Black Sabbath / Dehumanizer Rehearsals / 3CD

Black Sabbath / Dehumanizer Rehearsals / 3CD / ZODIAC
Studio Rehearsals & Demos 1991-1992

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Sabbath history … No, “Ronnie & Cozy / Iomi & Geezer” was the ultimate dream team in British HR / HM history. The studio album by the miracle quartet that could not leave an official work will be reprinted and released with renewed artwork!
The true identity of this work is the studio rehearsal and demo sound source collection for “DEHUMANIZER”. Of course, Vinnie Appice was playing the drums in the official work “DEHUMANIZER”, but it was Cozy at the beginning of the project. The key person in the first place is Geezer. 1990 Co-starred with Iommi at Sabbath’s Hammersmith performance (you can enjoy it at our shop “TYR UK (Shades 087)”), and again with Ronnie at DIO’s Minneapolis performance (same “HOWLING WOLF (Shades 330)”) He proposed to both of them to reunite. Ronnie recommends Simon Wright who was in DIO at that time as a drummer, but in the end it is decided to Cozy who was enrolled in Sabbath.
After that, before the official recording of the album, Cozy withdrew due to an injury in a horse-fall accident, but a miraculous quartet was realized at the rehearsal / composition stage. This work is a digital version of the rehearsal / demo from the cassette (so-called “cozy tapes”) that Cozy Powell had treasured. There are several types of “DEHUMANIZER demo”, but among them, it is a 3-disc set that has reigned as the definitive set with overwhelming quantity and elaborate treatment (If you want to complete it, please check “BATTLE OF GODS + this work”. it is perfect). Let’s take a quick look at each disc individually.

[DISC 1-2: Composition rehearsal for “Computer God”]

● DISC 1: Instrumental rehearsal without Ronnie
The composition of this work is “probably like this, in chronological order”. There are several Cozy tapes that became the source, but the content is recorded in order from the session that seems to be early (however, in order to protect the truth of the session, the order of the songs in the tape is not changed. yeah). So DISC 1 is the earliest rehearsal. Ronnie does not participate here, and you can enjoy a jam by three people, “Iommi / Geezer / Cozy” (not before joining Ronnie, it seems to be the timing when he has not come to the studio yet).
When you play it, you will be surprised by the superlative sound. Although it is a microphone recording installed in the studio instead of the line, the sound board is sufficient. Reality and directness. Of course, since it is a cozy tape, there is no dubbing deterioration.
Then, what flows out is a group of famous songs and a chat between the three heroes. DISC 1-2 is basically a composition session for “Computer God”, but here and there I’m trying out songs recorded in other works and unreleased songs. Currently, the analysis of the mania muscle is progressing, so let’s summarize it here.
・Computer God (5 takes)
・ Letters From Earth (2 takes)
・Rising Hell (Unknown Song: Take 1/2)
・Get A Grip (Unknown Song: Take 5)
・Bad Blood (Unknown Song: Take 4)
・Unreleased (Unknown Song: Take 3)
・Apache (Cover of VENTURES)

“Rising Hell” is a song included in Tony Martin’s solo album “SCREAM”. According to Iommi, Martin also participated in the session several times until the reunion was confirmed, and he may have finished unreleased songs at that time. “Bad Blood” is an unreleased song that can only be heard in this work.
This kind of documentary listening is interesting, but more than that, the feeling of breathing by the three heroes is the most exciting. A truly geezer singing line and Cozy’s peculiar fill are intertwined, and the heavy riff of Iommi’s mark is raised. The mood is soothing, with familiar voices chatting in interviews and playing with whistle.

