Bob Dylan & Mick Taylor / Madrid 1984 / 2CD

Bob Dylan & Mick Taylor / Madrid 1984 / 2CD / Zion

Estadio del Rayo Vallecano, Madrid, Spain 26th June 1984

Play sample :

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Along with the release of the Rolling Stones climax sound source when Mick Taylor was enrolled, this week we will release the best audience recording with Bob Dylan’s live sound source on a limited press CD. Speaking of live performances involving Taylor, of course, the 1984 European tour. For this tour, masterpieces such as “THE BEST SHOW: BARCELONA 1984” and “BRUSSELS AFFAIR 1984 REVISITED” and the sound board “ROME 1984 1ST NIGHT” have already been released, but this time in Madrid on June 26th.
As you can see from that date, “THE BEST SHOW: BARCELONA 1984” live in front of Barcelona. To tell the truth, during the 1984 European Tour, the four days from the second day of Rome to Madrid during the June process, there were no decent items, and there was a slight air pocket. It is said that the situation where the process of reaching the height of Barcelona, ​​which was literally the best show, could not be glimpsed has continued until now.
It was
This is Madrid, which will be an epoch-making release to break through such a situation, but this is an audience recording with excellent sound quality. To be clear, the quality is as good as Barcelona. There is something similar to Barcelona in that the sound image is extremely on, but while it has the power of a thick system, this one is attractive in a clean and clear state. In addition to that, the freshness of the tape is also outstanding. It’s hard to believe that it was an analog cassette recording nearly 40 years ago. A sound source boasting such quality has never been released.
This time, I made a press CD based on the version on the net, but in fact, the most easily available version on the net is the third lyrics “Like I see through the water” in “Masters Of War”. By the way, there was a painful upload mistake that skips that were not at the time of recording were mixed in, but there is a very small but different transfer version on the same net, and there is no trouble by combining it with that. Achieves recording in the best version. In other words, I found a branched version on the net and played an active part as a supplementary staff to solve the small troubles seen in a part of the main version.
After all, it is a stereo audience recording with outstandingly good sound quality recorded from a master tape, so by adjusting that state, it has been refined to a state suitable for recording on a press CD.

And because it was a live performance in front of Barcelona, ​​the performance content was superb. It’s also a big attraction that the atmosphere is different in a good way even though it is the same stage in Spain. While Barcelona was enthusiastic, this one has a very relaxed atmosphere. Reflecting the atmosphere of such a venue, the performances of Dylan and the band are really peaceful. Even so, Taylor’s guitar playing is more inspirational than Barcelona, ​​which is the biggest factor that has been released at the same time as the Stones item this time.
From “All Along The Watchtower”, which was Taylor’s first number to explode the guitar solo on each stage, he plays a phrase with more notes than Barcelona, ​​and “I And I” is the first guitar solo. You can even see a smiley scene where you accidentally play too much and return to the song as if you suddenly applied the brakes in a hurry. This is obvious when compared to Barcelona.
Even more masterpiece is Dylan’s break corner, the R & B cover “I’ve Got To Use My Imagination” sung by bassist Greg Sutton. The good thing is that there is no boss here (laughs). Do you play the lead so hard with the Tekaba Tsunagi number? Normal (laughs).
Also, before this song started, it was really unusual for Dylan to talk to Sutton, “What are you singing today?” I’m talking to him, and even though it’s a corner that connects the places, it’s very rare even in 1984, and I get a glimpse of the warm happening.

In this way, the live continued smoothly in a very peaceful atmosphere even in the first half of the live, but the end of the live is really peaceful again. Speaking of Barcelona, ​​there was a scene called a big chorus in that finale “Blowin’In The Wind”, but Dylan, who is already in a good mood in Madrid, recommends singing with the audience. However, the fact that he started singing with a higher key than in Barcelona (C at that time, but G in Madrid at that time) backfired, or the chorus ended less than that time. Rather, the results based on the lessons learned here may have led to the excitement of Barcelona.
And Dylan himself sang aggressively with the engine fully open from around “Masters Of War” (that’s why the slight skipping in the same song was a pain) Do you antagonize the playing Taylor of the day? It will let you hear a powerful song like this. There is no reason why the stage before the rare masterpiece Barcelona is bad. Above all, it is a stereo audience recording with the highest sound quality. The unique recording condition was successful, and there was no stress such as the noise of the surroundings that is common in European audience recording, and you can enjoy the new masterpiece and sound source of Europe in 1984 when Taylor burned up with the best sound quality without any price. give me!

