Dokken / Japan Tour 1991 / 2CDR+2DVDR

Dokken / Japan Tour 1991 / 2CDR+2DVDR / Shades

Live At Koseinenkin Kaikan Osaka Japan 11th March 1991. NTSC

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DON DOKKEN, a foamy super band that disappeared leaving one piece of Melodic HR’s masterpiece “UP FROM THE ASHES”. Introducing a gorgeous 4-disc set of the finest video and live album that recorded the precious live in Japan. Before we get into the bottom line, let’s look back at this super band.
DON DOKKEN was a band that embodied the ideal of melodic hard. With the end of the 80’s, DOKKEN was disbanded and Don Dokken was formed as the “next band”. Initially, the band name “DOKKEN II” was rumored, but due to a lawsuit with a former member, Don couldn’t use “DOKKEN” by himself. Named. It was a new band, not a solo.
Moreover, the contents were amazing. European / American virtuosos such as John Norum of EUROPE, Peter Bartes of ACCEPT, Mikkey Dee (currently SCORPIONS) who has been the cornerstone of MOTORHEAD for many years at former KING DIAMOND, and Billy White of early prog metal flagship WATCH TOWER. A worldwide ultra-luxury band comparable to WHITESNAKE in the GEFEFN era. And the announced “UP FROM THE ASHES” was also really wonderful. Although the artwork is very similar to “BACK FOR THE ATTACK”, the style is exactly the opposite, and the rain of sorrow and harmony that makes “UNDER LOCK AND KEY” even more beautiful. The American group of Don and Billy solidifies the essence of the song, and Noram’s European phrase and Peter’s heavy chorus create a deep emotion. Although it did not have a fierce razor edge like George Lynch, it is a multinational hard rock that far surpasses the original family with rich crying and excitement. The melody group at that time was delighted with “DOKKEN meets EUROPE!”, And the people who were disappointed with the subsequent reunion DOKKEN said “DON DOKKEN was better …”.
However, the era is the 90’s. The street sensation of GUNS N’ROSES swept the scene, and the gloomy grunge was creeping up from the bottom of the ground. “Beautiful rock” lost its place, and DON DOKKEN was disbanded with one album and one tour. We headed for the reunion of DOKKEN in 1994. A performance in Japan is also realized in such a bubble. In this work, the audience shot of “March 11, 1991: Osaka Welfare Pension Hall” is distributed to Disc 1-2, and the audience recording of “March 12, 1991: Shibuya Public Hall” is distributed to Disc 3-4. It is a 4-disc set. Here, let’s confirm the position of the show in the one-time visit to Japan schedule of DON DOKKEN.

・ March 9: Shibuya Public Hall
・ March 11: Osaka Welfare Pension Hall [Disc 1-2] ・ March 12: Shibuya Public Hall [Disc 3-4] ・ March 14: Shibuya Public Hall

[Disc 1-2: Audience Shot (Osaka)] First of all, the audience video of the Osaka performance. It’s a precious “moving DON DOKKEN”, but it’s the highest quality that blows away its rarity. A recently excavated master, a shot that looks down from the stand seat directly in front of the stage. The person who is shooting is (probably) a person who made a series of masterpieces in Osaka in the early 90’s. Shooting Osaka shots of AEROSMITH, BON JOVI, GREAT WHITE, JUDAS PRIEST, MEGADETH, etc., starting with MOTLEY CRUE’s masterpiece press DVD “OSAKA 1990”. It is the DON DOKKEN version of the finest video series that is acrobatic but has a great sense of stability.
[Disc 3-4: Audience Album (Shibuya)] The alternative disc 3-4 is an audience recording of Shibuya Public Hall. This is a direct CD version of the original master brought from the original route, which is also really wonderful. It’s not the type that is touted as “sound board”, but the clearness that stands out is line class. It is a famous recording that jumps straight into the details vividly while sucking in the enthusiasm of Japanese people who have no eyes on Melodious HR.

