Queen / Definitive Sao Paulo 1981 Pre-Fm Master / 2CD+1Bonus DVDR

Queen / Definitive Sao Paulo 1981 Pre-Fm Master / 2CD+1Bonus DVDR / Wardour

Live At Morumbi Stadium, Sao Paulo, Brazil 20th March 1981 plus Bonus DVDR “Definitive Sao Paulo 1981 The Video”  STEREO SBD

Play sample :

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What, what impact. Regardless of whether it is official or unofficial, a superb sound board master that may become the No. 1 live album in QUEEN history is newly discovered. It is an emergency permanent preservation press 2CD!
”The performance on Sao Paulo on March 20, 1981 is inscribed on the shock sound board. It is a part of “THE GAME TOUR”, which is known for the great success and the series of famous performances. It is a stereo sound board recording of a huge show that mobilized 131,000 people, the largest in QUEEN history. This show is a very famous sound source that has been known for a long time on TV and FM broadcasts, and has produced countless launches, and some of it was used for the official edition “ON AIR”. This work is a case board that has upgraded (very much!) The highest peak of such a classic.
[Before the impact, first show position. Speaking of those days, albums and singles were the best in the United States, and the historic “GREATEST HITS” was released. It was a time when both the body and mind were fulfilled, such as the success of big hits and the leaving of the masterpiece “QUEEN ROCK MONTREAL”. First, let’s look back on such a step.

● 1980
<< June 30 “THE GAME” release >>
・ June 30-July 14: North America # 1 (14 performances)
・ August 5-September 30: North America # 2 (35 performances)
・ November 23-December 18: Europe (17 performances)
● 1981
・ February 12-19: Japan (6 performances)
・ February 28-March 21: Latin America # 1 (7 performances) ← ★ Here ★
・ September 25-October 18: Latin America # 2 (6 performances)
<October 26 “GREATEST HITS” release>
・ November 24 + 25: Montreal (2 performances)

[Master reel of pre-found excavation] This is the golden age of QUEEN. In 1980, toured North America / Europe, and in 1981 circuitd Japan and Latin America. “QUEEN ROCK MONTREAL” was a special performance after the tour for filming, but the Sao Paulo performance of this work was 8 months ago. The concert was the sixth performance of “Latin America # 1”. As mentioned earlier, this show is famous for broadcasting sound boards, but this work is different from such a group. It is the ultimate gene product digitized from the pre-broadcast master reel. Moreover, this master reel is our original. It is a very precious item that has been brought about through its own route and is not available anywhere else on the net.
From this treasured reel, the upgrade sound that forgets all the existing groups. We often say “official class” as the best compliment, but this work is more than that. In fact, 7 songs for this show are used in the official “ON AIR”, which is much better than the official take. Speaking of what is superior … all. The official take looked like an excavation, the mix was rough, the power was terrific but lacked in subtlety, and it was a type of mass. On the other hand, this work is well-mixed and sounded, so you won’t get tired even if you play at loud speaker volume. Of course, even the official take wins easily, so it is not comparable to the existing boot legs. Depending on the board, there is a hiss noise, and the existing group such as the mid range being spoiled should be erased from the beautiful refreshing memory … It is a major upgrade of such a dimension (However, this master is for broadcast editing or “Save” The first half of the “Me” ending and “Now I’m Here”, and the middle part was cut unnaturally. In this work, this part is complemented by the sound board of the TV broadcast pro shot) .

[Super-heated performance that strikes the heaven in front of 130,000 people] The show drawn with such a sound is also amazing. Even with only 7 songs “ON AIR”, I knew the best performance, but it has gone through the whole story. A large audience of 130,000 people … No, Freddie’s tension in front of a large crowd hit the heavens, and Nodo’s tone is also excellent. From the delicate whispers, the range of screams is tremendous, and the improvised phrases are also flashing. The fine revival of Vivrat is just as fast as it reaches the heavens. This tension is more than “QUEEN ROCK MONTREAL” in a sense. Moreover, the freshness is overwhelming. Montreal video was a masterpiece with a mix of two performances and overdubbing, but this work is in contrast to such polishing. It is overflowing with the charm of 100% of the original live that is only one live broadcast. In fact, it’s not a perfect performance, as Brian loses his sound vigorously in the solo of “Somebody To Love”, and the last song of “Bohemian Rhapsody” misses the timing, but even that is a document. . On the contrary, the momentum to improve such a small mistake is great, and even the “Somebody To Love” shows off the vocals that can be transformed, and John’s “Keep Yourself Alive” intro is full of imagination. Is it different if the 130,000 people are enthused? It’s the passionate performance that keeps overwhelming.
And the 130,000 effect is not limited to performance. South America is an area that has enthusiastically supported QUEEN as much as Japan, but it was the first time they visited South America in 1981. However, the excitement of the first meeting is added on the national pattern known for the Latin frenzy, and it has expanded to 130,000 people. If you say “Love Of My Life”, where Brian stops playing in a huge chorus, or “We Will Rock You” where the echoes of the great crowd create a spectacular …