– DISC 2: Sequel to rehearsal featuring Ronnie

DISC 2 is a continuation of the rehearsal recording that is similar in quality and content to DISC 1. Ronnie also participates in some songs here! You can also enjoy live performances by the super rare Dream Team. Let’s sort it out.
・Computer God (Inst 5 takes)
・Computer God (with song: Take 3)
・Rising Hell (Unreleased Track: Take 3)
・Unreleased Instrumental (Unknown Song: Take 1/2/4)
・Unreleased song (Unknown Song: Take 5)

The main axis “Computer God” explores various possibilities of the song, such as changing the tempo even with the same part and playing heavier. It is also an interesting point that Cozy is already hitting the same Phil as the finished version. I thought it was a percussive and hooky Phil for Vinnie, but it was Cozy’s composition (?).
And the biggest attention is “Computer God (Take 3)”! At this point, Ronnie finally makes an appearance!! A studio recording by the Dream Team has been realized!! Although the melody and lyrics are different from the final version, it’s a temporary song, but the fullness of Riki’s singing is just as expected of Ronnie. James Dio. Furthermore, Ronnie will reappear in the last unreleased song “Unknown Song (Take 5)” of DISC 2 (By the way, in “BATTLE OF GODS”, you can listen to another take of this song). Above all, those four people are in one room and co-starring … You can sit in such a space with the best sound.

[DISC 3: Highly complete demo album that can also be enjoyed musically]

● Early stage: GEEZER BUTLER BAND demo (2 songs)
DISC 3 is a collection of demo recordings with a slightly different atmosphere. First of all, the first two songs are demos of GEEZER BUTLER BAND, not Sabbath. A solo band formed by Geezer in 1986, sung by Carl Sentance (a former PERSIAN RISK singer who has performed with Don Airey and Dario Moro, and is currently the frontman of NAZARETH). GEEZER BUTLER BAND did not make its official debut, but Geezer brought unfinished material to Sabbath.
“Computer God” is a different song with the same name, but “Master Of Insanity” is almost the same as “DEHUMANIZER”, and the arrangement is complete. In later years, it was also released from the official website of Geezer, but the first appearance was Cozy Tape, which was the source of this work.

-Main part: A more authentic Ronnie song demo (4 songs, 8 takes)
By the way, from the 3rd song on DISC 3, there is a demo by Miracle Quartet that includes Ronnie’s song. You can listen to 4 songs and 8 takes here. Stay organized.

・Master of Insanity
・Letters From Earth
・Bad Blood
・Psychophobia (The Next Time: 5 takes)

The same songs as DISC 1-2 have also been improved to a higher degree of perfection, and have evolved to a level where they can be enjoyed as songs, rather than just making sounds together. It is exactly the biggest listening point of this work. The first appearance here is “The Next Time”. It is also the original song of “Psychophobia”, and although I tried various arrangements and tempos for this work, it seems that it was not completed at this point.
After that, Cozy left and Vinnie was recalled as mentioned above, but it seems that the collapse was inevitable even if there was no accident. Because the relationship between Ronnie and Cozy at that time was terrible itself. Cozy said, “Ronnie hates me,” but Iomi, who was looking at the two in a third party, gave a slightly different testimony.
“It was terrible. After all, the relationship between the singer and the drummer was the worst. Ronnie seemed to have no objection to Cozy’s existence, but Cozy said, ‘If that scum attacks me, I remember being like, “I’m going to punch you in the face.”
Quiet topic. Regardless of the relationship, there is no doubt that they are the ultimate dream team that is unparalleled in HR/HM history. A number of demos that may have been sublimated into a masterpiece album at the rehearsal where such heroes were present at the scene where the sound was layered. This work is a studio album where you can enjoy the treasures that those four people overlap for 2 hours and 25 minutes. A press 3CD that is nothing but a cultural heritage. Here is a dignified reprint.

★A collection of studio recordings by the ultimate dream team “Ronnie & Cozy/Iomi & Geezer”. A studio rehearsal & demo recorded at the composition stage of “DEHUMANIZER”, a digitized product from Cozy Tapes. It is a cultural heritage album where you can enjoy the many hidden treasures that those four people layered over a period of 2 hours and 25 minutes.