ミック・テイラー在籍時のローリング・ストーンズ絶頂期音源のリリースに合わせ、今週はボブ・ディランのライブ音源も彼の絡んだ極上オーディエンス録音を限定プレスCDにてリリースいたします。テイラー絡みのライブと言えば、もちろん1984年のヨーロッパ・ツアー。既にこのツアーに関しては「THE BEST SHOW : BARCELONA 1984」と「BRUSSELS AFFAIR 1984 REVISITED」そしてサウンドボードの「ROME 1984 1ST NIGHT」といった名盤がリリース済みですが、今回は6月26日のマドリードを。
その日付からも解るように「THE BEST SHOW : BARCELONA 1984」ことバルセロナの前のライブ。実を申しますと84年ヨーロッパ・ツアー、6月行程の中でもローマの二日目からマドリードまでの四日間はまともなアイテムが存在せず、ちょっとしたエアポケット状態となっていた時期。文字通りのベストショーであったバルセロナの高みへと到達するまでの過程が垣間見られない状況が現在まで続いてしまっていたという。

今回はネット上に出回っているバージョンを元にプレスCD化させたのですが、実はネット上で最も簡単に入手できるバージョンでは「Masters Of War」における三番の歌詞「Like I see through the water」のところで録音時にはなかった音飛びが混入するという痛恨のアップロード・ミスが生じていたのですが、同じネット上でもごく小規模ながら別トランスファーのバージョンが出回っており、そちらと組み合わせることでトラブルのないベスト・バージョンでの収録を実現。つまり枝分かれバージョンをネット上にて発見、メインのバージョンの一部で見られた小さなトラブルを解消させる補填要員として活躍していただきました。

毎回のステージでテイラーがギターソロを最初に炸裂させるナンバーであった「All Along The Watchtower」からしてバルセロナより音数多めなフレーズを弾きまくっていますし、「I And I」に至っては最初のギターソロでうっかり弾きすぎてしまい、慌てて急ブレーキをかけたかのごとく曲に戻るという微笑ましい場面まで見られるほど。これはバルセロナと聞き比べれば一目瞭然。
さらに傑作なのがディランの休憩コーナーであり、ベーシストのグレッグ・サットンが歌うR&Bカバー「I’ve Got To Use My Imagination」。ここではボスがいないのをいいことに(笑)これでもかとテイラーが弾き倒しています。てか場つなぎナンバーでここまでリードを一生懸命弾きますか?普通(笑)。

こうしてライブ前半だけでも非常に和やかな雰囲気の中でライブが快調に続けられていたのですが、ライブ終盤がまた実に和やか。バルセロナと言えば、あのフィナーレ「Blowin’ In The Wind」における大合唱という名場面が見られた訳ですが、既にマドリードでも上機嫌なディランは観客と一緒に歌うことを推奨。ところがバルセロナの時よりも高いキー(その時がCだったのに対しマドリードではG)で歌い始めたことが裏目に出たか、あの時ほど合唱が盛り上がらずに終わってしまいます。むしろ、ここでの教訓を踏まえた結果がバルセロナの盛り上がりへとつながったのでしょう。
そしてディラン自身は「Masters Of War」辺りからエンジン全開となって攻め気味に歌ってくれ(だからこそ同曲での微塵な音飛びが痛恨となった訳です)この日の弾きまくりテイラーに拮抗するかのごとく力強い歌を聞かせてくれる。稀代の名演バルセロナの前のステージが悪い訳がない。何より最高音質のステレオ・オーディエンス録音です、熱血系ライブだったバルセロナに対し、和み系のマドリード。独特な録音状態が功を奏し、ヨーロッパ系オーディエンス録音にありがちな周囲の騒ぎといったストレスも一切なく、掛け値なしの極上音質でテイラーが燃え上がった84年ヨーロッパの新たな名演かつ名音源を心ゆくまでお楽しみください!


Disc 1 (58:54)
1. Highway 61 Revisited
2. Jokerman
3. All Along the Watchtower
4. Just Like A Woman
5. Maggie’s Farm
6. I And I
7. License To Kill
8. Just My Imagination (sung by Greg Sutton)
9. A Hard Rain’s A-Gonna Fall
10. Girl From the North Country
11. It’s Alright Ma

Disc 2 (64:18)
1. Simple Twist of Fate
2. Masters of War
3. Ballad of A Thin Man
4. Enough Is Enough
5. Every Grain of Sand
6. Like A Rolling Stone
7. Mr. Tambourine Man
8. It Ain’t Me Babe
9. Knockin’ On Heaven’s Door (with Carlos Santana)
10. Leopard Skin Pill-Box Hat (with Carlos Santana)
11. Tombstone Blues (with Carlos Santana)
12. Blowin’ in the Wind (with Carlos Santana)

Bob Dylan – vocal & guitar
Mick Taylor – guitar
Ian McLagan – keyboards
Greg Sutton – bass
Colin Allen – drums










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