour”. Published by Kano “Harvested”, the freshness of the young generation master, the transfer accuracy, the voice that can switch between original mono / pseudo-stereo, and even the operation screen that makes full use of animation, are still surpassing. do not have. In addition, a huge amount of materials such as live performances and props at the time, all pages of pamphlets, storyboards, etc. are also included. Exactly “cultural heritage” itself … No, this work itself is a major decision board of the century that becomes “The Wall Museum”.

★ With pamphlet and replica (22 pages, precious!!)

ストーリー・アルバムの金字塔でもあった永遠の大名盤『THE WALL』。その物語を音で聴くだけでなく「映像で観たい」というのはロックを愛する人間の自然な欲求……いや、性でしょう。その欲求に応えるように映画化や度重なるロジャー・ウォーターズの再演コンサートなど、様々な映像化が果たされてきました。ほとんどは公式に作品化されているわけですが、最重要な「1980年当時のオリジナル公演」だけはライヴアルバム『IS THERE ANYBODY OUT THERE?』に止まっています。本作は、そんな「公式代わり」を務める「1980年8月8日/9日ロンドン公演」のマルチカメラ・プロショット。その最高峰バージョンなのです。
当時のプロショットと言えば、もう1つの傑作『THE WALL LIVE IN NASSAU 1980』も大定番ですので、併せて当時のスケジュールでポジションを確認しておきましょう。

・2月24日ー28日:ユニオンデール(5公演)←※IN NASSAU 1980

これが全31公演で実施されたオリジナルの“THE WALL Tour”。英米独の3ヵ国で行われ、ロンドンでは伝統会場“アールズコート”で合計11公演が実現しました。本作の前半は「ロンドン#1」の5公演目、後半は6公演目で撮影されました。
そんなロンドン・プロショットはユニオンデール映像を超えるクオリティで「リアルタイムTHE WALLの象徴」として君臨してきました。歴史的大定番の宿命として様々なバージョンも生み出されたわけですが、本作はその中でもベスト・マスター。かの“Harvested”が公開した決定版なのです。
そして、その作り込みはライヴ本編だけに留まらない。山のように収録されたエクストラ・コンテンツが凄い。スゴすぎる。当時のライヴ・ショットやチケット/バックステージ・パス、当時使用されたステージ衣装や小道具といった膨大な写真画像を収録。当時の公式パンフレットも全ページ閲覧できますし、ジェラルド・スカーフが描いた美麗なイラストで綴られる長大なストーリーボードまで見られる。さらには、“THE WALL Tour”の現場となった各会場(ロンドンのアールズコートやニューヨークのナッソーコロシアム、ロサンゼルスのスポーツアリーナ、ドイツのドルトムント)の座席区分図や施設の概要データまで収録という……。こうしたエクストラ・コンテンツをざっと見通すだけで軽く20分以上はかかる。1つひとつの貴重度・資料度も高ければ、とんでもない物量も圧倒的。「さすが“Harvested”」と申しますが、その熱量に畏怖の念さえ覚えるのです。

「当時のTHE WALLを観たい」……このシンプルな望みを可能な限りのクオリティで叶えてくれる2枚組DVD。最高峰プロショットのベスト・マスターを精緻に磨き込み、考え得る限りの関連資料まで詰め込んだ究極盤なのです。まさに「文化遺産」そのもの……いや、もはや本作自体が「ザ・ウォール博物館」です。そんな極めつけの超大作。どうぞ、この機会に全霊で正対してください。

★「1980年8月8日/9日ロンドン公演」のマルチカメラ・プロショット。オリジナル“THE WALL Tour”の象徴となる大定番プロショットの最高峰バージョンです。かの“Harvested”が公開したもので、若ジェネ・マスターの鮮度もトランスファー精度もオリジナル・モノ/疑似ステレオを切り替えられる音声も、さらにはアニメーションを駆使した操作画面に至るまで、今なお超える物がない。さらには当時のライヴや小道具、パンフ全ページ、ストーリーボード等々など、膨大な資料も収録。まさに「文化遺産」そのもの……いや、本作自体が「ザ・ウォール博物館」となる世紀の一大決定盤です。


Disc 1(55:01)
1. Master Of Ceremonies
2. In The Flesh
3. Thin Ice
4. Another Brick In THe Wall Pt 1
5. Happiest Days Of Our Lives
6. Another Brick In THe Wall Pt 2
7. Mother
8. Goodbye Blue Sky
9. Empty Spaces
10. What Shall We Do Now?
11. Young Lust
12. One Of My Turns
13. Don’t Leave Me Now
14. Another Brick In The Wall Pt 3
15. Last Few Bricks
16. Goodbye Cruel World

Disc 2(54:54)
1. Hey You
2. Is There Anybody Out There?
3. Nobody Home
4. Vera
5. Bring The Boys Back Home
6. Comfortably Numb
7. The Show Must Go On
8. Master Of Ceremonies
9. In The Flesh
10. Run Like Hell
11. Waiting For The Worms
12. Stop
13. The Trial
14. Outside The Wall

Non Label

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