Deep Purple / Made In Japan UK 8 Track Stereo Cartridge Remaster / 1CD

Deep Purple / Made In Japan UK 8 Track Stereo Cartridge Remaster / 1CD / Non Label

Taken from the original UK PURPLE RECORDS (EMI RECORDS-The Gramophone Company Ltd) 8 track cartridge (8X2-TPSP 351)

Play sample : 

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The legendary title called “MADE IN JAPAN with the highest sound quality in history” has been brushed up. The highest peak update sound that no one has heard is coming to the earth celebrating its 40th anniversary!
No way, no way such an album would be born. To be honest, it was unexpected. The original plan was only “Let’s reissue Icchan’s amazing MADE IN JAPAN”. It didn’t matter if it was a straight 2nd press. However, maybe there is room for improvement, I just remastered it with the intention of adding even one stone to the top of the mountain. However, the result is an upgrade far beyond imagination. It has become one that completely breaks the world record. Of course, it is not a “self-satisfaction board that has been remodeled as you like”. The birth of “MADE IN JAPAN that stands higher and more authentic”!

● “British 8-track version MADE IN JAPAN” with the highest sound quality in history
The meter went up too much and it became unclear what I was saying. excuse me. Let me cool my head and explain from 1.
The identity of this work is DEEP PURPLE …… No, the best masterpiece of the live album “MADE IN JAPAN”. It is the best sound board in history. The greatest reason in history spans both “source” and “mastering”. First, “source”. The basis of this work is “MADE IN JAPAN: UK 8 TRACK STEREO CARTRIDGE” which was released in 2016 and recorded a big hit. That shocking work was refined by high-definition mastering.
Then, what is “MADE IN JAPAN: UK 8 TRACK STEREO CARTRIDGE (hereinafter, the previous edition)”? The official work “MADE IN JAPAN” has been released on various media such as LPs, cassettes, and CDs, and “8-track cartridge” is one of them. Normally, the American version is the standard for 8-track, but instead it was an album created from the extremely rare 8-track “8X2-TPSP 351” released by Gramophone’s UK headquarters. Of course, the purpose is not the rarity, but the sound quality. Audiophiles who have checked all kinds of media were also surprised at the highest peak sound. In fact, the sound is an extraordinary dimension. Despite being analog, it is recorded with powerful sound pressure, and the details are super clear. At our shop, we have searched for “high-quality sound MADE IN JAPAN” by all means such as the legendary green label and the white label of the test press, but “British 8 tiger” surpassed all. The most amazing thing is the three-dimensional effect. It’s not about the three-dimensional effect between the instruments (no, it does). You can feel the “grain” and “sound” of each instrument in three dimensions.
What is even more surprising is that the mix was different. For example, “Space Truckin'”. Unlike the conventional “MADE IN JAPAN”, the 16-beat hi-hat in the intro is swung left and right (especially when it is open, it is swung strongly to the left). To be honest, the song order is different due to the characteristics of 8 tigers, and the cheers of “Strange Kind Of Woman” are suddenly cut off. Even though it didn’t seem to have done any special work for the 8-track, there was even a special mix (!?) For the 8-track, which had a very small distribution volume.

● High-definition remaster that focuses on “true appearance” rather than modification
It has become quite long, but the main subject is from here. This work transcends even such a previous edition. The factor is ultra-high quality mastering. The method is not “unreasonable sound pressure and powerful earning”, but “although it is faithful to the basics, the accuracy is abnormal”. For example, pitch correction is fully compatible with random changes, and noise is processed after analysis for each frequency. The phase is also corrected without overlooking the deviation of 1/1000 second.
Honestly, the method may not be much different from the original method, but this work was different. For example, phase. Even in the previous edition, there was no difference in sound quality, but this work has been adjusted with even higher precision. The slightly biased localization of the phone is also aligned with the center.
And it is wow and flutter that produces the greatest effect. Since 8-track is an analog tape to the last, it seems that running unevenness occurred when transferring. Even those who experienced the board last time may think “Is that so?”, But when you actually listen to this work, it is completely different. Perhaps the easiest to understand is Jon Lord’s organ. A part that only John plays, such as a light trial playing in the opening part and the intro of “Child In Time”. In some places, the sound sways like a mistouch momentarily, and (although it is hard to hear) it changes unstable even over a long span. While hitting the original “MADE IN JAPAN”, “whether the performance is disturbed / tape shaking” is judged one by one and corrected to the normal state. It corrects wow and flutter in a total of more than 100 places.
If you put it in letters like this, you may think “Is the original messy?”, But if you have experienced the previous edition, you can understand that it is not. Originally I didn’t notice the turbulence, but when it was fixed again, I could clearly see that it became stable … The upgrade of this work is that type of thing. The sound of the miracle of the British 8-track was not spoiled at all, and it was not decorated, just the precision was pushed to the limit. This is the meaning of “it is not a self-satisfaction board that has been remodeled as you like” introduced at the beginning.
British 8-track MADE IN JAPAN, which was acclaimed as “the highest sound quality in history” by Strade Transfer. It is the highest peak update board of the 40th anniversary that transferred the design to CD with higher definition. “MADE IN JAPAN” is an unexperienced zone that has brought out the “highness” that was not even expected. Please experience it with a permanent storage press CD.

★ The highest peak update board that refurbished the UK 8-track cartridge version called “MADE IN JAPAN with the highest sound quality in history” by high-definition mastering. While maintaining the best sound in history, it thoroughly corrects minute phase shifts and uneven tape rotation. The accuracy that does not allow a deviation of 1/1000 second and the elaborateness of more than 100 places are already at the repair level of works of art. Originally I wasn’t aware of the turbulence, but when it was fixed again, I could clearly see that it became stable … The birth of “MADE IN JAPAN” that embodies such “unknown heights”.

