David Lindley / L.A. Forum 1981 Mike Millard First Generation Tapes / 1CDR

David Lindley / L.A. Forum 1981 Mike Millard First Generation Tapes / 1CDR / Uxbridge
The Forum, Inglewood, CA, USA 18th July 1981

Play sample :

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Speaking of David Lindley’s live recording by Mike Millard, it is fresh in my memory that “LOS ANGELES 1989: MIKE MILLARD FIRST GENERATION CASSETTE” in 1989 made maniacs groan, but at that time he recorded Lindley There was a description that the stage was recorded twice, both times when it served as the undercard.
“The second recording has finally been released.” Time goes back eight years to the LA Forum. “LOS ANGELES 1989 ~” was the stage when I served as the opening act for Jackson Browne, who has a long relationship, but this time it was the record when I served as the opening act for Joe Walsh.
“I’m sure there are some people who can come here with a bang.” Yes, that time of that masterpiece “L.A. FORUM 1981 MIKE MILLARD FIRST GENERATION TAPES”.
At that time, Lindley released his first leader album and the masterpiece “EL RAYO-X”. It was Walsh’s undercard that also served as the promotion of the album.

The album “EL RAYO-X” pushed the sound of glittering percussion to the forefront, and it could be called a pioneer of world music, but the key to that cheerful sound is the former King Crimson. Ian Wallace.
Since it is the opening stage of the live itself, the sound output of the venue was poor in the early stages, and even the recording of the mirrored was unbalanced, but such fog soon cleared and the usual mirrored quality You can fully enjoy Lindley’s happy sound and Wallace’s lively play.
The stage was easily accepted by the fans who gathered at the venue for Walsh, and the excitement was so high that it was hard to believe that it was the opening act. Starting with “Twist And Shout”, which was also included in the previous album, the performance of the band centered on Wallace progresses at a good tempo.
“Tu-Ber-Cu-Lucas and The Sinus Blues” at the end of the live, which included his drum solo, was finally heated up, and you can feel Lindley’s skill as a live performer. It’s wonderful that he, who usually stops at theaters even though he’s big, doesn’t shy away from going up on the stage of a large venue like a forum, but rather gives a lively and lively performance.

Indeed, it is not difficult to imagine that the pop and colorful sound captured Millard’s heart. .
The live album “EL RAYO LIVE”, which was officially released later, contained the stage in 1982 and had a small number of songs, but the content was so high quality in the previous “EL RAYO-X” period. Please enjoy to your heart’s content the mirrored sound source that is exactly what professionals like, that a very fulfilling live sound source has been discovered.

マイク・ミラードによるデヴィッド・リンドレーのライブ記録と言えば1989年の「LOS ANGELES 1989: MIKE MILLARD FIRST GENERATION CASSETTE」がマニアを唸らせてくれたのは記憶に新しいところですが、その際に彼がリンドレーのステージを二回録音していた、どちらも前座を務めた時のものという記載がありました。
その二つ目の録音が遂に公開されたのです。時は8年遡ったLAフォーラム。「LOS ANGELES 1989~」では付き合いの長いジャクソン・ブラウンの前座を務めた時のステージでしたが、今回はジョー・ウォルシュの前座を務めた時の記録。
これでピーンと来られる方もおられるでしょう。そう、あの名盤「L.A. FORUM 1981 MIKE MILLARD FIRST GENERATION TAPES」の時のもの。
当時のリンドレーは初のリーダー・アルバムにして名盤「EL RAYO-X」をリリースしたタイミング。そのアルバムのプロモーションも兼ねたウォルシュの前座だったという訳です。

アルバム「EL RAYO-X」はきらびやかなパーカッションの音を前面に押し出した、いうなればワールド・ミュージックの先駆けと呼べる内容だったのですが、そのご機嫌なサウンドの要を担うのは元キング・クリムゾンのイアン・ウォーレス。
そのステージはウォルシュ目当て会場に集まったファンにもすんなり受け入れられており、もはや前座とは思えないほどの盛り上がりを見せている。先のアルバムにも収録されていた「Twist And Shout」から幕を開け、ウォーレスを中心としたバンドの演奏がテンポ良く進みます。
彼のドラム・ソロまで交えたライブ終盤の「Tu-Ber-Cu-Lucas and The Sinus Blues」に至ってはいよいよ盛り上が白熱、リンドレーのライブ・パフォーマーとしての盛り上げ上手な様子も伝わってきます。普段は大きくてもシアター止まりな彼がフォーラムのような大会場のステージに上がっても全く物怖じすることなく、むしろイキイキとした快演を聞かせてくれるのはお見事。

後にオフィシャルでリリースされたライブアルバム「EL RAYO LIVE」は1982年のステージを収めた上に少なめな収録曲数でしたが、それ以前の「EL RAYO-X」期でこれほどまで高音質で内容も非常に充実したライブ音源が発掘されたという、正に玄人好みのミラード音源を心ゆくまでお楽しみください。

01. Twist And Shout
02. She Took Off My Romeos
03. Your Old Lady
04. Brother John / Amazing Grace
05. Persian Fiddle Tune
06. Hangman’s Tree
07. Band Introduction
08. Quarter Of A Man
09. Tu-Ber-Cu-Lucas and The Sinus Blues
10 Mercury Blues

David Lindley – Vocals, Guitars, Steel Guitar
Bernie Larsen – guitar
Ian Wallace – Drums
George “Ras Baboo” Pierre – percussion

Uxbridge 1794

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