AC/DC / Definitive Budokan 1982 / 2CD + Ticket Replica

AC/DC / Definitive Budokan 1982 / 2CD + Ticket Replica / Zodiac
Live at Budokan, Tokyo, Japan 10th June 1982

Play sample :

Click image to enlarge

In 1982, AC/DC returned to Japan, which was a monumental achievement in Japanese HR/HM history. The original recording that allows you to experience the highlight performance on site is brushed up. Introducing a press 2CD that permanently preserves the supreme sound that has undergone detailed mastering of “GRAF ZEPPELIN”.
The performance of “June 18, 1982: Nippon Budokan” is imbued in this work. It is the masterpiece audience recording. Their first visit to Japan was in 1981 during the “Back in Black” era, and their second visit to Japan was in 1982 during the “Devil’s Invitation” era. This was the only two visits to Japan during the Golden Age, and the third was 19 years later. Let’s take a bird’s-eye view of the two consecutive visits to Japan here.

● 1981
・February 1: Osaka Expo Hall
・February 2: Aichi Labor Hall
・February 5 “DEFINITIVE NIHON SEINENKAN 1981” & TV broadcast
● 1982
・June 4: Osaka Festival Hall
・ June 6: Osaka Expo Hall
・June 8: Kyoto Kaikan
・June 9: Nagoya City Public Hall
・June 10: Nippon Budokan ← This work
*Only representative press masterpieces on each day.

The above 9 performances. The Tokyo performance of the first visit to Japan was two days at Nippon Seinenkan, but the next year in 1982, it advanced to Nippon Budokan. It was the last live in Japan of the golden age, which is exactly the highlight.
This work is a masterpiece audience recording that vacuum-packed such a historic night. A famous recording that was digitized directly from the original cassette of the master craftsman “Miracle Man” and was once loved as “LIVE AT BUDOKAN”. It is one that “GRAF ZEPPELIN” has re-polished the inscription master. The sound is just the best ever. The important thing here is that the mastering method of “GRAF ZEPPELIN” is natural-oriented. Rather than gaining sound pressure for a quick listening experience, he emphasizes maximizing the sound of the master tape and reproducing the “sound output of the band” that actually existed beyond it. It is.
To be more specific, it is an accumulation of detailed corrections and corrections. A separate recording of “Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap” head missing “AT BUDOKAN (Shades 190)” has achieved the longest record, but what is more important is the sound that penetrates the whole story. Pitch correction and correction of phase shifts are performed at a level that does not allow deviations of 1/1000th of a second. Bandwidth analysis is also essential. We will reproduce the “on-site sound” by fine-tuning the fine deviations caused by the aging of the tape and the playback environment.
The resulting sound is full of natural feeling. The subtle distortion that was left on the already released board (this is difficult to put into words, but it may be easier to feel the applause between songs than the performance sound) is also naturally arranged. You can experience the real experience of “Budokan AC / DC” for one night only before and after. And that full show is historical. At our shop, the original recording “TOKYO 1981 1ST NIGHT: DEFINITIVE MASTER (Zodiac 449)”, which came to Japan for the first time, is also very popular, so let’s compare and organize it.

70’s Classics (9 songs)
・ Rock soul: Bad Boy Boogie / Whole Lotta Rosie / Let There Be Rock
・Others: The Jack/T.N.T./Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap (★)/Sin City/Shot Down In Flames/Highway To Hell
● 80’s (6 songs)
・Back in Black: Hells Bells/Shoot To Thrill (★)/Back In Black/Rock And Roll Ain’t Noise Pollution (★)/You Shook Me All Night Long
・Devil’s Invitation: Let’s Get It Up (★)
* Note: “★” marks are songs that were not performed during the first visit to Japan.

… and it looks like this. In addition to the title song that came to be played with the release of “DIRTY DEEDS DONE DIRT CHEAP” in the United States, the killer songs “Shoot To Thrill” and “Rock And Roll Ain’t Noise Pollution” from “Back in Black” are also included. showing off. In my current sense, it is surprising that I did not play in Japan for the first time, but it is also a real-time sense that it is not decided which song will be the representative song. And the best feeling is “Let’s Get It Up”. This song itself is also a rare song limited to “FOR THOSE ABOUT TO ROCK Tour”, but what is even more decisive is not doing the title song of “Devil’s Invitation”. It is now an inevitable highlight song, but at this point it has not established its position. It is exactly the fragrance of the times.
Instead of “For Those About to Rock (We Salute You)”, the highlight is “T.N.T.”, and this work ends with a storm of “Encore! Encore!” With this “T.N.T.” at the end, AC / DC’s visit to Japan will be sealed for a long time of 19 years. Nippon Budokan in 1982, which became a legend with a live that was too intense. This work is a document album that can be present at the legendary scene with the finest natural sound. Please fully experience the legendary night that shines in the history of Japanese and Western music with the press 2CD that will be permanently preserved.

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(remastered memo)

* Phase correction

★Overall review of band.

★ “Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap” The early stage is supplemented with another source (shdes CDR) on the day.

Unfortunately, the other source is also recorded from the middle, so it is not the completed version of the same song, but about 38 seconds is supplemented by another source.

★I changed the disc change timing from last time (Last disc 1 was long).

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★A ticket replica provided by the recording person is included. (Arena I Row 75)

★ Masterpiece audience recording of “June 18, 1982: Nippon Budokan” performance. A signature product that “GRAF ZEPPELIN” polished and refurbished a famous recording directly digitized from the original cassette of Mr. “Miracle Man”. The sound is full of natural feeling and updated the record high. Even the subtle distortions that were left in the already released board are naturally arranged, and you can experience the real experience of “Budokan no AC/DC” for one night only. A cultural heritage album of the history of Japanese and Western music where you can experience the legendary night where the rare song “Let’s Get It Up” pops out.