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(Remaster memo)
★ Phase correction

★ Wow and flutter (rotation unevenness) is completely corrected (a considerable amount). It’s in ideal and perfect condition.

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★★ This is the ultimate version of the strongest “MADE IN JAPAN”! !!

「史上最高音質のMADE IN JAPAN」と呼ばれた伝説タイトルが、まさかのブラッシュアップ。誰も聴いた事のない最高峰更新サウンドが40周年を迎えた地球に降臨です!
まさか、まさかこんなアルバムが生まれようとは。正直なところ、想定外でした。当初の予定では「いっちゃん凄いMADE IN JAPANを再発しよう」だけでした。それこそ、ストレートな2ndプレスでも構わなかった。ただ、もしかしたら向上する余地がどこかにあるのかも、山の頂上に石ころ1個でも上乗せするつもりでリマスターを実施しただけなのです。しかし、その結果は想像を大きく超えてアップグレード。完全に世界記録を更新する1枚に仕上がってしまったのです。もちろん「好き勝手に改造した自己満足盤」ではない。「より本物・より高みに立つMADE IN JAPAN」の誕生です!

●史上最高音質の「英国8トラ版MADE IN JAPAN」
本作の正体はDEEP PURPLEの……いえ、ライヴアルバムの最高傑作『MADE IN JAPAN』。その史上最高サウンド盤です。史上最高の由縁は「ソース」と「マスタリング」の両面に渡ります。まず、「ソース」。本作の元になっているのは、2016年にリリースされて大ヒットを記録した『MADE IN JAPAN: UK 8 TRACK STEREO CARTRIDGE』。あの衝撃作を高精細マスタリングで磨き上げたものなのです。
では、『MADE IN JAPAN: UK 8 TRACK STEREO CARTRIDGE(以後、前回盤)』とは何なのか。オフィシャル作品『MADE IN JAPAN』はLPやカセット、CD等さまざまなメディアでリリースされてきたわけですが、「8トラック・カートリッジ」もその中の1つ。普通、8トラと言うとアメリカ盤がスタンダードですが、そうではなくグラモフォンの英国本社がリリースした激レアな8トラ『8X2-TPSP 351』から起こされたアルバムでした。もちろん目的はレア度ではなく、サウンド・クオリティ。あらゆるメディアをチェックしてきたオーディオ・マニアもびっくりの最高峰サウンドが封じられていたのです。実際、そのサウンドは異常な次元。アナログにも関わらず力強い音圧で記録され、しかもディテールが超鮮明。当店では伝説のグリーン・ラベルやテスト・プレスの白ラベルなど、あらゆる手法で「高音質MADE IN JAPAN」を探求してきましたが、「英国8トラ」はすべてを凌駕していた。何と言っても凄いのが立体感。楽器間の立体感のことではありません(いや、それもあるのですが)。各楽器の1音1音の“粒”・“鳴り”が立体に感じられるのです。
さらに驚きなのが、ミックスも異なっていた事。例えば、「Space Truckin’」。イントロの16ビートハイハットが従来の『MADE IN JAPAN』とは違い、左右に振られている(特にオープンになった時に左に強く振られます)。正直なところ、8トラの特性から曲順が異なったり、「Strange Kind Of Woman」の歓声が唐突に途切れる。決して、8トラのために特別に精緻な作業をした様子はないにも関わらず、流通量極少の8トラに専用ミックス(!?)まで存在していたのです。

そして、一番大きな効果を生んでいるのがワウフラッター。8トラはあくまでもアナログ・テープですから、トランスファーする際に走行ムラが発生していたようなのです。前回盤を体験された方でも「そうだっけ?」と思われるかも知れませんが、実際に本作を聴くと丸っきり違う。一番分かりやすいのはジョン・ロードのオルガンでしょうか。開演パートでの軽い試し弾きや「Child In Time」のイントロなど、ジョンだけが弾いているパート。ところどころ瞬間的にミスタッチっぽく音が揺れますし、(聴覚的には分かりづらいですが)長いスパンでも不安定に変化している。オリジナルの『MADE IN JAPAN』に当たりながら「演奏の乱れか/テープ揺れか」を1つひとつ判定し、正常な状態に補整。総数で百数十箇所に及ぶワウフラッターを正しているのです。
ストレード・トランスファーで「史上最高音質」と激賛された英国8トラ盤MADE IN JAPAN。その意匠をより高精細にCDへと移し替えた40周年記念の最高峰更新盤です。想定すらしていなかった「高み」を現出させてしまった、未体験ゾーンの『MADE IN JAPAN』。どうぞ、永久保存プレスCDでご体験ください。

★「史上最高音質のMADE IN JAPAN」と呼ばれた英国8トラック・カートリッジ版を高精細マスタリングで磨き直した最高峰更新盤。史上最高のサウンド自体はそのままに、微細な位相ズレやテープの回転ムラも徹底的に補整。1/1000秒のズレも許さない精度も百数十箇所にも及ぶ入念ぶりも、もはや美術品の補修レベル。もともと乱れに気づいていなかったのに、改めて直されるとビシッと安定したのはハッキリと分かる……そんな「未知の高み」を体現した『MADE IN JAPAN』の誕生です。





★★これぞ、最強の「MADE IN JAPAN」究極盤!!


1. Highway Star
2. Child In Time
3. The Mule
4. Strange Kind Of Woman
5. Smoke On The Water
6. Lazy
7. Space Truckin’

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