Damn Yankees / East & West / 2DVDR

Damn Yankees / East & West / 2DVDR / Shades

Festival Hall Osaka Japan 5th July 1990.

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Festival Hall, Osaka, Japan 5th July 1990 AMAZING SHOT
Radio City Music Hall, New York, NY. USA 27th March 1993 AMAZING SHOT

DAMN YANKEES, a super band that embodies the essence of American HR. Introducing a video collection that sets the precious live 2 performances. This work contains one performance each for the debut work “DAMN YANKEES” era and the second “DON’T TREAD” era. It is a 2-disc set that overlooks the steps to dissolution with a powerful Odin shot. Now, let’s introduce one performance at a time.

[Disc 1: Performance in Osaka on July 5, 1990] The first appearance is a valuable proof video of a performance in Japan. They came to Japan in 1990 and 1993, but this is their first visit to Japan. First, let’s imagine the position of the show in the schedule.

・ July 3: Kawasaki Club Citta
・ July 5: Osaka Festival Hall [This work] ・ July 6: NHK Hall

This work is an audience shot with tremendous acrobatic camera work. The video that became very popular as a gift title the other day, is a master that was recently excavated. I’m looking down from the stand seat right in front of the stage, but the zoom is so bold that I can’t tell the position. Tommy Shaw’s upper body occupies the screen when approaching, and when pulled, the perspective of the entire stage is repeated at a tremendous speed of less than 1 second. Furthermore, since it is chasing around Ted Nugent who is rampaging as the stage narrows, a variety of scenes appear one after another so that you forget the shooting position.
Moreover, this is strangely easy to see. If you shake it left and right while zooming, it will be difficult to see, but since switching members and tracking Ted are re-zooming after returning to the panoramic view once, there is no such thing as “the camera goes wild and you do not know where you are looking”. What’s more, thanks to the detailed view, you can naturally grasp the atmosphere of the entire stage. Even though it is a one-camera audience, it is a special sight like a multi-camera alone.
The roller coaster shot is a precious and luxurious “moving DAMN YANKEES”. All songs except “Runaway” were performed from the shocking debut, and there were Ted’s solo songs “Free-For-All” “Cat Scratch Fever”, NIGHT RANGER’s “Don’t Tell Me You Love Me” “(You) Can Still) Rock in America ”, STYX’s“ Blue Collar Man (Long Nights) ”and“ Renegade ”are sprinkled. With such numbers, the mood changes at once as if the band has changed, but the original songs also have a strange sense of incongruity because they ooze each person’s career. This variety is really fun. At the same time, DON DOKKEN rarely played EUROPE or ACCEPT songs, but this violent manic state is the real thrill of the super band. The excitement of “Oh, this song too!” Heats the venue and further enhances the acrobatic camera work.

[Disc 2: March 23, 1993 New York performance] Next up is the finest footage from the “DON’T TREAD” era. This is also a master who has recently appeared, but it is a wonderful quality with no questions asked! It seems that the best video and audio are matched, and until the beginning of the first song “Don’t Tread On Me”, only the audio flows in the still image, but the sound is extremely wonderful. The strong and thick sound arrives straight, and the enthusiasm of the scene can only be heard in the distance. It’s not the type that is mistaken for a sound board, but the clearness and closeness are wonderful, even if you’re not good at line recording, you can escape barefoot. It’s a superb sound that works well even on a live album with only audio.
And I was surprised twice when the video came in suddenly while I was immersed in such a sound. This video is ridiculously wonderful! The camera work is not as unique as Disc 1, but the basic level is rather high. A spacious field of view with zero obstructions, a zoom that fills the screen with each gorgeous member, a sense of stability that does not shake the sense of stability while approaching that, and a shooting technique that firmly holds down the formation of the four people and the individual highlights. Although the image quality is analog-like, it has almost everything you want for an audience shot. It’s a masterpiece, a masterpiece, a masterpiece … It’s a video that makes you want to line up as many compliments as you want.
The show drawn with that quality has a wonderful overall feeling that is different from Disc 1. The set is evenly selected from 5 songs each from the 2 albums “DAMN YANKEES” and “DON’T TREAD”, and a total of 4 songs from each person’s career. The ensemble also becomes more like a band, maximizing the taste of wild but extremely catchy masterpieces. As with quality, this is an entertainment show that has everything that an American HR band wants.

Disc 1, which is a memorable first visit to Japan, and Disc 2, which embodies the ideal form of “American HR Audience Shot”. It’s valuable just to say “moving DAMN YANKEES”, but it’s a powerful two-disc set that spills out and spills out in a dimension that ignores it.
DAMN YANKEES generously sprinkled a delicious repertoire while being original and straightforward. A gorgeous rock show suitable for super luxurious mens. By all means, please fully experience the site with this work.

