Ace Frehley/ New York 2022 / 1DVDR

Ace Frehley/ New York 2022 / 1DVDR / Shades

Palladium Times Square, New York, NY, USA 11th June 2022

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Ace Frehley’s latest tour with a series of masterpieces. Introducing the New York edition, which is the home of the Todome.
This work was shot at “June 11, 2022 Palladium Times Square Performance”. That audience shot. Let’s leave the whole view of the activity to the explanation of “WARRENDALE 2022 (Shades 1546)” which will be released at the same time this week, but let’s focus on “2022” and check the high sense of distance.

・ March 3-31: North America (6 performances)
・ April 1st “WARRENDALE 2022”
・ April 22-June 10: North America (16 performances)
・ June 11: New York performance ← ★ This work ★
>> Now here <<
・ July 30: Appearance at Steelhouse Festival
・ August 12-26: North America (4 performances)
・ October 8: Henderson performance

This is Ace Frehley in 2022. The main event will be a North American tour with 24 performances starting in March, and the New York performance of this work will be the final day. This is the latest performance at the moment. After this, it was a one-off stage rather than a “tour”, so this show was also the highlight of 2022.
This work recorded at such a show is a superb image that perfectly matches the triple time of “superb view, quality, and experience”. “TUPELO 2021 (Shades 1430)”, which was well received last year, and “WARRENDALE 2022”, which was released at the same time this week, were masterpieces with a unique personality, but in terms of pure quality / appearance, this work is No. 1.
First of all, it is the position, but it is probably the 4th row in the front seat slightly to the right of the center of the stage. You can’t say “front row shot!” Like “TUPELO 2021”, but it’s not inferior. If it’s that close, it’s likely that you’ll look up, but this work is also wonderful because it has a high perspective. Perhaps he is holding a selfie stick, passing over the head of the customer in front and looking directly at the stage with no shield. It is the best view that has both the close contact feeling that the ace is right there and the wide view.
Moreover, the front customers who are reflected (to the extent that they do not get in the way) give us a real and hot experience. “TUPELO 2021” in the front row and “WARRENDALE 2022” in the related party seats (?) Were too special seats and it was a different dimension to call it a “live experience”, but this work is a lively show. It’s also a triumphant return to New York, so for Ace, you can literally be at the best site in the world.
When you say “the excitement is great”, you may think of roaring and mayhem, but that is not the case. Rather, the true value of this work lies in the finest sound. I mentioned earlier that “this work is No. 1”, but the biggest reason is this. This is amazing. It’s possible to release just the audio … I mean, it’s just like a sound board! There is no sense of incongruity with the audience seats, so I think there is no doubt about the audience voice, but the direct feeling of the thick core and the clearness of the clear outline are tremendous. You can think of it as a “live album with pictures” by reopening it.
It is the latest full show at the moment that is drawn with the highest quality that can not be complained. As a matter of fact, the set is not as good as the simultaneous release “WARRENDALE 2022”, but it is still much longer than “TUPELO 2021” which was the undercard of Alice Cooper. Let’s check while comparing here.

・ First: Strutter / Cold Gin-Black Diamond / Deuce
・ Hotter than Hell: Parasite / Strange Ways (★)
・ Others: Detroit Rock City / Shock Me / Rocket Ride / Hard Times (★)
● Solo
・ Ace Frehley: Rip It Out / New York Groove
・ Others: Rock Soldiers (★) / Never In My Life-Good Times Bad Times
* Note: “★” marks are songs that could not be seen in “TUPELO 2021”.

I’m not blessed with easy-to-understand keywords such as “Front row center shot!” In “TUPELO 2021” and “Seat shots for related parties” in “WARRENDALE 2022”, but the spectacular view of this work is such super personality. Surpass the factions. A masterpiece of video that allows you to fully experience the triumphant return performance of the home base with the triple time of “superb view, quality, and experience”. Please enjoy it to your heart’s content.