 そんな本作の正体は、『DEHUMANIZER』のために行われたスタジオ・リハーサル&デモ音源集。もちろん、公式作『DEHUMANIZER』でドラムを叩いていたのはヴィニー・アピスですが、プロジェクト初期にはコージーでした。そもそものキーパーソンはギーザー。1990年サバスのハマースミス公演でアイオミと再共演(当店の『TYR U.K.(Shades 087)』でお楽しみ頂けます)、DIOのミネアポリス公演でロニーと再共演(同『HOWLING WOLF(Shades 330)』)を果たした彼は、両者に再結成を提案。ロニーは当時DIOにいたサイモン・ライトをドラマーに推薦しますが、結局はサバスに在籍していたコージーに決定します。
 その後、アルバムの正式録音を前にコージーは落馬事故の負傷で離脱してしまうのですが、リハーサル/作曲段階では奇跡のカルテットが実現していた。本作は、そのリハ/デモをコージー・パウエルが秘蔵していたカセット(いわゆる“コージー・テープス”)からデジタル化したもの。「DEHUMANIZERデモ」は幾つかの種類がありますが、その中でも圧倒的な物量と精緻なトリートメントで決定盤として君臨してきた3枚組です(なお、コンプリートされたい方は「BATTLE OF GODS+本作」で完璧です)。それでは、早速それぞれのディスクを個別にご紹介してきましょう。
【DISC 1-2:「Computer God」主軸の作曲リハーサル】
●DISC 1:ロニー抜きのインスト・リハ
 本作の構成は「多分こうなんじゃないか時系列」。ソースとなったコージー・テープは何本かあるのですが、内容的に初期と思われるセッションから順番に収録しています(ただし、セッションの真実を守るため、テープ内の曲順は入れ替えていません)。というわけで、DISC 1はもっとも初期のリハーサル。ここではロニーは参加せず、「アイオミ/ギーザー/コージー」の3人によるジャムが楽しめます(ロニーの加入前というわけではなく、まだスタジオに来ていないタイミングのようです)。
 そして、流れ出るのは英雄3人による談笑とパーツ段階の名曲群。DISC 1-2は基本的に「Computer God」の作曲セッションなのですが、ところどころで他作品に収録される曲や未発表曲も試しています。現在ではマニア筋の解析も進んでいますので、ここでちょっとまとめてみましょう。
・Computer God(5テイク)
・Letters From Earth(2テイク)
・Rising Hell(Unknown Song: Take 1/2)
・Get A Grip(Unknown Song: Take 5)
・Bad Blood(Unknown Song: Take 4)
・未発表(Unknown Song: Take 3)
 「Rising Hell」はトニー・マーティンのソロアルバム『SCREAM』に収録された曲。アイオミによると、再結成が確定するまで何度かマーティンもセッションに参加したらしく、その時の未発表曲を仕上げたのかも知れません。「Bad Blood」は本作でしか聞けない未発表曲です。
●DISC 2:ロニーも登場するリハの続篇
 DISC 2はクオリティも内容もDISC 1に通じるリハーサル録音の続篇。ここでは何曲かロニーも参加! 超貴重なドリーム・チームの生演奏も楽しめます。早速、整理してみましょう。
・Computer God(インスト5テイク)
・Computer God(歌入り:Take 3)
・Rising Hell(Unreleased Track: Take 3)
・未発表インスト(Unknown Song: Take 1/2/4)
・未発表歌入り(Unknown Song: Take 5)
 主軸である「Computer God」は同じパートでもテンポを変えてみたり、よりヘヴィに演奏したりと曲の可能性をいろいろと探っている。コージーがすでに完成版と同じフィルを叩いているのも面白いポイント。ヴィニーにしてはパーカッシヴでフックのあるフィルだとは思っていましたが、コージーの作曲(?)だったわけです。
 そして、最大の注目は「Computer God (Take 3)」! ここで遂にロニーが登場!! ドリーム・チームによるスタジオ録音が実現するのです!! メロディも歌詞も完成版とは異なる仮歌ではあるのですが、リキの入った歌いっぷりはさすがさすがのロニー・ジェイムス・ディオ。さらにDISC 2最後の未発表曲「Unknown Song (Take 5)」でもロニーが再登場します(ちなみに『BATTLE OF GODS』では、この曲の別テイクが聴けます)。何より、あの4人が1つの部屋にいて共演している……そんな空間に極上サウンドで同席できるのです。
【DISC 3:音楽的にも楽しめる完成度の高いデモ・アルバム】