The two performances drawn with such quality are the world of DON DOKKEN, which is similar to DOKKEN. Of course, the set was “UP FROM THE ASHES”, showing 8 out of 11 songs on the album. DOKKEN’s masterpieces are sprinkled there, but the selection is clearly biased. Even in DOKKEN, the melodious style of “UNDER LOCK AND KEY” is heavily used, less than the heavy “TOOTH AND NAIL”, and zero for “BACK FOR THE ATTACK”. The balance is completely opposite to that of “BEAST FROM THE EAST,” which was “TOOTH AND NAIL & BACK FOR THE ATTACK,” and emphasizes DOKKEN’s melodious side / don side.
And the performance is different from DOKKEN again. It looks fun above all! The interview at that time also talked about good friendship, but DOKKEN’s squeaky feeling is not at all, and it is not “I am me. You are you” that is common in super bands. Don decided the action in a good mood, and the front desk of four people lined up in a row at the JUDAS PRIEST. It’s a band-like ensemble that doesn’t seem to disappear with bubbles. Especially wonderful is the twin guitar. The technical Billy and the European melody Noram contrast with each other’s individuality, but the harmony is also decided. It features more playing than the album, and it doesn’t have any negative effects such as the absence of George … I mean, the DOKKEN number has been upgraded even further.
The highlight of such a DOKKEN song is “It’s Not Love”. Insert ACCEPT’s “Balls To The Wall” in the middle to reproduce that heavy chorus. This is the only former band song of the members, but Don also sings Singalong and shouts chorus with a fierce headbang. Peter proudly raises his right hand as he returns to “It’s Not Love,” but his appearance is perfect. If there was a next work & next tour, EUROPE might have done something … Now it’s a dazzling scene that makes me regret.

“UP FROM THE ASHES” was a masterpiece of Don Dokken, a genius melody maker, while being too soft for George’s fans. It is the best record of 2 performances where the joy of getting a band like a band and the beautiful voice of the heyday go through the whole story.
I wanted you to leave the live album from this performance in Japan as well as the DON DOKKEN version of “BEAST FROM THE EAST” ……. One that relieves such regrets and approaches the wonderful true appearance of a super band that transcends nationality. Please enjoy it to your heart’s content.