 アメリカンHRの粋を体現したスーパーバンド、DAMN YANKEES。その貴重ライヴ2公演をセットした映像集が登場です。本作に収められているのはデビュー作『DAMN YANKEES』時代とセカンド『DON’T TREAD』時代を1公演ずつ。強力なオーディンス・ショットで解散までの歩みを一望する2枚組です。それでは、早速1公演ずつご紹介していきましょう。
 そんなジェットコースター・ショットで描かれるのは、貴重にして豪華な“動くDAMN YANKEES”。衝撃のデビュー作から「Runaway」以外の全曲が演奏され、そこにテッドのソロ曲「Free-For-All」「Cat Scratch Fever」、NIGHT RANGERの「Don’t Tell Me You Love Me」「(You Can Still) Rock in America」、STYXの「Blue Collar Man (Long Nights)」「Renegade」がまぶされる。そうしたナンバーではまるでバンドが替わったかのように一気にムードが変わるのですが、オリジナル曲も各人のキャリアを滲ませるために不思議なほど違和感がない。このバラエティが何とも楽しい。同じ時期のDON DOKKENはEUROPEやACCEPTの曲はほとんど演奏しませんでしたが、この振幅の激しい躁状態こそスーパーバンドの醍醐味。「おぉ、この曲も!」の興奮が会場を加熱させ、アクロバティックなカメラワークを一層引き立てるのです。
 続いて登場するのは『DON’T TREAD』時代の極上映像。こちらも最近登場したマスターなのですが、問答無用の素晴らしいクオリティ! ベストの映像と音声をマッチングさせているらしく、1曲目「Don’t Tread On Me」の冒頭までは静止画に音声のみが流れるのですが、そのサウンドが極めて素晴らしい。逞しく極太なサウンドが真っ直ぐに届き、現場の熱狂も遠くに聞こえるのみ。サウンドボードと間違えるタイプでこそないものの、クリアさ、間近感は下手なライン録音も裸足で逃げ出す素晴らしさ。音声だけのライヴアルバムでも十二分に通用する極上サウンドなのです。
 そして、そんなサウンドに浸っているところでパッと映像が入ってくると二度ビックリ。この映像がまたとんでもなく素晴らしい! ディスク1ほど個性的なカメラワークではありませんが、基礎レベルがやたら高い。遮蔽物ゼロの広々とした視野、豪華メンバー1人ひとりを画面いっぱいに押さえたズーム、そこまで迫りながら安定感が揺るがない安定感、4人のフォーメーションも個々の見どころもキッチリ押さえる撮影テクニック……。アナログ感覚の画質ではあるものの、おおよそオーディエンス・ショットに望まれるすべてが理想的に揃っている。まさに傑作・銘品・名作……賛辞をいくらでも並べたくなる映像なのです。
 そのクオリティで描かれるショウは、ディスク1とはまた違った総括感が素晴らしい。セットは2枚のアルバム『DAMN YANKEES』『DON’T TREAD』から均等に5曲ずつセレクトされ、各人のキャリアからは計4曲。アンサンブルもさらにバンドらしくこなれ、ワイルドながら極めてキャッチーな名曲の旨みを最大限に引き出している。こちらもクオリティと同じく、アメリカンHRバンドに望まれるすべてが見事に揃ったエンターテインメント・ショウなのです。
 記念すべき初来日の証拠映像であるディスク1、“アメリカンHRのオーディエンス・ショット”の理想形を体現したディスク2。「動くDAMN YANKEES」というだけでも貴重なのですが、それを度外視した次元で見応えが滲んで溢れてこぼれ出す強力な2枚組です。
 オリジナルで一本筋を通しながら、美味しいレパートリーを惜しげもなくぶちまけてくれたDAMN YANKEES。超豪華なメンツに相応しい、ゴージャスなロック・ショウ。ぜひ、本作でたっぷりと現場体験してください。
Disc 1(84:16)
Live at Festival Hall, Osaka, Japan 5th July 1990
1. Damn Yankees 2. Rock City 3. Bad Reputation 4. Free-For-All 5. Don’t Tell Me You Love Me
6. Come Again 7. Mystified 8. Nugent Jam 9. Tell Me How You Want It
10. Blue Collar Man (Long Nights) 11. High Enough 12. Renegade 13. Coming of Age
14. Piledriver 15. Cat Scratch Fever 16. (You Can Still) Rock in America
COLOUR NTSC Approx.84min.
Disc 2(98:50)
Radio City Music Hall, New York, NY. USA 27th March 1993
1. Intro. 2. Don’t Tread on Me 3. Damn Yankees 4. Rock City 5. Band Introduction
6. Free For All 7. Mister Please 8. This Side of Hell 9. Jack & Tommy
10. Where You Goin’ Now 11. Tommy Show Blues 12. Ted Nugent Guitar Solo 13. Come Again
14. Nugent Lecture 15. Uprising 16. Renegade 17. (You Can Still) Rock in America
18. Coming of Age 19. High Enough 20. Cat Scratch Fever
COLOUR NTSC Approx.99min.
COLOUR NTSC Approx.183min.(total)
Tommy Shaw – Guitars, Vocals Ted Nugent – Guitars, Vocals
Jack Blades – Bass, Vocals Michael Cartellone – Drums, Percussion

Shades 889

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