Deep Purple / Amsterdam 2022 / 1DVDR

Deep Purple / Amsterdam 2022 / 1DVDR / Shades
Ziggo Dome, Amsterdam, Netherlands 10th October 2022

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New guitarist: DEEP PURPLE entered a new chapter with Simon McBride. A superb view image that can witness the full show is now available.
This work was filmed at “October 10, 2022 in Amsterdam”. It is the super superb view audience shot. The DEEP PURPLE report in which McBride participated is the third in this work. First of all, let’s take a look at the time schedule of the guitarist change drama that occurred for the first time in 28 years and check the positional relationship of the three titles.

● 2022
・ February 10-14 (3 performances)
《March 31: Morse’s temporary withdrawal → McBride participation》
・May 22-June 18 (6 performances)
・June 23-July 30 (21 performances)
《September 16th: McBride officially joins》
・September 23-October 9 (8 performances)
・October 10: Amsterdam performance ← This work
・October 12-15 (3 performances)
・October 17 “MILANO 2022”
・October 20-November 4 (10 performances)
● 2023
・February 13-17: ROCK LEGENDS CRUISE

This is the schedule for 2022/2023 that has been announced so far. “MILANO 2022 (Shades 1635)”, which was released the other day, is in the midst of being very well received, but the Amsterdam performance of this work is a week before that. It was the 9th performance of the autumn European tour that started with the official joining announcement.
Filmed at such a show, this work is as spectacular as “MILANO 2022″… or should I say, just like it. Although there is no particular evidence, it is probably a front row shot, and the position is directly in front of McBride. The entire field of view is occupied by the stage without a 1mm obstruction, and even without zooming, you can see the close-up of your hands and facial expressions with the naked eye. I thought that “MILANO 2022” would be a miracle shot in 10 years, but I didn’t expect another one to come out within a week. Recently, the experience of one-camera audiences has been reassessed to the extent that multi-camera editing has become popular. This work may also be a gift of such a trend.
“However, even if they are similar, they are still different.” The difference from “MILANO 2022” is clear in terms of camera work sense and sound quality. It’s a camera work, but there are a lot of feelings McBraid. I didn’t measure the exact number of seconds, but at first glance, I can see that he is trying to follow McBride. It wasn’t long after the announcement that he was officially joining the band, and even if he wasn’t solo, his eyes were on McBride from time to time. I want to check the skill of the guitarist of the topic, I want to leave it! It seems that the photographer’s thoughts are transparent.
“More sound.” Is this one better than “MILANO 2022”? Perhaps it was too close to the PA, this work may be slightly overdone, and it is not as well-organized as “MILANO 2022”, which was filled with the beauty of symmetry. However, this is a story that if you try to talk about the superiority and inferiority with the judges. This work is more vivid in terms of clarity/direct feeling, and especially the guitar is glaring to the edge. It’s just my favorite category.
From such a super special seat, you can enjoy a full show of the new DEEP PURPLE dyed with McBride’s guitar. As expected, the set is the same as “MILANO 2022”, but it is different from the first report album “GRASPOP METAL MEETING 2022”. Let’s organize it while comparing it with the latter.

● Classics (8 songs)
・Machine Head: Highway Star/Pictures Of Home/Lazy/Space Truckin’/Smoke On The Water
・Other: Hush/Black Night/When A Blind Man Cries (★)
●After reunion (5 songs)
・Blackmore era: Perfect Strangers / Anya (★)
・Mose era: Uncommon Man/No Need To Shout/Nothing At All
* Note: “★” marks are songs that could not be heard in the first album “GRASPOP METAL MEETING 2022”.

The “front row” and “front of McBride” that everyone envy. It is said that the “Ziggo Dome” that became the site can accommodate 17,000 people, but it is definitely a video work that allows you to fully experience the latest live from the No. 1 special seat. A sister work that will be the sequel to the super masterpiece “MILANO 2022”. Please enjoy it to the fullest.