日本HR/HM史の金字塔でもあった1982年AC/DCの再来日。そのハイライト公演を現場体験できるオリジナル録音がブラッシュ・アップ。「GRAF ZEPPELIN」の細密マスタリングを経た至高のサウンドを永久保存するプレス2CDで登場です。
・6月10日:日本武道館 ←★本作★
 本作は、そんな歴史的な夜を真空パックした傑作オーディエンス録音。名匠“ミラクルマン”氏の大元カセットからダイレクトにデジタル化され、かつて『LIVE AT BUDOKAN』として愛された名録音。その銘品マスターを「GRAF ZEPPELIN」が磨き直さした1本なのです。そのサウンドは、まさに過去最高。ここで肝心なのは「GRAF ZEPPELIN」のマスタリング手法は、ナチュラル志向ということ。パッと聴きの迫力のために音圧稼ぎするのではなく、マスター・テープのサウンドを最大限に引き出し、その向こうに実在していた「バンドの出音」を再現する事を最重視しているのです。
 具体的に言いますと、細かな補正・修正の集積。「Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap」の頭欠けを別録音『AT BUDOKAN(Shades 190)』して過去最長を実現していますが、むしろ重要なのは全編を貫くサウンドの方。ピッチ補正・位相ズレの修正は1/1000秒の狂いも許さないレベルで行い、デジタル化の際に(あるいは録音の際に)発生するテープの走行ムラも修正していく。さらに帯域分析も欠かせない。テープの経年変化や再生環境によって生じる微細の狂いも微調整しては「現場音」を再現していくのです。
 その結果生まれたサウンドは、ナチュラル感たっぷり。既発盤では残されていた微妙な歪み(これは言葉にしづらいのですが、演奏音よりも曲間の拍手の方が実感しやすいかも知れません)も自然に整っている。後にも先にも一夜限りの「武道館のAC/DC」をリアル体験できるわけです。そして、そのフルショウこそが歴史的。当店では初来日のオリジナル録音『TOKYO 1981 1ST NIGHT: DEFINITIVE MASTER(Zodiac 449)』も大人気を博しておりますので、比較しながら整理してみましょう。
・ロック魂:Bad Boy Boogie/Whole Lotta Rosie/Let There Be Rock
・その他:The Jack/T.N.T./Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap(★)/Sin City/Shot Down In Flames/Highway To Hell
・バック・イン・ブラック:Hells Bells/Shoot To Thrill(★)/Back In Black/Rock And Roll Ain’t Noise Pollution(★)/You Shook Me All Night Long
・悪魔の招待状:Let’s Get It Up(★)
……と、このようになっています。『DIRTY DEEDS DONE DIRT CHEAP』のアメリカ発売を機に演奏するようになったタイトル曲の他、『バック・イン・ブラック』の必殺曲「Shoot To Thrill」「Rock And Roll Ain’t Noise Pollution」も披露している。現在の感覚では初来日で演奏していなかったのが意外なくらいですが、それもどの曲が代表曲になるのか決まっていないリアルタイム感覚というものでしょう。そして、その感覚の最たるものが「Let’s Get It Up」。この曲自体が“FOR THOSE ABOUT TO ROCK Tour”限定のレア曲でもあるわけですが、さらに決定的なのは『悪魔の招待状』のタイトル曲をやっていない事。今や絶対不可避のハイライト曲なわけですが、この時点ではその地位を確立していない。まさに時代の薫りそのものなのです。
 「For Those About to Rock (We Salute You)」ではなく「T.N.T.」でハイライトを迎え、凄まじく吹き荒れる「アンコール! アンコール!」の嵐で幕を閉じる本作。この「T.N.T.」を最後に、19年もの長きにわたってAC/DCの来日は封印されることになるのです。あまりにも強烈だったライヴで伝説となった1982年の日本武道館。本作は、その伝説の現場に極上のナチュラル・サウンドで居合わせられるドキュメント・アルバムなのです。日本洋楽史に輝く伝説の一夜、どうぞ永久保存するプレス2CDで存分にご体験ください。
★”Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap”序盤は当日の別ソース(shdes盤CDR)で補填。
★前回とDiscチェンジのタイミング変えてます(前回 Disc1が長かった)。
★「1982年6月18日:日本武道館」公演の傑作オーディエンス録音。名匠“ミラクルマン”氏の大元カセットからダイレクトにデジタル化された名録音を「GRAF ZEPPELIN」が磨き直さした銘品。そのサウンドはナチュラル感たっぷりで過去最高を更新。既発盤では残されていた微妙な歪みまでもが自然に整い、後にも先にも一夜限りの「武道館のAC/DC」をリアル体験できる。レア曲「Let’s Get It Up」も飛び出す伝説の一夜を現場体験できる日本洋楽史の文化遺産アルバムです。
Disc 1 (45:38)
1. Hells Bells
2. Shot Down In Flames
3. Sin City
4. Shoot To Thrill
5. Back In Black
6. Bad Boy Boogie
7. Rock And Roll Ain’t Noise Pollution
Disc 2 (45:25)
1. The Jack
2. Let’s Get It Up
3. Highway To Hell
4. Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap ★0.00-0:38当日の別ソース(Shades盤)で補填
5. Whole Lotta Rosie
6. Let There Be Rock
7. You Shook Me All Night Long
8. T.N.T.
Brian Johnson – Vocals
Angus Young – Guitar
Malcolm Young – Guitar, Vocals
Cliff Williams – Bass, Vocals
Phil Rudd – Drums
Zodiac 534

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