★ A superb view audience shot of “June 11, 2022 Palladium Times Square Performance”. The stage is directly viewed from the front seats (about the 4th row) without a shield, and both the close contact feeling that the ace is right there and the wide field of view are achieved. Moreover, the sound is the best that makes you want to call it a “sound board”, and the direct feeling of the thick core and the clearness of the clear outline are tremendous. You can fully experience the highlight local show with the No. 1 quality that is outstanding even in the latest tour with a series of masterpiece images.

そんな本作が撮影されたのは「2022年6月11日パラディウム・タイムズ・スクエア公演」。そのオーディエンス・ショットです。活動全景については今週同時リリースとなる『WARRENDALE 2022(Shades 1546)』の解説に譲るとして、ここでは「2022年」に焦点を絞って高いの距離感を確認してみましょう。

・4月1日『WARRENDALE 2022』
・6月11日:ニューヨーク公演 ←★本作★
・7月30日:Steelhouse Festival出演

そんなショウで記録された本作は、「絶景・クオリティ・体験感」の三拍子が見事に合致した極上映像。昨年好評を博した『TUPELO 2021(Shades 1430)』や今週同時リリースの『WARRENDALE 2022』は類い希な個性が凄い傑作でしたが、純粋なクオリティ/見応えでは本作こそがNo.1です。
まずポジションですが、ステージ中央よりちょっとだけ右寄りの前方席で恐らく4列目くらい。『TUPELO 2021』のように「最前列ショット!」と喧伝は出来ませんが、決して劣っていない。それだけ近いと見上げ視線になりそうなのですが、本作は視点が高いところも素晴らしい。自撮り棒を掲げているのか、前方客の頭上をスルーしてステージを遮蔽物ナシで直視。すぐそこにエースがいる密着感と、広々とした視界を両立した極上の視界なのです。
しかも(邪魔にならない程度に)映り込む前方客がリアルで熱い体験感も味わわせてくれる。最前列の『TUPELO 2021』や関係者席(?)の『WARRENDALE 2022』は特等席すぎて「ライヴ体験」と呼ぶには異次元感覚でもありましたが、本作は盛り上がるショウの熱気がビンビン。それも本拠地ニューヨークへの凱旋ですから、エースにとっては文字通り世界一の現場に居合わせる事が出来るのです。
文句の付けどころがない極上クオリティで描かれるのは、現時点で最新のフルショウ。実のところ、セット的には同時リリースの『WARRENDALE 2022』には及ばなかったりするのですが、それでもアリス・クーパーの前座だった『TUPELO 2021』よりは遙かに長尺。ここで比較しつつチェックしておきましょう。

・ファースト:Strutter/Cold Gin-Black Diamond/Deuce
・地獄のさけび:Parasite/Strange Ways(★)
・その他:Detroit Rock City/Shock Me/Rocket Ride/Hard Times(★)
・エース・フレーリー:Rip It Out/New York Groove
・その他:Rock Soldiers(★)/Never In My Life-Good Times Bad Times
※注:「★」印は『TUPELO 2021』で観られなかった曲。

『TUPELO 2021』の「最前列ド真ん中ショット!」や、『WARRENDALE 2022』の「関係者席ショット!!」のような分かりやすいキーワードには恵まれていませんが、本作の見応えはそんな超個性派たちを凌駕する。「絶景・クオリティ・体験感」の三拍子で本拠地の凱旋公演をフル体験できる映像傑作。どうぞ、存分にご堪能ください。


1. Intro
2. Rip It Out
3. Parasite
4. Strutter
5. Rocket Ride
6. Rock Soldiers
7. Never In My Life / Good Times Bad Times
8. Detroit Rock City
9. Shock Me
10. Ace Frehley Guitar Solo
11. Cold Gin / Black Diamond
12. Hard Times
13. Strange Ways
14. New York Groove
15. Deuce

COLOUR NTSC Approx.74min.

Ace Frehley – Guitar, Vocals
Ryan Cook – Guitar
Jeremy Asbrock – Guitar
Phil Shouse – Bass
Matt Starr – Drums


Shades 1544

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