★ Front row audience shot of “October 10, 2022 Amsterdam performance”. The new guitarist of the topic: Simon McBride. Recently, the experience of one camera audience has been reviewed, but this work is the ultimate experience video. It is a sister work that will be the sequel to the super masterpiece “MILANO 2022”

新ギタリスト:サイモン・マクブレイドを迎え、新章に突入したDEEP PURPLE。そのフルショウを目撃できる絶景映像が登場です。
そんな本作が撮影されたのは「2022年10月10日アムステルダム公演」。その超絶景オーディエンス・ショットです。マクブライドが参加したDEEP PURPLEレポートは本作で3本目。まずは、28年ぶりに発生したギタリスト交代劇をタイムスケジュールで俯瞰し、3タイトルの位置関係をチェックしておきましょう。

・10月10日:アムステルダム公演 ←★本作★
・10月17日『MILANO 2022』

これが現在までに公表されている2022年/2023年のスケジュール。先日リリースされた『MILANO 2022(Shades 1635)』が大好評を賜っている真っ最中ですが、本作のアムステルダム公演はその一週間前。正式加入アナウンスと共に始まった秋の欧州ツアーの9公演目にあたるコンサートでした。
そんなショウで撮影された本作は『MILANO 2022』にも負けない超絶景……と言いますか、そっくり。特に証拠はないものの、恐らくは最前列ショットでして、しかもポジションはマクブライドの真っ正面。1ミリの遮蔽物もなく視界全部がステージに占領され、ズームをしなくても手元も表情もアップで分かる肉眼感覚。『MILANO 2022』では10年に一本の奇跡ショットと思ったのですが、まさか一週間以内にもう1本出てこようとは……。昨今はマルチカメラ編集が盛んになるほどワンカメ・オーディエンスの体験感が見直されており、特に究極体験ができる最前列ショットの評価はうなぎ登りでもある。本作もまた、そんな時流の賜なのかも知れません。
ただし、似てはいてもやはり別物は別物。カメラワークのセンスや音質面で『MILANO 2022』との違いが明らかです。カメラワークですが、気持ちマクブレイドが多め。正確に秒数を計ったわけではありませんが、パッと見た印象でマクブライドを追おうとしているのが分かる。正式加入のアナウンスから日も浅く、特にソロでなくてもちょいちょいマクブライドに目線が行く。話題のギタリストの腕前を確かめたい、残したい!という撮影者の想いが透けるようです。
さらにサウンド。これは『MILANO 2022』の方が一枚上手でしょうか。PAに近すぎたのか、本作は微妙にオーバー気味になる事があり、均整の美を湛えていた『MILANO 2022』ほど整っていないのです。ただし、これは審査員気取りで優劣を語ろうとすれば、という話。クリアさ/ダイレクト感では本作の方が鮮やかですし、特にギターはエッジまでギラッギラ。あくまで好みの範疇です。
そんな超・特等席から楽しめるのはマクブライドのギターで染め変えられた新生DEEP PURPLEのフルショウ。さすがに直近だけあってセットは『MILANO 2022』と同一ですが、第一報アルバム『GRASPOP METAL MEETING 2022』とは異なる。後者と比較しつつ整理しておきましょう。

・マシンヘッド:Highway Star/Pictures Of Home/Lazy/Space Truckin’/Smoke On The Water
・その他:Hush/Black Night/When A Blind Man Cries(★)
・ブラックモア時代:Perfect Strangers/Anya(★)
・モーズ時代:Uncommon Man/No Need To Shout/Nothing At All
※注:「★」印は第一報アルバム『GRASPOP METAL MEETING 2022』で聴けなかった曲。

誰もが羨む「最前列」そして「マクブライドの正面」。現場となった“ジッゴ・ドーム”は1万7000人収容だそうですが、その中でも間違いなくNo.1の特等席から最新ライヴをフル体験できる映像作品です。超傑作『MILANO 2022』の続篇となる姉妹作。どうぞ、存分にご堪能ください。

★「2022年10月10日アムステルダム公演」の最前列オーディエンス・ショット。話題の新ギタリスト:サイモン・マクブライドの真っ正面から撮影されており、1ミリの遮蔽物もなく視界全部がステージに占領され、ズームをしなくても手元も表情もアップで分かる肉眼感覚。昨今はワンカメ・オーディエンスの体験感が見直されていますが、本作はその究極体験映像。超傑作『MILANO 2022』の続篇となる姉妹作です。

1. Mars, The Bringer Of War
2. Highway Star
3. Pictures Of Home
4. No Need To Shout
5. Nothing At All
6. Uncommon Man
7. Lazy
8. When A Blind Man Cries
9. Anya
10. Keyboard Solo
11. Perfect Strangers
12. Space Truckin’
13. Smoke On The Water
14. Hush
15. Bass Solo
16. Black Night

Ian Gillan – Vocals
Simon McBride – Guitar
Roger Glover – Bass
Don Airey – Keyboards
Ian Paice – Drums

Shades 1635

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