 DISC 3は少々雰囲気の違うデモ録音集。まず冒頭2曲に収録されているのは、サバスではなくGEEZER BUTLER BANDのデモ。1986年にギーザーが組んでいたソロバンドで、歌っているのはカール・センタンス(元PERSIAN RISKでドン・エイリーやダリオ・モロ等とも共演してきたシンガーで、現在はNAZARETHのフロントマン)です。GEEZER BUTLER BANDは正式デビューに至りませんでしたが、ギーザーは書きかけのマテリアルをサバスに持ち込んでいたのです。
 「Computer God」は同名なだけで似ても似つかない別曲なのに対し、「Master Of Insanity」は『DEHUMANIZER』とほぼ同じで、アレンジも完成しています。後年、ギーザーの公式サイトからも公開されましたが、初出は本作のソースとなったコージー・テープでした。
 さて、DISC 3の3曲目以降はロニーの歌も入った奇跡カルテットによるデモ。ここで聴けるのは4曲・8テイク。整理しておきましょう。
・Master Of Insanity
・Letters From Earth
・Bad Blood
・Psychophobia(The Next Time:5テイク)
 DISC 1-2と同じ曲もより完成度が高まっており、単に一緒に音を出しているのではなく、曲としてしっかり楽しめるレベルにまで進化している。まさに本作最大の聴きどころです。ここで初登場なのが「The Next Time」。「Psychophobia」の原曲でもあり、本作でもアレンジやテンポをいろいろと試していますが、この時点では完成には至らなかったようです。
Disc 1(46:06)
Studio Rehearsals 1991
1. Computer God (Take 1)
2. Computer God (Take 2)
3. Letters From Earth (Take 1)
4. Letters From Earth (Take 2)
5. Unknown Song (Take 1)
6. Unknown Song (Take 2)
7. Unknown Song (Take 3)
8. Apache (Ventures cover)
9. Unknown Song (Take 4)
10. Unknown Song (Take 5) incl. Get A Grip riff
11. Whistle
12. Computer God (Take 3)
13. Computer God (Take 4)
14. Computer God (Take 5)
Tony Iommi – Guitar Geezer Butler – Bass Cozy Powell – Drums
Disc 2(46:03)
Studio Rehearsals 1991-1992
1. Computer God (Take 1)
2. Computer God (Take 2)
3. Conversation
4. Computer God (Take 3) with Ronnie James Dio
5. Computer God (Take 4)
6. Computer God (Take 5)
7. Computer God (Take 6)
8. Unreleased Track (Take 1)
9. Unreleased Track (Take 2)
10. Unreleased Track (Take 3)
11. Unreleased Track (Take 4)
12. Conversation
13. Unreleased Song (Take 5) with Ronnie James Dio
Ronnie James Dio – Vocal Tony Iommi – Guitar Geezer Butler – Bass Cozy
Powell – Drums
Disc 3(52:57)
Geezer’s Demos 1986
1. Computer God
2. Master Of Insanity
Geezer Butler – Bass
Pedro Howse – Guitar
Carl Sentance – Vocals
Jezz Woodroffe – Keyboards
Gary Ferguson – Drums
Studio Demos 1991-1992
3. Master Of Insanity
4. Letters From Earth
5. Bad Blood
6. The Next Time (Take 1)
7. The Next Time (Take 2)
8. The Next Time (Take 3)
9. The Next Time (Take 4)
10. The Next Time (Take 5)
Ronnie James Dio – Vocals
Tony Iommi – Guitar
Geezer Butler – Bass
Cozy Powell – Drums


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