メロディアスHRの名作『UP FROM THE ASHES』1枚を残して消えた泡沫のスーパー・バンド、DON DOKKEN。その貴重なライヴ・イン・ジャパンを記録した極上映像&ライヴアルバムの豪華4枚組が登場です。肝心の中身に触れる前に、このスーパー・バンドについて振り返ってみましょう。
 DON DOKKENは、まさにメロディアス・ハードの理想を体現したバンドでした。80年代の終了と共にDOKKENが解散し、ドン・ドッケンが“次なるバンド”として結成。当初は「DOKKEN II」なるバンド名も噂されたものの、元メンバーとの訴訟によってドン独りで「DOKKEN」を使用することができず、「俺の名前なら問題ないだろ」とばかりに“DON DOKKEN”と命名。あくまでもソロではなく、新バンドでした。
 しかも、その中身が凄かった。EUROPEのジョン・ノーラム、ACCEPTのピーター・バルテス、元KING DIAMONDで長年MOTORHEADの要となるミッキー・ディー(現SCORPIONS)、黎明期プログレメタルの旗手WATCHTOWERのビリー・ホワイトといった欧州/米国の名手を取りそろえ、GEFEFN時代のWHITESNAKEにも匹敵するワールドワイドな超豪華バンド。そして、発表された『UP FROM THE ASHES』も実に素晴らしかった。『BACK FOR THE ATTACK』に酷似したアートワークながら作風は真逆で、『UNDER LOCK AND KEY』をさらに美しくしたような哀メロとハーモニーの雨あられ。ドンとビリーの米国組が楽曲の骨子を堅め、そこにノーラムの欧州フレーズとピーターの重厚コーラスがぶ厚い情感を醸し出す。ジョージ・リンチのような激しいカミソリ・エッジはなかったものの、濃厚な泣きと感動は本家を遙かに凌駕する多国籍ハードロック。当時のメロディ派は「DOKKEN meets EUROPE!」と喜び、その後の再結成DOKKENに失望した層からは「DON DOKKENの方が良かった……」とタメ息も漏れたものでした。
 しかし、時代は90年代。GUNS N’ ROSESのストリート感覚がシーンを席巻し、陰鬱なグランジも地の底から這い上がってきていた。“美しいロック”は行き場を失い、DON DOKKENもアルバム1枚とツアー1回であえなく解散。1994年のDOKKEN再結成へと向かいました。そんな泡沫の中で来日公演も実現。本作は、その「1991年3月11日:大阪厚生年金会館」のオーディエンス・ショットをディスク1-2に、「1991年3月12日:渋谷公会堂」のオーディエンス録音をディスク3-4に配した4枚組です。ここで、DON DOKKEN一度きりの来日日程の中でショウのポジションを確認しておきましょう。
 まずは、大阪公演のオーディエンス映像。貴重な“動くDON DOKKEN”なわけですが、その稀少度を吹っ飛ばすような極上クオリティ。最近になって発掘されたマスターで、ステージ真正面のスタンド席から見下ろし気味に捉えたショット。撮影しているのは(恐らく)90年代序盤の大阪で名作を連発した人物。MOTLEY CRUEの大傑作プレスDVD『OSAKA 1990』を筆頭にAEROSMITH、BON JOVI、GREAT WHITE、JUDAS PRIEST、MEGADETH等々の大阪ショットを撮影。アクロバティックながら安定感も凄い極上映像シリーズのDON DOKKEN版なのです。
 そんなクオリティで描かれる2公演は、DOKKENと似て非なるDON DOKKENの世界。セットは当然『UP FROM THE ASHES』でアルバム全11曲中8曲を披露。そこにDOKKENの名曲群がまぶされるわけですが、そのセレクションは明らかに偏っている。DOKKENでもメロディアスな作風の『UNDER LOCK AND KEY』が重用され、ヘヴィな『TOOTH AND NAIL』からは少なく、『BACK FOR THE ATTACK』に至ってはゼロ。「TOOTH AND NAIL&BACK FOR THE ATTACKの2枚偏重」だった『BEAST FROM THE EAST』とは丸っきり逆のバランスで、DOKKENのメロディアス・サイド/ドン・サイドが強調されています。
 そして、そのパフォーマンスがまたDOKKENとは違う。何よりも楽しそう! 当時のインタビューでも仲の良さが語られていましたが、DOKKENのギスギス感がまるでなく、スーパー・バンドにありがちな「俺は俺。お前はお前」でもない。ドンが上機嫌にアクションを決め、JUDAS PRIESTばりに4人のフロントが一列に並ぶ。とても泡沫で消えたとは思えないバンド然としたアンサンブルなのです。特に素晴らしいのはツイン・ギター。テクニカルなビリーと欧州メロディのノーラムは個性も対照的ながらハーモニーもバシバシ決める。アルバム以上にたっぷりと弾きまくりもフィーチュアされており、ジョージがいない事など、何のマイナスにもなっていない……と言いますか、DOKKENナンバーも一層グレードアップしているのです。
 そんなDOKKEN曲で特に見どころなのが「It’s Not Love」。中盤にACCEPTの「Balls To The Wall」を差し込み、あの重厚コーラスを再現。メンバーの元バンド曲はこれだけですが、ドンもシンガロングを歌い、激しいヘドバンでサビを叫ぶ。「It’s Not Love」に戻ると共に誇らしげにピーターが右手を挙げますが、その姿もバッチリ。もし次作&次ツアーがあったらEUROPEからも何かやってくれたかも……今となっては悔しさまで滲んでしまう眩しいシーンです。
 ジョージのファンにはソフトすぎながら、天才メロディ・メイカー:ドン・ドッケン畢生の名作でもあった『UP FROM THE ASHES』。バンドらしいバンドを得た喜びと、全盛の美声が全編を貫く2公演の極上記録です。
 この来日公演からもライヴアルバムを、DON DOKKEN版『BEAST FROM THE EAST』を残して欲しかった……。そんな悔しみを晴らし、国籍を超えたスーパー・バンドの素晴らしき真の姿に迫れる1本。どうぞ、存分にお楽しみください。
Live at Koseinenkin Kaikan, Osaka, Japan 11th March 1991
Disc 1(47:23)
1. Intro. 2. Paris Is Burning 3. Give It Up 4. Crash ‘N Burn 5. The Hunter
6. When Love Finds a Fool 7. In My Dreams 8. It’s Not Love 9. Balls To The Wall
10. It’s Not Love (reprise) 11. Drums Solo 12. Down in Flames 13. Guitar Solos
14. Down in Flames (reprise)
Disc 2(48:59)
1. Alone Again 2. Don’s Guitar Solo 3. Slippin’ Away 4. Alone Again (reprise)
5. Stay 6. Into The Fire 7. Breaking The Chains 8. Mirror Mirror 9. 1000 Miles Away
10. The Hunger 
Live at Shibuya Kokaido, Tokyo, Japan 12th March 1991
Disc 3(62:39)
1. Intro. 2. Paris Is Burning 3. Give It Up 4. Crash ‘N Burn 5. The Hunter
6. When Love Finds a Fool 7. In My Dreams 8. It’s Not Love / Balls To The Wall)
9. Drums Solo 10. Down in Flames / Guitar Solos 11. Alone Again
12. Don’s Guitar Solo 13. Slippin’ Away / Alone Again
Disc 4(42:18)
1. Stay 2. 1000 Miles Away 3. Menber Introduction 4. Into The Fire 5. Breaking The Chains
6. Mirror Mirror 7. The Hunger 
Don Dokken – Vocals John Norum – Guitar Billy White – Guitar
Peter Baldes – Bass Mikkey Dee – Drums
Shades 845 




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