Rolling Stones / Atlanta 1975 / 2CD

Rolling Stones / Atlanta 1975 / 2CD / Non Label
Translated Text:
The Omni Coliseum, Atlanta, Georgia, USA 30th July 1975

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The 1975 American tour where Stones was the wildest, dirty and junky (lol). Needless to say that moving from sleeping through overnight, sleeping under Keith and Ronie is arrested while on the move. Still it is frightful because the tour was done without delay. As picture and sound source of the LA performance released as an official archive now proved, among them the Stones in July is really wild. Not only off-stage, but also on-stage was a runaway place where the great part of this tour. It is obvious that it was Mick who was taking the initiative in that as well as looking at the image of LA.
Beginning with such LA performances, in 1975 America tour, there are many famous performances and famous sound sources in July. Not only a series of LA performances recorded by Mike Millard, but also Cow Palace and Seattle have superb sound quality audience recordings. The stones in July passed the full engine opening, and it was like going round the stage like a runaway locomotive every day.

Too far too intense 1975 Tour The end of July was concluded on July 30 at Atlanta. Although the tone generator existed for a long time, the day the item was not released until recently. Therefore, although there is an item now, it was in a state where considerably intense equalization was added whether it tried to relax the coarse of the original tape even a little. It is certainly not negligible, such as intense yore or cutting of the tape occurring in “Honky Tonk Women” or “Brown Sugar”. It is surely a weak point that makes you feel a serious stress on listening.
However, if I close my eyes to this sound source, cuts of several places, tape and trouble, I am surprised by the very analog tick quality and the recording state of the on sound quality over the whole. It seems that rather than equalizing it, it is more like listening to CDs in the state of taking advantage of the naturalness of the original sound. It is also a skill that can make an on – demand sound image that captures the performance nearly at once.
Whether the taper’s microphone was pointing down or not, although the early stage of the show is a muffled sound quality, as the song progresses, the muffle is resolved, and the power of the on-screen sound image stands out. Although the Seattle after the LA stroke was also a monaural recording sound source excellent in the balance of the sound image, the power of Atlanta released at this time press CD is also wonderful. Therefore, when releasing, equalization which emphasizes the clearance of playing is done at a level that does not feel unnatural.
Moreover, extreme fluctuation of pitch which was considerably changed to a further stress on the listening is adjusted as much as possible. There is no doubt that it became easier to listen at once. And finally the pinnacle deletes the surrounding clapping which was conspicuous in the latter half of the live excitement. As it is where it is, it is light enough to reach 300 shots. With such an elaborate adjustment, there is no doubt that you can feel a considerable upper condition compared to the original state.

The wildness of the 75 year-old Stones which started all-out to Mick was also suitable for concluding July of the runaway. From “All Down The Line”, the group’s Wilderness reached the red zone immediately, from which Hyper, which makes reminiscent of Cow Palace first day in “If You Can not Rock Me / Get Off Of My Cloud” tension. Besides this song and Charlie’s drum runaway strikes stand out, it is anything like July. It is not an exaggeration to say that this drum sounds like listening to his cymbal work where his drums are everywhere.
However, did the yak broke? (?) A slight downy atmosphere when the show came in the middle. As usual, “Fingerprint File”, which has a lot of running performance, is playing with a slow tone, it has changed. But Downing may have worked for the next “Wild Horses”. It seems that Mick’s enthusiasm for enthusiasm may be among the best 3 among the 75 years tour. In addition, the recording condition is calming down with this slow song, so the splendor of the performance stands out more.
Unfortunately there are few problems such as cutting at “Brown Sugar” in the second half of the show and falling of the sound quality that will occur periodically later. But Stones again turned on a runaway performance switch. The wild performance that is like 75 years exactly like America is shining on this day as well. Especially because the stability of the pitch has increased significantly, we are sure that you can feel the excessive Stones of this day. Enjoy wild stones everywhere!

★ This time it is from the cassette master, surely the sound quality is wonderful, it sounds easy to listen.


あまりにも激しすぎた1975年ツアー7月の行程を締めくくったのが7月30日のアトランタ公演。音源は以前から存在しながらも、最近までアイテムがリリースされなかった日。よって現在はアイテムが存在する訳ですが、元々のテープの粗を少しでも緩和させようとしたのか、かなり激しいイコライズが加えられた状態となっていたのです。確かに「Honky Tonk Women」や「Brown Sugar」で発生するテープの強烈なヨレやカットなどは無視できるものではない。それにリスニング上において深刻なストレスを感じさせるウィーク・ポイントであることも間違いないでしょう。

それに何と言ってもミックを始めとした75年型ストーンズのワイルドさは暴走の7月を締めくくるに相応しいもの。「All Down The Line」からしてさっそくグループのワイルダネスはレッド・ゾーンに到達、そこから「If You Can’t Rock Me/Get Off Of My Cloud」ではカウ・パレス初日を彷彿とさせるようなハイパー・テンション。それにこの曲を始めとしてチャーリーのドラムの暴走ぶりが際立っているのが何とも7月らしいところ。彼のドラムが随所でキレのあるシンバル・ワークを聴かせるところなどは、この音源の聴きどころといっても過言ではありません。
ただしヤクが切れてきたのか(?)ショーが中盤に差し掛かるとややダウナーな雰囲気に。いつもなら走り気味の演奏が多い「Fingerprint File」がやけにスローな調子で演奏されているのが変わっています。しかしダウナーさが功を奏したかもしれないのが次の「Wild Horses」。ミック渾身の熱唱ぶりは75年ツアーの中でもベスト3に入るのではないかと思われるほど。おまけにこのスローな曲で録音状態が落ち着いてくれていることから、なおさら演奏の素晴らしさが際立ちます。
残念ながらショーの後半は「Brown Sugar」でのカットや、以降で周期的に起きてしまう音質の下降など、問題は少なくありません。しかしストーンズは再び暴走パフォーマンスのスイッチがオン。正に75年アメリカらしいワイルドすぎるパフォーマンスがこの日も輝きを放っています。特にピッチの安定感が大幅に増したことで、この日の激しすぎるストーンズを実感できること請け合い。どこまでもワイルドなストーンズをお楽しみください!

Disc 1 (63:43)
1. Fanfare For The Common Man 2. Honky Tonk Women 3. All Down The Line
4. If You Can’t Rock Me/Get Off Of My Cloud 5. Star Star 6. Gimme Shelter
7. Ain’t Too Proud To Beg 8. You Gotta Move 9. You Can’t Always Get What You Want
10. Happy 11. Tumbling Dice 12. It’s Only Rock ‘n Roll

Disc 2 (56:38)
1. Band Introductions 2. Fingerprint File 3. Wild Horses 4. That’s Life 5. Outa Space
6. Brown Sugar 7. Midnight Rambler 8. Rip This Joint 9. Street Fighting Man 10. Jumping Jack Flash

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