Paul McCartney / Tokyo Dome 2018 2nd Night / 2CD

Paul McCartney / Tokyo Dome 2018 2nd Night / 2CD/ Non Label

Live at Tokyo Dome, Tokyo, Japan 1st November 2018

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Translated text:

Paul is coming to Japan for the first time, the first release of limited press CD release of 2018 performance is the second day of Tokyo Dome. Already on the second day of the honorable dome with the best show this time, already the fastest gift DVD – R “TOKYO DOME 2018 DAY 2” and the dome two – time show coupling CD – R set from the UXBRIDGE label “TOKYO DOME 2018” Has been released, each of which has gained popularity. Especially “TOKYO DOME 2018” CD-R is surprisingly on while recording from the stand on the first floor, and it has received high praise as early as the warmy sound quality. Although I was able to enjoy sufficient high sound quality, the audience recording which is recorded this time is superb quality that surpasses it merely by saying press CD release with fullness. Of course, it will be released on a proprietary source that has not been circulated on the net.
It was the arena’s B5 block that the taper that provided the sound source did the recording. In the case of the Tokyo Dome, it is rather big in front of the A block, and depending on the area it is rather a big venue with a dilemma that the sound image is blurred. That’s why the sound source of this time is exceptionally good quality that can not be called from the best position. Even from the first floor, even a surprising sound quality “TOKYO DOME 2018” CD-R is surprisingly on-sound image, it can be confident even if the intro of the opening “A Hard Day’s Night” resonates. No, this is close to the sound. In addition, the sound source of this time is most attractive, the rich bass charm that you can hear Paul’s baseline. This is also felt clearly from the opening, but in a song like “Being For The Benefit Of Mr. Kite!” The phrase that he plays on the bass is sharp.

Moreover, the immersive feeling unique to audiences recording is captured in a balance that does not have disgust, and you can taste plenty of the unique atmosphere of this day that was exciting a lot. Only the point where sneezing entered from the left side at the moment when the quiet “Here Today” began is flawed in the ball, but in the interval between other songs and performances, there are many funny scenes. First of all it is caught in the balance of the surroundings which is exciting with the introduction “Jackie” of “Junior’s Farm” is a good feeling. I was watching this at the C block of the arena on that day but I was disappointed that there were few people shouting “Ha!” Around there. I want this kind of excitement at the intro of this song. In addition, when Paul begins “In Spite Of All the Danger” of the qualemen era, I can not help laughing at laundry because the voice “Please do” comes in at exquisite timing.
While pleasure unique to audience recording is captured also in such a sense of presence, the sound image is said to be only on and extremely warmy sound quality. As expected, only the first thing that was chosen as the press release CD release is a superb sound source. The tone of the Horn Corps which became the centerpiece of the fresh-up tour is also brilliant. That means that “Got To Get You Into My Life” which was the main feature of this day can also be enjoyed with a full range of sound quality.

As a result of the introduction of Horn Corps in this tour, the number in the Wings era like “Letting Go” inevitably shoots the stage suddenly, but the horn is perfect for the songs of the Beatles era, in fact it is inevitable Even it was “Got To Get You Into My Life”. In Canada before I came to the stage I was not showing on the stage, as it was taken up in the sound check on the second day of Tokyo Dome and became a topic, I wonder if this could be played even in the production … I was impressed as if such wish passed It was announced. The same song is also unforgettable as well as the exciting performance of 2015 Budokan, but the power of the raw horn unit is another dimension instead of the sample sound of Wicks synth. You can enjoy the power of this performance with the highest sound quality.
While holding a surprising number from such early stage, MC was the second day of Tokyo Dome where pole of the best condition was skipped. In Angkor there was a big surprise remaining in Paul ‘s live history that no “Yesterday” was played, and in lieu of that, he began curling himself from another Beetle Classic “I Saw Her Standing There”. Following the brilliant play back two weeks ago when everyone was surprised that “Sgt Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band (Reprise)” means “Is it possible without a yesterday?” Since the balance of the sound image and the performance is good at any moment, even in the first half of “Sgt Pepper’s ~” you can feel the magnificent scene that Paul has removed the sound of the bass. That name sound source, the second day of the extreme sound quality comparable to the second day of Austin is limited by press CD!

★ B5 block recording Super high sound quality.