Originally, you have to touch “Need Your Loving Tonight” and “Fat Bottomed Girls” that you can’t listen to even in “QUEEN ROCK MONTREAL” or “4 people QUEEN” mastery ensemble without support keyboardist, That’s not the case. Sao Paulo’s night when he visited South America for the first time in a heyday when his mind and body were fulfilled and ran through a full show with intense explosion tension. The classic sound board is a miracle reel master that has undergone a major upgrade beyond the official one. Sound / Set / Tension / Performance / Vitality … If all are combined, this work may be the best and strongest live album in QUEEN history. A work that is absolutely inevitable, beyond official / informal. A permanent preservation press 2CD is here!

★ Direct recording from the “PRE-FM REEL MASTER” we have obtained. Apex and super high-quality sound. This year’s first queen title is inevitable to talk about mania around the world! !

その衝撃サウンドボードに刻まれているのは「1981年3月20日サンパウロ公演」。一大全盛を極め、名演が連発した事でも知られる“THE GAME TOUR”の一幕であり、QUEEN史上最大級となる13万1000人を動員した超巨大ショウのステレオ・サウンドボード録音です。このショウは古くからテレビやFM放送が知られ、無数の既発を生み出し、一部が公式盤『ON AIR』にも使用されたほどの超有名音源。本作は、そんな大定番の最高峰を(大幅に!)アップグレードしてしまった事件盤なのです。
その衝撃の内容の前に、まずはショウのポジション。当時と言えば、アルバムもシングルも全米No.1に輝き、歴史的な『GREATEST HITS』もリリース。大ヒットを連発し、ライヴでも大傑作『QUEEN ROCK MONTREAL』を残すなど、心身共に充実した時代でした。まずは、そんな歩みを振り返ってみましょう。

《6月30日『THE GAME』発売》
《10月26日『GREATEST HITS』発売》

これがQUEENの黄金時代。1980年は北米/欧州を巡り、1981年は日本と中南米をサーキット。『QUEEN ROCK MONTREAL』は撮影のためにツアー後の特別公演でしたが、本作のサンパウロ公演はその8ヶ月前。「中南米#1」の6公演目にあたるコンサートでした。先述の通り、このショウは放送サウンドボードが有名なわけですが、本作はそんな既発群とは一線を画すもの。放送前のマスター・リールからデジタル化された究極ジェネの銘品なのです。しかも、このマスター・リールは当店オリジナル。独自ルートでもたらされたものであり、ネット他どこにも出回っていない本作だけの超貴重品なのです。
そんな秘蔵リールから流れ出てきたのは、あらゆる既発群を忘れさせるアップグレード・サウンド。よく最高の賛辞として「オフィシャル級」と言いますが、本作はそれ以上。実際、このショウは7曲分がオフィシャル盤『ON AIR』に採用されているわけですが、あの公式テイクよりも格段に良いのです。何が優れているかと言えば……すべて。公式テイクは発掘物らしくミックスもラフでパワーは凄くても繊細さに欠け、固まりで押し寄せるタイプだった。それに対し、本作はミックスも鳴りも綺麗に整い、スピーカーの大音量で鳴らしても機器疲れせず、ヘッドフォンで耳を澄ませれば細部まで繊細。もちろん公式テイクにさえ楽勝で勝っているのですから、これまでの既発ブートレッグとは比較にもならない。盤によってはヒスノイズがあったり、中音域がスポイルされていたりといった既発群は綺麗サッパリ記憶から消して頂きたい……そんな次元の大幅アップグレードなのです(ただし、このマスターは放送編集のためか「Save Me」エンディングや「Now I’m Here」の冒頭1分、さらに中盤のかけ合いパートが不自然にカットされていました。本作ではこのパートをテレビ放送プロショットのサウンドボードで補完してあります)。

