Doors / Stockholm 1968: Pre-Fm/ 2CD

Doors / Stockholm 1968: PRE-FM / 2CD / Non label

Konserthuset, Stockholm, Sweden 20th September 1968

Play sample :

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The 1968 Stockholm performance, which was familiar from the analog era as the classic of The Doors’ live sound source. Of course, all of the shows that took place twice a day were broadcast on the radio, and as a result, the Doors’ European tour, which was the first and last Appearance) Since the last day was recorded with a perfect stereo sound board, it has been popular among maniacs as a standard sound source for a long time.
Speaking of the CD release of this sound source, there is a feeling that “LIVE IN STOCKHOLM 1968” issued by the nostalgic TSP is a masterpiece of the dawn of the CD and has immediately won the definitive seat, and this is the door’s live sound source. Either one of the 67 Matrixes… it was a representative existence. The matrix has been treated to the extent that it has been issued several times even by the official, whereas Stockholm is refreshing. The unexpected development that Copenhagen three days ago was adopted for the 50th anniversary edition of the album “WAITING FOR THE SUN”, which was a perfect opportunity to release.
On the contrary, in recent years, Stockholm has developed into a serious situation where only nighttime shows such as GODFATHER’s “FROM THE ANCIENT GALLERY” are released. Since this sound source became a public domain in 2018, gray zone CDs such as “LIVE AT THE STOCKHOLM KONSERTHUSET, STOCKHOLM, SEPTEMBER 20TH, 1968 – RADIO BROADCAST” have appeared, but it is also only for the second show. One piece. As a result, the unexpected situation that the TSP board released in 1989 continued to be the best has continued until now.

Certainly, the first show has some recording problems, and Jim Morrison’s vocals are off from beginning to end in “When The Music’s Over”. Furthermore, the overall sense of presence is low, and it feels like a “real stereo PA out sound board”. The point is that the broadcasting station was not ready for recording at the first show.
Also, the Doors were at the peak of their popularity at the time, and they were at the peak of their unhealthy habits (mainly Jim Morrison), so the atmosphere was like waking up. It was I can’t help but think that such a point is also the reason why the first show has been omitted in recent items.
However, the first show had the big highlight of showing “Love Street” in the Doors’ live history. During the radio recording, they showed a stylish arrangement to show off songs that they had never played before, and as a result, the extremely valuable “Love Street” was shown. Besides, at the beginning of the first show, when the band is not at full throttle, it is also a good decision to pick up the pop “Love Street” instead of the usual intense song. I have to say that the recent situation where the release of items that include such precious performances has been rampant is still a serious situation.
Also, on the TSP board, the tuning scene before the band announcement was introduced in the first show was cut, but this time, by using the pre-broadcast pre-FM master, such a scene was recorded without omission. And after all, the second show has better sound quality than the TSP board.

As for the performance, it was successful that Jim woke up at once from the “A Little Game” section of the first show, and the second show had a much better recording balance, and a high-tension performance was shown from the opening. increase. After all, “Alabama Song” is a rare development in which Jim improvises and sings the standard “Mack The Knife” at the beginning. It was only this time before and after that he sang “Mack The Knife”.
Furthermore, just like the first show “Love Street”, the famous song “You’re Lost Little Girl” from the second album was specially shown for broadcasting this time. Until half a year ago, it was performed on stage, but since the summer it has been out of the set. Not only was it revived only on this day, but it also led to the result that the stereo sound board recording of the live take of the same song was left as a result.
And at the end of the high tension live, Jim joins with Ray Manzarek before the start of “The End” and encourages the audience to shout “Turn off the lights”. is recorded in The Bright Midnight brand, which had officially released the Doors’ live recordings, has now stopped its activities. Despite the best sound quality, the best of the super classic 68-year live sound source that has been completely overlooked will finally be revamped!

★ As the title suggests, the sound quality is the best because it is a radio source. It is a famous sound source from the analog era, but there is no CD in Pre-FM state, so it is inevitable that it will be the definitive version! !