皆様お待たせしました、ポール来日公演2018の限定プレスCDリリース第一弾は東京ドーム二日目です。既に今回のベスト・ショーとの誉れ高きドーム二日目は既に最速ギフトDVD-R「TOKYO DOME 2018 DAY 2」とUXBRIDGEレーベルからのドーム二回のショーのカップリングCD-Rセット「TOKYO DOME 2018」がリリースされ、それぞれが好評を博しています。特に「TOKYO DOME 2018」CD-Rは一階スタンド席からの録音ながら驚くほどオン、なおかつウォーミーな音質が早くも高い評価を受けています。これでも十分な高音質が楽しめたのですが、満を持してのプレスCDリリースということで、今回収録されるオーディエンス録音はそれを軽く凌駕する極上のクオリティ。もちろんネット上にも出回っていない独自入手の音源でのリリースとなります。
音源を提供してくれたテーパーが録音を敢行してくれたのはアリーナのB5ブロック。東京ドームの場合Aブロックだとかえって前すぎてしまい、エリアによってはむしろ音像がぼやけてしまうというジレンマのある大会場。それだけに今回の音源は正にベストポジションからと呼ばずにはいられない素晴らしい音質。一階席からでも驚きの音質であった「TOKYO DOME 2018」CD-Rをも軽く凌ぐオンな音像、それはオープニングの「A Hard Day’s Night」のイントロが鳴り響いただけでも確信できてしまう。いやはや、これは音が近い。おまけに今回の音源が最高に魅力的なのは、ポールのベースラインも聞き取れる豊かな低音の魅力。これもまたオープニングからはっきりと感じられるのですが、それが「Being For The Benefit Of Mr. Kite!」のような曲では彼がベースで弾くフレーズがくっきりと。

またオーディエンス録音ならではの臨場感が嫌味の無いバランスで捉えられており、大いに盛り上がったこの日ならではの雰囲気もたっぷりと味わえます。静かな「Here Today」が始まった瞬間に左側からくしゃみが入ってしまった点だけは玉に瑕なのですが、他の曲や演奏の合間では微笑ましい場面がいくつも登場。まず何と言っても「Junior’s Farm」のイントロ「ハッ!」で盛り上がる周囲がいい感じのバランスで捉えられている。これを書いている私は当日アリーナのCブロックで観戦していたのですが、周囲は「ハッ!」を叫ぶ人がほとんどいなくてがっかりしたものです。この曲のイントロではこれくらいの盛り上がりが欲しい。さらにクオリーメン時代の「In Spite Of All the Danger」をポールが始める際には「お願いします」という声が絶妙のタイミングで入ってくるから爆笑せずにはいられません。
そうした臨場感面においてもオーディエンス録音ならではの愉しみが捉えられている一方、音像はあくまでもオンで非常にウォーミーな音質であるという。さすがはプレスCDリリースの第一弾に選ばれただけのことはある極上音源。フレッシュン・アップ・ツアーにおける目玉となったホーン隊の音色も鮮烈。ということは、この日の目玉であった「Got To Get You Into My Life」も迫力たっぷりな音質で楽しめてしまう。

今回のツアーでホーン隊が導入された結果、必然的に「Letting Go」のようなウイングス時代のナンバーが俄然ステージ映えすることになったのですが、ビートルズ時代の曲でホーンがピッタリ、それどころか必然ですらあったのが「Got To Get You Into My Life」。来日前のカナダではステージで披露されず、東京ドーム二日目ではサウンドチェックで取り上げられて話題となっていただけに、これなら本番でも演奏してもらえないだろうか…そんな願いが通じたかの如く感動の披露となりました。同曲は2015年武道館における盛り上がりまくった演奏も忘れ難いものがありますが、ウィックスによるシンセのサンプル音の代わりに生のホーン隊の迫力は別次元。この演奏の迫力が最高の音質で楽しめます。
そんな序盤から驚きのナンバーを交えつつ、MCは饒舌で絶好調のポールが飛ばしまくった東京ドーム二日目。アンコールでは何と「Yesterday」が演奏されないというポールのライブ史上に残る大サプライズが起き、代わりに別のビートル・クラシック「I Saw Her Standing There」からノリノリに幕を開けました。続いたのが「Sgt Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band (Reprise)」ことから「もしかしてYesterdayなし?」と誰もが驚いた二週間前を鮮烈にプレイバック。何しろ音像や演奏のバランスが良いので「Sgt Pepper’s~」の前半にポールがベースの音を外してしまった光景までもつぶさに感じ取れる。あの名音源、オースティン二日目に匹敵する極上音質のドーム二日目を限定プレスCDでどうぞ!

★ B5ブロック録音 超高音質です。

Disc 1 (79:57)
1. Intro 2. A Hard Day’s Night 3. Junior’s Farm 4. Can’t Buy Me Love 5. Letting Go
6. Who Cares 7. Got To Get You Into My Life 8. Come On to Me 9. Let Me Roll It
10. I’ve Got a Feeling 11. Let ‘Em In 12. My Valentine 13. Nineteen Hundred and Eighty-Five
14. Maybe I’m Amazed 15. We Can Work It Out 16. In Spite of All the Danger 17. From Me to You
18. Love Me Do 19. Blackbird 20. Here Today

Disc 2 (78:35)
1. Queenie Eye 2. Lady Madonna 3. Eleanor Rigby 4. Eleanor Rigby 5. Fuh You
6. Being for the Benefit of Mr Kite! 7. Something 8. Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da 9. Band on the Run
10. Back in the USSR 11. Let It Be 12. Live and Let Die 13. Hey Jude 14. I Saw Her Standing There
15. Sgt Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band (Reprise) 16. Helter Skelter 17. Golden Slumbers
18. Carry That Weight 19. The End

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