そんなサウンドで描かれるショウがまた、凄いのなんの。たった7曲だけの『ON AIR』でも名演ぶりは分かりましたが、それが全編を貫いている。13万人という大観衆……いえ、大群衆を前にしたフレディのテンションは天を突き、ノドの調子も絶好調。繊細な囁きから雄叫びの幅が凄まじく、即興フレーズも閃きまくりのキレまくり。細かいヴィヴラートの駆け上がりは、まさに天にも届く勢いです。このテンションは、ある意味『QUEEN ROCK MONTREAL』以上。しかも、生々しさが圧倒的。モントリオール映像は2公演をミックスしたり、オーバーダブもしたりと趣向を凝らした上での名作でしたが、本作はそんな磨き込みとは対局。生放送だけに一発通しの本生100%の魅力に溢れ返っている。実のところ、ブライアンが「Somebody To Love」のソロで豪快に音を見失ったり、「Bohemian Rhapsody」ラストの銅鑼がタイミングをミスったりと完全無欠な演奏ではないのですが、それさえもがドキュメント。むしろ、そんな細かいミスもどーでも良くなる勢いが素晴らしく、「Somebody To Love」にしても変幻自在なヴォーカルを披露し、ジョンがファンキーに張り切る「Keep Yourself Alive」イントロもイマジネーション豊か。13万人の熱狂を浴びると、こうも違うのか……そんな感慨に圧倒され続ける熱演ぶりなのです。
そして、13万人効果は演奏だけに止まらない。南米は日本と並ぶほどQUEENを熱狂的に支持してきた地域なのですが、彼らが南米を訪れたのは1981年が最初。ただでさえラテンの熱狂で知られるお国柄の上に初対面の興奮が上乗せされ、それが13万人分に膨れあがっている。あまりに巨大な大合唱にブライアンが演奏を止めてしまう「Love Of My Life」や大群衆のエコー感が一大スペクタクルを生み出す「We Will Rock You」の凄まじさと言ったら……。

本来であれば、『QUEEN ROCK MONTREAL』でも聴けない「Need Your Loving Tonight」「Fat Bottomed Girls」やサポート・キーボーディストのいない“4人だけQUEEN”の熟達アンサンブルにも触れなくてはいけないのですが、それどころではない。心身が充実しきった全盛期に初の南米を訪れ、猛烈な爆テンションでフルショウを駆け抜けたサンパウロの夜。その大定番サウンドボードがオフィシャル超えの大アップグレードした奇跡のリール・マスターです。サウンド・セット・テンション・演奏・生々しさ……すべて総合すると、本作こそQUEEN史上最高・最強のライヴアルバムかも知れません。公式/非公式の別を超え、絶対不可避の一作。永久保存プレス2CDでここに堂々の誕生です!

★独自入手した「PRE-FM REEL MASTER」からのダイレクト収録。頂点的・超高音質。世界中のマニアの話題をさらうこと必至の今年一番のクイーン・タイトル!!


Disc 1 (48:08)
1. DJ Intro
2. We Will Rock You
3. Let Me Entertain You
4. Play The Game
5. Somebody To Love
6. I’m In Love With My Car
7. Get Down, Make Love
8. Need Your Loving Tonight
9. Save Me
10. Now I’m Here
11. Dragon Attack
12. Fat Bottomed Girls
13. Love Of My Life

Disc 2 (38:24)
1. Keep Yourself Alive
2. Drum Solo
3. Guitar Solo
4. Flash’s Theme
5. The Hero
6. Crazy Little Thing Called Love
7. Bohemian Rhapsody
8. Tie Your Mother Down
9. Another One Bites The Dust
10. Sheer Heart Attack
11. We Will Rock You
12. We Are The Champions
13. God Save The Queen




Queen / Definitive Sao Paulo 1981 The Video / 1DVDR / Non label
Live at Morumbi Stadium, Sao Paulo, Brazil 20th March 1981 PRO-SHOT