 本音源のCDリリースと言えば懐かしのTSPが出した「LIVE IN STOCKHOLM 1968」がCD黎明期の名盤にしてさっそく決定版の座を獲得した感があり、ドアーズのライブ音源と言えばこれか67年のマトリクスのどちらか…というほど代表的な存在でありました。そのマトリクスの方はオフィシャルでも何度か出されるほどの扱いを受けてきたのに対し、ストックホルムの方はさっぱり。正にリリース絶好の機会であったアルバム「WAITING FOR THE SUN」50周年記念盤には三日前のコペンハーゲンが採用されるというまさかの展開。
 それどころか近年ストックホルムはGODFATHERの「FROM THE ANCIENT GALLERY」のような夜の部だけがリリースされるという由々しき事態にまで発展。2018年に本音源がパブリックドメインと化したせいで「LIVE AT THE STOCKHOLM KONSERTHUSET, STOCKHOLM, SEPTEMBER 20TH, 1968 – RADIO BROADCAST」のようなグレーゾーンCDまで現れましたが、それもまたセカンド・ショーのみの一枚もの。その結果1989年リリースのTSP盤がベストであり続けるという予想外の事態が今まで続いたのでした。
 確かにファースト・ショーは録音上の問題が散見され、「When The Music’s Over」では終始ジム・モリソンのボーカルがオフ気味になっている。さらには全体的に臨場感が低めで、まるで「リアル・ステレオのPAアウト・サウンドボード」のような質感となっている。要は放送局がファースト・ショーでは録音の準備が整っていなかったということなのでしょう。
 ですが、ファースト・ショーではドアーズのライブ史上における「Love Street」が披露されるという大きな目玉があったのでした。彼らはラジオ収録に際し、それまで演奏したことのない曲を披露するという粋な計らいをみせてくれ、その結果として極めて貴重な「Love Street」が披露されたのです。それに何と言ってもバンドがエンジン全開となっていないファースト・ショーの序盤において、いつもの激しい曲の代わりにポップな「Love Street」を取り上げたという判断も吉と出ています。そんな貴重な演奏を含んだ回を省いたアイテムのリリースが横行した近年の状況は、やはり由々しき事態だと言わざるを得ません。
 演奏の方もファースト・ショーの「A Little Game」セクションからジムが一気に覚醒したことが功を奏し、なおかつセカンド・ショーの方は録音バランスがグッと良くなり、オープニングからテンションの高い演奏が披露されます。何しろ「Alabama Song」ではジムが冒頭でスタンダード「Mack The Knife」を即興で歌い出すというレアな展開。彼が「Mack The Knife」を歌ってみせたのは後にも先にもこの時だけ。
 さらにファースト・ショーの「Love Street」がそうだったように、この回でも放送用として特別に披露されたのがセカンド・アルバムからの名曲「You’re Lost Little Girl」。半年前まではステージで演奏されていましたが、夏からはセット落ちしていたレパートリー。それがこの日に限って復活したというだけでなく、結果として同曲のライブテイクのステレオ・サウンドボード録音が残されるという結果にもつながったのです。
 そしてハイテンションなライブ終盤はジムが「The End」開始前にレイ・マンザレクと一緒になって観客に「照明を消せ」の連呼を促すなど、胸のすくような快演ぶりがこれまた素晴らしい音質にて記録されています。オフィシャルでドアーズのライブ音源をリリースしていたBright Midnightブランドも今や活動を停止。音質最高にもかかわらず、すっかり見過ごされてしまっていた超定番68年ライブ音源のベストがようやく刷新されます!
★タイトルの通り元はラジオ音源なので 音質は最高です。アナログ時代から有名な音源ですがCDでPre-FM状態のものは出ておらず、決定版となるのは必至!!
Disc 1 (43:17)
Early Show
01. Introduction
02. Five To One
03. Love Street
04. Love Me Two Times
05. When The Music’s Over
06. A Little Game
07. The Hill Dwellers
08. Light My Fire
09. The Unknown Soldier
Disc 2 (72:25)
Late Show
01. Five To One
02. Mack The Knife
03. Alabama Song
04. Back Door Man
05. You’re Lost Little Girl
06. Love Me Two Times
07. When The Music’s Over
08. Wild Child
09. Money
10. Wake Up
11. Light My Fire
12. Turn Out The Lights
13. The End
Jim Morrison – vocals
Ray Manzarek – keyboards
Robby Krieger – guitar
John Densmore – drums
Non label

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