Click Image To Enlarge

The main press 2CD is a super-high-end stereo sound board recording that has achieved a significant upgrade beyond the official level by an original excavation reel master. Its quality and furious performance is a transcendent live album rarely seen in the entire QUEEN history. Of course, it’s a super-useless record such as bonuses, but this show is also very famous for professional shots, and in fact, upgrade masters have also appeared in recent years. Therefore, it is a special attachment decision to collect the top of both video and audio at once.
So, this work is the same as the main press 2CD, “Performance in Sao Paulo on March 20, 1981”. A multi-camera pro shot based on the TV broadcast. I think that many people have seen only famous videos, but this quality has never been seen. Made by overseas enthusiasts, the best part is master freshness. As expected, the screen with slightly low saturation just for the South American broadcast in the early 80s is not an official class by modern standards, but it is clearly the highest peak in the past and dubbing degradation is minimal with almost no white line noise and tape twist. Absent. You can stare at the enthusiasm of the century on a crisp screen.
Even better is audio. As I mentioned in the commentary in this volume, there are TV and radio broadcasts in this show, but the radio is better in length and quality. The sound of this work synchronizes the radio broadcast version. As expected, it is not as good as the main FM press 2CD, but it can be enjoyed in a quality that is different from the conventional TV sound. Moreover, sound quality is not just good. The TV is edited about 85 minutes along the broadcast frame, and some songs are incomplete. The song order was also changed. The mania who made this work is a combination of both TV and radio, and the parts cut on the TV are covered with still images. The order of the songs is the same as the actual production, which is about 98 minutes of video work, which is about 13 minutes longer than the conventional professional shot.
The show drawn in that quality is a great performance of the first generation! “Introducing a song before“ I ’m In Love With My Car ”and calling“ Bohemian Rhapsody ”in Portuguese is an interesting place, but it ’s more than that. The developing South American camera work is member-centric and the seats are dark, but the spectacle of the great crowd that goes in the dark is transmitted firmly. And Freddie’s rampage that inspired 130,000 people is amazing. Speaking of Brazil, it has been one of the biggest rock powers in South America since the 1970s, and especially loves melodic and dramatic rock. In addition, QUEEN, which has both cheerfulness, cannot be in human life, and the brave figure that can be freely controlled with the support of the screams is even godly. If this was a daytime outdoor show, it must have even exceeded LIVE AID and Wembley 86. You can enjoy such a miracle performance with the multi-camera pro shot with the highest peak update.

A professional shot produced by Core Mania with a superb stereo sound board struck by an original excavation reel master. This is a luxurious set where you can enjoy the hottest performance with the highest quality that “Queen of 4 people” will explode before the support keyboardist. Even in the history of glory, there is no such great show. Such a perfect night. Please enjoy plenty of live albums and pro shots.

そのクオリティで描かれるショウは、まさに一世一代の大熱演! 「I’m In Love With My Car」の前にわざわざ曲紹介したり、ポルトガル語で「Bohemian Rhapsody」をコールしたりと、“初めてのブラジル”感も面白いところですが、それ以上なのが熱気。発展途上な南米カメラワークはメンバー中心主義で客席も暗めなのですが、その暗い中にも蠢く大群衆のスペクタクルはしっかりと伝わる。そして、その13万人を前に発奮したフレディの暴れっぷりが凄い。ブラジルと言えば、70年代から南米随一のロック大国であり、特にメロディアスでドラマチックなロックを愛するお国柄。しかも、陽気さも併せ持つQUEENが人期にならないはずがなく、その悲鳴めいただい声援を受け、自在にコントロールする勇姿は神々しくさえある。これが日中の野外ショウであったなら、あのLIVE AIDやウェンブリー86さえ超えていたに違いない……そんな奇跡の名演を最高峰更新のマルチカメラ・プロショットで楽しめるのです。


1. Opening
2. We Will Rock You
3. Let Me Entertain You
4. Play The Game
5. Somebody To Love
6. I’m In Love With My Car
7. Get Down, Make Love
8. Need Your Loving Tonight
9. Save Me
10. Now I’m Here
11. Dragon Attack
12. Now I’m Here (Reprise)
13. Fat Bottomed Girls
14. Love Of My Life
15. Keep Yourself Alive
16. Drum Solo
17. Guitar Solo
18. Flash’s Theme
19. The Hero
20. Crazy Little Thing Called Love
21. Bohemian Rhapsody
22. Tie Your Mother Down
23. Another One Bites The Dust
24. Sheer Heart Attack
25. We Will Rock You
26. We Are The Champions
27. God Save The Queen


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